JP: Delano, Blake, Xerix, Teller, Ukinix, Mackenzie, G'var - Viva Las Veritas Part 1

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Geoffrey Teller

Aug 17, 2019, 9:34:20 PM8/17/19
to UFOP: StarBase 118 – USS Veritas

((OOC: This was written prior to the formatting change, so please take no notice of the :: littered around. Additionally, this is being posted in two parts as subdividing it seven ways didn't work great.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this fun experiment - the game was played with a live deck of cards handled by our dealer, Mr. Xerix, who used Discord to share our hands with us privately. Thanks very much to Mr. Xerix for his part in orchestrating this great fun.))

((The Brew Continuum- USS Veritas))

::Ghant strolled into the lair of his rival, second-guessing his decision with every step. The man in question was fiddling with some plants. He quietly cleared his throat::

Xerix: Excuse me, Lieutenant Teller. Might I have a word?

::Teller was surprised by the unexpected arrival of their helmsman, Ghant Xerix.  He hadn’t seen him in the shop before, but all aboard were welcome...even if Xerix did get on his nerves.  Teller tried to present an affable smile::

Teller: Ensign Xerix - welcome to the Brew Continuum.  Not sure if you’ve been in here before, but we usually drop ranks at the door.  What can I do for you, Ghant?

::Ghant suppressed the urge to roll his eyes::

Xerix: I’m putting together a group for poker, and I was hoping we could use your lovely establishment for our game.

::Teller put down the cleaning supplies he was using and crossed his arms across his chest.  This was an unexpected but welcome surprise. Teller took some pride in the fact the shop was quickly becoming the defacto social hub aboard the ship.::  

Teller: ::smiling::  Be a genuine pleasure.  I can push the tables aside and setup a playspace in the middle of the room.  I’d even be happy to cater.  

Xerix: And ::steeling his willpower:: ...we could use another player, if you’d like..

::Teller didn’t have to be Betazed to see that the offer was downright killing the man.  It may not be magnanimous, but Teller wasn’t going to turn his nose up at the potential to spend some time relaxing.::

Teller:: oO Besides, Ghant looks like he could afford to lose a few strips of latinum. Oo

Teller:  Been a while since I played, but it’d be a pleasure to sit across the table from you.  ::Teller flashed a wicked grin:: I have always wanted a little space yacht of my own. Be happy to play a few hands with you.  

Xerix: No I don’t play, I only deal. Maybe tonight I’ll bring up that gem of a story. 

::Teller couldn’t help but scowl slightly::

Teller:  Well that’s a shame.  But a game of cards sounds like a good time all the same - crew could use the break after the last mission.  

Xerix: Thank

Teller:  Ghant, you can relax a little.  It’s Geoff - at least in here.  

Xerix: oO Real smooth, Xerix...Oo

((Later that evening))

:: Ghant straightened the new poker table - a rather fetching design, covered in dark red leather with a golden Medusa in the center and a meandering design along the outer edge. The cards and chips  were of a likewise design. This was going to be fun::

::Teller was finishing up spreading snacks and drinks onto a cart near the table as folks began to arrive.  He had spent some time searching through the replicator database looking for repasts appropriate to a casino night, and along with some snacky finger food, he spread out the components to prepare a number of cocktails, including gin, vermouth and a shaker with ice.  The same database entry had a note connected to wardrobe, and Teller smiled as he put on the white tuxedo jacket and bow tie. It reminded him a bit of his dress uniform, but somehow had a classic style about it that transcended the modern formal garment. Tonight was going to be a blast.::

::Ghant slipped on his dealer’s visor just as some of the players began to arrive. He was clad in a white shirt and black vest and pants, with a necktie slightly untied. Black drivers sans socks completed the look::

::Wil walked down the hallway, with a box on his shoulder.  Making his way down the correct corridor (after being in the wrong one), he’d had a few looks. He simply smiled at the crew that had given him a bit of a questioning look.  He walked into the Brew Continuum… wearing a white silk shirt, black dinner suit jacket, and black bow tie. He also wore a “matching” pair of black board shorts and black flip flops, that went “slap slap” on his feet as he walked into the coffee shop.::

Xerix: Welcome, thank you for coming. 

::Wil stopped to look at his noble half Betazoid friend.::

Ukinix: ::Smiling:: G’day.

::Placing the box on the ground, Wil waved his hands over the box like he was a model on a twentieth-century game show.::

Ukinix: I brought beers.

Teller:  And that’s why he’s going to be an Admiral some day, people - he arrives prepared.  

Ukinix: So what’re we playing?

Xerix: Texas Hold ‘em, a nice friendly game. Or that’s what I had been told. Help yourself to some refreshments. 

