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Yoko Ono on Jihadi John: 'I won't let ISIS destroy the memory of John Lennon or The Beatles'

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Jul 6, 2015, 1:15:13 PM7/6/15
Yoko Ono on Jihadi John: 'I won't let ISIS destroy the memory of John Lennon or The Beatles'

Yoko Ono has commented on alleged ISIS terrorist Mohammed Emwazi, who has been dubbed 'Jihadi John' after acquiring his nickname from late Beatle John Lennon.

In February, intelligence forces revealed that the Kuwait-born Emwazi is the man behind the Jihadi John guise, who is thought to be responsible for the beheadings of many Westerners.

Emwazi and a group of fellow Islamic State members are said to have been nicknamed John, Paul, George and Ringo by prisoners, making reference to the four members of The Beatles.

Speaking to The Observer about the use of her late husband's name, Ono said: "I thought that was very distasteful... I'm not going to let them destroy [the memory of] John Lennon or The Beatles."

The activist, musician and artist added that she still remains hopeful about the possibility of world peace. She commented: "I think you can be cynical about these things. It's going to work although it might take some time.

"I don't like to use the word optimistic because that sounds like it's not really true, but I think we're actually on the road to world peace."

Previously, Beatles drummer Ringo Starr criticised the nickname, saying: "It's bullshit. What [ISIS] are doing out there is against everything The Beatles stood for.

"If we stood for anything we never stood for that. The four of us absolutely stood for peace and love."

P-Dub: I appreciate Yoko's comments on this subject. ISIS is anti-Beatles.

Home Guard Chris

Jul 6, 2015, 2:31:54 PM7/6/15
On 06/07/2015 18:15, P-Dub wrote:
> Yoko Ono on Jihadi John: 'I won't let ISIS destroy the memory of John Lennon or The Beatles'


The second half of the article is actually much more interesting. It's
Paul talking about his frustration at John's elevation above his fellow
Beatles and being held as a martyr. Why didn't you quote it? I'm not
sure Paul's ever discussed this particular revisionism so candidly before:

Meanwhile, Paul McCartney recently admitted that he felt "frustrated" by
the change in public perception of John Lennon following his death.
Lennon passed away aged just 40 in December 1980 after being shot
outside his New York apartment. The Beatles had been split since 1970.

Speaking in a new interview with Esquire, McCartney said of his former
band: "We knew we were different. We knew we were something other groups
weren't: Lennon's skill, intelligence, acerbic wit, McCartney's melody,
whatever he's got, Harrison's spirituality, Ringo's spirit of fun, great
drumming. We all played, which is pretty hard."

He continued: "Post-Beatles George did his record, John did his, I did
mine, Ringo did his. We were equal. When John got shot, aside from the
pure horror of it, the lingering thing was, OK, well now John's a
martyr. A JFK.

"So what happened was, I started to get frustrated because people
started to say, 'Well, he was The Beatles'. And me, George and Ringo
would go, 'Er, hang on. It's only a year ago we were all equal-ish'.

"Yeah, John was the witty one, sure. John did a lot of great work, yeah.
And post-Beatles he did more great work, but he also did a lot of
not-great work. Now the fact that he's now martyred has elevated him to
a James Dean, and beyond.

"So whilst I didn't mind that - I agreed with it - I understood that now
there was going to be revisionism. It was going to be: John was the one."

^ My band - feedback always welcome ^


Jul 6, 2015, 5:25:29 PM7/6/15
"Home Guard Chris" <> wrote in message
Still insecure after all these years.


Jul 6, 2015, 6:59:37 PM7/6/15
Totally agree with Paul, makes perfect sense.

Seamus Aardvaarko

Jul 6, 2015, 7:01:15 PM7/6/15
On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 2:31:54 PM UTC-4, Home Guard Chris wrote:
>The second half of the article is actually much more interesting. It's
>Paul talking about his frustration at John's elevation above his
>fellow Beatles and being held as a martyr. Why didn't you quote it?

Because the racist P-Douche is obsessed with Yoko Ono. He is not a
Beatles fan, he is a hater of Yoko Ono.


Jul 6, 2015, 8:51:10 PM7/6/15
On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 2:31:54 PM UTC-4, Home Guard Chris wrote:
This "revelation" of Paul's about John is nothing new. Periodically, he's mentioned Lennon as a martyr (he once referred to John's martyrdom as "St Martin Luther Lennon")since the late 1980s when all the Beatles related books started coming out.

What he usually adds towards the end of his frustration vent is that Lennon would be quite against any "martyr memory" of him. So, he's not blaming John(really, how could he?).

Jack Ryan

Jul 6, 2015, 9:00:52 PM7/6/15
On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 1:15:13 PM UTC-4, P-Dub wrote:
>P-Dub: I appreciate Yoko's comments on this subject. ISIS is anti

What a crock of shit. The biggest racist of the
Yokotards "appreciating" something she says. Like we are supposed to
believe that load of dung?

Nobody's buying it. In fact you probably spent the night tweeting out
Hiroshima messages after last nights win.


