Play Slick: Like with an Option[String] column

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Antonio reKiem

Jul 31, 2017, 1:08:51 AM7/31/17
to Slick / ScalaQuery

How can I make a query with a like when the object is a column[Option[String]]?

This is my model:

val id: Rep[Int] = column[Int]("id", O.AutoInc, O.PrimaryKey)
val ownerName: Rep[String] = column[String]("owner_name")
val membershipCode: Rep[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("membership_code")

And this is my query:

val query = orderTableQuery.filter { order =>
    search.filter(!_.isEmpty).map(filterString => {
      val searchTerm = s"%$filterString%".toLowerCase
//            Some(order.membershipCode.toLowerCase like searchTerm), // This is the one causing problems
        Some(order.ownerName.toLowerCase like searchTerm) // This works fine
      ).flatten.reduceLeftOption(_ || _).getOrElse(true: Rep[Boolean])
    // ...other optional filters
  ).flatten.reduceLeftOption(_ && _).getOrElse(true: Rep[Boolean])

However, when I try to remove the comment tags from that line, the type of the sequence changes, so i can not make the reduceLeftOption(_ || _) part, if I add a get inside the option column then it compile fine, but when i try the query slick throws an error because you can not use a get in the database (which for me makes sense), but then, how can I handle this Option[String] column?

I have already post this question in SO with no luck, any guide will be appreciated.

I have tried some things, like:

  1. Compile fine, but in execution throws exception in the get


  2. The reduceLeftOption(_ || _) does not work anymore


  3. Type mismatch


Richard Dallaway

Jul 31, 2017, 3:33:51 AM7/31/17
to Slick / ScalaQuery
The workaround I've seen for this is to use asColumnOf. E.g.,

membershipCode.asColumnOf[String].toLowerCase like searchTerm

Anyone have a better way?

Ticket is looking for someone to work on a more general solution.



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Antonio reKiem

Jul 31, 2017, 5:36:43 PM7/31/17
to Slick / ScalaQuery
Thanks a lot for the info, i have been strugling with this for some days, would you like to answer my question in SO? or if there is no problem for you I can answer for myself and link here.
In the meantime i guess ill be checking the issue you mention.
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