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End of the line Spiderman

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Nov 13, 2009, 11:06:03 PM11/13/09
I called Stern yesterday to find out how many Spiderman pins are on
the 2010 run schedule and to ask if there was going to be another
price increase. The receptionist switched me over to Stern Sales who
basically told me that the company is privately held so that
information is not shared with the public. I asked her why Stern was
running only 100 more of Spiderman, got silence, and then a bomb, was
told that this is the last 100 Spiderman pins being produced forever.
I thought she was kidding, so I said yeah okay, she responded by
stating it's not a joke and that the Marvel Licensing rights for
Spiderman expires December 31, 2009 and it cannot be renewed,
therefore Spiderman production Worldwide ends with just under 2900
total pins produced, title will never be produced again by Stern. End
of the line Spiderman. Glad I got mine last year.


Nov 13, 2009, 11:17:13 PM11/13/09
Interesting if true. If you already have a SM, what made you call to
ask if they were making more? They originally said that same thing
about the last run of LOTR and look what's on the way in the next
couple of weeks. Without truly knowing what the license covers, we
don't really know if they could make it again or not (maybe less toys
or something else...). If there is enough demand - I'm sure they
could find a way! They could also rebadge it with a new theme like
they did with Shrek. Wouldn't be a SM theme, but it would have the
same play and flow.


Nov 13, 2009, 11:35:08 PM11/13/09

I called because I recently posted my Spiderman for trade on the
group. I was only looking for a trade but received numerous offers to
buy my Spiderman as far away as Australia. I figured let me call
Stern to inquire about a price increase along with the number of units
scheduled for 2010. If I do decide to sell my Spiderman it would be
based on market availability new, with fair depreciaton for my HUO.
Sterns reply, no more license, no 2010 production. What would you
call the pin without the Spiderman character on the artwork and


Nov 13, 2009, 11:57:27 PM11/13/09

If true then we could see this title skyrocket in price in the coming
future. LOTR and TSPP had large runs and they are plentiful but S-M I
think is a top of the list Stern. Supply and demand will cause this
to possibly fetch Medieval pricing !


Nov 14, 2009, 12:27:46 AM11/14/09
This has been said time and time and time again. First it was
SImpsons never to be run again. They re-ran it. Then it was LOTR
never to be run again. They will always re-run games if there is
demand. Unless they go out of business then there are alot of games
that won't be rerun.


Nov 14, 2009, 12:37:43 AM11/14/09
> > of the line Spiderman.  Glad I got mine last year.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yes but Disney now owns Marvell comics and Disney wont deal with
Stern. Also, as much as we dont want it to happen I think stern has
reached the end of the line.


Nov 14, 2009, 12:43:30 AM11/14/09
> reached the end of the line.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Just curious, why won't Disney deal with Stern.


Nov 14, 2009, 12:51:02 AM11/14/09
So how was Pirates re-run then. I can see Disney not making another
pinball with Stern but to re-run Spiderman is just collecting money
which Disney is good at.

"Yes but Disney now owns Marvell comics and Disney wont deal with

More speculation or did you actually talk to managment. I hear the
world is going to end 2012 too.

> reached the end of the line.- Hide quoted text -


Nov 14, 2009, 12:53:22 AM11/14/09
> Just curious, why won't Disney deal with Stern.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I am just repeating what someone here said that knows more about
pinball than I do which was that after POTC Disney wouldnt deal with
Stern anymore or vise versa. It has been said more than once I think.


Nov 14, 2009, 1:07:15 AM11/14/09
It has been said more than once I think

That doesn't make it a fact especially if it's on RGP. Alot of great
stuff about tech on pinballs here but when it comes to speculation of
what Stern is thinking or doing this group is in the dark. Just my
thoughts. Spiderman is a really cool game and with more movies
planned I think they will re-run the game again unless the worst
happens and no more Stern.

