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Connecting two preformed ponds...

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Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 24, 2001, 5:50:37 PM7/24/01
Hello all!

After graduating from my 30 gal 'peanut' pond to a whopping 50 gal 'kidney'
pond. I thought, hmmm.... wouldn't it be great to connect the two with a small
waterfall/spillway? The idea is to have the pump/filter in the lower kidney pond
feeding the upper peanut pond and have the water return to the lower kidney
pond via a waterfall roughly about a foot high. I have an idea about how to go
about it, but would love to hear some input from those of you with experience
in this sort of venture.


Rene Felker

Jul 24, 2001, 9:51:02 PM7/24/01
I started with 125gal preform and then added an 1800 gallon lined
pond. I raised my preform up about 2 feet and then cut a peice out of
the side. Laided the liner from to the new pond all the way to the
preform. I built a bracket to attach the liner to the preform. I now
pump the water from the big pond, through a filter that flows into the
preform, rock water fall out of the preform, to a mini stream and then
over another waterfall into the big pond. If you want more details an
some pictures, just e-mail me. I am not complete yet, but the lillies
and fish seem to realy like it.

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 17:50:37 -0400, Prudence Pondsworth <>

Just another newbie

Jul 25, 2001, 1:24:35 AM7/25/01
It is hard to get the upper pond to spill into the lower pond with out a
significant water leak. I gave up on trying to fix mine that way and just
put both of them in the ground.

Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 25, 2001, 7:21:49 AM7/25/01
Hello Rene dear

Interesting! That's what I want to do, just have a waterfall instead of a
stream. I'm having trouble visualizing this bracket thingie. Could you
elaborate Honey?


Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 25, 2001, 7:25:42 AM7/25/01
Newbie Honey, that is what I endeavor to avoid. LEAKAGE! That word
sounds terribly vulgar doesn't it now. WHEN I come up with a
suitable solution, I will be happy to share with all interested parties.
I just love that word! Parties, parties, parties!


Rene Felker

Jul 27, 2001, 2:30:18 AM7/27/01
On the bracket thing.......

I went to Lowes and got some 1/8 inch thick by 2 inches wide steel
stock. I also got about a dozen bolts and washer. I cut the stock
and made two u shaped brackes, one for each side. (each side has three
peices, one for the bottom and two for the sides). I then drilled
holes through the stock at about three inch intervals. Being that I
like tools, I tapped one side and ran the bolts through then. I then
cut a u shaped peice out of my preformed pond, a little smaller than
the bracket. I then drill hole through the preformed pond, put the
bracket with the bolts sticking out trough the hole in the preformed.
I did this from the outside. this was the hard part. I realy did not
have a way to host the bracket in place while I did the liner, so I
went ahead and put on the inside bracket and put on a few bolts. Then
I layed the liner down, going through my newly formed slot in the
preformed pond. I left plenty of extra liner. Once the liner was
where I wanted it, I punched holes inthe liner where the bolts were
sticking out. Then one peice at a time, starting with the bottom
peice, I pulled the liner back, removed the bracket, applied silicone
II to the liner and preform, and then put the bracked over the liner
and bolted it down. the silcone was insurance, I think the backet
along with the rubber liner would have been all I needed.

Let me know if you need more info. I wish I had taken pictures when I
did it.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 07:21:49 -0400, Prudence Pondsworth <>

Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 27, 2001, 5:04:21 PM7/27/01
Hmmmm.... Goodness! Sounds like an awful lot of hard work. I'm afraid I'm
all thumbs with those toolish things. What I am thinking about trying is cutting

a notch as you said in the upper pond. And then securing the liner for the
spillway/waterfall to the pond with some pond repair tape I found at the local
Home Depot. (Oh! I love that place! Maybe it's just all those men...)

Anyone have any luck with pond repair tape?


Jul 27, 2001, 6:38:11 PM7/27/01

Prudence Pondsworth wrote in message

>Hmmmm.... Goodness! Sounds like an awful lot of hard work. I'm afraid I'm
>all thumbs with those toolish things. What I am thinking about trying is
>a notch as you said in the upper pond. And then securing the liner for the
>spillway/waterfall to the pond with some pond repair tape I found at the
>Home Depot. (Oh! I love that place! Maybe it's just all those men...)

Don't personally know about the tape but a local nursery had a class like
lecture on building ponds last year and I thought to put 2 preforms together
with a section of liner between. They told me to use that Great Stuff foam
to attach and stop leakage. Well I was all for that this spring until my DH
thought that the little 45 gallon pond with the 250 gallon one was a waste.
Needless to say the 250 is up and going and the 45 was tossed and now DH is
planning the new 300-500 gallon addition for this coming spring.

Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 28, 2001, 7:29:15 AM7/28/01
"Shay" <> wrote:

Well! This 'Great Stuff' must really be GREAT STUFF! I think I will try the tape
to attach the liner and if that works out, I will use the spray foam to fill in
around the rocks to channel the water. Oh boy! I get to go to the Home Depot
again! Now if this rain would just stop it for a minute.

Thanks all and have a ponderful weekend!



Jul 28, 2001, 11:46:12 AM7/28/01
I am thinking very seriousely about doing the same thing. Pleae E-Mail me your
I was also thinking about an under ground tunnel to go from one pond to
another. I love the idea of my fish having a hide away from preditors and to
stay out of the sun and to go deep for the winter. My dream or in my minds eye
I see a little pond out side about 400 gal or so, which has a water fall
comming from the grpound like a underground stream. I also see another tube
tunnel which the fish can swim into and out of. I also see a small foot bridge
that goes across one of them.
I have a green house with my 300 gal pond inside of it now. I felt as though
the relentless sun was hard on my fish. I dont get those lillys to bloom though
due to the low sun . BUt my plnats are much bigger and prettier than all of my
pond lover friwends who have thweir own ponds. They are wanting a green house
This hobby is so cool. I can not get enough of this.
Please send me your diagrams , how much leaks you are running into, how you
are dealing with leaks and so on.. What size pump are you using ... so on..
Thank you
Chris Burrhus

Prudence Pondsworth

Jul 28, 2001, 9:04:27 PM7/28/01
Oh yes! I love the tunnel idea so much!

I had a sort of thingie like that in the old pond. It was just an arch of
stacked stones the the fishies could swim through and lurk under.

If this darned rain would hold off a few days, things would dry up a little and
I could get crackin'.


Aug 30, 2014, 11:04:11 AM8/30/14
Why can't I just use the black form u buy at Lowes and decorate it to connect the two small ponds


Sep 4, 2014, 11:32:56 AM9/4/14
<> wrote in message...
- Re: Connecting two preformed ponds...
> Why can't I just use the black form u buy at Lowes and
- decorate it to connect the two small ponds

I'm not understanding what you mean.
The problem I found in trying to use together two
standard preformed ponds, was trying to prevent
water leaks/loss.

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