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Wrestlemania -- Undertaker leaving his gear in the ring was classic

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Apr 3, 2017, 4:44:14 PM4/3/17
What a great move. Don't know how many folks in the arena or watching got the significance, but that is a classic wrestling gesture. They should do that more often. I was surprised that Kurt Angle never did that since it is done often in amateur wrestling and had its origin there. Perhaps it's because he never really did think he would retire. He left TNA and apparently hoped to link up with the WWE for one last run. That never happened, but I believe he is in for a stint as the RAW GM. He got a big pop at the HOF ceremony and the fact that WWE may bring him back for that GM job may have been part of the reason.

I was amazed that Goldberg was willing to take 10 German suplexes in jobbing to Lesnar. After all, he is close to 50. That's a lot to expect from a guy that old.

Seth Rollins beats HHH. Actually, I think they could have carried this feud on a little bit longer and have it go through perhaps Summerslam. But then again, Wrestlemania is known as the Great Feud Culminator, especially when a draft may be approaching that will really shake everything up.

Jericho jobs to KO. This does not surprise me. Jericho is a great longtime vet, a real pro who has a great history in pro wrestling. But now is the time the new guys who may have some promise get pushed so Jericho does the right thing and puts over Owens. Now Owens has a minor title instead of the major one. Let's see if he can avoid the Jack Swagger result.

Shane McMahon jobbing to AJ is a good thing. You don't want a strong wrestling talent with a future failing to beat a non-wrestling office guy.

Bayley holds onto the title. I think it should have gone back to Charlotte. She has enough moxy and charisma to continue her father's legacy. Bayley is a big bowl of nothing as far as I am concerned.

Some guy I never heard of won the Andre the Giant battle royal. I guess Gronk knew him. All the reason to put him over -- not.

Corbin loses to Ambrose. I think Corbin has a lot of promise, but I guess they just don't trust him entirely to give him a title yet. He did win the Andre the Giant battle royal last year, I believe, but it shows how little push you get from that.

John Cena proposes to Nikki Bella. Oh give me a break. Take it outside. I'd rather see a fan do that with his girlfriend. Cena already gets enough publicity. Give a guy from the peanut gallery his 15 seconds.

Hardy Boys debut with a title win. I guess that's OK seeing that they have a history with WWE. But so did Drew McIntyre and see where he ended up after spending time in TNA. Former TNA guys aren't getting buried like former WCW guys did after the purchase several years ago. Perhaps that's Levesque's influence.

Actually, I think the HOF was more surprising than WM. The appearance of Jim Cornette was the most shocking thing of the entire weekend. He has spent all kinds of time putting down WWE via YouTube. I thought he had burned his bridges with all the venom he has unleashed against WWE. Looks like someone actually put hard feelings aside for the sake of the people involved. Good deal.

Eric Bischoff's return was also great. I thought he would never come back, but I thought the same thing before Vince made him RAW GM. Another good deal.

Apr 3, 2017, 6:31:13 PM4/3/17
I read about the post-match after UT-Reigns. At 52, Taker knew his time was up.

I don't think Charlotte Flair's getting the women's title back right away. They did enough damage playing hot potato with it last year.

HHH's influence had to have something to do with Cornette @ the HOF. The man works miracles.

Soon as I'd read that the Hardys lost the Ring of Honor titles on Saturday, I think we all knew what was next.

Mojo Rawley winning the Andre Memorial was mostly for SportsCenter (Gronk). Cena proposing to Nikki will be replayed on Total Divas/Total Bellas. Just because.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 3, 2017, 6:48:11 PM4/3/17
On Monday, April 3, 2017 at 4:44:14 PM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
> What a great move. Don't know how many folks in the arena or watching got the significance, but that is a classic wrestling gesture.

Wow, Trij actually said something sensible!

Still, jobbing to Roman Salad Brains is not exactly the way I'd expect him to go out.


> John Cena proposes to Nikki Bella. Oh give me a break. Take it outside.

GIRLS = Icky!!

> Hardy Boys debut with a title win. I guess that's OK seeing that they have a history with WWE. But so did Drew McIntyre and see where he ended up after spending time in TNA.

Did you really just compare the Hardy Boyz to Drew McIntyre??



