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OT: Penn State Rape

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Nov 10, 2011, 4:40:29 PM11/10/11
I have been discussing this tragedy with a different group, but for those
who have yet to read the Grand Jury Report....a cliff notes version for

This very well could be big enough to bring the school down.

Cliff notes on the PDF for those who didn't read the whole thing:

8 victims
1998 Public Welfare was contacted about some alleged inappropriate
behavior with victim 6
Sandusky admitted to showering with the boy and when asked if his genitals
touched the boy he said 'they may have.'
2008 Authorities were called and Grand Jury investigation basically began

Victim 7 1994 first victim according to time line
Victim 2 2002 in the showers at Penn State that McQueary witnessed
Sandusky having anal sex with a boy
McQueary calls his dad, goes to his dads house
Next day McQueary and dad tell Paterno
Paterno confirmed the meeting to the grand jury so he knew as of 2002
Paterno tells Tim Curley the next day
1-1/2 weeks later Curley and Schultz tell McQueary they will 'look into it'
McQueary was never questioned by authority until 2010 grand jury
Grand Jury found McQueary testimony 'very credible'
Schultz and Curley try to cover it up with a bunch of crap to the Grand
Grand Jury find Curely and Schults testimony 'not credible'
23 Pa.Cs 6311 Statute that requires institutions to report child abuse to
authorities...the school has legal obligation
2000 janitor witnessed Sandusky having oral sex with a little boy in the
Janitor tells everyone..noone else saw it and janitor never reports it and
currently has Alzheimer's in the hospital (he was 60+ in 2000)

Everything above is fact as stated in the grand jury. The 'M.O.' (modus
operandi) in all cases was exactly the same plus minus a few minor
details. 'Back cracking', showering, touching, anal sex, oral sex etc etc
the truth of this needs to come out because words like 'inappropriate
behavior' or 'fondling' doesn't paint the picture for what this guy is
accused of doing. 8 victims all telling the same story a couple knowing
each other, but according to what I am reading not all of them knew each

McQueary's father
Joe Paterno
Tim Curley
Gary Schultz

Should all serve time. McQueary, Curley and Schultz more than the rest.

Curley and Schultz tried to cover it up and the assistant actually heard
(slapping in the shower) and saw sandusky do this to a little boy.

Who knows how many other victims are out there that were assaulted between
2002 (when they didn't do anything about it) and 2008 when the Grand Jury
investigated. Any kids that were harmed between that time are as much on
the conscience of the grad assistant and Curley and Schultz as Sandusky.

I CAN make this shit up!
Part Time Assistant Coordinator



Nov 10, 2011, 4:48:39 PM11/10/11
call it 30 victims with legit claims and penalties on avg of $2M. $60M
split between insurance, the university (the taxpayer), and some private
assets. the university will get through this, no problem. i doubt
anybody else serves time, but curley might. schultz tried to handle an
episode discreetly and shouldn't have just disappeared like that, but the
mind can justify a lot of crap. like jimbo, i can forgive most of his



Irish Mike

Nov 10, 2011, 5:04:01 PM11/10/11
On Nov 10 2011 2:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:

It amazes me how everyone assumes Sandusky is guilty. He's being judged
in the court of public opinion. I support Jerry 100 percent. I also ask
that people please don’t judge the Second Mile program. They are a great
organization for at-risk children. The adults who run this program are the
best counselors available. I find it very hard to believe that he ever
hurt any child that was in his company. Please stop judging him and let
our justice system work. I think that when all is out and said and done
Jerry will be found innocent of all of this. I've seen too many good men
accused of this with no proof beyond wild specualtion and hysteria. At
the very least we need to defend the instituion.

Irish Mike

"We don't have deficits because Americans are taxed too little, we have
deficits because Washington spends too much." John Boehner


Alim Nassor

Nov 10, 2011, 5:13:27 PM11/10/11
The latest is that Sandusky and his foundation were pimping out boys
to rich donors.


Nov 10, 2011, 7:50:21 PM11/10/11
you left out the 800 lb LochNess monster in this case .. the DA who has
been missing for about 5 years .. Greggar.. i think is his name ... he
passed on charging them

what if he killed himself over this or was killed

> Apparently I see no reason for Perry to have lied well over a year ago..

Another gem from Alim Nassor



Nov 10, 2011, 7:54:31 PM11/10/11
dead DA and State Police involvement also

> Apparently I see no reason for Perry to have lied well over a year ago..

Another gem from Alim Nassor



Nov 10, 2011, 11:09:29 PM11/10/11
Good lord. Link?

Opie G. Manager
Assistant Newsgroup Coordinator Emeritus (2009-2011)



Nov 11, 2011, 1:37:31 AM11/11/11
It was mentioned in a radio interview with a PSU beat reporter (Madden, I
think?) – sorry, can't find the link. He's been on this story for 6-7
months if IIRC. He suggested that the "rumor" was that a couple "prominent
columnists" were pursuing this angle.



Nov 11, 2011, 1:34:17 AM11/11/11
There's no excuse for burying this. None. Schultz saw a 10-year-old boy
being ass-fucked in the showers of a university facility and didn't
intervene... this AFTER an previous allegation against Sandusky a few
years prior. Unforgivable.

No way they get off as easy as you suggest. I'm betting there are going to
be dozens more victims stepping forward (this guy had his little kiddie
farm running for 30+ years), and there's no doubt in my mind that people
on Paterno's staff and in the athletic department had some idea what was
going on. No other explanation as to why Sandusky, heir apparent to
Paterno, was put out to pasture at the height of his career.

This kind of cover up at a state institution will have HUGE implications
and will likely exacerbate any consequences – politics at publicly funded
universities can be downright nasty. The guys on 670 were talking about
program death penalties, Penn State losing its accreditation... While
those are obviously extreme outcomes, if there's any merit to the rumor
that the charity was pimping out boy, look out. We're talking a RICO-type
investigation that goes to the very top of Penn State's board of trustees.
You can tell from the way they've handled this crisis that they have no
fucking clue what they're in for in the coming months.



