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Anyone else not impressed by expo this year?

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Oct 19, 2009, 9:52:20 AM10/19/09
For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
selection. I do believe this will be my last year

Bryan Kelly

Oct 19, 2009, 9:58:18 AM10/19/09
I guess it all depends on why you go to Expo, Ray.

Personally, I had a blast and I was there for 3 days. The designer
seminars were fantastic along with some of the others. For me, it's
meeting up and visiting with friends and vendors who I only see maybe
once a year.

Bryan (CARGPB 14)


Oct 19, 2009, 10:00:55 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 8:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:

Nope, you're the only one......


Oct 19, 2009, 10:01:13 AM10/19/09

Ray, I had an absolute BLAST this year. Had fun visiting with friends
I see mostly once a year at shows, playing in tournaments and seeing
pins I don't see elsewhere. Especially enjoyed Cameron's CV with
proto software!!

Terrapin Mark

Oct 19, 2009, 10:08:39 AM10/19/09
You must have been at the show at the Executive hotel.

The Expo was held at the Westin this year. I found the 25th quite

Mark Salas

John Wart, jr

Oct 19, 2009, 10:17:39 AM10/19/09
I gotta agree with Bryan. I saw more old friends in the half hour I was
there than I see all year long, made a few new ones, and wish I could've
stayed longer.

I've played most, if not all, of the A&B titles out there, own a fair number
of them myself, can play pinball any day of the week I like in my basement.
If Expo was entirely about playing pinball, no seminars, no old friends,
etc, *then* I'd stay at home.

"Bryan Kelly" <> wrote in message


Oct 19, 2009, 10:23:15 AM10/19/09
Twilight4u <> wrote in news:899ba042-9d3c-49d9-8419-

> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
> special.

Amazing. Somewhere between 150 and 200 machines to play, and apparently
you couldn't find a *single one* that was special. The gulfstream that
was modified for multiball? Nah, nothing special. Duncan's original
game that's never before seen the light of day? YAWN. The Guns'N'Roses
that you could play without even putting your hands on the cabinet? Well
I guess *you've* seen *that* before. The last EM wedgehead, the
prototype CV and prototype TTT? Those show up on ebay every ten minutes,
I guess everyone playing those just didn't know how common they are!

> There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
> games i played had some kind of problems.

If you're so annoyed by it, quit flapping your gums and lead by example.
Show *us* how *you'd* do it. Go ahead, break out the game you play with
chopsticks, or your own custom pinball machine, or heck something so far
off the map it can't even be imagined.

> I do believe this will be my last year

Seriously, how is someone supposed to react to a comment like this? Oh
no, Ray *might* not come again, so I'm going to bust my ass even more
next year?

Thanks for the backhanded slap to everyone involved, asshat.


Oct 19, 2009, 10:26:05 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 9:23 am, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> Twilight4u <> wrote in news:899ba042-9d3c-49d9-8419-

You're Guns & Roses machine was Awesome...Korn!!!!!!!


Oct 19, 2009, 10:36:16 AM10/19/09
I was disapointed but I set myself up for failure. I should have stayed
longer, I'll reserve my opinion of the event till next year.

I didn't get to play games I wanted. As soon as that nice TZ got folded
up my mood went south. Can't blame expo for that. I enjoyed meeting up
with my friends and meeting some people I talk to here and on IRC.

Expo is a must for any pinhead and you MUST do the entire show. Don't
just go for a day..... Don't make the mistake I did.



Oct 19, 2009, 10:46:11 AM10/19/09

I had a great time. Was there Wednesday thru Sunday morning. Something
special, how about
HSI's killer Getaway converted to a Lamborghini game, how that was
spicial. I go to Expo mainly as a
social gathering to see friends and to make new friends. I picked up a
nice Shadow. All the seminars
were very good.

Rob H.


Oct 19, 2009, 10:50:18 AM10/19/09
TheKorn <The...@TheKorn.Net> wrote in

>> There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
>> games i played had some kind of problems.
> If you're so annoyed by it, quit flapping your gums and lead by
> example. Show *us* how *you'd* do it. Go ahead, break out the game
> you play with chopsticks, or your own custom pinball machine, or heck
> something so far off the map it can't even be imagined.

And don't misinterpret this statement. I don't mean this comment to be
read like there's no room for constructive comment from people who don't
bring games. Of course there is room for constructive comments, from all
angles. (To mean that would be very ego-centric and somewhat myopic.)

The upshot is that saying there was absolutely nothing special is a pretty
sh*tty thing to say, to a *large* number of people who busted ass to make
your show experience better.


Oct 19, 2009, 10:53:02 AM10/19/09
I enjoyed the show to play MANY games that I've never
had a chance to touch before.

Of course, the best part of expo is the people there. Got to see, and
chat with so many people...and have Korn heckle me. Good times!

Thanks to everyone involved for making the show awesome. Those that
hated it, have fun at home next year.



Oct 19, 2009, 10:56:43 AM10/19/09

They had games at Expo?

I didn't see any. I was too busy rubbing sholders with new and old
friends and friends who are old.

Oh wait, I did see a mint Rocky and also Q-bert's Quest.