Apr 3, 2017, 6:59:40 PM4/3/17

On 3-Apr-2017, Trijcomm <> wrote:

> I was amazed that Goldberg was willing to take 10 German suplexes in
> jobbing to Lesnar. After all, he is close to 50. That's a lot to expect
> from a guy that old.

And that I hope he fades away

> Shane McMahon jobbing to AJ is a good thing. You don't want a strong
> wrestling talent with a future failing to beat a non-wrestling office guy.

Shane is not a wrestler , but does a good effort

> John Cena proposes to Nikki Bella. Oh give me a break. Take it outside.
> I'd rather see a fan do that with his girlfriend.

Waste of time

> Hardy Boys debut with a title win

Why WWE waste money/ time on them is beyond me. Some say TNA has lost
talent; I say their cleaning house and especially if WWE promote them as
being good wrestler. One must revisit TNA then. Is a buy out soon?

> Eric Bischoff's return was also great

Please no Hulk.


Apr 3, 2017, 7:11:34 PM4/3/17
I will miss UT. He was the last great gimmick wrestler. Girls do NOT equal "icky" but John Cena proposing to a girl he committed adultery with and leaving his wife over is something not only I can do without but should also be done in private as far as he goes. He has plenty of fanfare as it is. It would have been much better if some no-name fan got the opportunity to do that in center ring with his gf. Like I said, let him and his girl get their 15 seconds. Cena has had plenty of exposure to the point of being very, very overdone -- especially regarding this.


Apr 3, 2017, 7:42:27 PM4/3/17
On Monday, April 3, 2017 at 4:44:14 PM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
The Undertaker's wrestling career was a contestant on the April 2, 2017 episode of Celebrity Bucket Kickers.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 4, 2017, 12:06:12 AM4/4/17

Not that you're racist or anything, but I can't help but notice you ignored Naomi winning the women's strap, and, to my knowledge, being the first black woman to do so.


The Chad

Apr 4, 2017, 12:39:09 AM4/4/17
Scotty Trijcomm doesn't review womens' wrestling anymore.

He simply masturbates to it.

The Chad

Apr 4, 2017, 12:42:37 AM4/4/17
On Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:11:32 -0700, Trijcomm wrote:

> John Cena proposing to a girl he committed adultery with and leaving his
> wife over is something not only I can do without but should also be done
> in private as far as he goes.

You've been married three times, you dumbfuck hick. Save your "adultery"
bullshit for the 12 people who attend your "church" on Sundays.


Apr 4, 2017, 10:05:02 AM4/4/17
I knew nothing about any Smackdown women's championship match. To this day, I don't even know who her opposition was and really don't care. I did see Naomi on a Smackdown I watched a few weeks ago but was very unimpressed. Her promo/interview was way too sloppy, way too sappy and way too overdone and the epitome of overacting. I like Alexa Bliss though. So if you want to call me racist, go ahead. After all, you think everyone who doesn't oppose Trump anyway is a racist and I fell into that category long before WM occurred.

Apr 4, 2017, 10:23:31 AM4/4/17
On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 12:06:12 AM UTC-4, Jason Todd!!! wrote:
> Not that you're racist or anything, but I can't help but notice you ignored Naomi winning the women's strap, and, to my knowledge, being the first black woman to do so.
> Jason

The first African-American to win the women's title on either brand since Alicia Fox had the title over on Raw in 2009.


Apr 4, 2017, 11:17:17 AM4/4/17
This is digging to the bottom of the barrel


Apr 4, 2017, 11:18:54 AM4/4/17
I'm going to take back about the Hardy Boys, the effort last night was
decent, but I hope their career as champs is brief.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 4, 2017, 3:18:23 PM4/4/17
OK, well I did say "to my knowledge"

And hell, I haven't even watched Vince's shoddy product on a regular basis in 10 years so my knowledge is limited i admit. Like Trijcomm's is limited on just about everything else in the universe.


Apr 5, 2017, 3:53:51 AM4/5/17
On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 12:42:37 AM UTC-4, The Chad wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:11:32 -0700, Trijcomm wrote:
> > John Cena proposing to a girl he committed adultery with and leaving his
> > wife over is something not only I can do without but should also be done
> > in private as far as he goes.
> You've been married three times, you dumbfuck hick.

Stalk much?

It's amazing how you sound more creepy with each post you make.

