Two seeming inconsistencies in BooleanFunction - should I report these as bugs?

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Paul Leopardi

Jul 14, 2016, 9:18:16 AM7/14/16
to sage-devel, Paul Leopardi
Hello all,

A few months ago i wrote a large SageMathCloud worksheet based on BooleanFunction, e.g.
(This SageMathCloud worksheet is much too long, and badly needs refactoring.)

I am now attempting to put the code into a more usable form, and am finding some seeming inconsistencies in BooleanFunction. Should I use Trac to report these as bugs?

(1) You can create a BooleanFunction of 0 variables (a constant), but you cannot save it to a file. Same with a BooleanFunction of 1 variable.

sage: save_file=os.path.join(SAGE_TMP,'save_file.sobj')
sage: print save_file
sage: b0=BooleanFunction([0])
sage: print b0.truth_table()
sage: print b0.nvariables()
sage: save(b0,save_file)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-0ddfad8f6d36> in <module>()
----> 1 save(b0,save_file)

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:12085)()

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:3631)()

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject.dumps (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:3922)()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction.__reduce__ (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/crypto/boolean_function.c:16901)()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction.truth_table (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/crypto/boolean_function.c:11727)()

sage/rings/integer.pyx in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__lshift__ (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:37039)()

ValueError: negative shift count

sage: b1.truth_table()
(False, True)
sage: b1.nvariables()
sage: save(b1,save_file)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-f5c8864359bd> in <module>()
----> 1 save(b1,save_file)

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:12085)()

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:3631)()

sage/structure/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject.dumps (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/sage_object.c:3922)()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction.__reduce__ (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/crypto/boolean_function.c:16901)()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction.truth_table (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/crypto/boolean_function.c:11727)()

sage/rings/integer.pyx in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__lshift__ (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:37039)()

ValueError: negative shift count

sage: b2.truth_table()
(False, True, True, False)
sage: b2.nvariables()
sage: save(b2,save_file)

This causes a problem for me, because I am trying to generate and save lists of Boolean functions of 2*m variables for m from 0 to some fixed number, and cannot save the list because I can't save the first element.
My work around would be to start from m=1.

(2) You cannot evaluate the algebraic normal form of a BooleanFunction of 0 variables. In addition, the error message incorrectly says that the number of variables must be greater than 1, but you *can* evaluate the algebraic normal form of a function of 1 variable.

sage: b0.algebraic_normal_form()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-60-8dd0bae0cd3a> in <module>()
----> 1 b0.algebraic_normal_form()

sage/crypto/boolean_function.pyx in sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction.algebraic_normal_form (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/crypto/boolean_function.c:11074)()

sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.pyx in sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanPolynomialRing.__init__ (/usr/lib/sagemath//src/build/cythonized/sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.cpp:5976)()

ValueError: Number of variables must be greater than 1.
sage: b1.algebraic_normal_form()
sage: b2.algebraic_normal_form()
x0 + x1

Nils Bruin

Jul 14, 2016, 11:15:36 AM7/14/16
to sage-devel,
On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 6:18:16 AM UTC-7, Paul Leopardi wrote:
(1) You can create a BooleanFunction of 0 variables (a constant), but you cannot save it to a file. Same with a BooleanFunction of 1 variable.

This seems to be connected with the truth-table problems: The "pickling" essentially stores


which uniquely determines the function for n>=2 variables (since then the number of bits in the truth table is a multiple of 4 and hence lines up with the length of hex numbers), but fails to uniquely determine the number of variables uniquely if n<2. The pickle format would need adjustment to reliably handle the n=0,1 cases.

We could get the right result by changing


def __reduce__(self):
    if self.nvariables() <2:
        return unpickle_BooleanFunction, (self.truth_table(format='int'),)
        unpickle_BooleanFunction, (self.truth_table(format='hex'),)

(2) You cannot evaluate the algebraic normal form of a BooleanFunction of 0 variables. In addition, the error message incorrectly says that the number of variables must be greater than 1, but you *can* evaluate the algebraic normal form of a function of 1 variable.

As your traceback shows, this error originates in the BooleanPolynomialRing parent (which is also returned). It is documented as needing n>1, but as you point out it does seem to handle n=1 more or less correctly as well (perhaps other functionality breaks).

