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My first Expo: Cool, but maybe a little disapointed

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skippy church

Oct 22, 2011, 8:11:47 PM10/22/11

So, I enjoyed my first expo, but was hoping for certain games to be
there that I have never played like GNR, Creature, Monster Bash, TOTAN,
and so on. Still good selection, but...

Many of the games I couldn't enjoy because the sound was off, while
other games were booming. Found a few surprises, however. I really
enjoyed Pinbot! Also very impressed by Frankenstein, too.

Also, many of the games were in somewhat poor condition. I was
surprised, but I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own

Hope to go again next year. Hopefully more games that I want to check
out will be there :)

skippy church
This USENET post sent from

terrell fanniel

Oct 22, 2011, 8:38:47 PM10/22/11
i do agree

Sunset Pinball

Oct 22, 2011, 8:47:14 PM10/22/11
> Also, many of the games were in somewhat poor condition. I was
> surprised, but I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own
> collection.

Out of your own collection, which games did you bring?

Christopher Stinebrink

Oct 22, 2011, 8:51:40 PM10/22/11
On Oct 22, 7:11 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
Hey skippy,

Yeah I find that with any show. It's a catch 22. Bring a game get
in free. Doesn't mean it has to be in great condition or working.
Plus would you bring your super sweet tricked out game to a place
where it will be played for 4 days and played hard. A lot of people
treat them like they would treat a rental car. Beat on it because
it's not theirs. I hate saying that but I watch it happen all the
time at shows. Unfortunately with the pin room being small and
enclosed it gets very loud in there. You will see many with ear plugs
in or listening to their IPOD's

I think Expo is also a victim of there also being a lot of other shows
in the Midwest. Plenty of shows in MI, MGC in Milwaukee and so on.
Many just travel for a day or so to Expo and then bring out their pins
to the shows that are closer to home.

Don't get me wrong I really enjoy Expo every year but I also can only
come for one day so it's hard for me to bring a game or to for those
to play.

I'm in Southern WI. Your more than welcome to come by and play my
CFTBL, GNR, R&B, Southpark and others. Some of mine aren't collector
quality but they all work which is the main thing.

skippy church

Oct 22, 2011, 9:10:59 PM10/22/11
My first expo, and I had no idea what's going on, and you ask if I
brought one of mine? Are you just stupid or being an asshole?

Your first time, how many of yours did YOU bring?

And yes, I'm being an asshole asking you that.

I guess the ones that disappointed me most in being poor shape are the
ones that were for sale at way too much money. I found myself
apologizing to my friend who just got into pins about two or three
months ago over the condition. I kept saying "this one's really good,
you gotta trust me" and "if we ever see this somewhere else, you will
have to play it again." I guess that was my point.

But yeah, I understand not wanting to bring super nice ones for people
to bet the crap out of. Double edged sword.


Oct 22, 2011, 9:42:51 PM10/22/11
what ones were in good and bad shape in your opinion? I know mine were
in excellent shape

Christopher Stinebrink

Oct 22, 2011, 9:44:18 PM10/22/11
On Oct 22, 8:10 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
Well hopefully your friend still sees the potential. I actually love
going to play the EM's. Last time I was at the Vegas pin museum I
almost only played the EM's. It's just so cool to see them all
lined up. Well hopefully you and your friend will have a chance to
make it to one of the other shows in the area


Oct 22, 2011, 9:59:40 PM10/22/11
On Oct 22, 8:44 pm, Christopher Stinebrink <>
> make it to one of the other shows in the area- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I actually like this years better than years past. .. Especially the
pin selection! Thank you, whomever brought the Zacs! Man, I have to
get me one of those (Robot)!

My only complaints (minor) were to the people that bring kids - please
make sure they finish the game. I saw this a half dozen times today w/
the pin in play, idle...
And number 2, can we make it if a pin is sold or being sold to at
least have it stay till the majority of Saturday or Sunday morning...
if it's possible.

Sunset Pinball

Oct 22, 2011, 10:17:51 PM10/22/11
On Oct 22, 8:10 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
Skippy, sorry to set you off, I wasn't trying to be stupid or an A-
hole. I feel that these shows are as good as the games that pinheads
like you and I bring. That being said, I didn't bring one this year
but thoroughly enjoyed the machines that were there and available to

You were right, that Pinbot was in great condition and was really

I'll be at the MGC in March, maybe we can both bring a machine and
play doubles.

