Separate prod and dev environment

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Dillian Murphey

Aug 14, 2017, 12:31:35 PM8/14/17
to Salt-users
What's the best practice to manage prod and dev?

A single salt master? Or seperate ones?  


Jeremy McMillan

Aug 15, 2017, 11:08:12 AM8/15/17
to Salt-users
I would recommend separate salt masters for prod and everything else.

Dev: stuff under development from checked out files under git in various environments, stable stuff from gitfs. Preprod salt master.

QA/UAT: everything from gitfs master branch base env. Preprod salt master.

Prod: everything from SPM, promoted to prod by SPM build jobs at the end of QA/UAT. Prod salt master, -w- pillars under secured source control.

Dillian Murphey

Aug 15, 2017, 12:01:55 PM8/15/17
to Salt-users
Appreciate the reply.  As I'm learning salt stack, it does seems risky to have both on the same server, and easy to inadvertently deploy incorrectly if you're doing command line.
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