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7DRL: 2419RL

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Mar 10, 2012, 3:02:54 PM3/10/12
All engines are go!

Programming this for android devices, using the Droid Incredible 2 as my primary test device.

Wish me luck!

Adam Piskel

Mar 11, 2012, 3:35:54 AM3/11/12
Well, day one is coming to a close, and here's a screenshot of my progress ( Button scaling never got in, but I know how to go about it now, and put in appropriate notes in the comments for if/when I want to tackle it. Map scrolling works correctly and there's collision. It's a little behind what I had hoped to get done for the day, but it certainly looks good on the phone.

Tomorrow my main focus to begin with is changing the map structure and working on saving and loading maps. If I have some time, get some bad guys running around. I think since I'm dealing with such a small amount of tile space, I don't think I'm going to implement los for the player's view, but certainly attacks and enemies will follow A* los rules. I've implemented that before, so it should be pretty simple to do again.

There's also a lot of cruft that needs to be cut out due to me playing around in the beginning with getting the framework working. I'm less certain of being able to get that cleaned out before the end of day seven, but it's still worrisome. I don't want to accidentally break anything after all.

Adam Piskel

Mar 12, 2012, 4:51:36 AM3/12/12
Coming in a little late tonight on Day Two. I blame Daylight Savings Time. Today I got more or less done what I set out to do-- more in that I got Line of Sight working beautifully. Less in that map saving and loading isn't completely finished. Random map generation barely made it in. That's what I spent this last hour debugging. I'm still not 100% it works the way I want it to. I need to put in the minimap feature I think to truly test it, but for now, it works well enough in that it makes rooms and hallways. It also makes doors, which I don't really support yet, which is what those weird couple of blocks that look just like out of vision range dirt tiles in the attached picture on Google Plus (

Really, I spent more time than I should have on LOS stuff, but I did also get notes blocked out for the inventory screen and started on handling objects, both mobs and things the player can interact with, in the code. Oh, and as evidenced by the screenshot, I changed the view a bit. Now it's 10x10 of 48x48 tiles instead of 7x7 of 64x64 tiles. A big improvement especially once the LOS got added in. Oh, and the generic pink player character turned into a purple space explorer with a purple space pistol.

Tomorrow I go back to work, so no clue on how much I will be able to get done. Map loading/saving is still on the plate and Objects are the next hurdle to tackle. I should do Mobs/Monsters before inventory shenanigans, but I might want to do Items first, just to get the UI working for it, being able to bring up the inventory screen and assign items to the two action buttons and so on.

I'm afraid at this point, with five days left, that that menu button in the bottom left may never have functionality.

Adam Piskel

Mar 13, 2012, 1:37:17 PM3/13/12
No update last night? Yeah-- I got very little done at work (cleaned up some of the map generation code that was drawing certain walls wrong) and I pretty much just crashed when I got home. So, there's not a lot different with the screenshot today. ( I pretty much have the same goals from yesterday, today, with the addition of getting doors a graphic and working, which is a relatively small task compared to some of the other things that still need to get done.

I'm a little worried and should've requested a day or two off work this week, but I really thought I'd be able to get more done at work (minor tweaks and additions) and certainly more when I got home.

Friday night is gonna be hell.


Mar 13, 2012, 3:49:14 PM3/13/12
I've got an Incredible too as well as a Kindle Fire (you can sideload
non Amazon market apps on it). Looking forward to it! ^_^

Adam Piskel

Mar 13, 2012, 3:58:07 PM3/13/12
On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 12:49:14 PM UTC-7, NeedsFoodBadly wrote:
> I've got an Incredible too as well as a Kindle Fire (you can sideload
> non Amazon market apps on it). Looking forward to it! ^_^

I've got a couple of other devices to test on, but I've only spot checked the EVO 3D in addition to my Incredible.

Adam Piskel

Mar 14, 2012, 4:16:24 AM3/14/12
What's this? ( A minimap? Yessssssss. It looks like that crazy button in the lower left hand corner has a purpose, now. I may still be singing the same song about not getting enough done, but I certainly got some important stuff done today. Worked on objects a lot, now I just need to get them added them to maps. Spent some time trying to fix the last map "feature" which is doors appearing between two paths instead of only between rooms, or between a room and a path. Didn't manage to get it working like I wanted it to.

There is a debug feature with the map right now, where tapping it reveals the whole thing, and tapping again brings it back to only the tiles the player has seen. You cannot move in mini-map mode and you can't see objects.

I really, really need a day. Just one more day to concentrate full-force on the game. It looks like Friday evening is the only long stretch (I have until Saturday noon!) of time I'll have. I'm likely not going to get much done tomorrow night, and hopefully I get a good chunk finished Thursday night.