Duncan's Star Gazer (and I did drain on accunt of being distracted by
the Star Gazers [lack of] clothing).

Phoebe's Spirit of 76 with Wayne Nyens' modified flipper coil was
there I think...

This was the best Expo by far. What A games were you looking to
play? You must have missed the AFM's and like, what? 2 or 3 Monster
Bash's? The 2 TZ's? TAF's? What am I missing? There were so many
games, there's no way I would be able to even remember all of them.

If you need to play some MM or AFM Gold, do what I do, make friends
with people who have them and offer to come over and help them work on
their games and invite them over to play your games. It's far better
to have a bunch of people playing with you anyway, so everyone wins,
no matter who's house you go to, no matter how many machines you have
or don't have.

Seriously, I go for the people and the products.

I'm with you, Korn. I don't even know what to make of this post. I
had a blast and there was far less drama this year than in years
past. I like the spread-out floorplan of the new hotel. Once I-294
is completed (yeah, right) I'll even enjoy the drive.

-Ken, CPL


Oct 19, 2009, 10:58:26 AM10/19/09

Nothing special??? What about the babes! :-)


Oct 19, 2009, 11:20:11 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 9:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:

I hated a number if things. I hated that I missed so many cool
seminars because I was busy showing Nucore off. I hated that I missed
John Wart (must have been at lunch.) I hated Bryan Kelly running up
and down the hallways naked a 4:36 am singing I have a brand new pair
of rollerskates. I also hated the fact that it ended.

I had an absolute blast this year. Thanks to everyone who stopped and
said hi. I was even glad to see bryan. I just wish he wouldn't use all
the towels and leave me with none.

Bryan Kelly

Oct 19, 2009, 11:30:01 AM10/19/09
Ya know, Chuck, for as much as we visited, I forgot to mention one

Don's a greta guy, but YOU'RE AN AH!!!!! ;-)


Oct 19, 2009, 11:30:19 AM10/19/09

I have to admit that I was a little dissapointed that some of the
games I wanted to play were down a good portion of the show. I don't
blame the people that brought them though, it happens, games break
down, in fact I would like to thank each and every one that brought
games, and pitched in, and also those that didn't bring games but
stopped to say hello. Everyone there adds something to the experience.
I had a blast and met a lot of cool people and that's the main reason
I like to go to Expo. As far as wanting more A list games, the only
way to make the selection better is to bring some! I brought a game or
two the last couple years, and this year I didn't bring any, that
being the case I don't think I would dare question why there isn't the
selection I wanted because I would only have myself to blame for
that... That being said I thought there were a lot of cool and rare
games that you just don't see at most shows so I was very happy with
the selection overall. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I
respect yours and am sorry to hear that you didn't have the best
experience and won't be attending anymore. If you reconsider I would
be happy to see you there next year.



Oct 19, 2009, 11:32:24 AM10/19/09

I hated Bryan Kelly running up
and down the hallways naked a 4:36 am singing I have a brand new pair
of rollerskates. I also hated the fact that it ended.

Pics please


Oct 19, 2009, 11:32:37 AM10/19/09
I thought it was FANTASTIC! 2nd year for me. I met some great folks
and played over 75 different games!

Thanks to all those that contributed to a great event (that includes
all the attendees!).


Oct 19, 2009, 11:33:24 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 11:30 am, Bryan Kelly <> wrote:
> Ya know, Chuck, for as much as we visited, I forgot to mention one
> thing.....
> Don's a greta guy, but YOU'RE AN AH!!!!!  ;-)
> Bryan (CARGPB 14)

> On Oct 19, 10:20 am, chuck <> wrote:
> > I hated a number if things. I hated that I missed so many cool
> > seminars because I was busy showing Nucore off. I hated that I missed
> > John Wart (must have been at lunch.) I hated Bryan Kelly running up
> > and down the hallways naked a 4:36 am singing I have a brand new pair
> > of rollerskates. I also hated the fact that it ended.
> > I had an absolute blast this year. Thanks to everyone who stopped and
> > said hi. I was even glad to see bryan. I just wish he wouldn't use all
> > the towels and leave me with none.

I do my best, especially with you =D


Oct 19, 2009, 11:40:16 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 8:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:

I think you were looking for the wrong things if you didn't find stuff
to do there. I can't imagine what A titles were missing beyond CC and
MM but then again I had very little time where I went looking for
games I can play at a friend's house at any time. I played on the
weird Duncan contraption game a bunch (about 5 games), played one or
two games on a few that I just wanted to check out, and then spent the
rest of the time just chatting with people and having fun!

There were some small things about Expo that I didn't like -- how I
purchased my ticket to go play in PinGolf and they told me it wasn't
good until 6:00 and I couldn't get a wristband until then, but then
while I was playing a PinGolf hole entry, someone walked in, tapped me
on the shoulder and told me I needed a wristband, but then when I went
to get one I was told I didn't need it... How I had a little trouble
finding some of the rooms when I got there... and so on... but
that's all really, really minor stuff in the great scheme of things.
Once inside, I was able to find a ton of friends, play some pins (on
Road Show, I lit the Wizard Mode but couldn't start it!), make some
agonizing decisions about parts (I can't believe I didn't buy the RFM
playfield!!) and had a blast. The little things are little things,
and they definitely were not going to stop me from having a blast the
rest of the time!


