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American Civics 101 (NDC)

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Jan 20, 2010, 6:05:33 AM1/20/10
This is not of immediate innerest to all concerned. It may become so,
or not.

On 19jan10, the state of Massachusetts elected its first Republican
Senator since 1972 in a special election to fill the seat previously
held by Edward (Ted) Kennedy, vacated by his death.

Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a 5%

Likely much will made of this. The RightWingNuts will predict a sea
change in American politics, equal and opposite reactionwise. The
LeftWingNuts will dismiss it as an aberration of no significant

What it does mean is that the Democrat Party in the United States
Senate no longer has a SuperMajority whereby they can override the
minority's attempt to filibuster a proposed legislation by a vote of

Previously, the balance was 60/40 (three-fifths). It will now stand at
59/41. Close. No cigar; not even cuban seed.

Mind you, i've got no dog in this hunt, i thnik both parties deserve
bazooka fire. & as always i stand to be corrected by those more

That said, this will impact the "healthcare reform" (aka "Obamacare")
legislation currently in play.

That said furthur, here's a question or three.

If the nature of political power can be likened to a pendulum, what is
its periodicity? Is it predictable based on longterm, significantly
sampled data, or is it selected whimsically based on polls conducted
by organisations who make their living conducting polls, or does it
reply to hardnosed realism (keep the ball on the ground, don't commit
turnovers, defence strongly, bring your game)?

Does England still swing like a pudendum do?

If there is a pendulum, is there also a pit? If so, is it fiery?

Finally, a ? in the form of an answer:
Pink - Dear Mr President:

Mr. President (Have Pity On The Working Man):

Mr. President Have Pity:

Happy Birthday Mr. President

"I Wanna Be Loved By You",Marilyn Monroe

I'm just waiting for the young folks to figure out where they're
going. They don't seem much to be sure.

I won't get out of the old road, i'll just make sure it doesn't impede
the new one.

Pasta fagioli,
Jesus Christ - Woody Guthrie:

U2 - Jesus Christ (Woody Guthrie cover & tribute):



Jan 20, 2010, 9:35:25 AM1/20/10
On Jan 20, 6:05 am, Dr_dudley <> wrote:
> That said furthur, here's a question or three.
> If the nature of political power can be likened to a pendulum, what is
> its periodicity? Is it predictable based on longterm, significantly
> sampled data, or is it selected whimsically based on polls conducted
> by organisations who make their living conducting polls, or does it
> reply to hardnosed realism (keep the ball on the ground, don't commit
> turnovers, defence strongly, bring your game)?

You might want to check out Chapter Two, to see how far, over a forty
year period, a boy and his father were able to take this subject.

Just Walkin'

Jan 20, 2010, 12:15:59 PM1/20/10
On Jan 20, 5:05 am, Dr_dudley <> wrote:
> This is not of immediate innerest to all concerned. It may become so,
> or not.
Concerns us all, but too many of us left the ear-buds in to hear the

> On 19jan10, the state of Massachusetts elected its first Republican
> Senator since 1972 in a special election to fill the seat previously
> held by Edward (Ted) Kennedy, vacated by his death.
May the ol' sob rip.

> Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a 5%
> margin.
> Likely much will made of this. The RightWingNuts will predict a sea
> change in American politics, equal and opposite reactionwise. The
> LeftWingNuts will dismiss it as an aberration of no significant
> import.
Only if the Fox in the henhouse has its way...

> What it does mean is that the Democrat Party in the United States
> Senate no longer has a SuperMajority whereby they can override the
> minority's attempt to filibuster a proposed legislation by a vote of
> cloture.
These "majorities," super or otherwise, mean absolutely nothing when
it comes to policy that affects our government's sponsoring businesses
ability to extract profits from us ordinary folks. That ability stands
sacrosanct over all other values in America today. And Democrats seem
to have no ability or desire to change this.

> Previously, the balance was 60/40 (three-fifths). It will now stand at
> 59/41. Close. No cigar; not even cuban seed.
Even at 70-30, chicken shit will be trumped and out-maneuvered by
wicked messengers bearing envelopes containing mysterious white

> Mind you, i've got no dog in this hunt, i thnik both parties deserve
> bazooka fire. & as always i stand to be corrected by those more
> knowledgeable.
My dog was slaughtered, cooked and eaten years ago. Only the good
fella's ghost remains, howling in the wind (and sometimes off the
racks and shelves in college-town and inner-city bookstores and the

> That said, this will impact the "healthcare reform" (aka "Obamacare")
> legislation currently in play.
What "healthcare reform?"