Apr 5, 2017, 3:54:19 AM4/5/17
On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 11:18:54 AM UTC-4, Aldrichtom wrote:
> I'm going to take back about the Hardy Boys, the effort last night was
> decent, but I hope their career as champs is brief.

Meh. The Hardy Boys haven't been the same ever since they broke up with John Henry DeJong.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 5, 2017, 7:28:40 PM4/5/17
On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 12:42:37 AM UTC-4, The Chad wrote:
And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the fact that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy Grabber also means that his complaints about adultery have to be tagged with Bullshit.



Apr 5, 2017, 7:57:25 PM4/5/17

On 5-Apr-2017, wrote:

> And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the fact
> that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy Grabber also
> means that his complaints about adultery have to be tagged with Bullshit.

One should notice that all of Donald Trumps children participate as a
family to help our President; so if there was some thing cheap and sleazy
then there would be a floundering of the family, but as one can note they
are intact as a unit. Evangelicals forgive the lamb that has gone astray
and welcome him back into the fold as the President has well affirm by the
grace of God of faith. Now as you seem to say these people are intolerant,
they show a much better grasp of forgiveness than you do.
Did the Clinton ever apologize for his indiscretions For lying to Congress,
getting answers during the debate, his affairs and so forth and he and she
are forgiven by you; what a double standard you lead.
It would most likely be good for you to find a church of these special
people and learn Godlike behavior.


Apr 5, 2017, 8:20:43 PM4/5/17
So you don't see the hypocrisy from the other side? They STILL want to walk Bill to the gallows for what he did, but they are very willing to ignore Trump? Selective bullshit. You don't have to be a christian to have morals, and christians can take their "morals" and shove them up their hypocritical asses

robert stickler

Apr 5, 2017, 8:45:12 PM4/5/17
Yes, you have to be Christian to have morals

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 5, 2017, 8:56:33 PM4/5/17
On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:57:25 PM UTC-4, Aldrichtom wrote:
> On 5-Apr-2017, wrote:
> > And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the fact
> > that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy Grabber also
> > means that his complaints about adultery have to be tagged with Bullshit.
> One should notice that all of Donald Trumps children participate as a
> family to help our President;

Well sure. It's because he can't FUCKING READ.

so if there was some thing cheap and sleazy
> then there would be a floundering of the family, but as one can note they
> are intact as a unit.

Whoah! Shocker! Like they would really risk getting kicked off the gravy train.

Evangelicals forgive the lamb that has gone astray


> and welcome him back into the fold as the President has well affirm by the
> grace of God of faith.

We're done here. Go fuck yourself. With a 2-Liter of Pepsi.



Apr 5, 2017, 10:37:12 PM4/5/17

> And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the fact that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy Grabber also means that his complaints about adultery have to be tagged with Bullshit.
Sounds like you are still bitter about the beating the evangelicals dealt loser Hillary during the last election. There is a reason for that and I have gone over that many, many times before. I see no relevance at all to Cena's public and overt proposal in front of a nationwide audience after two-timing his wife to supporting Trump. It certainly didn't seem to bother you when Bubba was performing his shenanigans -- in the WH under the same roof as his wife lived, BTW. Please refrain from accusing others of "bullshit" when your own slip is clearly showing.

The Chad

Apr 5, 2017, 11:08:11 PM4/5/17
How about you simply remove your head from your fat, ignorant ass first?
No decent person would be caught dead in an evangelical church.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 5, 2017, 11:40:59 PM4/5/17
On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 10:37:12 PM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
> >
> > And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the fact that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy Grabber also means that his complaints about adultery have to be tagged with Bullshit.
> >
> >
> Sounds like you are still bitter about the beating the evangelicals dealt loser Hillary during the last election.

Dude, if what I think is going to happen actually happens between now and Nov 2018, you -- and every other Repub -- are going to CURSE the day Trump won.

There is a reason for that and I have gone over that many, many times before. I see no relevance at all to Cena's public and overt proposal in front of a nationwide audience after two-timing his wife to supporting Trump.