Oct 19, 2009, 11:42:32 AM10/19/09
If you only went to play the games you missed more than half of what
expo is all about IMO.

Nothing special???

How about Korns pinball hero game?
how about almost every great game designer/software gurus in the same
place at the same time?
How about Nucore reviving P2K
How about Gary Sterns presentation?
And the list could go on and on...

But I'll just say that it was AWESOME, and leave it at that.



Oct 19, 2009, 11:44:52 AM10/19/09

Do you know your pinball history? Did you miss out on...
A very nice TKO that sold for $9k...for the last weadgehead ever made,
but not sold here and rarely seen- ever?
Proto CV and TTT with it's creator roaming about?
Duncan's homebrew game with reverse engineered software...and able to
be PLAYED? With that many drops?
Pacak's row of just as rare games like Jolly Park, Still Crazy, and a
few others I've never heard about?
Korn's yearly EXPO mod game that brings the term 'hobby' to the limit?
A chance to meet, talk, and have things signed by the very people that
kept this industry alive for many years?
A Black Hole that worked for most of the show? (kidding, of course)

I was there for a far too short of time. Even then, I saw some of the
coolest things ever and talked with some of the best pinball people

I can imagine how someone wouldn't "get it", but they are really not
in the hobby for the same reasons as why EXPO exists.



Oct 19, 2009, 11:48:00 AM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 10:44 am, kirb <> wrote:
> Proto CV and TTT with it's creator roaming about?

Okay, I thought I knew my terminology and I haven't figure this out

What is TTT?


Oct 19, 2009, 12:08:59 PM10/19/09

I actually WISH I knew some of the history a bit better. (I didn't
know about the TKO, actually). I thought the story on the "Double-Up"
pin was fascinating...absolutely love those that put the "story of the
game" on top of the machine.


Todd S.

Oct 19, 2009, 12:29:59 PM10/19/09
TTT = Ticket Tac Toe

Old School Al

Oct 19, 2009, 12:24:27 PM10/19/09
Ticket Tac Toe, redemption game.

Old School Al

Oct 19, 2009, 12:36:18 PM10/19/09
My only complaint was the change to the Wednesday setup night. Used to
always be a free buffet during that night and this year they decided
to charge for it. i.e If you did not buy the full EXPO package to have
one of the full weekend wristbands then you had to pay $15 just like a
normal one day pass.They even said you needed to do that to be in the
game hall but I did not see that being enforced thankfully as it is
just ridiculous.

The topper was there was no mention of this on the EXPO site that I
could find to let people know this change had been made. When you do
something the same way for years and years it needs to be brought to
everyone's attention when you change it as there is a certain
expectation level which leads to frustration when people show up
expecting things that are not as they always have been.

That said, I enjoyed the couple nights I went playing games I had not
before played and seeing folks. As for Wednesday I ended up having a
very nice dinner at Claim Jumpers with some friends so when life gives
you lemons make lemonade, right? :)

John Wart, jr

Oct 19, 2009, 12:35:59 PM10/19/09
WPC-95 redemption, production of around 100

"goatdan" <> wrote in message


Oct 19, 2009, 12:47:15 PM10/19/09

That was a proto? Now I regret not checking it out. What was
different about it?


Oct 19, 2009, 12:50:35 PM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 8:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:
> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
> special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
> games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
> shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
> Ray

Thought this year was bad? Should have came in 2008... I thought 2008
was the worst year I have come to expo. This year was pretty good.
Lots of good games to play. I brought 2 this year and sorry Ray but
they werent perfect and I did that on purpose. I brought 2 games I had
bought or hadnt shopped in years. The flash gordon I brought had been
under about 5 feet of water at one time and I use it for my test bench
when I fix boards. The demo man with the profanity roms was a game I
bought from a lady at work, abolutely nothing done too it at all and
guess what? I dont have to shop them because I brought them to
expo. :) Pretty nice huh?

All I have to say is if there wasnt enough A list titles for you, load
up your medievel madness , scared stiff, monster bash etc and let us
play yours.. :)


Oct 19, 2009, 12:55:49 PM10/19/09
goatdan <> wrote in news:ad76a2c1-852c-4807-8d37-

> That was a proto? Now I regret not checking it out. What was
> different about it?

Different cab, and a gumball spitter on it.

Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on the
web or on DVD?


Oct 19, 2009, 1:07:22 PM10/19/09
> > Ray- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yes I too was surprised they were checking wristbands and selling
tickets for that buffet. In years past it was free, and think I
remember it said on the website that freinds and family were also
invited. When I re-read the schedule this year it did not say that. I
invited my wife and my brothers to come check it out but they couldn't
make it, so I would have been kind of bummed if I had to pay for them.
If expenses warrant that they have to charge I don't really have a
problem with that, but it should have been made clear on the website,
as it was a change in the normal Expo schedue.