> That said furthur, here's a question or three.
> If the nature of political power can be likened to a pendulum, what is
> its periodicity?
Whenever the oligarchs feel they've destroyed enough surplus to
restart their grubbing engines, that's when it swings back the other

> Is it predictable based on longterm, significantly
> sampled data, or is it selected whimsically based on polls conducted
> by organisations who make their living conducting polls, or does it
> reply to hardnosed realism (keep the ball on the ground, don't commit
> turnovers, defence strongly, bring your game)?
The economy is not a force of nature; it is a carefully controlled
game. Just like politics. Polls only serve to illuminate those charged
with messaging to determine where their rhetorical shortfalls need
improvement. And to give those of us who want to be hot or cool
something to compare ourselves to...

> Does England still swing like a pudendum do?
England swings like a medallion. France swings the pudenda.

> If there is a pendulum, is there also a pit? If so, is it fiery?
Aim your bazooka at the pendulum's rod. All of them.

> Finally, a ? in the form of an answer:
> Pink - Dear Mr President:
> Mr. President (Have Pity On The Working Man):
> Mr. President Have Pity:
> Happy Birthday Mr. President
> "I Wanna Be Loved By You",Marilyn Monroe

> I'm just waiting for the young folks to figure out where they're
> going. They don't seem much to be sure.
The girls want to be hot, the boys want to be cool and they all want
to sit around and get real paid.

Just like on VH1.

> I won't get out of the old road, i'll just make sure it doesn't impede
> the new one.

The sun is setting and we are running out of time to drive a stake
through the heart of the vampires that sucked this land and its people

Anyone need any garlic?

I hear Bob's got some nice crucifixes for sale...


Jan 20, 2010, 1:57:43 PM1/20/10
to m m
> Does England still swing like a pudendum do?

> If there is a pendulum, is there also a pit? If so, is it fiery?
> Finally, a ? in the form of an answer:
> Pink - Dear Mr President:
> Mr. President (Have Pity On The Working Man):
> Mr. President Have Pity:
> Happy Birthday Mr. President
> "I Wanna Be Loved By You",Marilyn Monroe

> I'm just waiting for the young folks to figure out where they're
> going. They don't seem much to be sure.
> I won't get out of the old road, i'll just make sure it doesn't impede
> the new one.
> Pasta fagioli,
> dudley
> +++
> Jesus Christ - Woody Guthrie:
> U2 - Jesus Christ (Woody Guthrie cover & tribute):

A younger Bono speaks about the song :


Jan 20, 2010, 2:27:04 PM1/20/10
to m m

> > +++
> > Jesus Christ - Woody Guthrie:
> > U2 - Jesus Christ (Woody Guthrie cover & tribute):
> A younger Bono speaks about the song :

Older now, he says something like this :

" Redemption is an economic term, people often forget that."

He is right . First things first.


Jan 20, 2010, 2:34:29 PM1/20/10
to m m

Talkin' about hellish economics and the masters of war adding insult
to injury.
Alas, once again in the name of Jesus!

Message has been deleted


Jan 20, 2010, 3:38:22 PM1/20/10
On Jan 20, 6:05 am, Dr_dudley <> wrote:

> On 19jan10, the state of Massachusetts elected its first Republican

> Senator since 1972 in a special election to fill the seat previously

> held by Edward (Ted) Kennedy, vacated by his death.


> Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a 5%

> margin.

> Does England still swing like a pudendum do?

Um. You mean like this?...



Jan 22, 2010, 2:23:55 AM1/22/10
On Jan 20, 9:35 am, khematite <> wrote:
> You might want to check out Chapter Two, to see how far, over a forty
> year period, a boy and his father were able to take this subject.

Thanks, friend.

I've indeed checked it out, and will return again.

That said, i'll likely not check it out of the library; carrying a 500-
page book to work and back can be wearisome.

Besides, it seems to be filled with words and ideas, and might make me
have to think.

I think i'll stick more with this:

(hope that works, i've never tinyurled before).


Jan 22, 2010, 3:19:11 AM1/22/10
On Jan 20, 12:15 pm, "Just Walkin'" <> wrote:

> Only if the Fox in the henhouse has its way...

