Updating the development installation steps

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Antall Fernandes

Feb 15, 2012, 11:03:15 AM2/15/12
to Redcar
Was looking to update the development installation steps with the
steps marked with # new step.

1. git clone git://github.com/redcar/redcar.git
2. cd redcar
3. bundle init # new step
4. edit the Gemfile and add the line gemspec # new step
5. jruby -S bundle install

That was what I needed to do to get redcar to work for me. Could
someone confirm the steps so I can go and update the Wiki then.

~Antall Fernandes


May 9, 2012, 2:59:41 PM5/9/12
to redcar...@googlegroups.com
This failed for me on step 5. Ubuntu 12.04. Added gemspec call to the empty Gemfile and got an error that no gemspec was detected.
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