Jul 7, 2015, 11:40:21 AM7/7/15
On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 1:15:13 PM UTC-4, P-Dub wrote:
I am surprised by this story. To me, John is like "John Doe" in this context and I had believed Jihadi John was simply a John Doe who was not yet identified.

M C hammered

Jul 7, 2015, 2:25:15 PM7/7/15
Yes they did, Marcus my dear ole friend. Yes they did. And I'm sure you'll agree wid me Mista Charlie that thing's aint nebba been quite the same since those "books" came out. Things have changed -- ang not ferdda betta. Where once their rained brite shimrinnen lub, now lurk's eble disgusterin hate. Hatred of woman...of ott...of the Agein' of the eldalily. And as the books of incresed, the hate of increased, turnin our blovered RM-friggin-B into a zone of war an terra.

Marcus, my Mista Charlie's dear oloe freng, lets smoke some reefa and happily recall those peaceful blisserful days of peace and bliss before the word "book" was ebba know'd. Lets ermemba those day's fondly my friend, for they may nebba come again.

And now a special word to those of who feel as if the readin of books, an the quoterin ovim, and the discutchin of em is perfickly fine. I wancha ta know that I Mista Charliee see into your heart. Your sole. And I undastan. Yes I undastan. No, I don't read books. Nebba have, nebba will. I am too moral a person. I am too decent and too loverin. But I undastan you read and dicksuss books cuzza you think it's "cool". Its a faze, you insist. Its all just a bit o fun. A bitta youfful erbellium iffa ya will.

But be foewoned. Once day as you is readerin, be it Ping or Siemen, Goldwin or Darburg, one o these days as youse plotterin yo next rampage of hate, you gonna feel a little tap on yo sholda.

"Is it Jesus"? You will wonda.

Then you turn round.

And no, it ain't Jesus.

Instead, what you see, is a stoopered eldaly feller, his close long unchanged, his eyes glassy an empty, his face saggy an wrinkled, ratha like some dejectered houndog. An also you may notice his oily Tom Selleck mupstach. Big saggy jowls, an breff like decades o reefa mixed wid warm flat malt licka. And from his face their dangles one o the biggest most forbidden toothpicks ya ebba firkin seed.

And that man is gonna be ME.


Nuff said

Eric Ramon

Jul 7, 2015, 2:29:28 PM7/7/15
On Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 8:40:21 AM UTC-7, topazgalaxy wrote:

> I am surprised by this story. To me, John is like "John Doe" in this context and I had believed Jihadi John was simply a John Doe who was not yet identified.

no, it was a specific reference to the Beatles.

But on the other hand it's generic. It's like calling a smart person "Einstein". Yoko doesn't need to worry. Just like Einstein's reputation isn't hurt by all the sarcastic usages of his name ("you're a regular Einstein") so John's reputation isn't affected by anyone referring to any British person as "John" (or "Ringo", which is, I think, more common).

nowhere man

Jul 7, 2015, 4:08:21 PM7/7/15
jtees4 <> wrote in

>>"So what happened was, I started to get frustrated because people
>>started to say, 'Well, he was The Beatles'. And me, George and Ringo
>>would go, 'Er, hang on. It's only a year ago we were all equal-ish'.
>>"Yeah, John was the witty one, sure. John did a lot of great work,
>>yeah. And post-Beatles he did more great work, but he also did a lot
>>of not-great work. Now the fact that he's now martyred has elevated
>>him to a James Dean, and beyond.
>>"So whilst I didn't mind that - I agreed with it - I understood that
>>now there was going to be revisionism. It was going to be: John was
>>the one."
> Totally agree with Paul, makes perfect sense.

absolutely. Paul is spot on.

Firstly, John, and this was always predictable, because of his murder,
would be turned into a martyr (like JFK, Ghandi, Martin Luther King,

And secondly, John would have been very much against this.

The fab four were fab. We don't need to see one being elevated, at the
cost of the others.

Mind you, the same holds true for the knighthood thing. I was
disappointed that Paul did not hold out - and tell the Palace, that it
was knighthoods for all three (at the same time), or none for him.

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Jul 8, 2015, 9:46:14 AM7/8/15
I am surprised by so many things, especially penises. To me, John is
like "John Doe" in this context and I am like a deer in the headlights
believing Jihadi John was simply a John Doe who was not yet circumcised.


Jul 8, 2015, 10:05:39 AM7/8/15
I think Yoko should offer to sleep with the jihadists in Syria to convince them to be peaceful. She suggested in the past that if she were a Jewish gal, she would sleep with Hitler.

C'mon, Yoko. do it for peace!


Jul 8, 2015, 2:59:09 PM7/8/15
She really said that? That's a bizarre thing to say. Must have found John's stash that day.

P-Dub: Yoko was not harmed by this post

Seamus Aardvarkowitz

Jul 8, 2015, 5:49:30 PM7/8/15
On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 10:05:39 AM UTC-4, Fattuchus Dumbkopf
>I think Yoko should offer to sleep with the jihadists in Syria to
>convince them to be peaceful. She suggested in the past that if she
>were a Jewish gal, she would sleep with Hitler.