Your Mods R Ugly

Oct 22, 2011, 10:21:34 PM10/22/11
If it was your very first show or you flew there or you do not have/could not get pin transportation, it's understandable not to bring pins.
But to express disappointment with what others brought comes off a bit rude.
I have not been to expo since 07, but it has always been my experience that some of the games that people brought were quite nice. Some people certainly bring their best games. And usually there are some unique pins.


skippy church

Oct 22, 2011, 11:17:40 PM10/22/11

I will say this. I'm pro LEDs. I love 'em. I love almost everything
about them. HOWEVER, many of the machines there were just so over the
top for me. That Spider Man was in fine fine shape, but had crazy colors
under things that really shouldn't have been. Green under plastics that
would have shown off better colors had there been normal light under
there. Red over there and there for no reason. And don't get me started
on the color changers. On some they looked great. BSD's back glass
really impressed me. However, the rest of the over the top blues on the
play field didn't.

Many could have been tastefully done, but seems like they were just
blinding. :(


Oct 22, 2011, 11:22:53 PM10/22/11

This was my first time going to Expo as well. I actually had 2 machines
in my vehicle I would have been more than happy to take in and let
people play but I also had no idea what was going on or what to expect.
Also I was only there Friday night. I too thought the selection of pins
was a little slim and alot were broke down but it was still cool to see
what was there and I found the next pin i'm going to pursue getting. It
was a beautiful Pinball Magic that was against the back wall I fell in
love with. Also we got to play a couple of MM's that was there always
enjoy playing those. Played a nice Apollo 13 which was cool I always
wondered about that one. Played a very nice and very fast Lost World.
Played an interesting game of LOST. Also played the AFM with the color
DMD which was very cool. My son was very interested in a gun game but it
didn't have any credits on it so he never got to play I swear he made me
walk past that thing 15 times. There were a bunch of other nice machines
we did play as well but those are the ones that I remember off hand. All
in all it was everything I expected and myself and my son certainly
enjoyed ourselves. I only wish I had more money with me as there were
alot of good prices on parts and other stuff I really don't need :)

OOHHH and lets not forget the kick ass Transformers launch party!!! I
have to say I loved the game so far can't wait for my LE. I only got to
play 3 games all night because the lines were quite long but it was fast
and very fun. I loved the dots. It was hard to hear it well but the
sounds what I could hear were good.



Oct 22, 2011, 11:27:32 PM10/22/11
It seems the BSD back glass impressed alot of people
Does anyone have a video and what kit was installed?

Joe S

Oct 23, 2011, 12:00:41 AM10/23/11
Skippy- you can't go to one show and expect to play every game you've
ever wanted to. I thought there was a great variety of games....the
Zaccaria Time Machine was mint....Phoebe and Larry's games were sweet
(Varkon, Time Fantasy, and Star Light are all very rare).....just
about every recent Stern was there....a beautful Seawitch and an even
more spectacular Ali (Brian Bannon's)...... Some rare Data Easts like
Robo Cop and Monday Night Football, a whitewood TX Sector, a whitewood
Cirqus Voltaire, Excaliber, Dennis and Greg's 2 Big Juicy Melons
games, the custom Lost game, LED'd games, some EMs, some 90s games,

If your only interest is 90s Bally/Williams "A" titles I guess maybe
you could have been letdown. So many collectors have the big hitters
or have access to them that I think many don't care if they show up at
shows or not. You should really go to Pittsburgh for one of the two
Papa events. They have just about every dmd game made including all
of those on your wish list.

A big part of the Chicago Expo, its focus in fact is the industry
personel that show up, the seminars, etc. A few different
tournaments, a factory tour, the Transformers party, etc. Etc. Etc...

I think it was kick ass once again

Joe S

Oct 23, 2011, 12:02:44 AM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 11:27 pm, RomulusX <> wrote:
> On Oct 22, 10:17 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
> > I will say this. I'm pro LEDs. I love 'em. I love almost everything
> > about them. HOWEVER, many of the machines there were just so over the
> > top for me. That Spider Man was in fine fine shape, but had crazy colors
> > under things that really shouldn't have been. Green under plastics that
> > would have shown off better colors had there been normal light under
> > there. Red over there and there for no reason. And don't get me started
> > on the color changers. On some they looked great. BSD's back glass
> > really impressed me. However, the rest of the over the top blues on the
> > play field didn't.
> > Many could have been tastefully done, but seems like they were just
> > blinding. :(
> > --
> > skippy church
> > This USENET post sent from  http://rgparchive.comThe
> It seems the BSD back glass impressed alot of people
> Does anyone have a video and what kit was installed?

The BSD was Cointakers. It had color-changing LEDs behind the "love
never dies" under the dmd.


Oct 23, 2011, 12:20:47 AM10/23/11
This was my 10th Expo and I really enjoyed it. I thought the seminars
were awesome as well as the fireside chats. Great selection of games,
great quality of games and a awesome spread of vendors.
Having 5 Transfromers machines up since Thursday night, plus the launch
party was also awesome.. a tip of the hat to Marco and Stern.