Wish me luck!


Mar 15, 2012, 2:24:37 AM3/15/12
Good luck!

Adam Piskel

Mar 15, 2012, 2:47:26 AM3/15/12
As expected, today I didn't get that much done. However, and this is a big however, I did finally get objects in the game, and working. There's now doors and one enemy type. Combat isn't done yet, and the character doesn't have a weapon to attack with-- so there's still a way to go. A big block right now is graphics. I need to spend some time doing up the graphics for the game icon, the inventory screen, and the splash/title screen. Plus, the items themselves need graphics, and so do additional enemies.

Not to mention all the coding that surrounds all of that. Hopefully I can get a chunk done tomorrow night, but it's shaping up that I might pull an all-nighter on Friday to get things out the door before noon Saturday.

As always, check out the pictures I post here:

Adam Piskel

Mar 15, 2012, 2:58:27 AM3/15/12
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:24:37 PM UTC-7, Mosenzov wrote:
> Good luck!

Message has been deleted

Adam Piskel

Mar 17, 2012, 2:12:20 PM3/17/12

The [i] key and the [b] key are non-operational. The [a] key brings up a targeting cursor and fires your weapon.

Known Issues:
-resuming a game after exiting via the home button causes the application to crash.

Post-Mortem soon to follow.

Adam Piskel

Mar 17, 2012, 2:44:59 PM3/17/12
It's less than an hour until my 7 days are up, so I pushed the button, signed the application, and I'm releasing it into the wild. ( The Inventory and B buttons are non-operational, and the A button is used both to activate Targeting Mode and to Fire. It's more of a toy than a game at this point. I'm not really sure I can call it a challenge success, but I'm glad I got this far.

There's still a lot missing. There's no ending, the player cannot be hurt. The game has a default icon and no splash/title screen, the outdoor terrain uses a single graphic instead of pulling from a variety of tiles. The inventory system was never completed, items are not generated, and the A&B buttons cannot be assigned. The game cannot be saved. And I only got to test it on two real devices. I'd be curious to see what it looks like on other devices-- and if there are any it plain doesn't work on. I have my suspicions on minimum screen requirements, for example.

All in all, I learned some valuable things about how much time I can really devote to a 7 day programming challenge and about how valuable it is to have a good plan before hand. While that second part might look like it was a negative, it was actually something I succeeded on quite well. I had diagramed out the UI beforehand and knew what the basic game flow was going to be. I still ended up with three or four classes that never got used, and needed to rewrite certain functions a two or three times, but all in all, the game looks like I had mostly planned it to. I know I started out with a closer zoomed in look on the tiles and had no LOS code planned, but in the end the decision to use smaller tiles and LOS was the correct one.

I also learned that I still haven't found a best image editor for my macbook. Even in this screenshot you can see that the green on the doors does not match the green on the walls, and the cursor purple is different than the player purple. Apparently when loading a saved png with seashore, the color gets washed out for some reason. And I learned that I work best in a quiet room, sitting at a desk or table, hopefully with (but not necessarily) a couple of other people also programming. I sort of already knew this from the Yachtclub, (a 2-day programming jam) but as I was doing a lot of coding this week on the train, at home, and even a little at work, it became even more apparent what my ideal environment was. I was shocked sometimes at how much got accomplished on the train.

Even if I may not have a full game right now-- I think I might tinker on this some more at some point later. Certainly not later this day, or later this week. Possibly later in the month and beyond that-- further development becomes more likely. There's still features I want to implement and test out and find out how long it would actually take to get it to where I imagined I could within the original 7 days. In terms of coding time, not actual time.

Taking away from this 7DRL, I certainly know that next time I want to keep track of coding time. I didn't do it this time and didn't even think about it until I was two days in. Next time I'll also want to schedule a day or two off of work. And-- hopefully next time I won't stress myself out too much. I apologize again to anyone who I was terse or cranky with this past week, and now that I can get some rest, I should be back to my everyday pleasant self. Also, next time I'll likely participate in the community blog ( as well.

Finally, for anyone who tries this out, please send me your feedback, bug reports, or thoughts. Either as a reply here on r.g.d.r. , in my G+ post ( or just emailing me on gmail at apiskel.

Adam Piskel

Mar 17, 2012, 2:49:55 PM3/17/12
On Saturday, March 17, 2012 11:12:20 AM UTC-7, Adam Piskel wrote:
> On Saturday, March 10, 2012 12:02:54 PM UTC-8, Adam Piskel wrote:
> > All engines are go!
> >
> > Programming this for android devices, using the Droid Incredible 2 as my primary test device.
> >
> > Wish me luck!
> The [i] key and the [b] key are non-operational. The [a] key brings up a targeting cursor and fires your weapon.

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