> Stern anymore or vise versa. It has been said more than once I think.- Hide quoted text -


Nov 14, 2009, 1:16:26 AM11/14/09
> Stern anymore or vise versa. It has been said more than once I think.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Don't quote me, not sure but I remember a post about the Disney
license rights to the POTC ship, something about Disney owning the
rights to the pirate ship and not allowing Stern to reproduce the
toys. I have a gut feeling the royalty costs to Disney in additon to
the license is probably obscene, afterall why would Disney need anyone
but Disney to profit on any of their characters. It would not suprise
me if Disney just told Stern pay us X amount for a new license, plus X
amount for each pin sold or no renewed license rights on their
characters. If it's true that Disney now owns Marvel then Spiderman,
Venom, Doc Oc, Green Goblin, Sandman all belong to Disnery, starts to
make some sense.


Nov 14, 2009, 1:21:03 AM11/14/09
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Uh Oh! You're Done. Here you go:

Ed Job

Nov 14, 2009, 1:25:35 AM11/14/09

Disney is a big company and Marvel has tons of existing licensing they
have to maintain during and after this acquisition, so just because
they were acquired by Disney doesn't necessarily mean they will
immediately become as much of a pain to deal with as Disney on

Unless Stern simply refuses to deal with any division of Disney, it
would seem reasonable to think they still have the option of giving
Marvel/Disney licensing money in the future if they really wanted to.

Also, if for some reason Disney wants more money for the toys, they
could just skip them like they did with LOTR SE.


Nov 14, 2009, 1:29:16 AM11/14/09
Dude where does it say Disney won't deal with Stern in that link????
Did I miss something?

> Uh Oh! You're Done.  Here you go: Hide quoted text -


Nov 14, 2009, 1:40:15 AM11/14/09
> could just skip them like they did with LOTR SE.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Check out the video of Marvel Creator Stan Lee on ABC, sitting in his
office with a Spiderman pinball.
Oh! wait a minute, it's a Gottlieb Spiderman, what a cheap skate, guy
with all that cash from Disney, and he can't even afford an upgrade to
a new Stern Spiderman.


Nov 14, 2009, 1:43:30 AM11/14/09
Nobody's disputing the purchase of Marvel. That's old news if you
follow this group. I'm disputing the speculation that Disney won't
won't work with Stern or better yet allow Spiderman to be re-run.
Have you been reading the posts or just glancing at them?


> Uh Oh! You're Done.  Here you go: Hide quoted text -


Nov 14, 2009, 2:15:11 AM11/14/09
> > Uh Oh! You're Done.  Here you go: quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Where did you read that I stated in concrete that Disney and Stern are
done, just speculating. I never even knew that Disney purchased
Marvel until it was posted here, not by me. The link I posted was
confirmation to the facts of that transaction. What I said in my
original post if you care to scroll up and read it...was the Licensing
rights for Spiderman are expiring at the end of this year, that's
according to the Sales Dept. at Stern, the "Spideman title is now
shelved and will never be produced again" so I said why not just renew
the license since Spiderman is a hot seller, reply was that it's not
going to happen under any circumstances. I'm speculating here, but I
think Stern got blind sided on the license contract. If you care to
research with the licensing divisinion at Disney, perhaps you can then
share your findings with the rest of the pin community. I could be
wrong, but don't expect any future reruns on Spiderman or POTC. I'm
sure there are bigger fish on here with closer ties to Stern who can
either confirm, deny, provide other information to the facts.


Nov 14, 2009, 3:42:19 AM11/14/09
On Nov 13, 9:27 pm, Juan_Fingers <> wrote:
> This has been said time and time and time again.  First it was
> SImpsons never to be run again.  They re-ran it.  Then it was LOTR
> never to be run again. >>

Especially LOTR, I never would have believed they would rerun any
LOTRs so long after the Whitestar system had been mothballed. So I
wouldn't bet a nickle against a $50 gold eagle that there will be no
more SM reruns.