That's because you're very stupid dear. ($1 to Freezer)


The Chad

Apr 5, 2017, 11:45:07 PM4/5/17
On Wed, 05 Apr 2017 20:40:56 -0700, Jason Todd!!! wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 10:37:12 PM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
>> >
>> > And not only that, this, coming from someone who gladly touts the
>> > fact that 81% of evangelicals like him voted for President Pussy
>> > Grabber also means that his complaints about adultery have to be
>> > tagged with Bullshit.
>> >
>> >
>> Sounds like you are still bitter about the beating the evangelicals
>> dealt loser Hillary during the last election.
> Dude, if what I think is going to happen actually happens between now
> and Nov 2018, you -- and every other Repub -- are going to CURSE the day
> Trump won.

Does Pastor Gas really think that dipshit evangelicals are a majority in
this country?


Apr 6, 2017, 1:47:40 AM4/6/17

On 5-Apr-2017, The Chad <> wrote:

> How about you simply remove your head from your fat, ignorant ass first?
> No decent person would be caught dead in an evangelical church.

Again! Inappropriate gutter language to which I am suppose to think you can
judge what a decent person is.
Go back to the children's table.


Apr 6, 2017, 1:53:05 AM4/6/17

On 5-Apr-2017, "Jason Todd!!!" <> wrote:

> We're done here. Go fuck yourself. With a 2-Liter of Pepsi.

you really need to work on your manner's. at best you act as a first grader
having a temper tantrum.
I'm sure when you calmed down you realized you didn't mean that so I forgive


Apr 6, 2017, 2:01:22 AM4/6/17

On 5-Apr-2017, me <> wrote:

> So you don't see the hypocrisy from the other side? They STILL want to
> walk Bill to the gallows for what he did, but they are very willing to
> ignore Trump? Selective bullshit.

The difference is Trump gave a full apology for his one incident and Bill
feels no remorse and how about the starving children Hillary's Foundation
was "quote/ unquote" raising money for only to have that go to her Daughters
wedding dress. I suppose there is no hypocrisy there.


Apr 6, 2017, 5:01:25 AM4/6/17
If I don't reply to this Aldrichtom post, the terroists win.

> Again! Inappropriate gutter language to which I am suppose to
> think you can judge what a decent person is.
> Go back to the children's table.

Unclutch your pearls, Grandma.

My name is Freezer and my anti-drug is porn.


Apr 6, 2017, 9:47:15 AM4/6/17
There is a vast, vast difference between what someone HOPES will happen and what someone THINKS will happen. It is clear that you hope the absolute worst for Trump. But if you actually THINK that what you HOPE happens will actually happen, then you and all the rest of the folks who see it the same way as you do are frightfully delusional.


Apr 6, 2017, 9:52:40 AM4/6/17
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 4:01:25 AM UTC-5, Freezer wrote:
> If I don't reply to this Aldrichtom post, the terroists win.
> > Again! Inappropriate gutter language to which I am suppose to
> > think you can judge what a decent person is.
> > Go back to the children's table.
> Unclutch your pearls, Grandma.
> --
You are responding to a post that I have said EXACTLY in the past! The lesson you need to learn is this -- it's not just me that sees it this way. There are a lot more folks who see this kind of language as not only inappropriate in every sense of the word, but ignorant as well. Time to cease with the ridicule and start learning. I can't help but think that this has hurt your progression in life.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 6, 2017, 9:54:21 AM4/6/17
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 9:47:15 AM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
> There is a vast, vast difference between what someone HOPES will happen and what someone THINKS will happen. It is clear that you hope the absolute worst for Trump. But if you actually THINK that what you HOPE happens will actually happen, then you and all the rest of the folks who see it the same way as you do are frightfully delusional.

Actually, I'm past even giving fucks about Leatherface.

I'm talking about what's going to happen to the Republican party as a whole.
But you know what? Just like with Bush in the last few years of his Towering Inferno of a presidency, FINE. Nothing's going wrong! Everything's FINE!! Everything's GREAT! 2018 is gonna be GREAT for you guys!!


Jason Todd!!!

Apr 6, 2017, 10:00:40 AM4/6/17
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 9:52:40 AM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
> On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 4:01:25 AM UTC-5, Freezer wrote:
> > If I don't reply to this Aldrichtom post, the terroists win.
> >
> > > Again! Inappropriate gutter language to which I am suppose to
> > > think you can judge what a decent person is.
> > > Go back to the children's table.
> >
> > Unclutch your pearls, Grandma.
> >
> > --
> You are responding to a post that I have said EXACTLY in the past!


