sorted and geo set intersection

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Michael Masouras

May 24, 2018, 3:25:43 PM5/24/18

I am researching how I can use Redis' GEO support to store geographical data. My use case is finding classifieds - e.g. "find Toyota Corolla for sale within 100 miles of New York"

Ideally, I would want the simplicity of using something like ZINTERSTORE between a SS and a geo key to give me the objects in the SS within a particular radius. 

In fact, ZINTERSTORE does work between these two kinds of sets since geo sets are SSs under the hood, but I can't figure out if it's possible to perform the intersection while specifying a radius for the geo set in that query.

Some research online has led me to this discussion (6y old) that suggests using geohash to create pre-determined buckets of geo-data represented as SS, and then intersect those with the per-tag SS.

Is this still the best advice for intersecting SS/Geo sets, or is something else possible/in the pipeline.

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