Nov 11, 2011, 2:43:43 AM11/11/11
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:09:29 -0800, "O-PGManager"
<ad6...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:

>> > _____________________________________________________________________
>> The latest is that Sandusky and his foundation were pimping out boys
>> to rich donors.
>Good lord. Link?
>Opie G. Manager
>Assistant Newsgroup Coordinator Emeritus (2009-2011)


Nov 11, 2011, 2:50:59 AM11/11/11
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 22:34:17 -0800, "ChrisRobin"
<a9d...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:

>There's no excuse for burying this. None. Schultz saw a 10-year-old boy
>being ass-fucked in the showers of a university facility and didn't
>intervene... this AFTER an previous allegation against Sandusky a few
>years prior. Unforgivable.
>No way they get off as easy as you suggest. I'm betting there are going to
>be dozens more victims stepping forward (this guy had his little kiddie
>farm running for 30+ years), and there's no doubt in my mind that people
>on Paterno's staff and in the athletic department had some idea what was
>going on. No other explanation as to why Sandusky, heir apparent to
>Paterno, was put out to pasture at the height of his career.

the real fucking sick part are the students ,going to school off mommy
and daddy's money, who are destroyig cars and protesting the firing of
seems noone gives a shit about the kids who were raped, they sem to
just care about the old millionaire 'coach' who was nothing more than
a figure head anyway

Pepe Papon

Nov 11, 2011, 4:32:03 AM11/11/11
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 14:04:01 -0800, " Irish Mike "
<a35...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:

>It amazes me how everyone assumes Sandusky is guilty. He's being judged
>in the court of public opinion. I support Jerry 100 percent. I also ask
>that people please don’t judge the Second Mile program. They are a great
>organization for at-risk children. The adults who run this program are the
>best counselors available. I find it very hard to believe that he ever
>hurt any child that was in his company. Please stop judging him and let
>our justice system work. I think that when all is out and said and done
>Jerry will be found innocent of all of this. I've seen too many good men
>accused of this with no proof beyond wild specualtion and hysteria. At
>the very least we need to defend the instituion.
>Irish Mike



Nov 11, 2011, 10:32:36 AM11/11/11
Unless that's 1.4/100 you're way too generous.



Nov 11, 2011, 11:06:16 AM11/11/11
"BTSinAustin" <a1...@webnntp.invalid> wrote in message
Yep. I usually fall for the imposter posts, but even I caught that one.


Nov 11, 2011, 11:11:31 AM11/11/11
On Nov 11 2011 9:06 AM, Mossingen wrote:

> >> 1.4
> >
> > Unless that's 1.4/100 you're way too generous.
> Yep. I usually fall for the imposter posts, but even I caught that one.

as satire, it's a 9.




Nov 11, 2011, 11:49:26 AM11/11/11
On Nov 11 2011 2:50 AM, bub wrote:

> the real fucking sick part are the students ,going to school off mommy
> and daddy's money, who are destroyig cars and protesting the firing of
> paterno.
> seems noone gives a shit about the kids who were raped, they sem to
> just care about the old millionaire 'coach' who was nothing more than
> a figure head anyway

That was really hard to watch. I'm sure none of them had actually read the
grand jury report or anything... and the majority were probably just on
the streets because life at Penn State is unbearably boring – but it
looked really, really bad.



Nov 11, 2011, 4:13:13 PM11/11/11
I'm certainly appalled by everyone's actions after the fact. However,
before you burn the grad student at the stake for his cowardly
response to what he saw, is it clear exactly what happened in the
shower when he walked in on the rape?

Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
Did he say something like WTF is going on?
Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?

Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury. If he did
stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
this should be known.

I don't condone his actions (not telling the police). But is that
perhaps his only crime. (I know many of us would like to see him
beating up the coach) but, are we being totally fair without all the



Nov 11, 2011, 4:35:55 PM11/11/11
The 99% supporting the 1%.




Nov 11, 2011, 5:38:12 PM11/11/11
On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:13:13 -0800 (PST), lancy <>

>I'm certainly appalled by everyone's actions after the fact. However,
>before you burn the grad student at the stake for his cowardly
>response to what he saw, is it clear exactly what happened in the
>shower when he walked in on the rape?
>Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
>Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
>Did he say something like WTF is going on?
>Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?

page 6-7


Nov 11, 2011, 5:42:19 PM11/11/11
On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:35:55 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
how many boxes of wine so far today,jerry?


Nov 11, 2011, 11:40:22 PM11/11/11
Impossible to know for sure. But this story might help clarify, at least a



Nov 12, 2011, 11:38:32 AM11/12/11
Inability to address the thread, noted.


Alim Nassor

Nov 12, 2011, 9:17:44 PM11/12/11
On Nov 11, 4:42 pm, bub <> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:35:55 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
> how many boxes of wine so far today,jerry?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I'm waiting for Jerry to say those kids should have just done what the
nice coach said. After all, the coach has authority.


Nov 12, 2011, 11:25:38 PM11/12/11
On Nov 12, 8:38 am, "VegasJerry" <> wrote:
> On Nov 11 2011 2:42 PM, bub wrote:
> > On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:35:55 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
The inability is all yours. The Penn State story has zero to do with
OWS or the 99% or whatever other bullshit point you imagine you made
with your idiotic post.

Anticipated dodge, pre-emptively noted.



Nov 13, 2011, 11:54:59 AM11/13/11
Yet the thread was not addressed. Reference was made to boxes of wine.


The Penn State story has zero to do with
> OWS or the 99% or whatever other bullshit point you imagine you made
> with your idiotic post.
> Anticipated dodge, pre-emptively noted.
> Michael



Nov 13, 2011, 3:24:12 PM11/13/11
"lancy" <> wrote in message

Google the grand jury report. You'll find it in abot 3 seconds. After you
read it, I think you will find it exceedingly difficul to justify the
actions of McQueary.

Pepe Papon

Nov 14, 2011, 1:36:55 AM11/14/11
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 -0600, "Mossingen" <>

>Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
>Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
>Did he say something like WTF is going on?
>Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?
>Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury. If he did
>stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
>this should be known.

