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OT: Michael Savage interviews Trump about Scalia's Murder

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2016年2月16日 08:21:322016/2/16
In an essay posted on his website, Savage asked what would happen if Donald Trump were in the White House in his final year and the justice was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"Do you think the left would be screaming that Donald Trump would have no right to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court? Do you think they would be demanding an autopsy and a full federal investigation?"


Bea Foroni

2016年2月16日 09:42:392016/2/16
GIGO. Michael Savage? Seriously? Good thing you're not prowling the dark, smoky, depressing world of slot machines. But then you go and start studying fantastical stories of secret conspiracies of murder that are designed to forward the gay agenda or something. Right from the frying pan into the fire.

Why not do something positive. Recently I read Moby Dick because I never have; boy! what a great book, no wonder it is a classic. Recently I flew to Alaska, took the Alaska train to Fairbanks, and rode a dog sled; Alaska is amazingly cheap in the winter, the best hotels for less than 100 bucks.

Point is, life is short. Go do something inspiring. Stop wallowing in situations you have no control over.


2016年2月16日 11:42:462016/2/16
"popinjay" wrote in message

The rational for limiting decisions of lame-duck Presidents do not apply
here, in my opinion, concerning appointment of Supreme Court Justices. I
thought you believed in the Constitution? It says the President nominates
and the Senate gives advice and consent. Nowhere does it qualify these
duties to not apply during the last year of a presidency.

How about we impeach all GOP senators who refuse to vote on the nominee for
failing to do their jobs? What the fuck do we pay them for?

da pickle

2016年2月16日 12:10:532016/2/16
On 2/16/2016 10:42 AM, Mossingen wrote:
> "popinjay" wrote in message
> In an essay posted on his website, Savage asked what would happen if
> Donald Trump were in the White House in his final year and the justice
> was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
> "Do you think the left would be screaming that Donald Trump would have
> no right to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court? Do you think they would
> be demanding an autopsy and a full federal investigation?"
> __________________________________
> The rational for limiting decisions of lame-duck Presidents do not apply
> here, in my opinion, concerning appointment of Supreme Court Justices.

While I agree, yours is not a comment on the question asked.

> I thought you believed in the Constitution? It says the President
> nominates and the Senate gives advice and consent. Nowhere does it
> qualify these duties to not apply during the last year of a presidency.

Again, I agree but that is not a response to the question asked.

> How about we impeach all GOP senators who refuse to vote on the nominee
> for failing to do their jobs? What the fuck do we pay them for?

Again, this is just rant ... they pay themselves because they can and it
has nothing to do with party affiliation.


2016年2月16日 12:43:592016/2/16
"da pickle" wrote in message

Well, I have to give the reader some credit. Based upon my comments, it is
clear that I would not be screaming if Trump were in the position that
President Obama is now concerning the selection of a Supreme Court Justice.
If I don't think this type of decision is of the type that would preclude a
lame duck President from making, then I clearly have to believe this to be
true whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House.

Would "the left" so scream? Probably, but they would be wrong. The
question of whether the left would scream is not serious or particularly
relevant to anything of importance, it's just a weak feint at trying to get
a "gotcha" for hypocrisy. Meh, so what?

So is the corollary question of whether the left would demand an autopsy and
full investigation. Those things are called for when there is some evidence
that would lead a rational person to suspect foul play. Here, there is
none. Guys like my friend paul popinjay seem to assume that powerful
government men live forever and that the mere fact that one of them died is
part of a grand conspiracy of murder and intrigue. In reality, a
79-year-old, overweight, white male with a sedentary job had a heart attack
and died in his sleep. Upon what do you base your suspicions?

da pickle

2016年2月16日 13:56:552016/2/16
Your opinion is quite clear. You are consistent that you would fault
either party not in power for such questions. Paul disagrees ... such
is life.

Now, while I do not like conspiracy stuff, you do not mention the pillow
over his face and his hands crossed in front of him A strange way to

However, I discount that because if the CIA had killed him (or anyone
else for that matter) they would NOT put a pillow over his face and
crossed his hands in front of him. I have worked for the CIA ... they
are smarter than that. :-)

2016年2月16日 14:31:432016/2/16

> Now, while I do not like conspiracy stuff, you do not mention the pillow
> over his face and his hands crossed in front of him A strange way to
> sleep.

I keep reading that the pillow was found over his "head", and not over the front of his face (nose straight-up position). I go to sleep 100% of the time holding a pillow over the 'side' of my face (the pillow covering my entire head). Once I'm asleep my arm moves off the pillow. If I'm lying on my side it doesn't arouse a response, but if I'm flat on my back it has caused more than one person to remove the pillow to see if I'm still alive. Of course when they lift the pillow they see that my head is turned to the side.

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