Hold that thought.

> > What it does mean is that the Democrat Party in the United States
> > Senate no longer has a SuperMajority whereby they can override the
> > minority's attempt to filibuster a proposed legislation by a vote of
> > cloture.
> These "majorities," super or otherwise, mean absolutely nothing when
> it comes to policy that affects our government's sponsoring businesses
> ability to extract profits from us ordinary folks. That ability stands
> sacrosanct over all other values in America today. And Democrats seem
> to have no ability or desire to change this.

Mind you, i'm speaking here not in the tongues of angels but in the
tongues of men, that is, language that is in common use, compelled by
common thought.

Who was it who spoke of the "tyranny of the majority"?

> > If the nature of political power can be likened to a pendulum, what is
> > its periodicity?
> Whenever the oligarchs feel they've destroyed enough surplus to
> restart their grubbing engines, that's when it swings back the other
> way.

Moving right along, 20jan10's Supreme Court ruling (by a majority of
5-4) regarding limits to campaign funding caught my eye.

It is variously reported; i can't find the ruling itself, and if i
could i'd likely not understand it even if i had time to slog through
its 180 pages; then also the dissenting opinion.

Here i'll quote from the aforementioned, a fair
and balanced report:

Supreme Court Removes Limits on Corporate, Labor Donations to

In a stunning reversal of the nation's federal campaign finance laws,
the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Thursday that free-speech rights permit
groups like corporations and labor unions to directly spend on
political campaigns, prompting the White House to pledge "forceful"
action to undercut the decision.
Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the main opinion, which reads in part
that there is "no basis for allowing the government to limit corporate
independent expenditures."

"There is no basis for the proposition that, in the political speech
context, the government may impose restrictions on certain disfavored
speakers," he wrote. "The government may regulate corporate speech
through disclaimer and disclosure requirements, but it may not
suppress that speech altogether."

Dissenters included Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor.

"The notion that the First Amendment dictated [today's ruling] is, in
my judgment, profoundly misguided," Stevens wrote for the others.

"In the context of election to public office, the distinction between
corporate and human speakers is significant. Although they make
enormous contributions to our society, corporations are not actually
members of it," he added.

Stevens' commentary brings to question what apparently has already
been decided, that a corporation is an individual, endowed by its
maker with certain inalienable rights.

What i can't verify, but think i've read, is that limits in terms of
direct contribution to a candidate, or perhaps party, by corporations
or unions is not affected. The ruling applies to spending (and
certainly spending money is a form of free speech[???]) independent of
the campaign. So that the AFofL-CIO can run commercials supporting
"their" candidate; Pfizer can fund Swiftboat Medics Against Socialised
Medicine & their advertisements. And dudley LLC can throw vast sums of
money in our quadrennial effort to elect Harold Stassen.

NE1 who unnastans this stuff better than me (which isn't hard) feel
free to chime in.

> The economy is not a force of nature; it is a carefully controlled
> game. Just like politics.

True that.

What is a force of nature is a mighty wind that breaks mountains.

But not remove them. Only faith can do that. And though I have all
faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am

> > I'm just waiting for the young folks to figure out where they're
> > going. They don't seem much to be sure.
> The girls want to be hot, the boys want to be cool and they all want
> to sit around and get real paid.
> Just like on VH1.

Probably true that, largely.

It dismays me to some extent what i see. At least in the "60s", flawed
as they were, we masked our lust and greed in peace, love and granola,
which lent an air of noble idealism to our endeavour.

Youth is wasted on the wrong people.

> The sun is setting and we are running out of time to drive a stake
> through the heart of the vampires that sucked this land and its people
> dry.

Friend, it's never that bad off.

In a general paraquote from Harry S Truman in Merle Miller's "Plain
Speaking": "Things will work out alright. They always seem to."

Breaking windly,


Jan 22, 2010, 4:46:32 AM1/22/10

Thanks, friend, for taking the time to reply.

That said, and i hope it doesn't drive a wedge between us, i find Bono
insufferable. It's probably a shortcoming on my part.

Yes, redemption is an economic term, if yer focused on economics,
which is not a force of nature.

It's also a rap duo and a Goth band.

But certainly Bono's right, and i'm certain he is.