The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
told his father, who advised him to tell the coach. To give him the
benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
occurred to him.

He told Paterno the following day. It's not clear to me if Paterno
knew exactly what had occurred. It didn't sound like Paterno was
party to a coverup. It's hard to know what thought process led him
to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
more like negligence than malicious intent.

Dave the Clueless

Nov 14, 2011, 10:04:32 AM11/14/11
On Nov 13 2011 12:54 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> >
> > The inability is all yours.
> Yet the thread was not addressed. Reference was made to boxes of wine.
> Jerry

You didn't address the thread either, nimrod. You just tossed in a
completely irrelevant 99% comment.

Canada, keeping the brown people to a minimum for 80 years!


Dave the Clueless

Nov 14, 2011, 10:06:13 AM11/14/11
According to Jerry's logic, Sandusky should beat the shit out of McQueary
(sp?) for running his mouth.

Canada, keeping the brown people to a minimum for 80 years!



Nov 14, 2011, 11:09:45 AM11/14/11
"Pepe Papon" <> wrote in message

> The testimony said that he didn't know what to do

Wait a second right here. A 28-year-old man walks into a shower room and
sees an older man anally sodomizing a boy who looks like he's about ten
years old, and he "didn't know what to do?" And BTW, I believe that
McQueary was/is about 6'4"/220 lbs.

You seriously buy that he didn't know what to do? You know what to do,

>so he went home and told his father, who advised him to tell the coach.
>To give him the
> benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
> couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
> occurred to him.

I can accept this for maybe an hour or two after the incident. He went to
see Paterno the NEXT DAY.

> He told Paterno the following day. It's not clear to me if Paterno
> knew exactly what had occurred. It didn't sound like Paterno was
> party to a coverup. It's hard to know what thought process led him
> to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> more like negligence than malicious intent.

You're being very generous to Paterno here. McQueary was upset about the
incident and said that he told Paterno about it. The point is, even if
McQueary was vague about it to Paterno, Paterno took no action other than to
inform the AD.

Does that sound like the action of a responsible man in a position of head
football coach at a major university? At the very least, Paterno knew that
McQueary saw Sandusky in the shower with a young boy and that something
inappropriate happened. Paterno knew at least that much. Yet, he
apparently never spoke to Sandusky about it, never tried to figure out who
the boy was, and never took any other type of action to find out what
happened or to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. This is
the guy cashing the checks paid to the head coach. He's was in charge.

He's also a man who has crowed for decades about his character and
integrity. What would a man of character and integrity have done in that


Nov 14, 2011, 1:17:23 PM11/14/11
On Nov 14 2011 7:04 AM, Dave the Clueless wrote:

> On Nov 13 2011 12:54 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> > >
> > > The inability is all yours.
> >
> > Yet the thread was not addressed. Reference was made to boxes of wine.
> >
> > Jerry
> You didn't address the thread either....

As in you didn't? Thanks for admitting it.
"But it's okay becauses you didn't, too! Waa! Waa!"

Learn to reason, dipshit.

, nimrod. You just tossed in a
> completely irrelevant 99% comment.
> -------
> Canada, keeping the brown people to a minimum for 80 years!
> ----- 



Nov 14, 2011, 1:15:00 PM11/14/11
On Nov 13 2011 10:36 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 -0600, "Mossingen" <>
> wrote:
> >Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
> >Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
> >Did he say something like WTF is going on?
> >Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?
> >
> >Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury. If he did
> >stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
> >this should be known.
> The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
> told his father, who advised him to tell the coach. To give him the
> benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
> couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
> occurred to him.

I expect that he feared losing his job. Remember what happened to Anita
Hill? Notice how the Whistleblower laws have been watered down over the
years? The 1% have been bribing their CongressCrooks for years to have it
removed altogether.

If I saw what was happening in that shower, the first thing I would have
thought about was losing my job. There have been lots of studies about
Bystanders. What this guy did was not unusual.


> He told Paterno the following day. It's not clear to me if Paterno
> knew exactly what had occurred. It didn't sound like Paterno was
> party to a coverup. It's hard to know what thought process led him
> to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> more like negligence than malicious intent.



Nov 14, 2011, 1:19:01 PM11/14/11
> According to Jerry's logic,......

How stupid do you have to be for me to keep pointing out how you make up
positions for me, then keep right on doing it? Have YOU no logic?

Jerry (LOL at how stupid you are)

Sandusky should beat the shit out of McQueary
> (sp?) for running his mouth.
> -------
> Canada, keeping the brown people to a minimum for 80 years!
> ____________________________________________________________________ 



Nov 14, 2011, 1:18:56 PM11/14/11
On Nov 14 2011 11:15 AM, VegasJerry wrote:

> > The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
> > told his father, who advised him to tell the coach. To give him the
> > benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
> > couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
> > occurred to him.
> I expect that he feared losing his job. Remember what happened to Anita
> Hill? Notice how the Whistleblower laws have been watered down over the
> years? The 1% have been bribing their CongressCrooks for years to have it
> removed altogether.
> If I saw what was happening in that shower, the first thing I would have
> thought about was losing my job. There have been lots of studies about
> Bystanders. What this guy did was not unusual.

further, he and his dad deliberated for an evening. charges on the rape
of a young boy is a death sentence, so you better be absolutely certain
that's what you saw.




Nov 14, 2011, 4:55:32 PM11/14/11
Then it becomes "He said, he said," about your superior. Notice how well
that worked out in the Catholic Church?

The 1% still control the 99%.


> mo_ntresor
> -------- 


Bradley K. Sherman

Nov 14, 2011, 5:00:14 PM11/14/11
Is Stephen King writing this story?
| State College, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- The head of a charity
| for young people founded by former Penn State assistant
| football coach Jerry Sandusky has resigned amid accusations
| that Sandusky sexually abused young boys involved with the
| organization.
| ...
| Raykovitz is a licensed psychologist and certified school
| psychologist, according to his biography on the website of
| the MidStep Centers for Child Development, where he once
| had a part-time practice. He received his doctorate at Penn
| State.
| ...
| After Sandusky was charged this month with 40 counts of
| sexually abusing children, Judge Leslie Dutchcot freed him
| on $100,000 bail, against the wishes of prosecutors.
| A biography of Dutchcot posted on the website of the law
| firm Goodall & Yurchak lists her as a volunteer for Second
| Mile.
| "She certainly should have raised the issue in public and
| then asked the parties if either one wanted her to recuse
| herself," CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said.
| ...


