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Ford runs circles around hapless Republicans

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Sep 23, 2018, 3:15:39 PM9/23/18
Note the author is a pjmedia contributor among other things

“Even if they had tried, Republicans could have not done a better job
demonstrating their bias, ineptitude, unseriousness, meanness, unfairness
and general lack of empathy. They have become a walking advertisement for
Democratic Senate candidates (“Can you believe these clowns?” would be an
apt bumper sticker) and an embarrassment to their own operatives who see
the Kavanaugh confirmation hanging by a thread.”

Sep 23, 2018, 3:34:16 PM9/23/18
"Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective..."

According to the leftists who hired her.

I skimmed it. She makes valid points that Ford's attorney and DNC backers have outmaneuvered the GOP in this faked scandal.

But that's not really anything to be proud of.


Sep 23, 2018, 3:46:49 PM9/23/18
to <> wrote:
> "Jennifer Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective..."
> According to the leftists who hired her.

“Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The
Weekly Standard. Her work has been published in media outlets including
Politico, New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, and The
Jerusalem Post.”

Looks like a pretty center right resume to me.


Sep 23, 2018, 3:47:17 PM9/23/18
So, you're saying that Kavanaugh and Judge did nothing to her that approaches attempted rape?

If so, how do you know?

If not, then how is this a "faked scandal"?

Sep 23, 2018, 4:01:14 PM9/23/18
She said something critical about the right. Worse, she dared to deviate from their lockstep narrative. Therefore, she is not right and must now be smeared and destroyed at all cost. Qed.

Likely spent years building up those faux creds just so she could unleash a piece like this at a moment perfectly timed to maximize damage. That shrewd shrew.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 4:21:11 PM9/23/18
the only thing ford has accomplished is that for the 1% of the population that follows the story she is considered a sad sack tool....


Sep 23, 2018, 4:32:38 PM9/23/18
Interesting choice of words.

Sep 23, 2018, 4:54:25 PM9/23/18
See my poast from last week. We've clearly moved into phase two. Such a predictable playbook.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 4:58:01 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 3:54:25 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> See my poast from last week. We've clearly moved into phase two. Such a predictable playbook.
> Cheers.

is phase 2 the part where dems continue to look silly and the nominee is predictably confirmed?

Sep 23, 2018, 5:29:18 PM9/23/18
Nah, it's the part where y'all move from deny deny deny to smearing the hell outta the accuser. Like clockwork.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 5:31:35 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 4:29:18 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Nah, it's the part where y'all move from deny deny deny to smearing the hell outta the accuser. Like clockwork.
> Cheers.

dot you don't seem to get it- we don't have to smear the accuser. We have this in the bag. Always have. For all I care our senators can nominate her for sainthood. If they are smearing her its because she needs to be smeared...she has embarassed herself in all of this. And for nothing.

Sep 23, 2018, 6:10:32 PM9/23/18
So you don't have to smear her, you're just doing it for fun. Or because she needs to be smeared. Maybe she dresses like she wants it or something.

Mia, you've never been real good at thinking or seeing past what's obvious, immediate, and right in your face. How many times have you declared a bet won five minutes into a game... and watched it go down the proverbial drain?

Sure, they could push through a vote tomorrow. And that's as far as you can see.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 6:22:57 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 5:10:32 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> So you don't have to smear her, you're just doing it for fun. Or because she needs to be smeared. Maybe she dresses like she wants it or something.

whoa dot, Im not smearing her. I've said I think she's come across poorly in all this, but thats not a smear. Coming out of the blue 3.5+ decades later reporting an attempted sexual assault that everyone knows cant be proven or disproven at this particular time is bullshit....pointing that out isnt a smear on her.

If by 'you' you mean republicans(my party i guess but most of the time I wonder), I don't direct them.

> Mia, you've never been real good at thinking or seeing past what's obvious, immediate, and right in your face. How many times have you declared a bet won five minutes into a game... and watched it go down the proverbial drain?
> Sure, they could push through a vote tomorrow. And that's as far as you can see.

no, Im the one playing the long view guys, especially the left but some on the right, are in this bubble and can't really appreciate it.

I don't usually agree with andrew, but he's actually right here- if the dems want to keep looking silly they will keep this ridiculous story going.

Investigation? Investigate what? A he said-she said from 3.5+ decades ago where no report was ever made and there is literally no chance of getting to the bottom of anything? What the hell would be the point of that?

> Cheers.

Sep 23, 2018, 7:44:08 PM9/23/18
"If they are smearing her its because she needs to be smeared...she has embarassed herself in all of this."