Oct 19, 2009, 1:07:31 PM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 12:55 pm, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> goatdan <> wrote in news:ad76a2c1-852c-4807-8d37-

> > That was a proto?  Now I regret not checking it out.  What was
> > different about it?
> Different cab, and a gumball spitter on it.
> --
> Have a home video that's trapped on your camera?  Want to share it on the
> web or on DVD?

A production TTT is still on location at Buffalo Bill's Casino-Resort
in Primm (formerly Stateline), Nevada


Oct 19, 2009, 1:12:49 PM10/19/09
You know what I was impressed with?

1) LED machines. Holy crap...those looked spectacular, from the Spider-
Man, to Junk Yard and FH, and particularly the Theatre of Magic.
(Especially with the two ToM's basically right next to each other, you
could see the phenomenal difference). In the past, I had never been
impressed with the LED's...they always looked "flickery" and not quite
right. Consider my mind changed on the subject.

2) Designers and fireside chats: Phenomenally interesting. I enjoyed
Gary Stern's speech, and even though I didn't agree with Koz's loud
opposition...that was an entertaining moment.

3) Meeting Larry DeMarr. That guy rocks. I wish I would have seen
Eugene Jarvis there...although it would have been tough not to hug one
of the creators of Robotron. (DeMarr got lucky. I couldn't quite get a
hold of him).

4) System 11's. I got to play MANY that I had never tried before. I
have a nice appreciation for them now that I didn't before.

5) Weird EM' "Fashion Show." I mean...we whine about Stern's
themes? Can you imagine if this theme got greenlit now? Just, wow...

1) I missed out on playing Duncan's machine. I had no idea what it
was...I'm such an idiot.

2) The autograph session was AWESOME...but I screwed up on so many
levels. I was two feet away from George Gomez while holding a Johnny
Mnemonic translite, and forgot he was the designer. (See #1...I'm an
idiot). I also blew it with some of the other people....holding a
translite from a game they worked on, but not realizing they did the
art/software/whatever until later. (And...when I saw the person with
the Gameroom magazine getting signatures from EVERYBODY, I did a
facepalm. Brilliant...why didn't I think of it??) Again...this is
minor. It was fantastic seeing all those great pin-folk.

3) I am most disappointed in my own inability to stay up forever
without sleeping. Dang you, unconsciousness!

Them's my thoughts.


Oct 19, 2009, 1:21:48 PM10/19/09

Also one at Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum in Michigan. We
bought it last year, at Expo, from John Wart. Got Steve Kordek to
sign the translite also. It is in his redemption area and does very
well next to all the other redemption stuff. Pinball Pete's in Ann
Arbor has one also.



Oct 19, 2009, 1:45:59 PM10/19/09
I've been attending expo since 1996. Since then this is the first time
I (personally) brought machines into the hall. And not just 1 or 2,
16. one of them was an oddball Playmatic UFO-X which not many people
have seen before or played. I had a great time even though I spent
most of it on my feet in the hall working on them. I also had fun with
being the tech for Don & Mark's "Stump The Tech" portion of their
seminar. I can understand some disappointment as far as the 25th
anniversary, for I didn't get the sense that there was anything
legendary about this year's expo, but it was much better than last
years. I did like the oddball games, the room with all the early Bally
solid state machines, the multiple tournaments even without Stern's
sponsorship, the "Free Play" room was open Thursday night after the
Vendor room was closed, and the people who attended.
Gavin Miller
Gavin's Game Service, inc.
Schaumburg, IL 60193


Oct 19, 2009, 2:04:13 PM10/19/09
My main complaint would have to be that the Tournament area games were
never opened up for "Free Play".

Lot's of great titles in there that, unless you were involved in the
tournament, you never got to play.

I'm all for tournaments, but not at the expense of game accessibility.

On a positive note, I thought Expo was excellent this year!


Message has been deleted

luther r

Oct 19, 2009, 2:23:58 PM10/19/09
kirb wrote:
> Korn's yearly EXPO mod game that brings the term 'hobby' to the limit?

BTW, Korn, what happened to your giant coil project?

Next year?


Oct 19, 2009, 2:25:02 PM10/19/09

My hat's off to you for bringing 16 games!


Oct 19, 2009, 2:30:48 PM10/19/09
skbrothers wrote:
> My main complaint would have to be that the Tournament area games were
> never opened up for "Free Play".
> Lot's of great titles in there that, unless you were involved in the
> tournament, you never got to play.
> I'm all for tournaments, but not at the expense of game accessibility.

They were - you had to get there early though. They weren't tossing
anyone out Wednesday night.

-scott CARGPB#29


Oct 19, 2009, 2:36:08 PM10/19/09
My first Expo. Loved it. Will bring my games next year for certain, as
I didn't see any working versions of my pins there! Shocker! Space
Shuttle and Xenon, not present? How could that be?

I left before the banquet and drove home. I just had to come BACK
later that night. I couldn't stop hearing the machines in my head
after a whole day of exposure. Needed more!

Some really incredible machines. Just fantastic. Odd location though,
Wheeling. Is it just there every year by tradition?


Oct 19, 2009, 2:43:50 PM10/19/09

There was a working Space Shuttle there, brought by Eric A. It was a
rare "near-whitewood" version...absolutely spectacular. =)

I saw a Xenon, too... not sure if it was up and running, though.
(Can't remember).