Pepe Papon

Nov 14, 2011, 5:30:30 PM11/14/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:09:45 -0600, "Mossingen" <>

>"Pepe Papon" <> wrote in message
>> The testimony said that he didn't know what to do
>Wait a second right here. A 28-year-old man walks into a shower room and
>sees an older man anally sodomizing a boy who looks like he's about ten
>years old, and he "didn't know what to do?" And BTW, I believe that
>McQueary was/is about 6'4"/220 lbs.
>You seriously buy that he didn't know what to do? You know what to do,

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he could have become so
emotionally upset that he couldn't think clearly.

>>so he went home and told his father, who advised him to tell the coach.
>>To give him the
>> benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
>> couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
>> occurred to him.
>I can accept this for maybe an hour or two after the incident. He went to
>see Paterno the NEXT DAY.

He talked with his father about what to do. I have no idea what the
conversation went like or what the thought process was. Maybe he
just wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Not everyone has the same level of awareness about abuse issues. His
behavior certainly seems, um, odd, to say the least, but again, I'm
trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he doesn't
deserve it.

>> He told Paterno the following day. It's not clear to me if Paterno
>> knew exactly what had occurred. It didn't sound like Paterno was
>> party to a coverup. It's hard to know what thought process led him
>> to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
>> more like negligence than malicious intent.
>You're being very generous to Paterno here. McQueary was upset about the
>incident and said that he told Paterno about it. The point is, even if
>McQueary was vague about it to Paterno, Paterno took no action other than to
>inform the AD.

I admit that I'm not being completely objective with Paterno. I've
always admired the guy as a role model, so this whole thing is hard to

Pepe Papon

Nov 14, 2011, 5:33:19 PM11/14/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:15:00 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>On Nov 13 2011 10:36 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 -0600, "Mossingen" <>
>> wrote:
>> >Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
>> >Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
>> >Did he say something like WTF is going on?
>> >Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?
>> >
>> >Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury. If he did
>> >stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
>> >this should be known.
>> The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
>> told his father, who advised him to tell the coach. To give him the
>> benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable that he was so upset that he
>> couldn't think clearly. It sounds like calling the police never even
>> occurred to him.
>I expect that he feared losing his job. Remember what happened to Anita
>Hill? Notice how the Whistleblower laws have been watered down over the
>years? The 1% have been bribing their CongressCrooks for years to have it
>removed altogether.
>If I saw what was happening in that shower, the first thing I would have
>thought about was losing my job. There have been lots of studies about
>Bystanders. What this guy did was not unusual.

If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky. After
realizing that he'd probably kick the shit out of me, the next thought
would be to say, "What the fuck are you doing? Stop it RIGHT THE

Pepe Papon

Nov 14, 2011, 5:35:31 PM11/14/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:19:01 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

> >
>> > I'm waiting for Jerry to say those kids should have just done what the
>> > nice coach said. After all, the coach has authority.
>> According to Jerry's logic,......
>How stupid do you have to be for me to keep pointing out how you make up
>positions for me, then keep right on doing it? Have YOU no logic?

He's not making up a position for you. He's applying the same logic
that you've promoted in past threads.


Nov 14, 2011, 5:52:59 PM11/14/11
Is it the 1% who is committing the rapes at the *camps*?


On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:

Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas



Nov 14, 2011, 7:51:52 PM11/14/11
How much did the coach make? How much did the school leaders that covered
it up make? The information about the rape made it to the top and they
protected their own. The poor little 99% kids that followed got screwed,


> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas
> ----- 


Alim Nassor

Nov 14, 2011, 7:55:04 PM11/14/11
> ------ - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

And there you have it. ANYONE who is successful enough to be in the 1%
can be blamed for everything bad in America. Guess what Jerry, If
you quit blowing Obama long enough to take a look at his income, you
would find he is a 1%er.


Nov 14, 2011, 7:56:28 PM11/14/11
So you'd attack your boss? Without thinking about him having power over
you? How it would turn out to be a He Said - He Said and you'd be fighting
from the outside? Aneta Hill fought the powers to be. Nixon's men did what
they were told.

> After
> realizing that he'd probably kick the shit out of me, the next thought
> would be to say, "What the fuck are you doing? Stop it RIGHT THE
> FUCK NOW!!!!"

Uh, huh. Sound good. But in real life? You saw what happened.




Nov 14, 2011, 7:57:15 PM11/14/11
JFC, look up a few lines. Can't you read?



Nov 14, 2011, 8:21:47 PM11/14/11
He would kick the shit out of you? Seriously? He's an old man.




Nov 14, 2011, 9:07:02 PM11/14/11
On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:

He's using the Michael Jackson defense

"I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual


On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:

Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas


Alim Nassor

Nov 14, 2011, 9:11:04 PM11/14/11
On Nov 14, 9:06 am, "Dave the Clueless" <a987...@webnntp.invalid>
> ____________________________________________________________________ - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Did he violate the "thin brown line" Or do skidmarks count?

