Play framework + Slick, use trait for any tables and use Inject() dbConfig for this trait, how fix?

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Anatoliy Evladov

non lue,
23 nov. 2016, 01:34:2523/11/2016
à Slick / ScalaQuery
I very bad speaking for english, sorry..

I have 1 trait, 1 class and 1 object:

If i use 
trait ModelDef[T, MTD <: ModelTableImpl[T]] extends DBConfig 
val db = dbConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile].db
 i see not enough arguments for constructor DBConfig: (dbConfigProvider: play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider)dao.DBConfig.
Unspecified value parameter dbConfigProvider.

and i just do not know - how to fix it?
i will answer any questions..

Margus Sipria

non lue,
25 nov. 2016, 04:38:5725/11/2016
à Slick / ScalaQuery
I don't know how you could inject something to scala object's, i use objects to to return `DBIOActions` and where call is needed for database I have injected db.

You can also make ApiKeysDAO class, that has injected DatabaseConfigProvider  and then at that class you just call:
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