Not Getting any Data from Kinect

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Roger K.

Apr 26, 2012, 1:20:46 PM4/26/12
to ReconstructMe, ibi...@comcast.netm
What is the secret of getting any data on the output file from the
Kinect ???
I run the Windows Kinect batch file and the copy batch file and no
output ???
Do I need to submit the parameters after the reconsructme.exe xxxx
-xxxx -realtime ---
mskinect, O .... I have got some data in the past but I don't
remember what I did
to get output ????

Christoph Heindl

Apr 26, 2012, 1:24:19 PM4/26/12
to, ibi...@comcast.netm

Am Donnerstag, 26. April 2012 19:20:46 UTC+2 schrieb Roger K.:
What is the secret of getting any data on the output file from the
Kinect ???

What happens when you start the batch file (which one)?

Roger K.

Apr 27, 2012, 11:52:42 AM4/27/12
to ReconstructMe
I run the mskinect batch and the copy batch run...

what is the config for the exe ---realtime --
mskinect,O, ?????????

trying to scan a face sculpture... Let me know what works for
Where do I find the examples of the parameters for the exe ?????
thanks much...

On Apr 26, 12:24 pm, Christoph Heindl <>

Ian Stratford

Apr 28, 2012, 6:45:04 AM4/28/12
OMFG. You really don't RTFM, do you?

It is common courtesy when asking for help to explain your problem in clear language. Your punctuation does not help. If you actually provided some clear feedback, ie logs from the output, it would help diagnose your problem. Starting multiple threads does not help either.

Do you have a Xbox Kinect or a Kinect for Windows?
Xbox Kinect - use OpenNI versions, "Start ReconstructMe Realtime OpenNI.bat"
Windows Kinect - use "Start ReconstructMe Realtime MSKinect.bat"
This is Step 5 in the Usage guide.

I don't understand what you mean when you say you run the "copy batch file". You should just:
1. run the correct reconstructme batch file for your hardware
2. press "y" to accept the terms and conditions
3. when the video comes up, you press "p" to start the reconstruction.
4. when you are done, press "Esc"
5. press "y" to save
6. give a file name
7. your file will be saved in the same folder as reconstructme.exe
8. open it with something like Meshlab -

This is all on the 'Usage' page of

Is your statue metallic/glass/reflective? Because the Kinect may have a difficult time picking that up.
Are you trying to scan too close? Start at least 1 metre away.
Is your item too small? The Kinect is designed to scan things that are human-sized, and until a close-range scanner comes along, small items/detail is very difficult.

You can get a list of parameters by executing "reconstructme.exe --help". The output is (Christoph, this might be useful to have on the help page too):

Available commands:
  --calibrate                           Calibrate depth sensor.
  --generate_config                     Generates a default configuration file.
  --help                                Print this help.
  --list_devices                        List available hardware devices.
  --realtime                            Reconstruct with live data stream.
  --record                              Record a 3D video.
  --replay                              Replay previously recorded sensor data.

Calibrate Arguments:
  --width arg (=10)               The number of inner corners per one of board dimension.
  --height arg (=7)               The number of inner corners per another board dimension.
  --square_size arg (=33.8759995) Square size in millimeters
  --alpha arg (=1)                Infrared alpha gain.
  --config arg                    Path containing the settings to use.
  --sensor arg (=openni,0)        Specifies sensor driver and device index
  --device arg (=-1)              Identifier of device to run on. Leave at -1 to let ReconstructMe choose the device.

Realtime Arguments:
  --nobeep                 Disable beeping on tracking failures.
  --device arg (=-1)       Identifier of device to run on. Leave at -1 to let ReconstructMe choose the device.
  --resume_raw arg         Resume scanning of a .raw volume file.
  --sensor arg (=openni,0) Specifies sensor driver and device index
  --config arg             Path containing the settings to use.
  --wait                   Wait 3 seconds afer pause before starting to reconstruct

Record Arguments:
  --sensor arg (=openni,0) Specifies sensor driver and device index

Replay Arguments:
  --depths arg (=reconstructme.depths.gz)    File containing recorded depth data (.depths.gz)
  --colors arg                          File containing recorded color data (.avi)
  --config arg                          Path containing the settings to use.
  --device arg (=-1)                    Identifier of device to run on. Leave at -1 to let ReconstructMe choose the device.

Francis Leach

Apr 29, 2012, 2:17:19 PM4/29/12

It sounds as if you are a person of experience and have a complete understands what you are doing.

May I ask if you have ever used the --calibrate command with the --alpha arg (=3) argument.

Please could you type out a full line command with the correct syntax,  as a reply, so I can be absolutely certain that I understand how to use the summary of syntax of the commands you have been kind enough to concisely present.

The request is part of an endeavour to get my calibration function to work correctly which appears to fault due to poor contrast when using the calibration routine, possibly due to fluorescent lamp illumination and a poor gain employed in the signal processing. 
I am attempting to increase the gain of the receiver to improve contrast. from the default of 1 to a new value of 3, to see if it makes a different.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Christoph Heindl

Apr 30, 2012, 12:57:16 AM4/30/12
I am currently not in the office, but here is a quick answer: reconstructme --calibrate --alpha 3

Christoph Heindl

Apr 30, 2012, 12:57:17 AM4/30/12

Mark Schafer

May 5, 2012, 12:49:53 AM5/5/12
Francis - you may be experienceing low contrast due to printing the pattern out on an inkjet printer. If you can get access to a laserprinter you will get better contrast.

Mark Schafer

May 5, 2012, 1:06:17 AM5/5/12
Uh oh - sorry -  I see you have got this sorted out.
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