Nov 14, 2009, 4:18:38 AM11/14/09
I think simply put is that Stern isn't looking forward to have a
license for a NEW game design with a Disney license cause we all know
how restricted they were with POTC.
Nontheless I think this doesn't translate in not rerunning either SM
or POTC.

I can't confirm this but Gary should have said that they couldn't get
the chest of POTC anymore and that's the reason why POTC is done. This
was the exact same thing they said with LOTR, no figurines, no LOTR.
And I've actually never heard that the ship was a problem by licensing
for POTC...

My opinion is that when there's enough demand there will be another

Same thing was said a few weeks or months ago about Shrek against a
distributor and now you can order them again so I wouldn't be to sure.

And actually I can't blame Stern for not sharing it with you cause
what does it matter if you know? What does it matter for your game?
It's not that the price is going to change immediately. Plus the fact
that it was said already that SM was done and yet here we are with
another rerun!


Nov 14, 2009, 6:33:43 AM11/14/09
brokenvette <> wrote in news:9b88d9c4-410a-4c0b-bbaf-

> Yes but Disney now owns Marvell comics and Disney wont deal with
> Stern. Also, as much as we dont want it to happen I think stern has
> reached the end of the line.

Dude you have that 100% backwards. Stern didn't want to deal with Disney
any more after all the hassle getting things approved with POTC. Stern
isn't on any Disney sh*t list, AFAIK.

Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on the
web or on DVD?


Nov 14, 2009, 6:40:24 AM11/14/09
Bingovit <> wrote in news:155730ec-5c4d-4ee7-9977-

> And actually I can't blame Stern for not sharing it with you cause
> what does it matter if you know? What does it matter for your game?
> It's not that the price is going to change immediately. Plus the fact
> that it was said already that SM was done and yet here we are with
> another rerun!

More to the point, it's a case of managing expectations. If Stern told
somebody that there is *probably* going to be another run of SM, and as a
a result he did something dumbass like sell his game based on that
information, and *then* the next run of S-M fell through, that guy would
be HIGHLY pissed off. (Holy complex sentence, batman!!)

Yeah, you laugh, but people do dumbass stuff like that all the time. So
pretty much unless whoever you're asking knows you or it's 100% certain
that a title is already going to be re-run, then the current run is
ALWAYS the last time it's going to be run.

(Similar to the way that the game on the line is ALWAYS the best game
they've ever produced.)


Nov 14, 2009, 7:24:41 AM11/14/09
On Nov 14, 6:40 am, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> Bingovit <> wrote in news:155730ec-5c4d-4ee7-9977-

Wouldn't it be something if they made some more SM's in the black


Nov 14, 2009, 9:19:44 AM11/14/09
I hear they are dumping the Spiderman theme in favor of the new multi-
cultural icon: Batwoman


Nov 14, 2009, 9:29:19 AM11/14/09

Guys I did say I wasnt sure, that it was something I remember hearing
here and I also said it was ether Disney or Stern that said it wouldnt
deal with the other.


Nov 14, 2009, 10:02:32 AM11/14/09
"I'm speculating here, but I
think Stern got blind sided on the license contrac"

This is how these things start. You start speculating on something
you pull out of thin air and then someone else agrees with you and now
all of a sudden it's fact!! Your constant speculating on something
you know nothing about just causing more and more misinformation.
Have fun speculating what Gary is having for lunch.

according to the Sales Dept. at Stern, the "Spideman title is now
shelved and will never be produced again"

I'm trying to get you to understand that they always say this about
titles they just ran. They said it with Spiderman before, Simpsons,
Shrek, Batman and LOTR and all those titles were run again so why now
would it be any different when YOU call Stern.