That's basically the exact reason - in spite of the trumpsters moronic reasoning - the majority of sexual assaults (and the *vast* majority of attempted assaults) are never reported to the police. "Hun, you'll just embarrass yourself (your family, our city, our college, etc)".

Way to be part of the problem, dude.

You guys are right - there's no way anything will come of this - at this point it can't ever be more than he said she said. I also agree that there should be a presumption of innocence and... really, generally folks that do shit like she's describing, especially if there are zero consequences, will do it repeatedly and we haven't had anyone else step forward.

But yall should really just stfd and stfu. You think she's embarrassing herself - andrew thinks it's the dems. I think most people are embarrassed by the right - folks saying things like "if this happened, she definitely woulda filed a police report". Or "it was drunk teenagers playing seven minutes in heaven". Or - good new one today - "we all did stuff like that in high school".

Pretty revealing. We'll see if there is a voter backlash in a few weeks, especially amongst women. There didn't need to be, because there was exactly zero value in saying this sort of crazy shit just like there's exactly zero value in smearing her. Most normal folks torally get that this is a he said / she said situation and shouldn't derail the nomination. But she's the enemy so.must be destroyed - the right just can't help itself.


Tom Enright

Sep 23, 2018, 7:47:32 PM9/23/18
The GOP has been, regrettably, bending and submitting to Ford, when
they should really tell her pound sand. She's received far more good
will that she deserves.


Sep 23, 2018, 8:01:24 PM9/23/18
Why does she not deserve good will?

I'll mark you down as another person who fails to understand that you can a) not want to see a person punished - or think it's fair that they should be - on the basis of a single uncorroborated accusation and b) treat the person making the accusation respectfully.

All the right sees is someone trying to keep them from getting something they want and they react childishly - must attack, must disparage, must smear, must destroy. You don't *have* to do any of that shit. It's as predictable and mindless as the bodies immune response.

Let her testify. Thank her for her time and words. And explain that it would be unjust to punish someone based on a single claim with no real supporting evidence. If we go down that path, we're all potentially screwed.

I mean you don't even have to let her testify, imo. There's nothing she can say that'd change the fact that we can't act on her claim.

This isn't brain surgery. It's like you guys just can't help yourselves.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 8:29:45 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 6:44:08 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> "If they are smearing her its because she needs to be smeared...she has embarassed herself in all of this."
> That's basically the exact reason - in spite of the trumpsters moronic reasoning - the majority of sexual assaults (and the *vast* majority of attempted assaults) are never reported to the police. "Hun, you'll just embarrass yourself (your family, our city, our college, etc)".
> Way to be part of the problem, dude. are conflating two separate issues again. I'm NOT one of those saying stuff like because there is no police report or conviction it definately didnt happen.

> You guys are right - there's no way anything will come of this - at this point it can't ever be more than he said she said. I also agree that there should be a presumption of innocence and... really, generally folks that do shit like she's describing, especially if there are zero consequences, will do it repeatedly and we haven't had anyone else step forward.
> But yall should really just stfd and stfu. You think she's embarrassing herself - andrew thinks it's the dems. I think most people are embarrassed by the right - folks saying things like "if this happened, she definitely woulda filed a police report". Or "it was drunk teenagers playing seven minutes in heaven". Or - good new one today - "we all did stuff like that in high school".

see my first post.

People who say the above about sexual assault are misguided. Also, this women hasn't come across well in all of this.

Those two statements are not incompatible with each other. No matter how badly you want them to be.

> Pretty revealing. We'll see if there is a voter backlash in a few weeks, especially amongst women. There didn't need to be, because there was exactly >zero value in saying this sort of crazy shit just like there's exactly zero >value in smearing her. Most normal folks torally get that this is a he said / >she said situation and shouldn't derail the nomination. But she's the enemy >so.must be destroyed - the right just can't help itself.

reporting this now, in the manner she did, is why she deserves ridicule.

> Cheers.

Ken Olson

Sep 23, 2018, 8:32:25 PM9/23/18
So you're saying that "women" will feel a primal hormonal situation that
will cause regularly voting R women to emotionally/spontaneously vote
for the D candidates that also hold views that some of these women hold
dear? You sexy sexistist thing, you.