Oct 19, 2009, 2:56:49 PM10/19/09
> There was a working Space Shuttle there, brought by Eric A. It was a
> rare "near-whitewood" version...absolutely spectacular. =)

It wasn't there Saturday. That would have been really great to see.
There was one for sale actually, wrapped up no legs head down and in
pretty poor condition. I don't count that one though.

> I saw a Xenon, too... not sure if it was up and running, though.
> (Can't remember).

I did notice that too, so maybe I should modify "not present" to
"deactivated". Probably a good thing actually - she's a mean one that
It was a little bit nicer than mine, but yeah, not working and sitting
alone, away from the action.


Oct 19, 2009, 2:58:19 PM10/19/09
I also had fun with
> being the tech for Don & Mark's "Stump The Tech" portion of their
> seminar.

Thanks Gavin, for being the tech in that segment, I thought it was
Also for wokring on all those games, every time I was in there you
seemed to be happily fixing something.
It was great to see a younger generation pinball tech...


Nick Giovas

Oct 19, 2009, 2:58:17 PM10/19/09
On Oct 19, 2:36 pm, Daniel <> wrote:

Eric A. had his Space Shuttle there. Pretty beat up, but you could
play it.


Oct 19, 2009, 3:05:39 PM10/19/09
pincorrect <> wrote in

> On Oct 19, 9:50�am, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
>> The upshot is that saying there was absolutely nothing special is a
>> prett
> y
>> sh*tty thing to say, to a *large* number of people who busted ass to
>> make your show experience better.
> I don't understand why the guy isn't entitled to disagree with you
> without being called a shithead.

How can you quote a message without actually reading it?

Constructive criticism is fine. "There should be more water stands" --
perfect constructive criticism, and an actionable one. "Get rid of the
saturday night DJ" (from years past) -- another perfectly valid
constructive criticism.

"I didn't like the game selection" -- not actionable and completely based
on a sole opinion. When you combine it with a pretty large insult, well
I'm sorry but you (the non-specific you) just stepped over the line.

> Pardon me if I'm wrong, but people pay a sizable amount of money to get
> to and into the show - it's not like it's a charity event run by
> Jerry's kids.

That's where you're absolutely dead wrong. EVERY show (PPE, Expo, MGC,
Cali-X, Allentown, etc.) has a ton of people volunteering to put on a
show that's worth seeing. Many / most of them get little in return. Yes
you bought a ticket, and that's great. But without people volunteering
their time, their stuff, their transportation, etc. there's no show
*there* for you to buy a ticket to see.

Think of it this way. You blow a tire and pull off to the side of the
road. A nice person decides to pull off and help you change the tire.
First thing you say to them isn't "hey, thanks for stopping" but "I can't
believe you didn't bring a bigger wrench".

You wouldn't do that, would you? Why not? See the problem now?


Oct 19, 2009, 3:09:51 PM10/19/09
Never been to a show yet, but the customs and protos sound pretty
cool. But one of the most continually amusing things about RGP is the
custom and proto cusswords (at least I never heard them before).
'Asshat' LMAO.


Oct 19, 2009, 3:11:07 PM10/19/09
luther r <> wrote in news:hbiat5$kol$1

No, it was there... sigh.

The original idea for the big coils was to make a remote playfield nudge
for GnR, and hook it up to the whammy bar on the guitar. I was working
on the effect right until the day before the show. It worked, but I
dramatically underestimated the amount of power necessary to nudge the
playfield. Best case was I could get the playfield to flinch/vibrate a
bit, but not enough to really affect ball travel.

Since it wasn't working well enough to be worth the bother, AND since I
didn't have time to properly fuse the circuit in case of catastrophic
failure, I just pulled the plug (literally!) on that feature and didn't
mention it. The whammy bar was still being read the entire show, it was
just being ignored.

But if you happened to see inside the cab, you would have noticed some
2x4s, a big coil, and one mother of a steel bracket bolted to the
underside of that playfield. :)


Oct 19, 2009, 3:14:59 PM10/19/09
thehaze <> wrote in news:21bf7310-ea47-4afd-90f2-

Get me pissed off enough I'll make up a whole new language of cursing to
throw at you! :)

David Gersic

Oct 19, 2009, 7:47:02 PM10/19/09
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:36:08 -0700 (PDT), Daniel <> wrote:
> My first Expo. Loved it. Will bring my games next year for certain, as
> I didn't see any working versions of my pins there! Shocker! Space
> Shuttle and Xenon, not present? How could that be?

There was a Space Shuttle this year, I saw it. No Xenon, at least none
that I saw, though we've had one there before. But absolutely bring
yours next year.

> I left before the banquet and drove home. I just had to come BACK
> later that night. I couldn't stop hearing the machines in my head
> after a whole day of exposure. Needed more!

Boo. Never leave before Sunday. Use Saturday evening for a nap, so you
can stay up all night after the banquet.

> Some really incredible machines. Just fantastic. Odd location though,
> Wheeling. Is it just there every year by tradition?