Regarding the comments of kids starting games and then walking away;
I'm going to come to the defense of the kids for a second ! My 8 year
old was careful to start a game, finish a game then walk away, as were
other kids that I noticed. Every year, I'm amazed by the amount of
GROWNUPS that will:

a)start a 4 player game and play all slots by themselves.
b)restart a new game with people clearly standing in line to wait for
their turn (especially if a kid was the one waiting to play next)
c)People standing by the game they really want to play (an A title),
and waste their time on a title they don't want to play. The A title
comes open and they walk away from game they started and leave it not
finished. I try and make it habit of plunging the balls on games that I
would walk by that were just sitting there there on the 2nd or 3rd
ball; just to wrap the game up up for the owner and next player.

That all being said, I love Expo. The crowds, the constant variety of
games that show up every year. The decication and passion people bring
to the event. Given all the hard times going on in the world today,
it's just nice to see people get together, celebrate a fun & exotic
hobby and have a great weekend.

Thanks to all the people that came from near and far, to the people
that brought their games to be beat on for days on end, the vendors for
the merchandise and long days and our hosts Rob and Mike for another
great event. Can't wait till next year !

- Greg


Oct 23, 2011, 12:33:19 AM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 7:11 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
> So, I enjoyed my first expo, but was hoping for certain games to be
> there that I have never played like GNR, Creature, Monster Bash, TOTAN,
> and so on. Still good selection, but...
> Many of the games I couldn't enjoy because the sound was off, while
> other games were booming. Found a few surprises, however. I really
> enjoyed Pinbot! Also very impressed by Frankenstein, too.
> Also, many of the games were in somewhat poor condition. I was
> surprised, but I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own
> collection.
> Hope to go again next year. Hopefully more games that I want to check
> out will be there :)

First off, feel lucky. Long story short, I have been so busy and
crummy feeling that I didn't make it to Expo this year.

Having said that, all shows are different for the games brought. Some
people love showing off their pimped out games. Some people like
bringing rare titles. And some bring games that aren't in great shape
to sell. Also, a lot of the games that break happen because the games
are in nearly constant use for like 72 hours. That's hard on any
machine that isn't used to it.

What I love about Expo is that every year, there is generally at least
one or two games there that you probably won't see again nearly
anywhere. The protos and one-offs are especially cool.

And, you get to discover new games that you didn't realize were
awesome. Which, of course, can be a double-edged sword, as I have
ended up buying a few too many games after playing them first at Expo.

Man... it's making me wish I could cancel my real plans for tomorrow
and go. I think this is my first Expo in 10 years I didn't make it
to :(

John Wart, jr

Oct 23, 2011, 1:17:25 AM10/23/11
Nah, I think what is being said is you have no right to complain about
the games if you didn't bring one on your own.

That's true. It's why I don't complain about games at shows. Of course,
I was there for 2+ days and played I think 3 games the entire time?


Oct 23, 2011, 7:22:54 AM10/23/11
> > Out of your own collection, which games did you bring?
> My first expo, and I had no idea what's going on, and you ask if I
> brought one of mine? Are you just stupid or being an asshole?
> Your first time, how many of yours did YOU bring?
> > And yes, I'm being an asshole asking you that.

He didn't say YOU, he said you. YOU said YOU.

Mike Schudel

Oct 23, 2011, 8:23:14 AM10/23/11
I was the one who brought the Zac Time Machine. I have most of the DMD
games that I could have brought to expo, but I usually bring things that
most people never see or get a chance to play. That is my philosophy on
which game I bring. There are usually enought DMD games for people to play.
I love the diversity.

Mike S.
Kalamazoo, MI
W C S Owner's List:
Gameroom Video:


Oct 23, 2011, 8:49:12 AM10/23/11

I thought the main attraction of Expo was the seminars, at least that's
why I would be going. Its hard to truly enjoy and get to know games at
many shows due to the level of noise.

I'd like to make it to next year's Expo.



Highway Starr

Oct 23, 2011, 9:17:16 AM10/23/11

I was there for the first time this year too ...... Saturday only.
Overall had a nice time and bought a nice replacement backglass that i
desperately needed. I will say that I expected it to be BIGGER but
overall it was an enjoyable experience ..... I'll try it again next year
and catch the seminars and the Stern factory tour ......

Highway Starr



Oct 23, 2011, 9:45:06 AM10/23/11
I went with my son, my first expo also. We went Friday and roamed about, then played pinball from 10PM or so until about 4AM. We had a great time, and it was nice to see some new titles. I personally would like to see more of everything, and next year if I can stay til Sunday I'll bring a few games. The hotel and area were really nice, no complaints at all on the venue.

We got 3 games on Transformers, we both liked the theme and think it's a good title but it just didn't blow us away (in 3 games). We discussed that it may be a title that if you could spend a bit of time with would be fun to go through all the modes and such. We played on the whiteboard version in the showroom too, it had a bug or two but enjoyed it. I had one ball that seemed to last a half an hour.