Alim Nassor

Nov 14, 2011, 9:12:20 PM11/14/11
On Nov 14, 10:09 am, "Mossingen" <> wrote:
> "Pepe Papon" <> wrote in message
If it had been me, Sandusky would be being arraigned from a hospital

Alim Nassor

Nov 14, 2011, 9:14:22 PM11/14/11
On Nov 14, 12:15 pm, "VegasJerry" <> wrote:
> On Nov 13 2011 10:36 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:
> > On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 -0600, "Mossingen" <>
> > wrote:
> > >Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
> > >Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
> > >Did he say something like WTF is going on?
> > >Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?
> > >Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury.  If he did
> > >stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
> > >this should be known.
> > The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
> > told his father, who advised him to tell the coach.   To give him the
> > benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable  that he was so upset that he
> > couldn't think clearly.  It sounds like calling the police never even
> > occurred to him.
> I expect that he feared losing his job. Remember what happened to Anita
> Hill? Notice how the Whistleblower laws have been watered down over the
> years? The 1% have been bribing their CongressCrooks for years to have it
> removed altogether.
> If I saw what was happening in that shower, the first thing I would have
> thought about was losing my job. There have been lots of studies about
> Bystanders. What this guy did was not unusual.
> Jerry

Is that why you went along with all the criminal activity of your
fellow officers? IS that why you repeatedly went along with violating
suspects constitutional rights?
> > He told Paterno the following day.  It's not clear to me if Paterno
> > knew exactly what had occurred.   It didn't sound like Paterno was
> > party to a coverup.   It's hard to know what thought process led him
> > to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> > more like negligence than malicious intent.
> ______________________________________________________________________ - Hide quoted text -

Pepe Papon

Nov 15, 2011, 4:21:25 AM11/15/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 18:12:20 -0800 (PST), Alim Nassor
<> wrote:

>> He's also a man who has crowed for decades about his character and
>> integrity.  What would a man of character and integrity have done in that
>> situation?
>If it had been me, Sandusky would be being arraigned from a hospital

You know what? I believe you. And I wish you'd been there.

Pepe Papon

Nov 15, 2011, 4:26:11 AM11/15/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:51:52 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>> >
>> > The 1% still control the 99%.
>> >
>> > OWS!
>> Is it the 1% who is committing the rapes at the *camps*?
>How much did the coach make? How much did the school leaders that covered
>it up make? The information about the rape made it to the top and they
>protected their own. The poor little 99% kids that followed got screwed,

I think you're going off the deep end with this one. Those people
may very well be in the top 1% of earners, but this situation has
nothing to do with the problems being protested the OWS. Sandusky
would have done the same thing if he were being paid minimum wage.

Pepe Papon

Nov 15, 2011, 4:28:09 AM11/15/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:56:28 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
>> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky.
>So you'd attack your boss? Without thinking about him having power over
>you? How it would turn out to be a He Said - He Said and you'd be fighting
>from the outside? Aneta Hill fought the powers to be. Nixon's men did what
>they were told.

I wouldn't give a fuck. Sometimes, it really is just a matter of
right and wrong. I'd hard a real hard time living with myself if I
saw that going on and did nothing.

Pepe Papon

Nov 15, 2011, 4:28:44 AM11/15/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:21:47 -0800, "necron99" <>

>> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
>> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky. After
>> realizing that he'd probably kick the shit out of me, the next thought
>> would be to say, "What the fuck are you doing? Stop it RIGHT THE
>> FUCK NOW!!!!"
>He would kick the shit out of you? Seriously? He's an old man.

And I'm a spring chicken?

Pepe Papon

Nov 15, 2011, 4:29:55 AM11/15/11
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:57:15 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
I read quite well, thank you. How about you?


Nov 15, 2011, 7:42:29 PM11/15/11
Wow! There's a grand, "Make up a position if you can't understand what was

Jerry 'n Vegas

Guess what Jerry, If
> you quit blowing Obama long enough to take a look at his income, you
> would find he is a 1%er.



Nov 15, 2011, 7:47:04 PM11/15/11
On Nov 15 2011 1:26 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:51:52 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > The 1% still control the 99%.
> >> >
> >> > OWS!
> >>
> >> Is it the 1% who is committing the rapes at the *camps*?
> >
> >How much did the coach make? How much did the school leaders that covered
> >it up make? The information about the rape made it to the top and they
> >protected their own. The poor little 99% kids that followed got screwed,
> >too.
> I think you're going off the deep end with this one.

Yea, well, sometimes you don't know how deep it is.

> Those people
> may very well be in the top 1% of earners, but this situation has
> nothing to do with the problems being protested the OWS.

It's about power. It's about who's in control. This guy catches his boss
and what's the first thing he does? If he caught one kid rapping another,
would he have acted different? Look how this compares to what happen at
the Catholic Church.

It's about power and control. Ask Anita Hill.

Jerry 'n Vegas

> Sandusky
> would have



Nov 15, 2011, 7:48:29 PM11/15/11
On Nov 15 2011 1:28 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:56:28 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
> wrote:
> >> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
> >> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky.
> >
> >So you'd attack your boss? Without thinking about him having power over
> >you? How it would turn out to be a He Said - He Said and you'd be fighting
> >from the outside? Aneta Hill fought the powers to be. Nixon's men did what
> >they were told.
> I wouldn't give a fuck.

Yea, I know; easy to say.


> Sometimes, it really is just a matter of
> right and wrong. I'd hard a real hard time living with myself if I
> saw that going on and did nothing.



Nov 15, 2011, 7:51:54 PM11/15/11
On Nov 14 2011 6:07 PM, bratt wrote:

> On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:
> He's using the Michael Jackson defense
> "I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
> hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual
> contact."

You ever done that with your own kids? Ever seen school teachers do that?

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas
> _______________________________________________________________________ 



Nov 15, 2011, 7:50:16 PM11/15/11
Your typical dodge is to make up a position for me, then argue that made
up position.

Just in case you didn't notice......

IS that why you repeatedly went along with violating
> suspects constitutional rights?
> >
> >
> >
> > > He told Paterno the following day.  It's not clear to me if Paterno
> > > knew exactly what had occurred.   It didn't sound like Paterno was
> > > party to a coverup.   It's hard to know what thought process led him
> > > to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> > > more like negligence than malicious intent.
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________________ -
Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -



Nov 15, 2011, 8:05:53 PM11/15/11
On Nov 15 2011 6:51 PM, VegasJerry wrote:

> On Nov 14 2011 6:07 PM, bratt wrote:
> > On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:
> >
> > He's using the Michael Jackson defense
> >
> > "I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
> > hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual
> > contact."
> You ever done that with your own kids? Ever seen school teachers do that?

