TranscriptomeSAM and multi-mapping

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Marianna Pauletto

Nov 23, 2017, 8:57:06 AM11/23/17
to rna-star
Hi all,

I'd like to map reads using the multi-mapping option (--outFilterMultimapNmax 10) and get the TranscriptomeSAM output in order to use RSEM.

As far as "multi-mapping" reads, I know that STAR is normally used for mapping to the genome, so the unique (multi-) mappers are defines as those mapping to 1 (>1) loci in the genome.
Since mapping is performed against the genome, if there is a gene which codes for 15 transcripts starting with the same exon, this os not a multi-mapping. Isn't it?
But then, whene the alignments are translated into transcript coordinates, how does STAR deal with these "multi-mapping" reads??

Thank you!


Alexander Dobin

Nov 26, 2017, 1:15:38 PM11/26/17
to rna-star
Hi Marianna,

each genomic alignment will be converted to as many transcriptomic alignments as needed, there is no limit.
In your example, if a read maps to the exon that is common to 15 transcripts, it will be reported as genomic unique mapper in the Aligned.out.bam and as 15-mapper in the Aligned.toTranscriptome.bam.


Marianna Pauletto

Nov 29, 2017, 8:14:30 AM11/29/17
to rna-star
Hi Alex,

thank you for your answer.
Just another question: how does a multimapper read will be reported in the Aligned.out.bam? It will be mapped random in one position or it will be counted as mapped in all the multiple positions?


Alexander Dobin

Nov 29, 2017, 3:37:41 PM11/29/17
to rna-star
Hi Marianna,

by default, all multimapping loci of a read are reported, if the number of those loci is <= --outFilterMultimapNmax (=10 by default).
If the number of loci exceeds this value, no loci are reported at all.

This can be changed by specifying --outSAMmultNmax  (int: max number of multiple alignments for a read that will be output to the SAM/BAM files) 
and --outMultimapperOrder (random order of alignments for each multi-mapper).


Marianna Pauletto

Dec 1, 2017, 10:22:07 AM12/1/17
to rna-star
Hi Alex,

sorry my question was not really clear.
I mean: when I look at the gene counts file, a multimapper read (mapping to different genes) will be assigned randomly to a single gene or to all the genes (once per gene)?

Thank you very much

Marianna Pauletto

Dec 1, 2017, 12:16:19 PM12/1/17
to rna-star
Sorry Alex

I'm a bit confused.
Let's try with an example.

I've mapped reads with the following parameters
-outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts

Now I'd like to use the aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam files in RSEM and I'm wondering how reads mapping to multiple transcripts will be counted.
Since I set -outFilterMultimapNmax 1, here by default I will have one SAM line for each mapped read. Isn't it?

If I had set -outFilterMultimapNmax 10, I could have controlled the number of alignments (against transcripts) to be shown in the bam file with --outSAMmultNmax and their order (--outMultimapperOrder random if random or without specyfing anything if I prefer the approach defined in the manual as "not truly random"). Is this correct?

What do you mean saying "not truly random"?


Alexander Dobin

Dec 3, 2017, 3:09:51 PM12/3/17
to rna-star
Hi Marianna,

for genomic alignments (i.e. output to Aligned.out.bam):
--outFilterMultimapNmax N controls the max number of loci N a read can map to in the genome (not transcriptome). If a read maps to 
>N loci, no alignments are output at all for this read. If a read map to <N loci, all aligments are output to Aligned.out.bam by default, but this can be changed with --outSAMmultNmax  (int: max number of multiple alignments for a read that will be output to the SAM/BAM files) and --outMultimapperOrder (random order of alignments for each multi-mapper).

Transcriptomic alignments are converted from genomic alignment.
The genomic alignments have to satisfy the --outFilterMultimapNmax N filter.
If a read maps to Mg<=N loci in the genome, then all these Mg genomic loci are converted to Mtr transcriptomic loci.
Each genomic alignment can convert to one or more transcriptomic alignments, so Mtr>=Mg.

Hope this clarifies it a a bit, please let me know if you have further questions.
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