Range queries in Redis

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preetika tyagi

Oct 3, 2018, 7:23:00 PM10/3/18
to Redis DB
Does Redis support operations in which a range of keys are requested?
I cannot find a relevant command for this, however, I wanted to confirm if my understanding is correct.

Itamar Haber

Oct 3, 2018, 8:21:26 PM10/3/18
to Redis DB
Hello Preetika,

Redis does not support performing operations on ranges of key names. Some commands operate on multiple keys, but the key names have to be explicitly provided to thes.

I hope this makes sense to you.


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Itamar Haber
Technicalist Evangely

Phone: +972.54.567.9692

Redis Labs


Oct 4, 2018, 12:25:09 AM10/4/18
to Redis DB
There aren't that many situations were keys are ordered in a way that a numeric range makes sense to select them.  Those situations tend to be when you're working with lists or sorted sets, and the range selects only elements within the list/set.

The next closest thing would be a very small group of commands that can expand a pattern into a list of key names, like SCAN.
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