Does redis cluster support pipeline mechanism?

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Apr 13, 2016, 5:15:38 AM4/13/16
to Redis DB
Dear supporter,
As we all know, the pipeline mechanism provides a good performance of the interaction between the redis client and server. Admittedly, it has been applied in many projects. My question is whether the pipeline way supports redis server with cluster mode or not?

Best regards,



Apr 13, 2016, 12:53:43 PM4/13/16
to Redis DB
In theory it does, but in practice pipelines will only work when all commands they perform are on the same cluster node. 

This means that you could use the hashtagging mechanism to ensure a group of keys sticks together on the same node, and be able to perform multi key pipelining transactions against them. Outside of timeframes where keys are migrating between nodes, these sorts of pipelines will be safe, and single key pipelines, will always work. 
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