When my kids were babies and toddlers, or course. If a school teacher did
that he would no longer have a job or a life.

I haven't been following this thread - are saying that he is innocent?


On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:

Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas


Alim Nassor

Nov 15, 2011, 8:48:36 PM11/15/11
On Nov 15, 6:47 pm, "VegasJerry" <> wrote:
> On Nov 15 2011 1:26 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:51:52 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
> > wrote:
> > >> > The 1% still control the 99%.
> > >> >   OWS!
> > >> Is it the 1% who is committing the rapes at the *camps*?
> > >How much did the coach make? How much did the school leaders that covered
> > >it up make? The information about the rape made it to the top and they
> > >protected their own. The poor little 99% kids that followed got screwed,
> > >too.
> > I think you're going off the deep end with this one.
> Yea, well, sometimes you don't know how deep it is.
> >  Those people
> > may very well be in the top 1% of earners, but this situation has
> > nothing to do with the problems being protested the OWS.
> It's about power. It's about who's in control. This guy catches his boss
> and what's the first thing he does? If he caught one kid rapping another,
> would he have acted different? Look how this compares to what happen at
> the Catholic Church.
> It's about power and control. Ask Anita Hill.

Or Monica Lewisnky.
> Jerry 'n Vegas
> >   Sandusky
> > would have
> _______________________________________________________________________ - Hide quoted text -

Alim Nassor

Nov 15, 2011, 8:53:59 PM11/15/11
On Nov 15, 7:05 pm, "bratt" <a890...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:
> On Nov 15 2011 6:51 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> > On Nov 14 2011 6:07 PM, bratt wrote:
> > > On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:
> > > He's using the Michael Jackson defense
> > > "I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
> > > hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual
> > > contact."
> > You ever done that with your own kids? Ever seen school teachers do that?
> When my kids were babies and toddlers, or course. If a school teacher did
> that he would no longer have a job or a life.
> I haven't been following this thread - are saying that he is innocent?

You expect Jerry to know what his position is?

Alim Nassor

Nov 15, 2011, 8:53:28 PM11/15/11
No, you ignorant fuck. What I do is use your own statements to TRY to
embarress you, but you are too fucking stupid to even understand that
you should be embarrassed.
Are you going to sit here and deny AGAIN that you have openly admitted
to violating the ACTUAL law when dealing with prisoners? I'm not
asking about your Kool Kids Keystone Kops version of the law. You
were a fucking corrupt, evil,disgusting crminal of a cop and you have
posted a dozen ways from Sunday proving how you were just that.

>   Just in case you didn't notice......
>   IS that why you repeatedly went along with violating
> > suspects constitutional rights?
> > > > He told Paterno the following day.  It's not clear to me if Paterno
> > > > knew exactly what had occurred.   It didn't sound like Paterno was
> > > > party to a coverup.   It's hard to know what thought process led him
> > > > to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> > > > more like negligence than malicious intent.
> > > ______________________________________________________________________ -
> Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> _______________________________________________________________________ - Hide quoted text -


Nov 16, 2011, 11:26:48 AM11/16/11
On Nov 15 2011 5:53 PM, Alim Nassor wrote:

> On Nov 15, 7:05 pm, "bratt" <a890...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:
> > On Nov 15 2011 6:51 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> >
> > > On Nov 14 2011 6:07 PM, bratt wrote:
> >
> > > > On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:
> >
> > > > He's using the Michael Jackson defense
> >
> > > > "I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
> > > > hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual
> > > > contact."
> >
> > > You ever done that with your own kids? Ever seen school teachers do that?
> >
> > When my kids were babies and toddlers, or course. If a school teacher did
> > that he would no longer have a job or a life.
> >
> > I haven't been following this thread - are saying that he is innocent?
> You expect Jerry to know what his position is?

Another worthless dodge by the resident asshole.

> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > On Nov 8 2011 2:11 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
> >
> > Jerry (almonst worthless) 'n Vegas
> >
> > ------



Nov 16, 2011, 11:25:15 AM11/16/11
Fuck you, you worthless ignorant cocksucker. You dodged the thread and
make up another phony position for me. Shove your worthless accusations up
your ass.

Dumb motherfucking cop wannabe.

Jerry 'n Vegas

What I do is use your own statements to TRY to
> embarress you, but you are too fucking stupid to even understand that
> you should be embarrassed.
> Are you going to sit here and deny AGAIN that you have openly admitted
> to violating the ACTUAL law when dealing with prisoners? I'm not
> asking about your Kool Kids Keystone Kops version of the law. You
> were a fucking corrupt, evil,disgusting crminal of a cop and you have
> posted a dozen ways from Sunday proving how you were just that.
> > Just in case you didn't notice......
> >
> > IS that why you repeatedly went along with violating
> >
> > > suspects constitutional rights?
> >
> > > > > He told Paterno the following day. It's not clear to me if Paterno
> > > > > knew exactly what had occurred. It didn't sound like Paterno was
> > > > > party to a coverup. It's hard to know what thought process led him
> > > > > to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> > > > > more like negligence than malicious intent.
> >



Nov 16, 2011, 3:38:47 PM11/16/11
Sorry Dude, didn't realize. That must be an old photo I saw.
You're not....decrepit or anything are you?




Nov 16, 2011, 7:23:17 PM11/16/11
On Nov 14, 1:36 am, Pepe Papon <> wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 -0600, "Mossingen" <>
> wrote:
> >Did he just peek in and walk away when saw what was going on?
> >Did he interrupt the act when he surprised "the coach"?
> >Did he say something like WTF is going on?
> >Did the "coach" immediately stop and beg him not to tell?
> >Perhaps this has all been explained by the the grand jury.  If he did
> >stop the rape by walking in on it and then immediately told Paterno
> >this should be known.
> The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
> told his father, who advised him to tell the coach.   To give him the
> benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable  that he was so upset that he
> couldn't think clearly.  It sounds like calling the police never even
> occurred to him.
> He told Paterno the following day.  It's not clear to me if Paterno
> knew exactly what had occurred.   It didn't sound like Paterno was
> party to a coverup.   It's hard to know what thought process led him
> to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> more like negligence than malicious intent.