The lesson you need to learn is this -- it's not just me that sees it this way. There are a lot more folks who see this kind of language as not only inappropriate in every sense of the word, but ignorant as well.

Well fuck them and fuck you too! :)


Jason Todd!!!

Apr 6, 2017, 10:02:29 AM4/6/17
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 1:53:05 AM UTC-4, Aldrichtom wrote:
> On 5-Apr-2017, "Jason Todd!!!" <> wrote:
> > We're done here. Go fuck yourself. With a 2-Liter of Pepsi.
> you really need to work on your manner's. at best you act as a first grader
> having a temper tantrum.

Coming from someone who voted for President Eric Cartman, this insult doesn't register in the least.



Apr 6, 2017, 10:11:54 AM4/6/17

> The lesson you need to learn is this -- it's not just me that sees it this way. There are a lot more folks who see this kind of language as not only inappropriate in every sense of the word, but ignorant as well.
> Well fuck them and fuck you too! :)
> Jason

And with this same potty mouth you dare proclaim supposed knowledge about current affairs? Back to your high chair, and don't spill your milk. It's such a mess to clean up, you know, and it gets all over you.


Apr 6, 2017, 1:36:39 PM4/6/17
You know Clinton personally and know he has no remorse for what he's done? You know for certain that he has not apologized to Hillary (the only one who deserves an apology in this)? As for the Clinton foundation bullshit, that has nothing at all to do with the topic.


Apr 6, 2017, 1:37:11 PM4/6/17
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 9:47:15 AM UTC-4, Trijcomm wrote:
> There is a vast, vast difference between what someone HOPES will happen and what someone THINKS will happen. It is clear that you hope the absolute worst for Trump. But if you actually THINK that what you HOPE happens will actually happen, then you and all the rest of the folks who see it the same way as you do are frightfully delusional.

the denial is strong with this one.


Apr 6, 2017, 1:39:26 PM4/6/17
so, I guess we can add swearing, along with parsing and comic books, to the list of things Skippy has no idea about. Swearing is NOT a sign of low intelligence you clown.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz

Apr 6, 2017, 8:08:08 PM4/6/17
On 2017-04-05 20:45:10 -0400, robert stickler said:

> Yes, you have to be Christian to have morals

Please quit posting, you phucking retard.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz

Apr 6, 2017, 8:09:05 PM4/6/17
How about you stay away from the children's table and phuck off?

Samuel L. Bronkowitz

Apr 6, 2017, 8:09:33 PM4/6/17
On 2017-04-06 05:01:21 -0400, Freezer said:

> If I don't reply to this Aldrichtom post, the terroists win.
>> Again! Inappropriate gutter language to which I am suppose to
>> think you can judge what a decent person is.
>> Go back to the children's table.
> Unclutch your pearls, Grandma.

They're in his asshole.

The Chad

Apr 6, 2017, 10:33:24 PM4/6/17
Save your crying for church, you self-righteous cunt.


Apr 7, 2017, 1:49:08 AM4/7/17

On 6-Apr-2017, The Chad <> wrote:

> Save your crying for church, you self-righteous cunt.

I retired my 2010 Chevy Colorado that had a V8 in it, on occasion I would
race people and usually I could look in my rear view mirror and see them
whining and swearing. So when you goof balls resort to the profanity and so
forth, it just reminds me of my rear view mirror.

Jason Todd!!!

Apr 7, 2017, 9:32:00 AM4/7/17
If you look in your rear view mirror right now, you'll probably see my dick.

Jason (race that!)

The Chad

Apr 7, 2017, 7:39:26 PM4/7/17
Why am I not surprised that you're a pickup-driving redneck asshole?


Apr 7, 2017, 10:48:02 PM4/7/17

On 7-Apr-2017, The Chad <> wrote:

> Why am I not surprised that you're a pickup-driving redneck asshole?

And how's that Yugo working out for you?

The Chad

Apr 8, 2017, 2:06:43 AM4/8/17
The Yugo was released in the U.S. almost a decade before I was legally
allowed to drive, you ignorant redneck fuckwad.


Apr 8, 2017, 8:13:41 PM4/8/17
That would not stop you from buying one as a collectors item, the things I'm
sure went plenty cheap.
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