Re: (William Stein) "my top priority right now is to **make a lot of money**"

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Aug 24, 2016, 5:24:00 PM8/24/16
to sage-support,
Nathan does give the link to the original post, but he is quoting out of context. Here is the full post:

On Sunday, 21 August 2016 07:15:56 UTC+10, William wrote:
So there is no confusion, my top priority right now is to **make a lot
of money** by building a profitable company on open source software
(Latex, Linux, Sage, Octave, R, etc.), and use that money to fund:

   1. Sage development,

   2. Vastly improve the *documentation* ecosystem around Sage,

   3. Vastly improve the *support* ecosystem around Sage, especially
for the masses beyond elite research mathematicians.

You may strongly disagree with this, or chose not to be involved in
Sage (or LInux, say) as a result.  But to be clear -- I'm not hiding

 -- William

On Thursday, 25 August 2016 06:12:56 UTC+10, Nathann Cohen wrote:
Quote from William Stein, CEO of SageMath Inc (private for-profit
Delaware company) [1]

    So there is no confusion, my top priority right now is to **make a lot
    of money** by building a profitable company on open source software
    (Latex, Linux, Sage, Octave, R, etc.)

    (full post)

This post being entirely factual, I shouldn't be held responsible for
its content.



Justin C. Walker

Aug 25, 2016, 4:15:52 AM8/25/16
to, Sage devel
Why is this still being discussed? It belongs on the flame list.

On Aug 24, 2016, at 13:12 , Nathann Cohen wrote:

> Quote from William Stein, CEO of SageMath Inc (private for-profit
> Delaware company) [1]
> So there is no confusion, my top priority right now is to **make a lot
> of money** by building a profitable company on open source software
> (Latex, Linux, Sage, Octave, R, etc.)
> (full post)
> This post being entirely factual, I shouldn't be held responsible for
> its content.
> Nathann
> [1]
> --
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Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
Experience is what you get
when you don't get what you want.

Jori Mäntysalo

Aug 26, 2016, 7:34:43 AM8/26/16
to sage-devel
On Fri, 26 Aug 2016, Nathann Cohen wrote:

> Consequently, by making "a lot of money" through SageMath Inc. it is
> clear that William also aims at making money for himself (food, rent,
> whatever). Missing that, his presentation was certainly not exhaustive.

I still don't understand what is the problem.

William may get much money, buy a mansion and a Rolls-Royce car -- and
that hurts us because ________. (Please fill in blank space.)

William can not block anyone other to make some kind of SMC clone. Hence
we don't need to trust him to be nice in the future. (Or fear that he gets
killed in accident, somebody inherits copyrights of Sage etc.)

Jori Mäntysalo

David Joyner

Aug 26, 2016, 2:28:40 PM8/26/16
to SAGE support, sage-devel
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Nathann Cohen <> wrote:
>> Nathan does give the link to the original post, but he is quoting out of
>> context. Here is the full post:
> Still, it would be incomplete to claim, as in the original post, that the
> only aim of SageMath Inc. is to fund Sage development and associated
> activities. Take it as a proof that William announced that the development
> of SageMath Inc. was now his only professional activity, and you can safely
> guess that he will pay himself for that.
> Consequently, by making "a lot of money" through SageMath Inc. it is clear
> that William also aims at making money for himself (food, rent, whatever).
> Missing that, his presentation was certainly not exhaustive.
> Nathann
> Note to the moderator: this email only contains facts, and is of general
> interest to the community of developers of Sage, whose name is represented
> by the company SageMath Inc (owner of the trademark).


I've put you on the moderated list for both sage-devel and sage-support.

From the sage-support page:

"Before posting, please check the FAQ page, try searching Sage
resources or goto
Guidelines: 1. only one question per post | 2. descriptive subject
title | 3. also describe the desired result and the context of the
Include: Platform (CPU) and Operating System | Exact version of Sage
(command: "version()") | Provide copy-paste-ready reproducible
commands causing the error."

Please send followups to sage-flame.

Thank you.


Aug 27, 2016, 8:07:09 PM8/27/16
to sage-devel,
I just hope that William places a higher priority on food, rent, etc.

There are probably easier ways for him to make a lot of money..

If he succeeds he could buy food, pay rent,(etc) and donate to Sage, also.

for example.

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