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The Banjo Minnow

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Jun 12, 2001, 10:41:56 PM6/12/01

Recently I was surfing the internet, and I decided to visit . While reading information about the Banjo
Minnow on that page I came across the e-mail address of the guy who
invented the Banjo Minnow. I decided to e-mail the guy and send in a
complaint and tell him he is falsely advertising his lure when he says
"Catch more fish then you ever dreamed of" . I have owned this lure for
over 3 years now, and it is not that great of a lure. The idea is good,
but it just doesn't work as good as it is supposed to. I told the man
this, and I also told him all the troubles I have had in the past with
the lure.

The inventor of the Banjo Minnow did respond to my e-mail. He told
me that he never heard anyone complain about the lure, in ways that I
did. He also told me that his advertising was not false. He said if I
knew how to fish, the lure would catch me "more fish then I have ever
dreamed of". I thought his e-mail was quite ignorant. So I e-mailed him
back telling him I was un- happy by the way he e-mailed me back, In his
response to this email he told me he would put his money where his mouth
is. He told me he would make a bet with me, (or anyone who is up for
this bet) that I would come up to Maine where he lives, and we would
both go fishing for 8 hours. I would sit next to him on his boat. He
would use the Banjo Minnow, and I would use any lure I wanted to. Who
ever caught the most fish over the 8 hour time period would be the
winner of the 1-on-1 tournament. The loser had to pay the winner $5,000
dollars. I told him I'm only 16 and I don't have that kind of money.
Blah Blah Blah Blah!

I thought it would be interesting if anyone would want to make that
bet with him. If you would like to contact this guy please e-mail him
saying you would like to make the bet with him, and lets see if he
actually puts his money where his mouth is. His email address is ... If you do make an email to this guy please
post back to the group and tell us what he had to say to you. Thanks..



Jun 13, 2001, 7:18:49 AM6/13/01
Bob wrote:
> "more fish then I have ever
> dreamed of". I
So how does he know ho many fish you might have deamed of?


Moe Conway

Jun 13, 2001, 7:28:06 AM6/13/01
>He told me he would make a bet with me, (or anyone who is up for
>this bet) that I would come up to Maine where he lives

>The loser had to pay the winner $5,000

Never bet a man on his home lake. No matter what he is using, you might as well
pay him now in most cases. Kind of like betting your guide that you can outfish
him. :)

Why is it called "Common Sense", when so few have it?
Good Fishing - Moe
Moe's Guide Service (Lake Okeechobee) -

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Steve Huber

Jun 13, 2001, 7:58:11 AM6/13/01

RichZ <> wrote in message
That's true Rich, I can dream pretty big!
Steve @ G & S Guide Service and Custom Rods


Jun 13, 2001, 9:25:49 AM6/13/01
On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 22:41:56 -0400 (EDT), (bob) wrote

> Recently I was surfing the internet, and I decided to visit
> . While reading information about the Banjo
>Minnow on that page I came across the e-mail address of the guy who
>invented the Banjo Minnow. I decided to e-mail the guy and send in a
>complaint and tell him he is falsely advertising his lure when he says
>"Catch more fish then you ever dreamed of" . I have owned this lure for

>over 3 years now, and it is not that great of a lure......
>................. He said if I

>knew how to fish, the lure would catch me "more fish then I have ever

>dreamed of"................
>.....He told me he would make a bet with me,........ whoever

>caught the most fish over the 8 hour time period would be the
>winner of the 1-on-1 tournament. The loser had to pay the winner $5,000
>dollars. I told him I'm only 16 and I don't have that kind of money.

False again. Catching more fish than you in 8 hours is still not
catching more fish than you ever dreamed of. I dream of catching a
fish on every cast, how can he top that? I would have to catch 2 fish
on one or more casts in order to catch more than I ever dreamed of.
Advertising is just that: advertising. If you pay attention to most
product's claims you will see they are trying to sell a product, it
doesn't matter if it does what it claims, what matters is they sell
it. I have seen outright lies in some ads and most stretch the truth
or say something in a way to make you believe they said something
else. Do you think all those people actually went on a subway
sandwich diet and lost all that weight? Eating bread and lunchmeat??
Delaware Bass Stalkers

Dave A

Jun 13, 2001, 10:16:05 AM6/13/01

> He told me he would make a bet with me, (or anyone who is up for
> this bet) that I would come up to Maine where he lives, and we would
> both go fishing for 8 hours. I would sit next to him on his boat. He
> would use the Banjo Minnow, and I would use any lure I wanted to. Who
> ever caught the most fish over the 8 hour time period would be the
> winner of the 1-on-1 tournament. The loser had to pay the winner $5,000
> dollars. I told him I'm only 16 and I don't have that kind of money.
> Blah Blah Blah Blah!