We were both really disappointed that we didn't get a game on Tron. The only games were in the tournament area and neither of us is anywhere near playing in a tournament (as far as I know). Being so close to Stern I was hoping they'd just bring in a few dozen games and maybe make some sales in the process.

This was our first expo, next year we'll know what to expect, maybe get to stay longer and do more. This year Sunday (today) fell on my wife's birthday so we couldn't stay the weekend, perhaps the Expo planners could schedule around that next year, haha.

We also met Lloyd Olson (nice guy), sorry we missed your party!


Oct 23, 2011, 10:39:55 AM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 7:11 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
Don't go in expecting too much and you won't be dissapointed. Not
bringing games? Well there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Everyone that attends is contributing greatly by just showing up. I
bring a game or two sometimes and sometimes I just go to have fun and
not worry about my games. This year I didn't bring any but wait, this
is not really true...I bought a game on Thursday night, Eric As Black
Hole (I know there's a joke in here but please...)
He gave me the keys told me everything about the game then turned it
off like I was going to take it right then. I just said no, leave it
on, I'm leaving it here for the weekend. He looked surprised and
really a bit worried. I then told him I will take all responsibility
if it breaks down, and will not come back like a whiny bitch and
complain If I have to fix it. I understand the nature of the beast. I
could have taken it home but I hate seeing games being carted out the
first or second day so I left it. Some people don't have that option
becuase they have to leave, and I understand that as well but I'm
local so I just couldn't take the only working Black Hole out of
there. I hope it's still working when I get there this morning and I
will be taking it out kind of early today but I left it there for 4
days and feel good to contribute. I also feel good contributing by
just attending and really really appreciate everyones efforts bringing
games and even if I think gee this game need some help I would never
complain. It a lot of work tossing a few of these things in your glove
box and bringing them to a show!

There were at least 170 games there which is more than the last few
years and I was really happy with the selection.

Thank you everyone that contributed and attended!


Tom G WI

Oct 23, 2011, 11:01:06 AM10/23/11

Expo was FUN. There were some games tha were down/turned off but the
selection I thought was good and better than years past IMHO. 2 MMs,
AFM with the color DMD, the Whirlwind next to it was by far the nicest
looking one I hae ever seen, Skooter's POTC was very cool. Got to play
Breakshot, Zaccaria's Time Machine & Apollo 13 for the first time.
There were a lot of other games as well. I thought Transformers was
nice but needed something more which I'm sure will be apart of the LE
Thanks to all that brought games.

Tom G WI

J. Weaver Jr.

Oct 23, 2011, 11:46:49 AM10/23/11
homebrood wrote:

> I bought a game on Thursday night, Eric As Black
> Hole (I know there's a joke in here but please...)
> He gave me the keys told me everything about the game then turned it
> off like I was going to take it right then. I just said no, leave it
> on, I'm leaving it here for the weekend. He looked surprised and
> really a bit worried. I then told him I will take all responsibility
> if it breaks down, and will not come back like a whiny bitch and
> complain If I have to fix it. I understand the nature of the beast. I
> could have taken it home but I hate seeing games being carted out the
> first or second day so I left it. Some people don't have that option
> becuase they have to leave, and I understand that as well but I'm
> local so I just couldn't take the only working Black Hole out of
> there. I hope it's still working when I get there this morning and I
> will be taking it out kind of early today but I left it there for 4
> days and feel good to contribute.

That's awesome, Tom - on behalf of everyone, thanks! -JW

B Coney

Oct 23, 2011, 12:23:49 PM10/23/11
Well, this wasn't my first Expo, but I haven't been able to attend the
last three years so the last one I was at was in 2007. It was great to
be back and the Hilton was a VERY nice change from the last place. My
wife was VERY happy about that! I met/hung out with again a lot of
GREAT people, Bryan Kelly, Korn, John Wart Jr, Boregard (thanks for
that beer!!!) and a ton of others that I can't remember their names
but that is half of the fun going to these things because it is so
easy to talk to new people since we all are into the same
thing.....PINBALL!!! :) I thought the free play area actually had a
pretty nice selection of games. I LOVED the white wood CV, and TX
sector!!! Those were awesome!! I think I like playing the white wood
better than the production since you can see the whole play field like
a EM, but you still have all the ramps and toys like the newer games
that they are. VERY cool!! Thanks to those that brought those games!!!
I brought....correction....Phoebe brought up my MM for me (the one in
the corner) since I didn't have a truck or trailer and it only had one
small issue that I fixed in 5 minutes early Friday morning, but other
than that I was very pleased that it was holding up well and I got a
lot of thanks from people playing it who never got to play a MM
before, and that's why I bring it to shows!! I LOVE being able to
share my Holy Grail pin!! THAT's what this hobby and shows are about!
I also think that it's good to see some unusual/rare pins in the free
play area since like someone mentioned before.....I can play all the
usual "A" list DMD's at my friends house's, so I really enjoy playing
the games I never get to play like Rocky, Robocop, TX sector,
seawitch, airborne, and more!! It was great!!! And for those that say
there weren't enough games in the free play area.....well there were
at LEAST another 50-75 in the main hall that you could pay and enjoy!!
I know I did!!! MAN I really wanted to buy that Pleasure Isle, but it
was just too much $. Oh well,maybe next time. I really enjoyed being
in the ExpoBrawl (thanks OPL!!!!!) and the Transformers 64 person
tourney that KOZ put on yesterday......even though Kim beat me in my
first match!!....... I hope she won it all!!!! :)) and ALL the great
vendors and things to check out in the hall were cool!! I also enjoyed
going to Terry's open house at Pinball Life!! Got some really good
deals!!! Also got to play that kick ass Trilogy bear pin!!! AWESOME!!!
Hopefully Korn will post the pic he took of me getting my beer from
the tap of that baby!!! :)) If you can't have fun with all of that,
then I don't know how you can have fun doing anything! :))
I say it was a GREAT Expo and I can't wait until next year!! The wife
said she would come back again too!!! Great job MIKE and crew !!! I
had a blast!!!