Used to be in Rosemont. Moved to Wheeling a couple of years ago.

| David Gersic |
| Windows 95 crashed. / I am the Blue Screen of Death. / No one hears your screams.
| Email address is a spam trap. Visit the web site for contact info. |

David Gersic

Oct 19, 2009, 7:47:05 PM10/19/09
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:21:25 -0700 (PDT), pincorrect <> wrote:
> unnecessarily hostile. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but people pay a

> sizable amount of money to get to and into the show - it's not like
> it's a charity event run by Jerry's kids.

Why do I care what he paid to be at the show?

> Personally, I think criticism is a positive thing. People that insist
> everything is "awesome" all the time rarely improve upon things.

Agreed. Those that decide "this sucks, I'm going to do something about
it" are the ones that improve on things.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

> I don't know why people react so badly sometimes.

Bust your butt for the weekend bringing some of the 200+ games at the
show. Come home to find somebody that brought *no* games griping that
they didn't like the game selection, or there weren't enough, or that
game "X" wasn't there.

| I don't have a solution but I admire the problem. |

Oct 20, 2009, 12:14:22 AM10/20/09

So, despite being at expo for 4 days, I apparently missed this room.
I take it this was the tournament room? Was it open for free play at
any time?


scott (Detroit Pinball)

Oct 20, 2009, 12:23:18 AM10/20/09

You could play all the games you wanted in the tournament room, just
not during tournament times or just before.

Detroit Pinball

Brian Bannon

Oct 20, 2009, 12:24:41 AM10/20/09
> >solid state machines,- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

After the tournaments, the machines were available until 2-3am for
open play each night except for Saturday night.

Brian Bannon


Oct 20, 2009, 3:45:24 AM10/20/09
Someone slap me if i missed reading this in an earlier reply, but i
was very impressed to see a perfect condition BBB out with Hercules
for anyone in the hotel to play. Even if it was only for thursday,
that owner has got BALLS. The only thing that i want to experience
that i haven't yet is an extreme sound system by Korn. How about next


Oct 20, 2009, 4:32:20 AM10/20/09
This was my second Expo, and I certainly was not disappointed!! You
do really need to do the whole 3 days though to really get it.

Expo must be viewed as what it is, a show that is about pinball as a
whole, the people, the history, the innovations, and the vendors, not
about just playing games. If that is all you are there for, you are
really missing out. Where else can you walk into an elevator and be
talking to Steve Ritchie, sitting at table next to Pat Lawlor and
Larry Demar, or look back you while listening to a seminar and realize
Steve Kordek is right behind you, quite amazing!! The autograph
session was incredible, a who's who of the people who make the games
that we love, just wish that I had brought more things to get signed,
but getting Wayne Neyens to autograph my Majorettes flyer was huge!.
The vendors were good, you could get just about anything you wanted,
and there were some good buys to be had. No question, LED'S are here
to stay, and I was really impressed by the modded Spiderman Black with
the adjustable remote. The banquet was also very good, a real
celebration of pinball's past, very well done!!

I don't go to Expo every year, but so far I'm 2 for 2, and I'll be
making the long flight again for sure!


Sean Kavanagh

Oct 20, 2009, 6:23:21 AM10/20/09
On Oct 19, 9:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:
> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
> special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
> games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
> shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
> Ray

I think it sucked too...but I didn't go, so maybe that has something
to do with it...


Eric A.

Oct 20, 2009, 8:14:10 AM10/20/09
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 06:58:18 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Kelly
<> wrote:

>I guess it all depends on why you go to Expo, Ray.
>Personally, I had a blast and I was there for 3 days. The designer
>seminars were fantastic along with some of the others. For me, it's
>meeting up and visiting with friends and vendors who I only see maybe
>once a year.
>Bryan (CARGPB 14)

>On Oct 19, 8:52�am, Twilight4u <> wrote:
>> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
>> special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
>> games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
>> shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
>> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
>> Ray

Sooooo Ditto guys soooooo DITTO. Social weekend for me as well! Love
seeing everyone! And where else can you get a NOS Whirlwind translite
for 20 bucks!

Eric A.

Eric A.

Oct 20, 2009, 8:15:59 AM10/20/09
>You're Guns & Roses machine was Awesome...Korn!!!!!!!

You need to package and sell this thing!

Eric A.

Eric A.

Oct 20, 2009, 8:17:58 AM10/20/09
>I don't understand why the guy isn't entitled to disagree with you
>without being called a shithead.

He wasn't called a shithead...he was called an ASSHAT! Gosh I love
that word!

Eric A.


Oct 20, 2009, 10:52:07 AM10/20/09
> The vendors were good, you could get just about anything you wanted,

Except a ball popper plunger for AFM... ;) I was able to snag a
slingshot linkage earlier in the show for the same game though.


Oct 20, 2009, 10:52:25 AM10/20/09
On Oct 19, 6:47 pm, David Gersic <usenet_spam_t...@zaccaria-> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:21:25 -0700 (PDT), pincorrect <> wrote:
> > I don't know why people react so badly sometimes.
> Bust your butt for the weekend bringing some of the 200+ games at the
> show. Come home to find somebody that brought *no* games griping that
> they didn't like the game selection, or there weren't enough, or that
> game "X" wasn't there.

