Commit hook error!

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Jacek Ziora

Jul 5, 2016, 7:53:15 AM7/5/16
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

I have serious problem with commit hook error:
remote: ERROR: [d967719] missing Change-Id in commit message footer
remote: Hint: A potential Change-IdChange-Id was found, but it was not in the footer (last paragraph) of the commit message.
remote: Hint: To automatically insert Change-Id, install the hook:

But in commit msg there is already Change-Id. Also "A potential Change-IdChange-Id was found" communicate is weird for me.

Commit msg:
Revert "logcheck remarks"

This reverts commit 6ff5721bbe8d1bda44ec4908c3d6dd4b481c5ae7.

git-svn-id: <repo_address>/trunk@395317 b3e923c4-5104-4be0-ac5e-26e73b769f6b
Change-Id: I398fa4b54315a35de04dfca554c157420f2977c4

Removing line "This reverts..." doesn't help.
It looks like commit hook doesn't work. Can somebody help me with this?

Björn Pedersen

Jul 5, 2016, 8:21:42 AM7/5/16
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

a guess: You are working on windows? Then an empty line at the end may consist of '\r\n'

The code in jgit for parsing the footer lines (
only strip the \n, so the last paragraph looks empty, while the ChangeId line is considered to be in the second-to-last block.
Try removing the last empty line in commit?


Jacek Ziora

Jul 5, 2016, 9:36:12 AM7/5/16
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

I found the problem. One of commit in tree has wrong commit msg (there was a blank line between Change-ID and git-svn-id).
I've fixed this in git rebase interactive mode. But this means, that sometimes commit hook doesn't work properly for me...

Thanks for help.

Best regards,
Jacek Ziora
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