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Beto O'Rourke: Force rich whites to give money to blacks.

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Irish Ranger

May 11, 2019, 8:46:58 PM5/11/19
Beto O'Rourke: Force rich whites to give money to blacks.

"SALEM, N.H. — At a campaign house party in the backyard of former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Smith on Thursday, with about 100 attendees, Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke suggested using the tax system to transfer wealth from rich, white people to African Americans."

The left wing Democrats spend all day, every day hating the President of the United States.
That is literally all they do, 24 x 7. Lies, slander, insults, ridicule and profanity laced
attacks on President Trump, his wife and his children.

And if you are one of the tens of millions of Conservative Americans who voted
for President Trump, they automatically label you as being a racist. They demand to know
why you voted for President Trump. Well for me the answer is:

What have the Democrats got to offer? The Green New Deal, a wealth tax, a top
marginal income tax rate of 70 percent, the abolition of ICE, open borders,
the abolition of the Electoral College, reparations, legal infanticide as abortion,
bigger government, the cancellation of student debt, free college tuition,
Medicare for all and the banning of private plans. And the Democrats desperate,
hysterical effort to resurrect and spin the Mueller report?

As a Conservative American and a Veteran who believes in defending this country,
free speech, freedom of religion, a free Capitalist economy, secure borders,
working for a living, paying taxes and accepting personal responsibility for
my actions. Why would I ever even consider voting for a left wing
Socialist Democrat who opposes, and will work to eliminate and destroy, all
of the things I value?

The answer is, I never will and I will vote for President Trump again in 2020.
And with God's help, and for America's sake, I hope he wins re-election.

Irish Mike

Every loss for the Democrats is a win for America.

Eric Ramon

May 11, 2019, 9:16:37 PM5/11/19
Of course o'rourke never said such a thing.

Tom Enright

May 11, 2019, 11:40:15 PM5/11/19
On Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 9:16:37 PM UTC-4, Eric Ramon wrote:
> Of course o'rourke never said such a thing.

Anyone who supports 'reparations' has.


May 12, 2019, 12:43:43 AM5/12/19
Yeah but nobody important actually supports "reparations". That's just gop stir up the troops nonsense.

Like you claiming the left wants to relinquish the sw back to mexico. It's hilarious y'all need to come up with such horseshit - illuminates how weak your platform actually is.


Tom Enright

May 12, 2019, 10:17:06 AM5/12/19
"Nobody important?"

Perhaps the leading members of the Democratic Party aren't important,
but they certainly are in the news.

Senator Cory Booker
Senator Kamala Harris
Senator Bernie Sanders
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Julian Castro
Beto O'Rourke


michael anderson

May 12, 2019, 11:31:23 AM5/12/19
do all of these people actually support reparations though? As *most people* understand reparations, which would be a direct transfer of cold hard cash to African americans….I haven't heard that.

> -TE

J. Hugh Sullivan

May 12, 2019, 12:14:54 PM5/12/19
Give scum 1 mil they are dressed better (maybe) and have a nicer
skateboard but they are still scum.

If a $10 per hour is given $15 per hour, how many points does that
raise the IQ? 2-8 more years schooling doesn't appear to help either.


Tom Enright

May 12, 2019, 12:39:09 PM5/12/19
According to this:

Booker: Yes
Harris: Yes
Sanders: Yes/No Equivocation, but would sign bill
Castro: Yes
Warren Yes
Gillibrand: Yes/No Equivocation, but would sign bill
O'Rourke: Yes
Williamson: Yes

The GOP is staying a million miles away from this issue, even Trump, for
the most part, is smart enough to keep his mouth shut and Twitter silent.
I'm sure most of the candidates and just about every American knows the
very idea of reparations is a sick joke. There is probably no more low
and transparently dishonest tactic than, "vote for me and I'll give you
a check."


"I'm sure most of my colleagues at the Western Standard have found themselves in this situation on call-in shows or at public meetings. You point out, for example, that there are very few "free" Muslim societies. And your questioner retorts: "Well, that's just your opinion." And so you pull up a few facts about GDP per capita, freedom of religion, life expectancy, women's rights, etc. And she says: "Well, you're just imposing your values on them." And you realize that the great advantage of cultural relativism is that it renders argument impossible. There is no longer enough agreed reality. It's like playing tennis with an opponent who thinks your ace is a social construct"

J. Hugh Sullivan

May 12, 2019, 1:44:09 PM5/12/19
On Sun, 12 May 2019 08:31:20 -0700 (PDT), michael anderson
<> wrote:

>do all of these people actually support reparations though? As *most peopl=
>e* understand reparations, which would be a direct transfer of cold hard ca=
>sh to African americans=E2=80=A6.I haven't heard that.

oBAMA almost doubled the deficit. Dems apparently support reparations
thinking that would reduce the deficit.