> > > Uh Oh! You're Done.  Here you go: text -

> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Where did you read that I stated in concrete that Disney and Stern are
> done, just speculating.   I never even knew that Disney purchased
> Marvel until it was posted here, not by me.  The link I posted was
> confirmation to the facts of that transaction.  What I said in my
> original post if you care to scroll up and read it...was the Licensing
> rights for Spiderman are expiring at the end of this year, that's
> according to the Sales Dept. at Stern, the "Spideman title is now
> shelved and will never be produced again" so I said why not just renew
> the license since Spiderman is a hot seller, reply was that it's not
> going to happen under any circumstances.  I'm speculating here, but I
> think Stern got blind sided on the license contract.  If you care to
> research with the licensing divisinion at Disney, perhaps you can then
> share your findings with the rest of the pin community.  I could be
> wrong, but don't expect any future reruns on Spiderman or POTC.  I'm
> sure there are bigger fish on here with closer ties to Stern who can

> either confirm, deny, provide other information to the facts.- Hide quoted text -


Nov 14, 2009, 11:40:34 AM11/14/09
Simply put:

The $$$ involved are likely not worth Disney's effort.

If they re-run 200 SMs, and let's say that Disney's licensing fee is
$500 per machine, we're talking about a take of $100,000.

That's a lot to you and me, but I feel for Disney to "Waste their
time" would require a larger potential return.

Of course, you can bump either of these figures 10X and get the
equation to a Million dollars, but I fear that would be an incredible
stretch give the current pinball marketplace.



Nov 14, 2009, 12:42:56 PM11/14/09
> > > > Uh Oh! You're Done.  Here you go: -

> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Where did you read that I stated in concrete that Disney and Stern are
> > done, just speculating.   I never even knew that Disney purchased
> > Marvel until it was posted here, not by me.  The link I posted was
> > confirmation to the facts of that transaction.  What I said in my
> > original post if you care to scroll up and read it...was the Licensing
> > rights for Spiderman are expiring at the end of this year, that's
> > according to the Sales Dept. at Stern, the "Spideman title is now
> > shelved and will never be produced again" so I said why not just renew
> > the license since Spiderman is a hot seller, reply was that it's not
> > going to happen under any circumstances.  I'm speculating here, but I
> > think Stern got blind sided on the license contract.  If you care to
> > research with the licensing divisinion at Disney, perhaps you can then
> > share your findings with the rest of the pin community.  I could be
> > wrong, but don't expect any future reruns on Spiderman or POTC.  I'm
> > sure there are bigger fish on here with closer ties to Stern who can
> > either confirm, deny, provide other information to the facts.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


Nov 15, 2009, 12:41:28 AM11/15/09
TheKorn wrote:
> Bingovit <> wrote in news:155730ec-5c4d-4ee7-9977-
>> And actually I can't blame Stern for not sharing it with you cause
>> what does it matter if you know? What does it matter for your game?
>> It's not that the price is going to change immediately. Plus the fact
>> that it was said already that SM was done and yet here we are with
>> another rerun!
> More to the point, it's a case of managing expectations. If Stern told
> somebody that there is *probably* going to be another run of SM, and as a
> a result he did something dumbass like sell his game based on that
> information, and *then* the next run of S-M fell through, that guy would
> be HIGHLY pissed off. (Holy complex sentence, batman!!)

Also, from a marketing standpoint it makes sense for Stern to tell
people "this is the last run ever!" because if they told you there would
be another, you'd wait to buy it later. If you thought THIS was your
last chance to buy NIB and you wanted NIB, you would buy NOW! Its not in
their best interest to discourage people from buying a game now.


Nov 15, 2009, 12:52:19 AM11/15/09
I think Stern could make a lot of extra dough my making the real glass
backglass available to current LOTR owners, I'd snap up one or two in
a second and price wouldn't be much of an object.


Nov 15, 2009, 12:54:39 AM11/15/09
And I noticed a special edition LOTR on Ebay that is still stating
that the 12 figurines are on the playfield... this is false, correct?
How many of the figures are going to be on it, anybody know?