This is a guy who promotes his lure very well. Lots of incredible claims
with no need to back it up. His bet is flawed in that he want you to go to
his home lake. I can outfish the best tourney pro on my homelake. The
tourney pro would destroy me on any other lake. This is one of those deals
where you simply don't buy his product as a means of expressing your
disappointment. No need to spend the money to go have him outfish you in
his backyard.

Dave A


Jun 13, 2001, 10:19:22 AM6/13/01
I don't know Moe... sounds to me like a challenge for Rodney!

What do y'all think?

"Moe Conway" <> wrote in message

Hiromi Nishikigi

Jun 13, 2001, 10:23:33 AM6/13/01
The worst three lures I head from everyone in the message board so far were the Banjo Minnow, Helicopter lures and Flying lures.
They are just TV ads lures and I unfortunately bought all of them :(

Please remember the inventor of these lures sells what people want to buy, not always what works best.


Hiromi's Bass Fishing


Jun 13, 2001, 4:25:59 PM6/13/01
Welcome to the modern day version of the patent medicine show.

Because of the nature of fishing as well as fisherman, any claims can be
made, and
either backed up or made null and void by the situation. "You don't know how
to fish", "the fish were not biting", or the old standby, "Oh? we have never
had a problem like that before".

As long as fisherman think they can buy success or consistancy there will be
some clown to sell it.

As an added point of view, this guy is making a good deal of money. $5K
ain't no big deal and he knows that it is to most other people. (Flying lure
made something like 17 mil the first year and 15 the next) He knows
fishermen, and most likely knows them better than bass, judging from the
lure he came up with.


"bob" <> wrote in message

warren's all-stars

Jun 13, 2001, 4:37:21 PM6/13/01
Moe's right. If the inventor wants to prove his point he can come & try to
outfish Huber at the NWC!


"Moe Conway" <> wrote in message

Moe Conway

Jun 13, 2001, 6:31:39 PM6/13/01
>Please remember the inventor of these lures sells what people want to buy,
>not always what works best.

That'a true in all cases Hiromi, most lures are designed to catch the
fishermans wallet first and fish last.

Craig Baugher

Jun 13, 2001, 10:26:32 PM6/13/01
I would be more than willing to challenge this individual, even on his home
lake, but not for money, but for a show like 48 hours, 60 minutes, 20/20,
Prime Time, Day One, etc., or better yet Bass Pro Outdoor World, Field &
Stream where angler are sure to watch and I could expose this rigging for
what it is!

By the way, I do like the banjo minnow my itself. It is a very soft and
flexible lure. Worked with a 3/0 hook weedless (5" model) makes an
excellent soft jerkbait. But there is a time and place for every lure and a
weightless tube, sluggo or Mann's Shadow Minnow worked the same way is just
as effective. What I don't like is the rigging, and at $4.99 for a 10 pack
plus shipping breaks down to $.85 a lure, is still a bit pricey.

But I would be more than glad to rip Mr. Hockmeyer's butt off on National
Television, if he would like to try and prove to the world his lure is
better than any other lure!

Craig Baugher
Belleville, Michigan
r.o.f.b. website:

Robert Langford

Jun 14, 2001, 1:54:32 PM6/14/01
> "Catch more fish then you ever dreamed of" . I have owned this lure for

This is not false advertising. The number of fish that you have ever
dreamed of catching is probably very small. The will have to be the
assumption since you cannot prove otherwise. In other words this
statement of dreaming about fish is basically nonsensical and meaningless.
Even though the banjo minnow is pretty much of a scam since they have had
plastic minnows that do basically the same thing for years.

Hiromi Nishikigi

Jun 15, 2001, 9:27:52 AM6/15/01
Ok but dream never come :( I had many luck with straight worm for down shot rig.



Jun 15, 2001, 4:06:06 PM6/15/01
Hmmm... wonder if we could hire Dwayne Cooper to represent us in a class
action suit against these people?

I have presonally counted all of the fish that I have ever dreamed of, and
since I was one of the first lucky (snicker) few to rush out and purchase
this minnow... I can say that within the amount of time that I've owned the
Banjo Minnow System, I have caught MORE fish in my dreams, than I have while
awake and using the Banjo Minnow.

"Robert Langford" <> wrote in message


Jun 15, 2001, 4:07:23 PM6/15/01
BTW: I'm willing to settle out of court.

"TheBassPro" <> wrote in message

Gilbert Archibeque

Jun 19, 2001, 11:05:47 PM6/19/01
There ya go Warren,
I can hear the banjo play and the fat lady sing.
My MONEY is on Steve Huber.


"warren's all-stars" <> wrote in message news:<9g8irn$kpk$>...


Jun 20, 2001, 3:34:06 PM6/20/01
Betting someone on thier home lake is like playing minnasota fats on his own
table!!! :-D

"Gilbert Archibeque" <> wrote in message

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