It's la-de-dah time...


May 12, 2019, 1:59:40 PM5/12/19
You're using the term so broadly that it's all but useless.

I'm sure Press will be by in a second to point out it was the GOP that enacted the whole 40 acres and a mule thing.


michael anderson

May 12, 2019, 2:41:36 PM5/12/19
just to pick one of the above, Harris: Harris told NPR's "Morning Edition" last month that the term reparations "means different things to different people," and that allocating funds for mental health treatment would be one form of reparations.

As dot says, when most people see the term reparations they think giving cash money to people. Not a bunch of wasteful govt programs aimed at people. Hell we already have those.

So when Harris says reparations "means different things to different people" it appears she is just talking about typical liberal big spending wasteful govt programs.....which while a bad idea(!) isn't what a lot of people think of reparations.

J. Hugh Sullivan

May 12, 2019, 5:04:23 PM5/12/19
On Sun, 12 May 2019 11:41:33 -0700 (PDT), michael anderson
<> wrote:

>just to pick one of the above, Harris: Harris told NPR's "Morning Edition" =
>last month that the term reparations "means different things to different p=
>eople," and that allocating funds for mental health treatment would be one =
>form of reparations.

Fascinating. I had never thought mental health was their problem. But
can't they get help for mental health problems now under existing


Eric Ramon

May 12, 2019, 5:19:08 PM5/12/19
I'm not a Harris fan (although if she wins the nomination....somehow...I'll vote for her). I believe what she means here is that she wants to say as little as possible while sounding like she's saying something.

Damon Hynes, Cyclone Ranger

May 12, 2019, 6:42:27 PM5/12/19
So those 12-15 generations removed from the aggrieved need mental health treatment? Nice racket.

michael anderson

May 12, 2019, 7:19:07 PM5/12/19
there is no shortage of MH treatment in this country. MH treatment is covered the exact same way by Medicaid and medicare and bluecross and whatnot for the most part as hip fractures, congestive heart failure, the common cold, etc.....

Now some MH providers may not participate because they want to do boutique practice, which is fine but they don't represent the majority.

The last thing we need is more big govt proposals regarding MH care. Anyone who has medicare or blue cross or whatever can make an apt with a MH provider just the same as they can with their internist for their high blood pressure. These politicians who keep spouting this MH nonsense don't know what they are talking about


May 12, 2019, 7:54:54 PM5/12/19
If you read the Atlantic article about her that mia posted you’ll see
that’s pretty much been her strategy throughout her political career.

michael anderson

May 12, 2019, 8:06:15 PM5/12/19
I guess, but it's been pretty inconsequential in her career one way or another. What she has done a good job of to get to her position as a US senator is:

-sleep with Willie Brown a long time ago which put her into contact with power players in democratic party of California
-be put in touch with the right people to fundraise fundraise fundraise
-schmooze in democratic circles in cali well
-be fortunate enough to have good timing throughout her career

And that's how she got to where she is. There is certainly nothing about her that screams that she will go any higher than she is now(not that there is anything wrong with that....US senate is about as high as one can go).

I just kind of laugh at these articles written about her that seem to have created a mystical character out of thin air. She has to be one of the dullest, most unremarkable and most boring and least accomplished 'presidential candidates' in some time.....I don't dislike her or like her- there is literally just nothing there.

J. Hugh Sullivan

May 13, 2019, 9:34:15 AM5/13/19
I expect my response was not to what she inttended. I just enjoy
exposing opposition misstatements when insufficiently hedged. I would
never base my ridicule solely on party even though it must seem that

Politicians on both sides have to state opinions that appeal to
supporters. I understand the need while despising the personal

My Confederate ancestor could neither read nor write and he was a poor
farmer - and the statues of his heroes are being removed. I think I
need some reparations.

Are people really lazy and drop out of school because someone 150
years ago they never knew was a slave? If so what excuse do white kids



May 13, 2019, 9:39:46 AM5/13/19
12-15 generations? So a generation only lasts 10-13 years?

Damon Hynes, Cyclone Ranger

May 13, 2019, 8:51:46 PM5/13/19
I was at work--I couldn't unzip to count to twenty. :-)
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