We all like to think that we would just run in and beat up Sandusky.
However, do we really know what we would do after walking in on such a
shocking scene. There have been many times in my life that I have
been thrown off guard by something I saw or something I heard. For
many days after I have said, "damn, I wish I said this or did that".
Gets a little easier when the shock wears off.

I really don't think he left afraid, and, he may have thought he ended
the act when he surprised them.

Alim Nassor

Nov 16, 2011, 7:26:14 PM11/16/11
> --- - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

LOL Wanna be? I was a cop you stupid fuck. Guys like you drive the
decent people out of the profession.

Alim Nassor

Nov 16, 2011, 7:25:04 PM11/16/11
> --- - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

ROFL. How could I dodge a question that wasn't asked of me? You
fucking moron.

Alim Nassor

Nov 16, 2011, 7:26:44 PM11/16/11
On Nov 16, 2:38 pm, "necron99" <> wrote:
> On Nov 15 2011 8:28 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:21:47 -0800, "necron99" <>
> > wrote:
> > >> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
> > >> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky.   After
> > >> realizing that he'd probably kick the shit out of me, the next thought
> > >> would be to say, "What the fuck are you doing?   Stop it RIGHT THE
> > >> FUCK NOW!!!!"
> > >He would kick the shit out of you? Seriously? He's an old man.
> > And I'm a spring chicken?
> Sorry Dude, didn't realize. That must be an old photo I saw.
> You're not....decrepit or anything are you?
> Adam
> --------

only mentally. Sorry Seth, couldn;t help myself.


Nov 16, 2011, 11:25:34 PM11/16/11
On Nov 16 2011 5:23 PM, lancy wrote:

> > The testimony said that he didn't know what to do, so he went home and
> > told his father, who advised him to tell the coach.   To give him the
> > benefit of the doubt, it's conceivable  that he was so upset that he
> > couldn't think clearly.  It sounds like calling the police never even
> > occurred to him.
> >
> > He told Paterno the following day.  It's not clear to me if Paterno
> > knew exactly what had occurred.   It didn't sound like Paterno was
> > party to a coverup.   It's hard to know what thought process led him
> > to decide to talk to the AD and not call the police, but it sounds
> > more like negligence than malicious intent.
> We all like to think that we would just run in and beat up Sandusky.
> However, do we really know what we would do after walking in on such a
> shocking scene. There have been many times in my life that I have
> been thrown off guard by something I saw or something I heard. For
> many days after I have said, "damn, I wish I said this or did that".
> Gets a little easier when the shock wears off.
> I really don't think he left afraid, and, he may have thought he ended
> the act when he surprised them.

he did MORE than most people would.



Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:16:31 AM11/17/11
On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:47:04 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>On Nov 15 2011 1:26 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:51:52 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
>> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > The 1% still control the 99%.
>> >> >
>> >> > OWS!
>> >>
>> >> Is it the 1% who is committing the rapes at the *camps*?
>> >
>> >How much did the coach make? How much did the school leaders that covered
>> >it up make? The information about the rape made it to the top and they
>> >protected their own. The poor little 99% kids that followed got screwed,
>> >too.
>> I think you're going off the deep end with this one.
>Yea, well, sometimes you don't know how deep it is.
>> Those people
>> may very well be in the top 1% of earners, but this situation has
>> nothing to do with the problems being protested the OWS.
>It's about power. It's about who's in control. This guy catches his boss
>and what's the first thing he does? If he caught one kid rapping another,
>would he have acted different? Look how this compares to what happen at
>the Catholic Church.

Well, bosses generally do have power. That's what makes them bosses.
But this sort of thing could have happened at any job and any salary

Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:17:18 AM11/17/11
On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:48:29 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>On Nov 15 2011 1:28 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:56:28 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
>> wrote:
>> >> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
>> >> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky.
>> >
>> >So you'd attack your boss? Without thinking about him having power over
>> >you? How it would turn out to be a He Said - He Said and you'd be fighting
>> >from the outside? Aneta Hill fought the powers to be. Nixon's men did what
>> >they were told.
>> I wouldn't give a fuck.
>Yea, I know; easy to say.

"Easy to say" is also easy to say.

Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:18:45 AM11/17/11
On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:38:47 -0800, "necron99" <>

>On Nov 15 2011 8:28 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:21:47 -0800, "necron99" <>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
>> >> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky. After
>> >> realizing that he'd probably kick the shit out of me, the next thought
>> >> would be to say, "What the fuck are you doing? Stop it RIGHT THE
>> >> FUCK NOW!!!!"
>> >
>> >He would kick the shit out of you? Seriously? He's an old man.
>> And I'm a spring chicken?
>Sorry Dude, didn't realize. That must be an old photo I saw.
>You're not....decrepit or anything are you?

The photo is from last year. I'm older than I look. I'm trying to
get back into shape, but unlike Sandusky, I haven't been coaching

Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:19:16 AM11/17/11
I owe you one.

Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:22:13 AM11/17/11
On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 16:23:17 -0800 (PST), lancy <>
But after the shock wears off, wouldn't you call the police?

Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 2:23:22 AM11/17/11
On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:53:59 -0800 (PST), Alim Nassor
<> wrote:

>On Nov 15, 7:05 pm, "bratt" <a890...@webnntp.invalid> wrote:
>> On Nov 15 2011 6:51 PM, VegasJerry wrote:
>> > On Nov 14 2011 6:07 PM, bratt wrote:
>> > > On Nov 10 2011 3:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:
>> > > He's using the Michael Jackson defense
>> > > "I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have
>> > > hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual
>> > > contact."
>> > You ever done that with your own kids? Ever seen school teachers do that?
>> When my kids were babies and toddlers, or course. If a school teacher did
>> that he would no longer have a job or a life.
>> I haven't been following this thread - are saying that he is innocent?
>You expect Jerry to know what his position is?

You're making up a lack of position for him!