Nov 15, 2009, 8:40:17 AM11/15/09

> Wouldn't it be something if they made some more SM's in the black
> version?

As a Black Spider-Man owner, I would be OUTRAGED!!! (a bit of an
exaggeration there.)

Especially since BSM was a numbered limited edition and not just a
LE for the sake of calling it LE (LOTR LE style). Honestly if the
number isn't set and it's different from the original machine it
should be called Special Edition....but then again if it missing
things the original had (the figures) it's not really that special
either. More like LOTR 2nd Edition.

So I guess calling it Black Spider-Man Limited Not-So-Special
Edition (and have the villain figures missing) would be OK with me.
Gary, get to work on that.

cody chunn

Nov 15, 2009, 10:54:20 AM11/15/09
The toy figures on spidey [I believe] were original designs made for the
pin, like the Balrog in Rings. Those can be remade anytime Stern wants, if I
understand things correctly.

[Note: Following any advice given in this message
may result in property damage, minor injury, serious injury or death.
Follow advice at your own peril.]

"DugFreez" <> wrote in message


Nov 15, 2009, 3:40:44 PM11/15/09
Lame. Someone is just hoping to artificially create demand for SM so
he can get a little more money since he is trying to sell his.
Seriously the guy who already owns one calls Stern to see if they are
making any more next year and reports back that they aren't. Duh! If
Stern said they were going to make them indefinitely do you think he'd
tell us that??


Nov 15, 2009, 10:32:01 PM11/15/09

Let's see what's available for Spiderman inventory in 6 months, others
on here who have offered to buy mine were told that it's not for sale,
just for trade at the moment. It's not a PR post to hype up the value
of mine. Spiderman stands on it's own with regards to supply and
demand. If you own one I would keep it, judging by the emails in my
inbox, real bitch to find this title at the moment.


Nov 16, 2009, 10:02:33 AM11/16/09
Spiderman, 2007 Stern
Mint home use only stern spiderman, original owner with only 251 total
plays, purchased last year, original shipping box included. I'm
looking to do a local trade for a fully shopped nice domestic monster
bash in NJ, NY or CT. I cannot transport or ship. Please email with
any questions.
Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, Northern NJ

Hahhaha the old pump and dump routine!! Your done!!


Nov 16, 2009, 11:24:38 AM11/16/09
Juan_Fingers <> wrote in news:b914d529-1612-452c-a939-

> Spiderman, 2007 Stern
> Mint home use only stern spiderman, original owner with only 251 total
> plays, purchased last year, original shipping box included. I'm
> looking to do a local trade for a fully shopped nice domestic monster
> bash in NJ, NY or CT. I cannot transport or ship. Please email with
> any questions.
> Fred
> Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, Northern NJ
> Hahhaha the old pump and dump routine!! Your done!!
> Lewis


That ad was posted on November 12th, 2009. (Contact info on Mr. Pinball is
the OP's email address.)

This thread was started on November 13th, 2009.


Nov 16, 2009, 11:38:10 AM11/16/09
Yes, I didn't know this was a pump and dumb operation from the start
until alive-cds said something. Then I did my 5 second background
check and realized I had been had.

On Nov 16, 9:24 am, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> Juan_Fingers <> wrote in news:b914d529-1612-452c-a939-


Nov 16, 2009, 11:44:20 AM11/16/09
> Check out the video of Marvel Creator Stan Lee on ABC, sitting in his
> office with a Spiderman pinball.

> Oh! wait a minute, it's a Gottlieb Spiderman, what a cheap skate, guy
> with all that cash from Disney, and he can't even afford an upgrade to
> a new Stern Spiderman.- Hide quoted text -

The Gottlieb pin is based directly off the comics (which Stan wrote
the first 100 issues where almost all of these characters were created
except venom) The Stern one is based on the movies which bastardized
the original stories.
Either that or he didn't want to look at the hobgoblin on the
Or newer pinballs are too fast for 87 year olds.