Jonny O

Oct 23, 2011, 1:38:41 PM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 6:59 pm, Schus <> wrote:

> My only complaints (minor) were to the people that bring kids - please
> make sure they finish the game. I saw this a half dozen times today w/
> the pin in play, idle...
> And number 2, can we make it if a pin is sold or being sold to at
> least have it stay till the majority of Saturday or Sunday morning...
> if it's possible.

Realistically, this will never happen. I deal with kids around pins a
fair amount and it's the nature of the beast. And heck, I see adults
do it almost as often.

The only "fix" for this that I've come across is when Playland not at
the Beach started awarding tickets on their games. That caused the
kids (and quite a few adults) to stay and finish.


Oct 23, 2011, 2:18:07 PM10/23/11
I have to agree, lets not lay this one on the kids, I see adults
start a game and walk away as much if not more that the kids. Also I
want to thank all the parents that do bring kids, we need them to
carry the torch into the future so Pinball can live on!

I don't let it get to me, I just finish it up and start a new one.

Was very happy to see my new game Black Hole made it through the show
with ZERO issues!

Great game and great deal,

Thanks Eric!



Chris Hibler

Oct 23, 2011, 2:28:05 PM10/23/11
Game count in he free play area was 75 on Friday night.
Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31 - The new place for pinball repair info


Oct 23, 2011, 2:37:51 PM10/23/11
That Time Machine was very cool to see & play. I have not played that
game in 27 years!!! I knew I had played it as a kid, but never knew what
it was I played until I saw another on C.L. a couple of years back.



Oct 23, 2011, 2:51:29 PM10/23/11

Yep, this is why I brought Monday night football... I hadn't played it
since the early 90s and figured others had never seen it as well.


Oct 23, 2011, 2:58:59 PM10/23/11
Thanks for the wwind comment. It had a nos bill Davis clear coated
playfield, new pinballinc ramps, new flipper assys, new bumpers, etc.

Oct 23, 2011, 4:31:44 PM10/23/11

The WW and MNF were my two favorite games at Expo this year.

Thank you very much from bringing them.



Oct 23, 2011, 4:41:51 PM10/23/11
Anyone who is able to make it to expo should really check out the
Midwest Gaming Classic in the Milwaukee area. It is a total blast and
isn't too far away geographically.

In my humble opinion MGC seems a little lighter on the seminar and
(pinball) vendor side and a bit heavier on the free play pinball and
vids. Anyone on this newsgroup who has a video game cabinet in their
game room must attend.

True to its roots, the vendor area is filled with a complete blend of
all gaming items especially vintage and rare import console video

It's a great show in all respects.

Tom G WI

Oct 23, 2011, 4:47:42 PM10/23/11

metallik;1806662 Wrote:
> Thanks for the wwind comment. It had a nos bill Davis clear coated
> playfield, new pinballinc ramps, new flipper assys, new bumpers, etc.
> n Oct 23, 10:01*am, Tom G WI <tgr... (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:
> > Expo was FUN. *There were some games tha were down/turned off but the
> > selection I thought was good and better than years past IMHO. *2 MMs,
> > AFM with the color DMD, the Whirlwind next to it was by far the
> nicest
> > looking one I hae ever seen, Skooter's POTC was very cool. *Got to
> play
> > Breakshot, Zaccaria's Time Machine & Apollo 13 for the first time.
> > There were a lot of other games as well. *I thought Transformers was
> > nice but needed something more which I'm sure will be apart of the LE
> > version.
> > Thanks to all that brought games.
> >
> > --
> > Tom G WI
> > This USENET post sent from *

No problem. That game was sweet. It was so clean I could have ate off
of it but you probably won't have liked that. :)

cody chunn

Oct 23, 2011, 5:08:00 PM10/23/11
That's true, but it's also pretty rude to bring a neglected clunker to a


"Your Mods R Ugly" wrote in message

If it was your very first show or you flew there or you do not have/could
not get pin transportation, it's understandable not to bring pins.
But to express disappointment with what others brought comes off a bit rude.
I have not been to expo since 07, but it has always been my experience that
some of the games that people brought were quite nice. Some people certainly
bring their best games. And usually there are some unique pins.