Such a stupid comment typical of the psychotic and irrational thought
pattern of a Yokotard. Evidently you are too stupid and emotionally
crippled to even understand the significance of Yoko's statement.

All you can imagine is hate.

> C'mon, Yoko. do it for peace!

You're just pissed because you couldn't get a piece of Lennon and she
did. You're just a bitter, dried up old hag.

M C hammered

Jul 9, 2015, 8:00:42 AM7/9/15
Yes fokes who know's what woulda happerned iffa da Yoke had gotten her wish ta sleep wid Hitla, unveilin her masdive gangin durian bombs and doin the Kiss Kiss Kiss all oba him. Prolly the whirl today as we know it, would be quite a much more peacerful lubberin an book-free place. But alas Yoke died before Hitla so the whirl will nebba know.

Now, as many of you are well awaya, I Mista Charlie tried ta tush Yoke once, ereckshim bloomerin from my pance like a wile sumac blossom, but thankfully shleta'd from view by my trusty Sony tape ercida. (In the DeeJay whirl, dey usta call my "Hi Teck Chuck.)" But as I stretched my ahm and reached towid's her, finga's all moist an fluttery, Yoke grimaced, flinched, and pulled away. Between you an me fokes, I somewhat hurt. She wants ta HAVE SEX wid Hitla, but she won't even TUSH me Mista Charlie??? Does Hitla have a Tom Selleck mustash people?? Does Hitla hab a toothpick? Does Hitla go round widda Sony tape ercoda on his frikkin lap???

Nuff said


Jul 10, 2015, 4:04:14 AM7/10/15
She indeed did say something like that at the Toronto bed-in for peace, that to prevent war, she would have gone to bed with Hitler. She took the concept of 'make love not war" literally I suppose. What she forgot is that powerful violent men can "make love" or take it violently, and still make war.
Look at the Middle East today

Maybe she should try her method with one of the religious leaders of Iran, see how far she gets.

M C hammered

Jul 10, 2015, 8:27:09 AM7/10/15
Foke's everone allways likes talkerin bout Yoke sayi how she wanted to do the ole Kiss Kiss Kiss wid Hitla, a consep mush belovered among Yokes boundless Jewerish disiple's. But I Mista Charlie of an idear, quite scientific I mite ad, which quite simply statered is this as follers: <clear's throaght dermaticly>: Mebbe Yoke DID do the ole Kiss Kiss Kiss wid all dese whirl leada's!!! An like, dat's da only reason our mush bllovered plennid Urf aint awreddy blowered ta smithereen's!!!

Science, people, science.


Jul 15, 2015, 12:38:15 AM7/15/15
On Tue, 7 Jul 2015 20:08:14 +0000 (UTC), nowhere man
<> wrote:

>jtees4 <> wrote in
>Firstly, John, and this was always predictable, because of his murder,
>would be turned into a martyr (like JFK, Ghandi, Martin Luther King,
>And secondly, John would have been very much against this.
>The fab four were fab. We don't need to see one being elevated, at the
>cost of the others.
>Mind you, the same holds true for the knighthood thing. I was
>disappointed that Paul did not hold out - and tell the Palace, that it
>was knighthoods for all three (at the same time), or none for him.
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

There's been more than enough kicking of Lennon's corpse over the
years to counteract any martyrdom of him. And it's typical McCartney
to demonstrate his continuing insecurity.

nowhere man

Jul 15, 2015, 5:55:33 PM7/15/15
rwalker <> wrote in

> There's been more than enough kicking of Lennon's corpse over the
> years to counteract any martyrdom of him. And it's typical McCartney
> to demonstrate his continuing insecurity.

apart from Albert Goldman, some 25 years ago, when has there been any
"kicking of Lennon's corpse" ?

One doesn't have to favour John or Paul. You can love them both.

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Jul 16, 2015, 2:18:41 AM7/16/15
"rwalker" <> wrote in message

> There's been more than enough kicking of Lennon's corpse over the
> years to counteract any martyrdom of him. And it's typical McCartney
> to demonstrate his continuing insecurity.

Wow. I thought I was the only one who saw this in Paul's remarks.


Jul 16, 2015, 4:07:50 AM7/16/15

> She really said that? That's a bizarre thing to say. Must have found John's stash that day.
> P-Dub: Yoko was not harmed by this post

Yes, the idiot really said that.

Eric Ramon

Jul 16, 2015, 10:48:36 PM7/16/15
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 9:38:15 PM UTC-7, wrote:

> There's been more than enough kicking of Lennon's corpse over the
> years to counteract any martyrdom of him. And it's typical McCartney
> to demonstrate his continuing insecurity.

I disagree. The headline writers make it seem like Paul just blurted this out, as if to say whatever it is you think he said.


Jul 21, 2015, 9:49:52 PM7/21/15
Agreed, just like the Yahoo news summaries with their leading headlines that are either gross exaggerations or bald-faced lies.
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