Nov 17, 2009, 1:09:07 PM11/17/09
On Nov 15, 3:40 pm, alive-cds <> wrote:

Hey alive-cds did you take the short bus to school? Where do you read
that I'm trying to SELL it. If that was the case it would have been
gone already. Yes, it is the only Spiderman listed "FOR TRADE" on
Mr.Pinball, listing reads for a "Monster Bash Trade" only. Why don't
you get out your Sherlock Holmes glasses and find the ad where I
listed my Spiderman "FOR SALE" you won't find it listed with a price
tag. I have passed on multiple offers to sell it outright, had 2
offers to trade for an MB, not really on my top ten list to move
Spiderman out of the game room. So Sherlock, Spiderman is not listed
for sale, but thanks for twisting it around to make it look that way.


Nov 17, 2009, 1:34:43 PM11/17/09
freeplayer <> wrote in news:8d7bcbcf-a28c-45e9-939c-

> On Nov 15, 3:40�pm, alive-cds <> wrote:
>> Lame. Someone is just hoping to artificially create demand for SM so
>> he can get a little more money since he is trying to sell his.
>> Seriously the guy who already owns one calls Stern to see if they are
>> making any more next year and reports back that they aren't. Duh! If
>> Stern said they were going to make them indefinitely do you think he'd
>> tell us that??
> Hey alive-cds did you take the short bus to school? Where do you read
> that I'm trying to SELL it.

Value is independent of whether you're trying to sell or trade it. If it's
worth more, then it's worth more in a trade as well as a straight sale.


Nov 17, 2009, 1:51:32 PM11/17/09
After having read this whole thread, I would like to point out that
while the Spider-Man character is technically owned by Marvel which is
now owned by Disney, the movies are created and distributed by Sony,
which is the company that Stern would have had to deal with for the
licensing of Spider-Man. Here's how it basically works:

Marvel owns Spider-Man.
Marvel licenses the rights to create a movie, as well as items related
to that movie to Sony Pictures.
Sony Pictures takes the Spider-Man license that they have now received
and write contracts with other people for other items based on the
movies, such as action figures and costumes.
Stern licenses from Sony Pictures the rights to create a Spider-Man
pinball machine.

Because of how the licenses were probably written up, part of the
money Sony gets in the licensing agreement for the pinball machine
also goes to Marvel.

Now, with the Disney layer added, the only thing that has changed is
that some of that licensing agreement money from Marvel also goes to

And, if there is money to be made in it, I can't believe that Stern
wouldn't work with Disney again. If they could be guaranteed a POTC-
sized run, I bet they'd go through the hassle in a heartbeat.


Nov 19, 2009, 9:55:21 AM11/19/09
I called because I recently posted my Spiderman for trade on the
group. I was only looking for a trade but received numerous offers
buy my Spiderman as far away as Australia. I figured let me call
Stern to inquire about a price increase along with the number of
scheduled for 2010. If I do decide to sell my Spiderman it would be
based on market availability new, with fair depreciaton for my HUO.
Sterns reply, no more license, no 2010 production. What would you
call the pin without the Spiderman character on the artwork and

5th line down: If I do decide to sell my Spiderman...

Trade/Sell all the same. You called Stern to tell us they will no
longer be produced. Basically saying better get it now while you can
and it just so happens you have one you are trying to part with. I
didn't even see your ad on MrPinball. It was just so painfully obvious
you are trying to hype up the prices when it comes time for you to
start wheelin' and dealin' your SM.

You were only looking for a really want us to believe that
is someone offered you some crazy money thinking they wouldn't be
produced anymore that you would turn him down and say trades only? And
I rode the short bus??


Nov 21, 2009, 2:51:47 PM11/21/09
Flyman--- sounds like a nice title.. I`ll let Stern use my name for a
few games..
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