[ANN] Salat v1.10.0 is available.

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Noah Zucker

Sep 20, 2016, 12:24:07 AM9/20/16
to scala-salat

Salat v1.10.0 is a major release with some non-backwards compatible changes. It includes support for Casbah 2.8.2 / Mongo 3.0, various bug fixes, and better error messages for common serialization issues.

Most notably, the package has changed from com.novus.salat._ to salat._

Change Log

Major Changes

  • #177 Change package from com.novus.salat._ to just salat._

Dependency Upgrades

  • #145 Upgrade to Casbah 2.8.2 (@danslapman, @sief, @noahlz)


  • #115 Add findAndModify to BaseDAOMethods. (@noahlz)
  • #143 Log more details with deserialization errors. (@noahlz, @slorber)
  • #148 Fail faster during deserialization when narrowing type conversion would lose information. (@noahlz)
  • #155 Improve support for binary data such as Seq[Byte] in case classes. (@glorat)
  • #171 Support Map[String, Any], List[Any], Option[Any] (@dieu, @noahlz)
  • #173 Improve error message for Map[String, List[_] de-serialization error. (@noahlz)


  • If you create a SalatDAO using a collection created from a MongoClient, its methods may throw a SalatDAOError having a MongoException root cause. SalatDAOError now extends RuntimeException instead of java.lang.Error, and the constructor signature has changed accordingly.

  • A SalatDAO created using a MongoCollection from a MongoConnection will attempt attempt to detect errors from the WriteResult. However, this is not guaranteed to work (from the Mongo 3.x upgrade notes: "[getLastError] does not work reliably in the 2.x series and there is no way to make it work reliably" - http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/3.0/whats-new/upgrading/). Be sure to use MongoClient.

  • Introduced a new subclass of Error: SalatGlitch. This class specifically identifies errors that occur during serialization / deserialization. Note that there are still many points in code that throw RuntimeException (via sys.error) - overhaul/normalization of Salat's errors remains an outstanding TODO.

  • Previously case classes with fields containing Integer data, such as Int, Option[Int], Seq[Int], or Map[String, Int], would experience narrowing with information loss, or a ClassCastException when attempting to unbox the field value, if the deserialized JSON or Mongo document contained a Double value in the field. In addition, a JSON document with goofy contents like {"foo":"nine-point-oh"} would return a None, swallowing the NumberFormatException (if the foo field of the case class was an Option[Double] or somesuch). With this version, deserialization will fail-fast when the JSON document has a field with a String in an invalid number format, or a Double literal that cannot be narrowed without loss of information (such as 9.0001). However, as JavaScript only has a float numeric type, Doubles that can be narrowed without information loss will be converted to an Int (9.0 converted to 9, for example).

Please report any issues to https://github.com/salat/salat/issues


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