Lloyd Olson

Oct 23, 2011, 5:39:52 PM10/23/11
It was a pleasure meeting you and your son. Thank you for finding me ! LTG

"NunjoBiznezz" <> wrote in message


Oct 23, 2011, 6:14:19 PM10/23/11

I am disturbed that the thought police are trying to restrict comment on
this open forum. Nobody needs to bring a game to express negative
comments about pins at Expo on this board. If you paid your money to go
in or let in free, say what you will.

Why can people freely complain about kids or the playing style of others
but not the condition or quantity of pins? Are you suggesting that
people can talk about machines in good shape just not the.opposite?

When does making one negative comment equal complaining? He could have
been out of control but was rather controlled I thought. I have been
many years and yes some years are better than others. I appreciate the

What one says doesn't even have to be true. But if blatantly false,
there will be plenty of dissenting posts to offset it. Let people speak
their minds and opinion, as you have and this world will be a better




Oct 23, 2011, 6:51:49 PM10/23/11

vdojaq;1806653 Wrote:
> That Time Machine was very cool to see & play. I have not played that
> game in 27 years!!! I knew I had played it as a kid, but never knew what
> it was I played until I saw another on C.L. a couple of years back.

Yes! That Time Machine was one of the highlights of the show for me.
So wonderfully weird and cool! :) Thanks to the owner for bringing it!


Oct 23, 2011, 6:59:29 PM10/23/11
Rick Swanson brought the TM all the way to Expo from TN. He restored
it. He brought it because he sold it to Korn. Korn graciously
allowed it to be setup in the hall for all of us to enjoy.



Oct 23, 2011, 7:01:13 PM10/23/11

> I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own
> collection.

sorry Skippy,
Can't always get what you want

better luck next year


Oct 23, 2011, 10:36:22 PM10/23/11
On Oct 23, 7:23 am, "Mike Schudel" <> wrote:
That time machine was awesome. Thanks for bringing it. I played it
every time I went back to check on my PB and RS that were next to it.


Oct 23, 2011, 10:32:33 PM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 10:27 pm, RomulusX <> wrote:
> On Oct 22, 10:17 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
> > I will say this. I'm pro LEDs. I love 'em. I love almost everything
> > about them. HOWEVER, many of the machines there were just so over the
> > top for me. That Spider Man was in fine fine shape, but had crazy colors
> > under things that really shouldn't have been. Green under plastics that
> > would have shown off better colors had there been normal light under
> > there. Red over there and there for no reason. And don't get me started
> > on the color changers. On some they looked great. BSD's back glass
> > really impressed me. However, the rest of the over the top blues on the
> > play field didn't.
> > Many could have been tastefully done, but seems like they were just
> > blinding. :(
> > --
> > skippy church
> > This USENET post sent from
> It seems the BSD back glass impressed alot of people
> Does anyone have a video and what kit was installed?

I grabbed a vid, but it might be a day or 2 before I can get it online.


Oct 23, 2011, 10:30:42 PM10/23/11
On Oct 22, 7:11 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
> So, I enjoyed my first expo, but was hoping for certain games to be
> there that I have never played like GNR, Creature, Monster Bash, TOTAN,
> and so on. Still good selection, but...
> Many of the games I couldn't enjoy because the sound was off, while
> other games were booming. Found a few surprises, however. I really
> enjoyed Pinbot! Also very impressed by Frankenstein, too.
> Also, many of the games were in somewhat poor condition. I was
> surprised, but I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own
> collection.
> Hope to go again next year. Hopefully more games that I want to check
> out will be there :)
> --
> skippy church
> This USENET post sent from

Thanks, the Pinbot was mine, I'm glad you liked it.


Oct 23, 2011, 11:53:31 PM10/23/11
On Oct 23, 8:23 am, "Mike Schudel" <> wrote:
> I was the one who brought the Zac Time Machine.  I have most of the DMD
> games that I could have brought to expo, but I usually bring things that
> most people never see or get a chance to play.  That is my philosophy on
> which game I bring.  There are usually enought DMD games for people to play.
> I love the diversity.
> --
> Mike S.
> Kalamazoo, MI
> Gameroom:
> W C S Owner's List:
> Gameroom Video:

I played quite a few games on your Time Machine on Fri Night. Thank
you for bringing it. Such a fun and unique game to play.


