Redis Clients: Collecting ideas and proposals for Redis Dev Day

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Jan-Erik Rediger

Sep 30, 2015, 5:08:51 PM9/30/15

Redis Dev Day is only 19 days away (19th October in London, see [1] and Redis Unconference [2])
The event will focus on the future of Redis.
And this especially includes all the client librariers in the dozens and
dozens of languages that exist.

I am the maintainer of several clients (the whole hiredis family) and worked on some (the Ruby and the Rust client) myself.
And I will be at both events.

Considering that not everyone can be in London, I will collect ideas,
proposals and issues client developers have and face to present and discuss them on site.

So to all Redis Client developers: Now is your chance to raise your voice.

* What issues do you face writing/maintaining a Redis client library with regards how Redis behaves?
* Is there something where Redis can be improved to make clients better?
* Anything else that we should discuss?

You can reply here, mail me directly ( or ping me on Twitter ( and I'm happy to discuss things.

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