[ANNOUNCE] sbt 0.13.8-RC1 is released

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eugene yokota

Mar 10, 2015, 8:31:47 AM3/10/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com


sbt 0.13.8-RC1 is now available. sbt 0.13.8 is a technology preview of what's to come in sbt 1.0.

Here are some of the notable additions since sbt 0.13.7:

  • Disable publishing on implicitly created root project by not enabling IvyPlugin by default. #1871 by @dwijnand
  • Maven resolver plugin (uses Aether to resolve libraries). #1793 by @jsuereth
  • Experimental project-level dependency exclusions. #1748 by @eed3si9n
  • Sequential tasks. #1817 by @eed3si9n
  • Cross-version support for Scala sources #1799 by @indrajitr
  • Various cached resolution fixes by @eed3si9n

See [release notes][1] for the full details.

This release is intended to be binary and source compatible with 0.13.{x|x<8}, however the new parser is unable to handle certain classes of Scala syntax.

It is possible to use the existing 0.13.x launcher with this release by settings project/build.properties as follows:


No changes should be necessary to your project definition and all plugins published for sbt 0.13.{x|x<8} should still work.  Please report any issues you encounter if this is not the case. If no serious issues are found by Tuesday, March 17th 2015, 0.13.7-RC1 will become 0.13.8 final.

Special thanks to the contributors for making this release a success.

- sbt team

[1] http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/sbt-0.13-Tech-Previews.html#sbt+0.13.8

[2] https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-sbt/sbt-launch/0.13.8-RC1/sbt-launch.jar

Stevo Slavić

Mar 10, 2015, 9:58:56 AM3/10/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com
Nice feature list. Thanks for hard work!

With just sbt version upgraded, sbt-dependency-graph no longer works. Reported the issue at https://github.com/jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graph/issues/67
This check seems not to pass https://github.com/jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graph/blob/master/src/main/scala/net/virtualvoid/sbt/graph/Plugin.scala#L203

Again, with just sbt version bumped, noticed in IntelliJ new warnings:

2:04:09 PM SBT project import
           [warn] Multiple dependencies with the same organization/name but different versions. To avoid conflict, pick one version:
           [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:(2.10.3, 2.10.5)
           [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:(2.10.4, 2.10.5)
           [warn]  * junit:junit:(4.10, 4.11)
           [warn]  * org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:(1.1, 1.3)

I have no direct junit dependency declared, nor hamcrest-core. They are transitive dependencies of various testkit libs. By docs ( http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Library-Management.html ) "The default conflict manager chooses the latest revision..". I guess now it also reports a warning, so this is a feature ( https://github.com/sbt/sbt/pull/1634 ), and to eliminate warning one is expected to pick a single version through dependencyOverrides. Correct?

Kind regards,
Stevo Slavic.

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eugene yokota

Mar 10, 2015, 4:13:08 PM3/10/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stevo,

Thanks for the report and opening the Github issue.
I'll add some comments there. Hopefully this is something we can work around.


Sam Halliday

Mar 19, 2015, 2:09:42 PM3/19/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com

Glad to see that work on the resolution caching is ongoing.

FWIW, running updateClassifiers (e.g. for gen-ensime or gen-idea) is still ridiculously slow on my project (5-10 mins, even with everything available on the local hard drive) with


For the projects that don't suffer from accuracy problems in the older caching, I'm still using 0.13.7-RC3 which is only barely tolerable at about 3 minutes.

I could send you an obfuscated version of an example project structure if that helps, and I can also point you at ensime-server for a much smaller example.

BTW, our project is completely unusable in Intellij 14 because it takes so long for IntelliJ to do the resolution. I don't think they are using any caching (despite the project requesting it).

Best regards,

eugene yokota

Mar 19, 2015, 2:24:31 PM3/19/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com
Could you open a Github issue on the updateClassifiers?
If you think I can reproduce the problem with ensime-server, using that is fine with me.


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Sam Halliday

Mar 20, 2015, 10:17:32 AM3/20/15
to sbt...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, filed as https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/1930

Fixing this would dramatically improve things for users of IntelliJ and ENSIME (I don't know how scala-ide does it).
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