The etymology: "from L. redemptionem (nom. redemptio) "a buying back,
releasing, ransoming," from redemptus, pp. of redimere "to redeem, buy
back," from re- "back" + emere "to take, buy, gain, procure".

'Round the 14thC Anno Domini it decidedly gained a theologycal cast as
to deliverance from sin, best thought to my mind dylanically, regard
warMasters "all the money you've made will never buy back your soul".

Of course, it's always something, it's never nothing.

I remember when i was a child my parents would go to stores,
particularly grocery stores, and they would receive S&H Green Stamps,
in an amount commensurate with their purchase.

They'd then take these stamps, lick the backs of them, and paste them
into a book. This was usually done on an irregular basis, and they
would use my childish tongue to lick them. It made me feel useful like
i was making a contribution.

When they had enough books of stamps gathered, they'd take them to an
S&H redemption center and exchange them, or buy back, a material
object; e.g. a table lamp, or the table to put it on.

That said furthur, if it's not one thing, it's another.

To my larger understanding, i can only think in terms of me, so for me
redemption is personal, in the sense, or hope, that i can alter my
self such as to "expiate" my flaws and make better an individual than
my nature has previously displayed.

That is obviously tied up in ego, and its release.

That said finally, Here's bob marley (whom i find sufferable):

& While i suffer gladly U2's contribution of "Jesus Christ" to A
Vision Shared, i'd prefer Brian Wilson's "Goodnight Irene" with its
wall of sound. Sadly i find no U2B of it, hence substitute "Heroes &

The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe:

Bob Dylan - From A Buick 6 from Dimestore Medicine (1966):

Brian Wilson - God Only Knows - Live Video - 2003:

Bob Dylan-God Knows-Woodstock 1994 *I wasn't there!*"

Frankie Laine - That Lucky Old Sun:

Bob Dy­lan -​ Tom Pet­ty -​ Lucky Old Sun -​ Re­hearsal:

& Rememem, remememember: Wherever you go, there you are.

Redemptively yrs,


Jan 22, 2010, 5:45:07 AM1/22/10
Dear friend,

Um well, not entirely, but it does possibly explain a lot.

btw god bless helen gurley brown.

Now i have to wonder if it wasn't his pickup-driving image that won
him the seat, but rather his beefcake sexist image from days of old.

Talk about sexual objectification. I find this as offensive as the
pinup image from CitH.

of course deep in my heart i do believe

>            ~`~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Brooooce "Old Dan Tucker":

Bruce Springsteen - Old Dan Tucker:

Old Dan Tucker (porch music):

Ensemble We Shall Overcome:

AMERICAN MASTERS | Pete Seeger: The Power of Song | PBS:

Ole Dan Tucker by Pete Seeger:


Jan 22, 2010, 8:42:29 PM1/22/10
On Jan 22, 5:45 am, Dr_dudley <> wrote:

> Dear friend,

Greetings and Salutations backatcha dudely,


> > > Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a 5%
> > > margin.
> > > Does England still swing like a pudendum do?


> > Um.  You mean like this?...

> >

. . .

> Now i have to wonder if it wasn't his pickup-driving image that won
> him the seat, but rather his beefcake sexist image from days of old.

I'd say it all has to do with what you're buying... into.

> Talk about sexual objectification. I find this as offensive as the
> pinup image from CitH.

Ah well, I think you're funnin' me here, but still and all it is a
fascinating thing.

Scott Brown's Republican Party would have thrown Sarah Palin back into
the sea if she had been outted as a previous centerfold, because none
of the registered voters would have taken her seriously... and the
Democrats would have laughed her out of town.

If Barack Obama had posed nude for Cosmo, you can betcha he wouldn't
have made it to the Senate, let alone to the Oval Office.

Scott Brown is already coyly deflecting questions about running for
President in 2012. Well... let's see what a man who enjoys being
photographed & published in the nude and winning beauty contests
offers for substance to the Senate. After all, Arnold seems to be
doing okay in California.

>               }+{
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

For those of you who are not offended by YouTubing
(remember, you can always just shoot the damn thing out)


Jan 24, 2010, 12:37:38 PM1/24/10
On Jan 22, 8:42 pm, Janice <> wrote:

> On Jan 22, 5:45 am, Dr_dudley <> wrote:
> > > > Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a 5%
> > > > margin.
> > > > Does England still swing like a pudendum do?

> > > Um.  You mean like this?...

> > >

But wait, there's more.


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