Exactly. Here's the thing -- constructive criticism is always good
for any show. Constructive criticism is something like, "I wish the
speakers were in a different location because of X, Y and Z" or "I
wish I got to play in this tournament and see this speech, but they
were at the exact same time" or "I wish the vendors would have been
laid out differently" or whatever. Constructive criticism is not,
"Well, I didn't have a good time because the one game that I was
hoping was going to be there wasn't there, and because of that I had
no fun."

In 2004, after the Midwest Gaming Classic ended and we had some major
problems with the contacts we had at the time, the reason we didn't
have a 2005 show was because I swear, 3/4ths of the console video game
people after the show were talking about the show by saying things

"The MGC was a waste because I have 594 Nintendo cartridges, and I
wanted to purchase at least one of the three I didn't have, but no one
had them there. Therefore, the show was a disaster and a waste of my

"I haven't played this one Sega game. They didn't have it set up to
play. Therefore, the show sucked."

...I mean, seriously -- if you are going to a show only for the reason
of seeing one particular item, and that item has not been confirmed as
coming by one of the show organizers, you take the risk of being
disappointed and you should probably not waste your time coming to the
show. This isn't "constructive criticism", this is total whining by
someone who has no idea the amount of time, effort and cost goes into
getting things to the show.

If there is a way that you know of to bring the exact items you want
to play to the show for no or low cost, then you shouldn't be able to
complain that it doesn't show up. Period.

I think you can (and should!) complain about *everything* else that
you want to that is related to the running of the show by the show
organizers. I welcome it so we can improve the show -- in fact,
usually on Sunday I walk around asking people what they didn't like so
we can make sure to fix it next year. If you told me that the MGC
would be better if we did better rewards for those who brought games,
I'd listen to you, balance the cost / risk of doing it versus the
potential return, and see where we are at. If you told me that we had
to have a [pick your game] at the show next year or you weren't
coming, I'd laugh at you and wish you well.


Oct 20, 2009, 11:08:02 AM10/20/09
You should have checked with me Larry. I don't sell them, but I carry them
with all my parts stash for service and you certainly were welcome to one if
I had known you needed it.

Fantastic show for sure. My favorites was Korn's GnR Hero and the proto CV.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Repair - In Home Service

"metallik" <> wrote in message


Oct 20, 2009, 11:49:45 AM10/20/09
On Oct 19, 9:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:
> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
> special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
> games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
> shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
> Ray

I had a blast and the show was just like last year! Nothing really
different from last year though.

Encountered one vender that can kiss my ass.

A friend asked "How Much" for one of his flyers. He goes and gets the
flyer, says $10 and my friend says thanks, Ill pass. This ass then
throws the flyer to the ground and says "That is why I do not like
pulling them". Well asshole, you were asked how much, not let me see
it! Ass!!

One thing that I was stumped by was where was Sterns presence at the
Expo? No NBA machines at all! No Stern display, I saw Gary before
the dinner but no display with any new Sterns, no old Stern's in a
Stern display, no Stern banner. WTF!

The show is in your backyard! Rent some space, bring some new, old,
or both machines, set them up, have two Stern employees on hand to
answer questions and to attract newer, younger players to the hobby!

Wow, you think that would be an easy thing to do! Amazing! Just like
last year, no Stern presence...

Overall, minus the auction, I still had a great time and was not

Oh yeah LEDs for 50 cents, show special, cannot go wrong there!
Thanks Cointaker!!!


Oct 20, 2009, 11:56:19 AM10/20/09
On Oct 20, 10:49 am, Toolguy <> wrote:
> The show is in your backyard!  Rent some space, bring some new, old,
> or both machines, set them up, have two Stern employees on hand to
> answer questions and to attract newer, younger players to the hobby!

While I agree with the sentiment, I don't know how many younger
players they are really going to attract at an exclusively pinball
show. I mean, you would figure that younger players at the Pinball
Expo already know about Stern -- they might not know about the older
stuff, but they would know about that.


Oct 20, 2009, 1:01:25 PM10/20/09
Toolguy <> wrote in news:d27eac13-d969-4d56-

> One thing that I was stumped by was where was Sterns presence at the
> Expo? No NBA machines at all! No Stern display, I saw Gary before
> the dinner but no display with any new Sterns, no old Stern's in a
> Stern display, no Stern banner. WTF!
> The show is in your backyard! Rent some space, bring some new, old,
> or both machines, set them up, have two Stern employees on hand to
> answer questions and to attract newer, younger players to the hobby!
> Wow, you think that would be an easy thing to do! Amazing! Just like
> last year, no Stern presence...

If those are your only questions about Stern's marketing prowess, your
powers of willful ignorance far outstrip mine! :)


Oct 20, 2009, 1:06:26 PM10/20/09
On Oct 20, 11:49 am, Toolguy <> wrote:
> A friend asked "How Much" for one of his flyers.  He goes and gets the
> flyer, says $10 and my friend says thanks, Ill pass.  This ass then
> throws the flyer to the ground and says "That is why I do not like
> pulling them".  Well asshole, you were asked how much, not let me see
> it!  Ass!!