"We're going to fight racism not with racism, but we're going to fight
with solidarity."
- Fred Hampton

"A sword is never a killer. It is a tool in the killer's hand."
- Seneca

"The hate rolls off my back like hygiene off of Michael Moore."
- Ted Nugent

Tom Enright

Sep 23, 2018, 8:42:54 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 8:32:25 PM UTC-4, Ken Olson wrote:
> On 9/23/2018 7:44 PM, wrote:
> > "If they are smearing her its because she needs to be smeared...she has embarassed herself in all of this."
> >
> > That's basically the exact reason - in spite of the trumpsters moronic reasoning - the majority of sexual assaults (and the *vast* majority of attempted assaults) are never reported to the police. "Hun, you'll just embarrass yourself (your family, our city, our college, etc)".
> >
> > Way to be part of the problem, dude.
> >
> > You guys are right - there's no way anything will come of this - at this point it can't ever be more than he said she said. I also agree that there should be a presumption of innocence and... really, generally folks that do shit like she's describing, especially if there are zero consequences, will do it repeatedly and we haven't had anyone else step forward.
> >
> > But yall should really just stfd and stfu. You think she's embarrassing herself - andrew thinks it's the dems. I think most people are embarrassed by the right - folks saying things like "if this happened, she definitely woulda filed a police report". Or "it was drunk teenagers playing seven minutes in heaven". Or - good new one today - "we all did stuff like that in high school".
> >
> > Pretty revealing. We'll see if there is a voter backlash in a few weeks, especially amongst women. There didn't need to be, because there was exactly zero value in saying this sort of crazy shit just like there's exactly zero value in smearing her. Most normal folks torally get that this is a he said / she said situation and shouldn't derail the nomination. But she's the enemy so.must be destroyed - the right just can't help itself.
> >
> > Cheers.

> So you're saying that "women" will feel a primal hormonal situation that
> will cause regularly voting R women to emotionally/spontaneously vote
> for the D candidates that also hold views that some of these women hold
> dear? You sexy sexistist thing, you.

Meanwhile Keith Ellison, vice-chairman of the DNC, has been accused of
domestic violence. His accuser has a medical record and it happened
about 40 weeks ago, not 40 years ago. The victim alleges that Democrats
“smeared, threatened [and] isolated” her.

Will the Democrats suffer a 'backlash?'


Sep 23, 2018, 9:17:36 PM9/23/18
I'm not saying that at all, Ken.

I'm saying a lot of women have been in similar situations and may well not have reported it. And the boarish responses from any number of R congress critters (and teh trumpster) may not go over well.


Sep 23, 2018, 9:21:49 PM9/23/18
They should. Have a number of prominate D congress folk come out and insinuated she's making the whole thing up, though?

I mean, setting them aside I haven't seen any lefties on rsfc claim she's prolly a politically motivated liar - you know, like you've been doing all week toward Ford - so, congrats, you're your own evidence that your butwhattabout is bullshit.


Ken Olson

Sep 23, 2018, 9:37:02 PM9/23/18
Agreed. For the most part, anything released should be parsed by a
female lawyer.

Sep 23, 2018, 9:37:57 PM9/23/18
In what manner did she report it?

Forbes - I know, that commie rag - has a piece that breaks this down way better than I can:


Sep 23, 2018, 9:45:00 PM9/23/18
? I don't think it takes a female and / or lawyer. Just someone with a decently calibrated idiocy detector.

By all means, man - keep the "seven minutes in heaven" comments coming. Let's both hope trump continues to tweet us how he really feels. Just telling it like it is - and no bullshit PC filter at all, right?

I'm a huge fan. Wish he would tweet 10x more, tbh.


Ken Olson

Sep 23, 2018, 9:47:20 PM9/23/18
I'm not a tweeter.

Tom Enright

Sep 23, 2018, 9:51:21 PM9/23/18
Well, she has four people who she told of the abuse, it was late last year
and she has medical report. Compared to almost 40 years ago, no medical
reports, no witnesses, no idea of where and when it happened etc. Nobody
has to 'smear' her in RSFC because Ellison isn't going to draw much
negative press no matter what he does.

But you, typically, avoided the question I asked. If the GOP pays a price
for Ford than surely, without question, the Democrats should pay a price for
Ellison's antics. Right?


Marty McMahone

Sep 23, 2018, 10:02:56 PM9/23/18
You know the witness she named — a woman friend who votes Democratic— has said she doesn’t have any memory of ever attending a party with Kavanaugh right?

While I might agree the GOP sucks at dealing with last minute crap, Ford’s credibility only stands up for those who really want to reject Kavanaugh

Sep 23, 2018, 10:18:28 PM9/23/18
Serious question - are you drunk?
Because I answered your question in the first two words of my response. I don't like that dude. Even before this allegation he was too radical and anti-america for me.

See, I can say stuff like that because as desperate as you are to pretend otherwise, I'm not some left-wing version of you. You never say anything that I can't hear from the wingnutosphere. You get your talking points and hammer them endlesly.

Otoh, I don't feel any need to circle the wagons and defend the dude just because he has a D next to his name.

