Using accepts_nested_attributes_for with assign_attributes means immediate saving of associated model

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Jason Barnabe

Apr 17, 2015, 3:00:22 AM4/17/15
Previously raised at

When a parent model accepts_nested_attributes_for a child, and you use assign_attributes on an existing parent, the children are immediately persisted; assign_attributes is just calling children= on the parent. This results in the changes being half-saved and messes things up if you wanted to do further processing before saving.

I propose that for has_one, has_many, and has_and_belongs_to_many associations, assign_attribute avoid persisting by instead:

1. mark_for_destruction all existing children not present in the passed hash.
2. Update (but not persist) all existing children present in the passed hash.
3. Call to create the new children.

I imagine this logic would go in _assign_attribute and would make use of reflect_on_association to figure out what's what. I'd be willing to attempt to implement this, if it's a change that would be desired.

Ross Philip

Apr 13, 2017, 4:31:20 PM4/13/17
to Ruby on Rails: Core
I think this would be a really good change and hope you decide to pursue it.  The current behavior is not intuitive; one would expect that assign_attributes(nested_params) not persist any changes; if I wanted to persist changes I would use update(nested_params).  I've been bitten by this and only after poring through the documentation realized why.
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