Oct 24, 2011, 7:58:52 AM10/24/11

Highway Starr;1806530 Wrote:
> I was there for the first time this year too ...... Saturday only.
> Overall had a nice time and bought a nice replacement backglass that i
> desperately needed. I will say that I expected it to be BIGGER but
> overall it was an enjoyable experience ..... I'll try it again next year
> and catch the seminars and the Stern factory tour ......

This was my third year and overall I thought the expo was pretty darn
good. Saw lots of old and made some new friends. Played some games I
have never seen before. Came down at 6 am Saturday and it was nice and
quiet. Tried everything I wanted, including all the new sterns in the
hallway. Tron was surprisingly a cool game, nice snappy flippers too.

Id have to say my only overall complaint was the Westin itself. It is
known to be a higher end hotel and they were just plain lacking in staff
this year. Slow to check you in, they didn't get rooms turned till 4 pm
on Friday. They main bathrooms near the expo hall always looked like a
pig stye to me. They just didn't seem to provide the same level of care
to the show and guests this year as I remember the last couple. MAybe
they were over extended, but they should have known better, this wasn't
year one atnthe location.



Highway Starr

Oct 24, 2011, 9:40:19 AM10/24/11

Kory;1806990 Wrote:
> Came down at 6 am Saturday and it was nice and quiet. Tried everything
> I wanted, including all the new sterns in the hallway. Kory

I too was down there off and on from 6-8 and I agree, nice and quiet and
was able to try out all of the stern games there except Transformers
..... I personally enjoyed the Rolling Stones the most and was somewhat
disappointed in Iron Man. They started shutting them down around 8AM
.... Pretty Cool experience though!

Highway Starr



Oct 24, 2011, 10:47:37 AM10/24/11
How dare you say that!


Actually I agree, I kind of jumped on his case about it, but you are
right. We should all be able to speak our minds here and express our
opinions without being beaten down for it. If you see some poor
machines you shouldn't have to pretend you didn't just to please
everyone. He didn't complain to anyone specifically, or call anyone
out about their crappy machines, and he did say overall he had a good

Good point well taken,


Lloyd Olson

Oct 24, 2011, 11:39:21 AM10/24/11
It was the Mah Jong tournament. The Westin got over run. LTG :)

"Kory" <> wrote in message


Oct 24, 2011, 11:46:09 AM10/24/11

Lloyd Olson;1807094 Wrote:
> It was the Mah Jong tournament. The Westin got over run. LTG :)
> That's really no excuse. The hotel should be well prepared for special
> events and they should have staffed accordingly. Especialy since events
> are often booked up to a year in advance.

Lloyd Olson

Oct 24, 2011, 11:50:02 AM10/24/11
I was kidding. That room was filled with a lot of little old ladies in horn
rimmed glasses. LTG :)

"Kory" <> wrote in message
> Lloyd Olson;1807094 Wrote:
.>> It was the Mah Jong tournament. The Westin got over run. LTG :)

Frank Furhter

Oct 24, 2011, 12:08:18 PM10/24/11
Maj Jong M/GILFs?

The Frankster, a playfield prankster
Once upon my crank her ballpark shrank., Prep-H for pinballers.


Oct 24, 2011, 12:09:58 PM10/24/11

Lloyd Olson;1807107 Wrote:
> I was kidding. That room was filled with a lot of little old ladies in
> horn
> rimmed glasses. LTG :)
> "Kory" <Hankink (AT) aol (DOT) com> wrote in message
> news:Kory.524cxy (AT) rrgparchive (DOT) com...
> >
> > Lloyd Olson;1807094 Wrote:
> ..>> It was the Mah Jong tournament. The Westin got over run. LTG :)
> >>
> >> That's really no excuse. The hotel should be well prepared for
> special
> >> events and they should have staffed accordingly. Especialy since
> events
> >> are often booked up to a year in advance.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Kory
> > This USENET post sent from
> >

Actually... I saw a few pinheads in the Mah Jong room talking with the
folks there. And I swore I saw a few ladies who had to be from their
group, in the free-play area. :-)
Hey... gaming is gaming.



Lloyd Olson

Oct 24, 2011, 12:15:14 PM10/24/11
They were desperate. They needed dates for the banquet. LTG :)

"Timerider" <> wrote in message


Oct 24, 2011, 12:40:59 PM10/24/11
skippy church <> wrote in

> My first expo, and I had no idea what's going on, and you ask if I
> brought one of mine? Are you just stupid or being an asshole?
> Your first time, how many of yours did YOU bring?


> But yeah, I understand not wanting to bring super nice ones for people
> to bet the crap out of. Double edged sword.

I think it's more the idea of leading by example, of being the change that you want
to see in others.

Most of the local guys starting bringing games to expo after the fairly disasterous
years of 2000/2001. It was quickly apparent that if we didn't start bringing games
to the show that there would soon *be* no show. I simply don't want that to happen,
so in a roundabout way it's in my own best interest to bring stuff to expo to share.
(There are a lot of *other* benefits too, and some drawbacks, but on balance it's a
net positive thing.)

Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on the web or on


Oct 24, 2011, 12:45:31 PM10/24/11
"" <> wrote in

> Rick Swanson brought the TM all the way to Expo from TN. He restored
> it. He brought it because he sold it to Korn. Korn graciously
> allowed it to be setup in the hall for all of us to enjoy.

...then fixed it, fixed it again, then fixed it AGAIN. :D

(None of which was Rick's fault, mind you, just how the ball bounces. Or in this
case, snaps posts off at the playfield!)


Oct 24, 2011, 1:08:27 PM10/24/11

AHHH... you're too easy on him... I blame Rick.



TheKorn;1807174 Wrote:
> "" <abc12346038 (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote in
> news:38e6a6df-970d-4412-b6ea-384e1d400bab (AT) h5g2000vbf.googlegroups
> (DOT) com:
> > Rick Swanson brought the TM all the way to Expo from TN. He restored
> > it. He brought it because he sold it to Korn. Korn graciously
> > allowed it to be setup in the hall for all of us to enjoy.
> ....then fixed it, fixed it again, then fixed it AGAIN. :D
> (None of which was Rick's fault, mind you, just how the ball bounces.
> Or in this
> case, snaps posts off at the playfield!)
> --
> Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on
> the web or on
> DVD?



David Gersic

Oct 24, 2011, 1:47:53 PM10/24/11
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:50:02 -0500, Lloyd Olson <> wrote:
> I was kidding. That room was filled with a lot of little old ladies in horn
> rimmed glasses. LTG :)

At one point Saturday afternoon, several of the "Mah Jong" ladies came
in to the Expo free play room via the back door. They seemed awfully
surprised, and left pretty quickly.

And we've had Expo and the Mah Jong convention at the same time before,
so that's really no excuse.

| David Gersic |
| "It's serious," he explained, "...we're low on duct tape!" |
| Email address is a spam trap. Visit the web site for contact info. |


Oct 24, 2011, 10:40:37 PM10/24/11
> So, I enjoyed my first expo, but was hoping for certain games to be
> there that I have never played like GNR, Creature, Monster Bash, TOTAN,
> and so on. Still good selection, but...
> Many of the games I couldn't enjoy because the sound was off, while
> other games were booming. Found a few surprises, however. I really
> enjoyed Pinbot! Also very impressed by Frankenstein, too.
> Also, many of the games were in somewhat poor condition. I was
> surprised, but I guess that just shows how anal I am in my own
> collection.
> Hope to go again next year. Hopefully more games that I want to check
> out will be there :)
This was my second year (gave it another try). Don't think I'll be back
again. I'm glad my wife came along on this run, 'cause we went to the
Brookfield Zoo and had a grand time.

I guess I just don't get it.

Mitch :)

"That deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball"

Frank Furhter

Oct 24, 2011, 10:45:08 PM10/24/11
Its a stroke-fest for pinball 'luminaries' which are quickly dying off,
can't hold attention spans for more than a few minutes or are the new
'old' school designers. Its not something for everyone, and it is what
you make of it. Most go there to hang out with their other pinball
buddies from around the region. For most long term collectors,
restorers, the Expo is no longer of interest and considered a waste of time.

Rick Swanson

Oct 24, 2011, 11:15:18 PM10/24/11
On Oct 22, 8:11 pm, skippy church <> wrote:
> So, I enjoyed my first expo, but was hoping for certain games to be
> there that I have never played like GNR, Creature, Monster Bash, TOTAN,
> and so on. Still good selection, but...

I remember my first Expo... which was 2001. I was new to the hobby
and expected to see all the A-list titles at the Expo because, after
all, it was billed as the big show. I assumed that the organizers of
the show would arrange for the big titles to be there... I thought
that was what my ticket price was paying for... the chance to play the
big name titles that I would never see on location in the back woods
town that I live in. But, I quickly learned that my assumption was
incorrect... that the titles, and numbers, of pins that show up at
Expo are largely determined by the generosity of other folks who, like
me, had purchased a ticket to see the show.

So, I understand your disappointment. I was in your shoes 10 years

Rick Swanson


Oct 25, 2011, 12:00:48 AM10/25/11

Doesn't PAPA have a lot of A listers in their building? I would go there
next year if I were you.


Frank Furhter

Oct 25, 2011, 12:14:20 AM10/25/11
But Rick has somehow either come to expect less and be happy, or the
show has become better and met his needs/expectations. Which is it.
Its still the 'big show', and it has less games than other shows, and it
has luminaries of the industry. Does it work because its in Chiland, or
that it is where the dignitaries huddle? Where big announcements are
made, and where folks can play pinball for next to nothing per game
while their retnas burn to a dribbling blurry mess/mush?
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