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Barbara Gibson?

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David Shengold

Jun 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/8/00

Who can tell me anything about this soprano, who sang Euridice on
Toscanini's Act 2 of ORFEO opposite Nan Merriman? I have never seen her name
in any other context. Did she have a performing career?


-David Shengold


Jun 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/9/00
>From: David Shengold

>Who can tell me anything about this soprano, who sang Euridice on
>Toscanini's Act 2 of ORFEO opposite Nan Merriman? I have never seen her name
>in any other context. Did she have a performing career?

The only thing I know about Barbara Gibson is that she shared an unreleased
Voice of Firestone program with the great Cesare Siepi. It's from about 1953,
and she is fair. I have the video, but don't recall what she sings.

There are at least 8 Siepi Firestone telecasts that he would not approve for
release. Too bad, because he is wonderful and very natural on TV. He would
approve none of this telecasts because he believed that the old fashioned
production numbers made him look silly.

I don't agree, and that voice just pours out in arias, songs, and show tunes.

For free catalog of live opera on CD, video, and audio cassettes, please e-mail
your name and mailing address.

David Shengold

Jun 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/9/00


Hope he'll change his mind! If Steber didn't mind looking silly on those
tapes- which document so much greatsinging by her- why should he?

Thanks- David


Jun 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/9/00
On Thu, 08 Jun 2000 23:19:49 -0400, David Shengold
<> wrote:

>Who can tell me anything about this soprano, who sang Euridice on
>Toscanini's Act 2 of ORFEO opposite Nan Merriman? I have never seen her name
>in any other context. Did she have a performing career?


I was looking up Beverly Sills' performance history at the SFO and
found Barbara Gibson singing Zerlina under Serafin with Sills as Donna
Elvira in 1953. The same year she also sang under Serafin as Oscar in
Ballo. I surmise from the above that Ms. Gibson is a lightish lyric
soprano with coloratura facility. Perhaps the SFO web site has some
info on her.


>-David Shengold

Nov 16, 2016, 12:10:39 AM11/16/16
Hello David,
I know her very well and presented her in years past. The amazing coincidence is that I visited her today and she will probably not live beyond tomorrow She was an amazing coloratura with wonderful understanding of bel canto. The Detroit .opera house has a stairway in her name with a framed photo and biography. If you live near Detroit you should come visit. We are presenting Silent Night by Kevin Puts this week. I shall miss her terribly.
David DiChiera
Founder and Artistic Director
Detroit Opera House
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