But I notice you aren't offering any evidence that left leaning folks on rsfc went after his accuser like you've done with ford. Silence is telling. Your perfect equivalence is empty bullshit.


michael anderson

Sep 23, 2018, 10:39:57 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 8:37:57 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> In what manner did she report it?

she waited until he was the freaking scotus nominee 36 years later..that manner.

Tom Enright

Sep 23, 2018, 10:59:04 PM9/23/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 10:18:28 PM UTC-4, wrote:

> But I notice you aren't offering any evidence that left leaning folks
> on rsfc went after his accuser like you've done with ford. Silence
> is telling. Your perfect equivalence is empty bullshit.
> Cheers.

You keep avoiding my response to an issue you raised and than shifting
goalposts. Cool. I guess we know what that means.

Ellion's accuser has witnesses, medical documentation and made the issue
public within weeks of the incident. What part of her story are you going
to go after?



Sep 23, 2018, 11:58:22 PM9/23/18
I'm not voting for him. I'm voting for the legalize cannabis guy.

Sep 24, 2018, 12:15:06 AM9/24/18
When you say medical documentation, I assume you're talking about documentation of the injuries she suffered?

Cuz surely you're not talking about the reports she released detailing that she discussed the abuse with her therapist? Because those would be pretty much exactly like what ford supposedly has on hand. And I know you don't put much stock in those.

And when you say witnesses you're talking about people who saw him hit her, right? You can't be tlking about people who "witnessed" her telling them he beat her. Because, again, that's exactly what ford has.

Plus, I have it on good authority from you wingers that no woman would ever allow herself to be abused by a man without going straight to the police and/or er, so there has to be pictures of, I don't know, bruising, black eyes, bloody lips - stuff like that. Gotta be. Can you link me to those, please?

Because otherwise it would feel like you're just being an enormous hypocrite.

I totally think they should run "ellion" (ellison) out of the party for reasons that have nothing to do with your shallow state attempt to smear he and his family.
On the allegation of abuse I'd give him the same benefit of the doubt I've been offering Kavvy all week - I just don't think people who do shit like this do it once. Thats why I *thought* there was a good chance Kavanaugh was totally innocent. But now it looks like your scotus nominee might have been getting his cosby on back in the 80s, so the jury's still out (pun intended). At a certain point, if there's enough smoke, well, you're bill clinton with a cigar.

As an aside, I think that Mark Judge dude might of been a bad influence.


Sep 24, 2018, 12:53:39 AM9/24/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 12:15:39 PM UTC-7, xyzzy wrote:
> Note the author is a pjmedia contributor among other things
> “Even if they had tried, Republicans could have not done a better job
> demonstrating their bias, ineptitude, unseriousness, meanness, unfairness
> and general lack of empathy. They have become a walking advertisement for
> Democratic Senate candidates (“Can you believe these clowns?” would be an
> apt bumper sticker) and an embarrassment to their own operatives who see
> the Kavanaugh confirmation hanging by a thread.”

Except that the Democrats have no policy other than "We're better than them.", which usually allows Republicans to get elected.

If I were a Democratic commercial-maker, it'd be a loaded gun, literally in the camera...

Women's Rights




Net Neutrality


Rape Culture


Social Security


Health Care


After a moment, literally this, both verbally and in writing:

"Vote Democratic, as if your life depends on it.

Because, for many millions of Americans, it does!"


Sep 24, 2018, 12:55:56 AM9/24/18
On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 1:58:01 PM UTC-7, michael anderson wrote:

> is phase 2 the part where dems continue to look silly and the nominee is predictably confirmed?


At some point, one of these Republicans literally has to come out and say, five by five, that we have the right to rape, pillage, and plunder whom and whatever we choose.


J. Hugh Sullivan

Sep 24, 2018, 10:15:59 AM9/24/18
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:15:37 -0000 (UTC), xyzzy <>

>Note the author is a pjmedia contributor among other things
>“Even if they had tried, Republicans could have not done a better job
>demonstrating their bias, ineptitude, unseriousness, meanness, unfairness
>and general lack of empathy. They have become a walking advertisement for
>Democratic Senate candidates (“Can you believe these clowns?” would be an
>apt bumper sticker) and an embarrassment to their own operatives who see
>the Kavanaugh confirmation hanging by a thread.”

The solution is simple. Confirm K and continue to sort it out. The
alledgers deserve a hearing.

We don't even have a final count on how many female puppets will dance
on sexual harassment strings yet. Over a period of 35 years there
could be more.

There are two essential actions...
1. Confirm K
2. Supreme Court Judge K should apologize to any women he did harass

The French Maginot Line was impenetrable - so the Germans went around
it. Are you listening GoP?

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