Does canonicalWebUrl need to include the port number?

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Sebastian Schuberth

μη αναγνωσμένη,
28 Ιουλ 2016, 4:58:52 π.μ.28/7/16
ως Repo and Gerrit Discussion

I'm running my local Gerrit testing server on custom port 8181. To do so, I've only set "httpd.listenUrl = http://*:8181/". In particular, I did not mention port 8181 as part of "gerrit.canonicalWebUrl", which for me only contains the hostname. While this seems to work fine, I'd like to double-check this is sufficient. Or do I need to also mention the port number as part of "gerrit.canonicalWebUrl" and take care to always keep the port number in sync with the one in "httpd.listenUrl" (which would be inconvenient)?


Sebastian Schuberth

μη αναγνωσμένη,
28 Ιουλ 2016, 7:38:05 π.μ.28/7/16
ως Repo and Gerrit Discussion
To answer my own question, yes, you have to repeat any custom port here, as the canonicalWebUrl is used to write the user-facing URLs for the changes to the console on a "git push".
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