Let me guess who's booth that was....hmmm....



Oct 20, 2009, 1:41:21 PM10/20/09

I'm guessing NuCore. Chuck has lots of fliers, and is always very

(...okay, maybe "bizarro-world" Chuck).


Oct 20, 2009, 2:18:56 PM10/20/09
I gotta disagree completely. I thought this expo was the best it has
been in years.
I really enjoyed this years show and I think it was great if you just
take a minute to remember all that was there.

We got seminars from so many of the giants of the industry:
Steve Ritchie, Pat Lawlor, Dennis Nordman, Greg Freres, Roger Sharpe,
& Larry DeMar.
Then, once you got through all that, and you have a sense of history,
you got the privledge to
hear from Steve Kordek, Wayne Neyens, and Alvin Gottlieb. I love the
fact that these guys still come to Expo and share their stories.

So maybe some of the so called A titles were not there, so what! When
I go to a show, I always conentrate on what is there, rather than what
isn't. The hall was filled with sooooo many great playing games.
Sure there were some dogs but you get that at any show. Phoebe's row
of oustanding playing classic Williams titles was great
as was Brian Bannon's row of incredible Classic Ballys. The CPM crew
brought a ton of games as usual including Korn's crazy GnR Hero. Mike
Nogle brought a whole row of really nice pins for sale that were on
free play every day. Z-plating had it's tricket out HS II and STTNG
and there were way more games in the vendor area than last year. Then
there were the proto CV, TTT, Chief Bank a Flip... as well as Jolly
Park, Qberts Quest, SW:Empire Strikes Back, TKO and a Defender that
showed up later and a few ball bowlers to top it off.

Kudos to Mike and Rob and everyone that contributed, GREAT SHOW!



Oct 21, 2009, 6:52:16 AM10/21/09
iaintnobodydork <> wrote in news:0b0deba5-0c52-4be5-

To be honest, I kind of got out of doing that because I didn't want to be a
one-note symphony. You know, the guy who *always* does sound stuff. I'll
think about it. :)


Oct 21, 2009, 9:12:58 PM10/21/09
> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
> Ray

Were you the guy having meals all alone?

Sorry, best wishes at the other shows for you.

If you return, look some of us up for fun.


Oct 21, 2009, 9:23:53 PM10/21/09


You are quite possibly the nicest guy I've ever met.



Oct 21, 2009, 9:30:14 PM10/21/09
On Oct 19, 8:52 am, Twilight4u <> wrote:
> For being the 25th anniversary i was surprised there was nothing
> special. There were alot of missing A titles and B titles and most
> games i played had some kind of problems. I have been to the last 10
> shows and i think expo peaked out 3 years ago as far as game
> selection. I do believe this will be my last year
> Ray

Why hasn't Ray commented on these responses?!? A a change of mind?

RD Reynolds

Oct 21, 2009, 9:39:30 PM10/21/09
I thought the Expo was great. Got to play a LOT of games I'd not seen
in years, such as Taxi, BTTF, CP, and now I want all three of those in
my collection! Was also fun to see super rare games like Aaron
Spelling (??!!!) and new stuff like Indiana Jones and 24. And Stern
Playboy, while I could never own one, was so fun that I was laughing
my fool head off for hours while playing it.

Major props to everyone who brought pins, with special thanks to
whomever brought the BTTF; I've wanted to play that one for years.
Heck, I traded for one of the STTNG's that was there, and had no
intention of leaving it on (I just bought it, wouldn't want to break
it!), but saw all those other machines on and said, "Let's leave this
thing on for everyone to enjoy!"

Also great to see friends I'd not seen in a while: Blubbo, John Wart
Jr., Bruce Nightingale. Fun seeing pinball legends just walking
around. And meeting new great people, like Mark Bakula and Don
Caldwell...great folks all!

Finally, I took a friend who likes pinball...doesn't own any machines,
just will play when he comes up to my place or Blubbo's. He
absolutely LOVED it. Wouldn't be surprised at all to see him wind up
with a machine now. And he definitely wants to come back next year.

Expo was a complete success in my book!



Oct 21, 2009, 10:04:26 PM10/21/09
> Why hasn't Ray commented on these responses?!? A a change of mind?

Outvoted 70 to One?


Oct 22, 2009, 7:52:06 AM10/22/09
RD Reynolds <> wrote in news:aa85b421-4dfb-442b-92f8-

> Major props to everyone who brought pins, with special thanks to
> whomever brought the BTTF; I've wanted to play that one for years.
> Heck, I traded for one of the STTNG's that was there, and had no
> intention of leaving it on (I just bought it, wouldn't want to break
> it!), but saw all those other machines on and said, "Let's leave this
> thing on for everyone to enjoy!"

Now *that's* the spirit! I missed that, but thanks nonetheless!

RD Reynolds

Oct 22, 2009, 10:00:50 PM10/22/09
On Oct 22, 7:52 am, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> Now *that's* the spirit!  I missed that, but thanks nonetheless!

Was glad to do so. Would love to find out whose BTTF that
was gorgeous.


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