ANN: Scala 2.11.0-RC3 is out!

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Adriaan Moors

Mar 24, 2014, 1:40:10 PM3/24/14
to scala-user,,,
We are very pleased to announce Scala 2.11.0-RC3, the second (sic) release candidate of Scala 2.11.0! Download it now from or via Maven Central.
Please see GitHub or scala-lang for the full release notes. A summary is included below.

There won't be an RC2 release because we missed a blocker issue (thanks for the reminder, Chee Seng!). Unfortunately, the mistake wasn't caught until after the tag was pushed. Jason quickly fixed the bug, which is the only difference between RC3 and RC2.

Please do try out this release candidate to help us find any serious regressions before the final release. The next release candidate (or the final) will be cut on Friday March 28, if there are no unresolved blocker bugs at noon (PST). Our goal is to have the next release be the final -- please help us make sure there are no important regressions!

Code that compiled on 2.10.x without deprecation warnings should compile on 2.11.x (we do no guarantee this for experimental APIs, such as reflection). If not, please file a regression. We are working with the community to ensure availability of the core projects of the Scala 2.11.x eco-system, please see below for a list. This release is not binary compatible with the 2.10.x series, to allow us to keep improving the Scala standard library.

For production use, we recommend the latest stable release, 2.10.4.

The Scala 2.11.x series targets Java 6, with (evolving) experimental support for Java 8. In 2.11.0, Java 8 support is mostly limited to reading Java 8 bytecode and parsing Java 8 source. Stay tuned for more complete (experimental) Java 8 support.

The Scala team and contributors fixed 601 bugs that are exclusive to Scala 2.11.0-RC3! We also backported as many as possible. With the release of 2.11, 2.10 backports will be dialed back.

Since the last RC, we fixed 54 issues via 37 merged pull requests.

A big thank you to everyone who's helped improve Scala by reporting bugs, improving our documentation, participating in mailing lists and other public fora, and -- of course -- submitting and reviewing pull requests! You are all awesome.

Concretely, according to git log --no-merges --oneline master --not 2.10.x --format='%aN' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn, 111 people contributed code, tests, and/or documentation to Scala 2.11.x: Paul Phillips, Jason Zaugg, Eugene Burmako, Adriaan Moors, Den Shabalin, Simon Ochsenreither, A. P. Marki, Miguel Garcia, James Iry, Denys Shabalin, Rex Kerr, Grzegorz Kossakowski, Vladimir Nikolaev, Eugene Vigdorchik, François Garillot, Mirco Dotta, Rüdiger Klaehn, Raphael Jolly, Kenji Yoshida, Paolo Giarrusso, Antoine Gourlay, Hubert Plociniczak, Aleksandar Prokopec, Simon Schaefer, Lex Spoon, Andrew Phillips, Sébastien Doeraene, Luc Bourlier, Josh Suereth, Jean-Remi Desjardins, Vojin Jovanovic, Vlad Ureche, Viktor Klang, Valerian, Prashant Sharma, Pavel Pavlov, Michael Thorpe, Jan Niehusmann, Heejong Lee, George Leontiev, Daniel C. Sobral, Christoffer Sawicki, yllan, rjfwhite, Volkan Yazıcı, Ruslan Shevchenko, Robin Green, Olivier Blanvillain, Lukas Rytz, Iulian Dragos, Ilya Maykov, Eugene Yokota, Erik Osheim, Dan Hopkins, Chris Hodapp, Antonio Cunei, Andriy Polishchuk, Alexander Clare, æ ¨å š, srinivasreddy, secwall, nermin, martijnhoekstra, jinfu-leng, folone, Yaroslav Klymko, Xusen Yin, Trent Ogren, Tobias Schlatter, Thomas Geier, Stuart Golodetz, Stefan Zeiger, Scott Carey, Samy Dindane, Sagie Davidovich, Runar Bjarnason, Roland Kuhn, Roberto Tyley, Robert Nix, Robert Ladstätter, Rike-Benjamin Schuppner, Rajiv, Philipp Haller, Nada Amin, Mike Morearty, Michael Bayne, Mark Harrah, Luke Cycon, Lee Mighdoll, Konstantin Fedorov, Julio Santos, Julien Richard-Foy, Juha Heljoranta, Johannes Rudolph, Jiawei Li, Jentsch, Jason Swartz, James Ward, James Roper, Havoc Pennington, Evgeny Kotelnikov, Dmitry Petrashko, Dmitry Bushev, David Hall, Daniel Darabos, Dan Rosen, Cody Allen, Carlo Dapor, Brian McKenna, Andrey Kutejko, Alden Torres.

Thank you all very much.

If you find any errors or omissions in these relates notes, please submit a PR!

Reporting Bugs / Known Issues

Please file any bugs you encounter. If you're unsure whether something is a bug, please contact the scala-user mailing list.

Before reporting a bug, please have a look at these known issues.

Scala IDE for Eclipse

The Scala IDE with this release built in is available from this update site for Eclipse 4.2/4.3 (Juno/Kepler). Please have a look at the getting started guide for more info.

Available projects

The following Scala projects have already been released against 2.11.0-RC3! We'd love to include yours in this list as soon as it's available -- please submit a PR to update these release notes.

"org.scalacheck"         %% "scalacheck"         % "1.11.3"
"org.scalafx"            %% "scalafx"            % "1.0.0-R8"
"org.scalafx"            %% "scalafx"            % "8.0.0-R4"
"com.typesafe.akka"      %% "akka-actor"         % "2.3.0"
"com.github.scopt"       %% "scopt"              % "3.2.0"
"org.scalatest"          %% "scalatest"          % "2.1.2"
"org.specs2"             %% "specs2"             % "2.3.10"
"org.scalaz"             %% "scalaz-core"        % "7.0.6"
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-async"        % "0.9.0"
"com.nocandysw"          %% "platform-executing" % "0.5.0"

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