This functionality is provided by PolyBoRi, which started as an independently maintained library but currently does not have an independent maintainer. I don't know what the process is to change/fix things there. Certainly it would seem a lot of work for not much benefit to add support for GF(2) in PolyBoRi itself.

Would it be OK to represent 0-variable normal forms just as elements of GF(2)? In that case we could just add at the start of algebraic_normal_form the lines:

if self._nvariables==0:
    return GF(2)(self._truth_table[0])

and leave PolyBoRi alone. This would deserve special mention in the documentation because it would be an anomalous return type.

Paul Leopardi

Jul 17, 2016, 1:14:44 PM7/17/16
to sage-devel, Nils Bruin

Hi Nils,

I have now done a small amount of investigation, and my results and replies are below.

All the best, Paul


On Thursday, 14 July 2016 8:15:35 AM AEST you wrote:

> On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 6:18:16 AM UTC-7, Paul Leopardi wrote:

> > (1) You can create a BooleanFunction of 0 variables (a constant), but you

> > cannot save it to a file. Same with a BooleanFunction of 1 variable.

> >

> > This seems to be connected with the truth-table problems: The "pickling"


> essentially stores


> <BooleanFunction>.truth_table(format="hex")


> which uniquely determines the function for n>=2 variables (since then the

> number of bits in the truth table is a multiple of 4 and hence lines up

> with the length of hex numbers), but fails to uniquely determine the number

> of variables uniquely if n<2. The pickle format would need adjustment to

> reliably handle the n=0,1 cases.


> We could get the right result by changing


> sage.crypto.boolean_function.BooleanFunction


> to


> def __reduce__(self):

> if self.nvariables() <2:

> return unpickle_BooleanFunction, (self.truth_table(format='int'),)

> else

> unpickle_BooleanFunction, (self.truth_table(format='hex'),)


If that could be done cleanly without breaking existing code, I can't see why not.


> > (2) You cannot evaluate the algebraic normal form of a BooleanFunction of

> > 0 variables. In addition, the error message incorrectly says that the

> > number of variables must be greater than 1, but you *can* evaluate the

> > algebraic normal form of a function of 1 variable.

> >

> > As your traceback shows, this error originates in the


> BooleanPolynomialRing parent (which is also returned). It is documented as

> needing n>1, but as you point out it does seem to handle n=1 more or less

> correctly as well (perhaps other functionality breaks).


The case n=1 seems OK using Sage 7.2 Ubuntu PPA:


sage: b0 = BooleanFunction([0,0])

sage: b0.algebraic_normal_form()


sage: b1 = BooleanFunction([1,0])

sage: b1.algebraic_normal_form()

x + 1

sage: b2 = BooleanFunction([0,1])

sage: b2.algebraic_normal_form()


sage: b3 = BooleanFunction([1,1])

sage: b3.algebraic_normal_form()


> This functionality is provided by PolyBoRi, which started as an

> independently maintained library but currently does not have an independent

> maintainer. I don't know what the process is to change/fix things there.

> Certainly it would seem a lot of work for not much benefit to add support

> for GF(2) in PolyBoRi itself.


> Would it be OK to represent 0-variable normal forms just as elements of

> GF(2)? In that case we could just add at the start of algebraic_normal_form

> the lines:


> if self._nvariables==0:

> return GF(2)(self._truth_table[0])


> and leave PolyBoRi alone. This would deserve special mention in the

> documentation because it would be an anomalous return type.


With n=1 and n=2, it is possible to create constant polynomials, but the constant 1 for n-1 does not equal the constant 1 for n=2:


sage: b3 = BooleanFunction([1,1])

sage: an3 = b3.algebraic_normal_form()

sage: an3


sage: an3.constant()


sage: an3.deg()


sage: bf = BooleanFunction([1,1,1,1])

sage: anf = bf.algebraic_normal_form()

sage: anf


sage: anf.constant()


sage: anf.deg()


sage: anf == an3



As for what you decide to do for n=0, it is up to you. I will work around it for now.



Paul Leopardi -


Nils Bruin

Jul 17, 2016, 1:45:44 PM7/17/16
to sage-devel,
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