Ukinix: Alrighty.

::Wil shuffled the box over to the corner of the room, and opened it.  He pulled out a bottle, twisted the top, and let his feet “slap-slap” over to the table, taking a seat.  He took a quick drink from his bottle.::

::Teller nodded to WIl and grabbed himself a beer out of the box, clinking bottles with an appreciative smile.::

Ukinix: Cheers Chief.  

::As Addison approached the gentlemen, she couldn’t help but feel overdressed. The deep-violet cocktail dress was perhaps a little too formal, but she looked great and felt even better. In her hands, she carried two boxes of pizza.::

Xerix: Dear Gods, if that isn’t the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen. A gorgeous woman and pizza? It’s simply too much for my heart, Doctor 

MacKenzie: And someone who can patch up your brain! I’m quite the catch.

:: Ghant sat down and began shuffling as more people entered.  Wil turned to look at them.::

Ukinix: Well, hello.

MacKenzie: ::nodding and grinning in an obviously too-formal fashion:: Lieutenant.

Ukinix: Well... *normally* I’m Lieutenant Junior Grade Ukinix, but tonight you can call me Vice-Admiral Winning Pants.

::Ghant couldn’t help but laugh at the man, who was as shameless in his humor as Ghant was in his flirtation::

MacKenzie: ::wagging her finger up and down at Wil, amused:: That’s quite the outfit you’ve got, there.

::Wil stood up, and walked over to the nearby box.::

Ukinix: The top says “business”, the bottom says “party”.  ::Leaning into box:: Who wants a beer?

Xerix: ::Trying desperately to not lose it and collapse in laughter::I’ll have one, Admiral.

::He grabbed an extra bottle out of the box for Ghant, and returned to the table.::

MacKenzie: ::turning to Teller:: I hope you don’t mind, but I brought snacks. I got the recipe for this pie from one of my favorite pizza joints in Boston.

::Teller flashed the Mackenzie a broad smile::  

Teller: Mind?  Doctor, I considered proposing on the spot.   

MacKenzie: And what’s this I hear about you only dealing tonight?

Xerix: I’m afraid so. I’m here to facilitate, and to observe. You sure you wanna swim with these sharks?

MacKenzie: ::pulling up a seat at the table:: Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head - I can keep up with the boys. ::she smirked and winked at him::

Xerix: I have no doubts

Blake: I dunno, that exchange sounds suspiciously like bribery to me.

::There in the corner and sprawled across a lounge chair, back against one arm and legs hanging off the other, was Sky Blake sipping on a glass bottle of mineral water. She was rugged up nicely in her thermal skins and red cotton jacket, combating the perfectly fine temperature of the ship that was ill-suited to the part Brekkian. It was almost as if she’d been there the entire time, sitting quietly and waiting for this opportunity to announce herself.::

Ukinix: ::Hand on chest:: Bloody hell, were you cloaked?  Did you steal G’var’s arm?

::Teller started looking at the wall behind Blake in mock suspicion::

Teller:  I don’t remember installing a secret door back there.  

Xerix: Lieutenant Commander Blake, I was starting to think you’d become a ghost. 

::The Brekkazoid smiled, raising her bottle in a mock ‘cheers’.::

Blake: Long time no see. 

Teller:  Glad you’re back aboard, Sky.  Place wasn’t the same without you. 

Xerix: Join us?

Blake: Oh no, I wouldn’t have any idea how to play. ::She took another innocent sip of her water.:: Honestly I’m just here to see Ukinix lose his shorts. 

Ukinix: ::Cheekily:: Get in line.  ::Puzzled look at the others:: Wait, what rules are we playing here? 

Blake: More importantly, what’s a “Texas”?

::Wil tried as best he could to keep a straight face while he answered.::

Ukinix: Oh, it’s a small aquatic creature found on Enceladus, a moon in the Sol system.  They’re really tricky to catch.

::Blake, one of only two non-humans of the currently assembled group, frowned in legitimate confusion.::

Blake: Your game-naming system makes no sense. Why would a fish ever need to hold something? 


Commander Evan Delano

First Officer

USS Veritas



LtCmdr Sky Blake


USS Veritas



Ensign Ghant Xerix

Helm/Navigation Officer

USS Veritas 


Lieutenant Geoffrey Teller

Chief Engineer

USS Veritas - NCC 95035

Capt. R. Rahman, Commanding





Lieutenant JG Wil Ukinix

Assistant Chief Engineer

USS Veritas




Lieutenant JG Addison MacKenzie

Medical Officer

USS Veritas





Lieutenant G'var

Assistant Chief of Security

USS Veritas NCC-95035


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