Everyone is invited to Mojo on November 17 for a Boston.rb night!

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2012年11月1日 19:31:382012/11/1
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com

Hi Rhode Island Rubyists,

Mojo would like to offer our office at 127 Dorrance St (5th floor) for a meetup on November 13th.

Boston.rb will be giving a couple of presentations that night, and we should be able to hook in and check them out over the internets on a big screen.

The presentations are supposed to start at 6:30; y'all can start showing up whenever is convenient, after you get out of work.  Mojo Tech will provided the usual beer & pizza, and we can hang out afterwards and discuss what we saw and anything else that is on our minds :)

Here's more on what Boston.rb will be talking about…


ElasticSearch and scaling your search in the cloud

by Maurício Linhares

Full text search isn't a simple problem, scaling a full text search solution when your app has do handle a couple million documents isn't simple either. In this talk I'm going to show you how you can easily integrate ElasticSearch into your Rails (or Ruby) application, common techniques for indexing and searching your data, sharding, fail over and scaling your solution to meet the scaling needs of today's applications.

Quick Web App Prototyping with Rails

by Pascal Rettig

Pascal Rettig will discuss what tools you can use to quickly build dynamic prototypes using Rails with the minimum amount of ceremony. He will talk about what tools (including Twitter bootstrap, Inherited resources, MongoDB and Backbone) you can use to accelerate the prototyping process on both the client and server side to get attractive, functional rails apps up and running quickly. The presentation will include live-coding where a simple app is bootstrapped, built and deployed to Heroku. 

Eric Krause

2012年11月1日 19:45:312012/11/1
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com
exellent, I'll be there.

Eric Krause

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David Piehler

2012年11月2日 14:06:472012/11/2
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com
Sounds good, I should be able to make it.

A heads-up that this thread title says "November 17", but the actual date is the 13th.

Matthew Forsyth

2012年11月2日 14:23:332012/11/2
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com
Ahh, my bad… yes, the thread title should mention the 13th.


Triple checked.


To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rirug/-/NdQyla37m8IJ.

Mike Auclair

2012年11月2日 14:27:262012/11/2
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com
I see no reason why I won't be there.


2012年11月13日 10:45:532012/11/13
收件人 ri...@googlegroups.com
sounds good. I'll be there.
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