Estimating Transcript Abundance with Salmon

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Mauricio Losilla

Apr 14, 2016, 12:57:49 PM4/14/16
to Sailfish Users Group

I am trying to use Trinity's script to quantitate transcript abundance with Salmon. This is my command and versions of the programs:

module load GNU/4.8.2
module load salmon/0.6.0
module load trinity/2.2.0

$TRINITY_HOME/util/ --transcripts ../Trinity-GG.fasta --seqType fq --left ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/../../NormTrinityOutput/insilico_read_normalization/left.norm.fq --right ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/../../NormTrinityOutput/insilico_read_normalization/right.norm.fq --est_method salmon --trinity_mode --output_dir ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} --SS_lib_type RF --prep_reference

This command runs fine for a while, but then I get this:

Greater than 5% of the alignments (but not, necessarily reads) disagreed with the provided library type; check the file: /......../GGTrinityOutput/Salmon/libFormatCounts.txt for details

Error, cmd: salmon quant -i /...../GGTrinityOutput/Salmon/../Trinity-GG.fasta.salmon_quasi.idx -l ISR -1 /...../GGTrinityOutput/Salmon/../../NormTrinityOutput/insilico_read_normalization/left.norm.fq -2 /........../GGTrinityOutput/Salmon/../../NormTrinityOutput/insilico_read_normalization/right.norm.fq -o /......./GGTrinityOutput/Salmon  -p 4 died with ret: 139 at /opt/software/trinity/2.2.0--GCC-4.8.2/util/ line 743.

The highlights of the file libFormatCounts.txt are (I deleted a bunch of lines with zeros):

Expected format: Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:inward, strandedness:(antisense, sense) }

# of consistent alignments: 96522716
# of inconsistent alignments: 16585238

---- counts for each format type ---
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:outward, strandedness:(sense, antisense) } : 1130
Library format { type:single end, relative orientation:inward, strandedness:(sense, antisense) } : 0
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:inward, strandedness:(sense, antisense) } : 2011808
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:outward, strandedness:(antisense, sense) } : 49155
Library format { type:single end, relative orientation:inward, strandedness:(antisense, sense) } : 0
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:inward, strandedness:(antisense, sense) } : 96522716
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:matching, strandedness:sense } : 2381
Library format { type:single end, relative orientation:none, strandedness:sense } : 6939095
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:none, strandedness:sense } : 0
Library format { type:single end, relative orientation:matching, strandedness:antisense } : 0
Library format { type:paired end, relative orientation:matching, strandedness:antisense } : 46450
Library format { type:single end, relative orientation:none, strandedness:antisense } : 7535219

I contacted Trinity's developers but they don't know how to get around this.

Any idea of what is wrong?

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