Alim Nassor

Nov 17, 2011, 2:26:25 AM11/17/11
> You're making up a lack of position for him!- Hide quoted text -


Nov 17, 2011, 2:36:10 AM11/17/11
Well he has been doing all that extra cardio work.




Nov 17, 2011, 6:22:35 PM11/17/11
But look at how they protected their jobs by protecting (or not reporting)
on their boss. They know if they make an accusation about their boss, and
the boss can dodge it, they're screwed. Aneta Hill is still spit on. And
she tried to remain anonomous.




Nov 17, 2011, 6:26:16 PM11/17/11
LOL! Now, you stupid fuck.

> Guys like you drive the
> decent people out of the profession.

Yea, right, what you think I do drives other people to quit. We'll leave
that as your 'stupid fuck' opinion.




Nov 17, 2011, 6:23:29 PM11/17/11
But not so easy to do. Aneta Hill and this assistant coach are finding
that out.



Nov 17, 2011, 6:27:29 PM11/17/11
Because they would fear for their job?

> mo_ntresor
> -------- 



Nov 17, 2011, 6:52:55 PM11/17/11
Looks like she made out ok Jerry, relax.

Later career

Hill accepted a position as a visiting scholar at the Institute for the
Study of Social Change at University of California, Berkeley in January
1997,[37] but soon joined the faculty of Brandeis University—first at the
Women's Studies Program, later moving to the Heller School for Social
Policy and Management. In 2011, she also took an of counsel position with
the Civil Rights & Employment Practice group of the plaintiffs' law firm
Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll.[8]
Over the years, Hill has provided commentary on gender and race issues on
national television programs, including 60 Minutes, Face the Nation and
Meet the Press[3][8] She has been a speaker on the topic commercial law of
law as well as race and women's rights.[8] She is also the author of
articles that have been published in The New York Times and
Newsweek.[3][8] and has contributed to many scholarly and legal
publications in the areas of international commercial law, bankruptcy, and
civil rights.[8][38]
In 1995, Hill co-edited Race, Gender and Power in America: The Legacy of
the Hill-Thomas Hearings with Emma Coleman Jordan.[39][3] In 1997, Hill
published her autobiography, Speaking Truth To Power,[40] in which she
chronicled her role in the Clarence Thomas confirmation controversy[3][6]
and wrote that creating a better society had been a motivating force in
her life.[4] In 2011, Hill’s second book, Reimagining Equality: Stories of
Gender, Race, and Finding Home was published. [41] In it, she focuses on
the sub-prime lending crisis that resulted in the foreclosure of many
homes owned by African-Americans[13] and she calls for a new understanding
about the importance of home and its place in the American Dream.[6]
[edit]Awards and honors

In 2005, Hill was selected as a Fletcher Foundation Fellow. In 2008, she
was awarded the Louis P. and Evelyn Smith First Amendment Award[42] by the
Ford Hall Forum. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for Southern
Vermont College which is located in Bennington, Vermont. [43]



Pepe Papon

Nov 17, 2011, 9:10:23 PM11/17/11
On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 15:23:29 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>

>On Nov 16 2011 11:17 PM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:48:29 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Nov 15 2011 1:28 AM, Pepe Papon wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:56:28 -0800, "VegasJerry" <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >> If I saw what was happening in the shower, the first thing I would
>> >> >> have thought about was kicking the shit out of Sandusky.
>> >> >
>> >> >So you'd attack your boss? Without thinking about him having power over
>> >> >you? How it would turn out to be a He Said - He Said and you'd be
>> >> >from the outside? Aneta Hill fought the powers to be. Nixon's men did
>> >> >they were told.
>> >>
>> >> I wouldn't give a fuck.
>> >
>> >Yea, I know; easy to say.
>> >
>> >Jerry
>> "Easy to say" is also easy to say.
>But not so easy to do.

So what? You have no idea what I'd do in such a situation, yet you
seem to be arguing that I'd behave in a certain way.

>Aneta Hill and this assistant coach are finding
>that out.

This assistant coach did the opposite of what I said.


Jul 3, 2013, 3:01:51 PM7/3/13
On Nov 10 2011 5:40 PM, John_Brian_K wrote:

> I have been discussing this tragedy with a different group, but for those
> who have yet to read the Grand Jury Report....a cliff notes version for
> you:
> This very well could be big enough to bring the school down.
> Cliff notes on the PDF for those who didn't read the whole thing:
> 8 victims
> 1998 Public Welfare was contacted about some alleged inappropriate
> behavior with victim 6
> Sandusky admitted to showering with the boy and when asked if his genitals
> touched the boy he said 'they may have.'
> 2008 Authorities were called and Grand Jury investigation basically began
> Victim 7 1994 first victim according to time line
> Victim 2 2002 in the showers at Penn State that McQueary witnessed
> Sandusky having anal sex with a boy
> McQueary calls his dad, goes to his dads house
> Next day McQueary and dad tell Paterno
> Paterno confirmed the meeting to the grand jury so he knew as of 2002
> Paterno tells Tim Curley the next day
> 1-1/2 weeks later Curley and Schultz tell McQueary they will 'look into it'
> McQueary was never questioned by authority until 2010 grand jury
> Grand Jury found McQueary testimony 'very credible'
> Schultz and Curley try to cover it up with a bunch of crap to the Grand
> Jury
> Grand Jury find Curely and Schults testimony 'not credible'
> 23 Pa.Cs 6311 Statute that requires institutions to report child abuse to
> authorities...the school has legal obligation
> 2000 janitor witnessed Sandusky having oral sex with a little boy in the
> showers
> Janitor tells everyone..noone else saw it and janitor never reports it and
> currently has Alzheimer's in the hospital (he was 60+ in 2000)
> Everything above is fact as stated in the grand jury. The 'M.O.' (modus
> operandi) in all cases was exactly the same plus minus a few minor
> details. 'Back cracking', showering, touching, anal sex, oral sex etc etc
> the truth of this needs to come out because words like 'inappropriate
> behavior' or 'fondling' doesn't paint the picture for what this guy is
> accused of doing. 8 victims all telling the same story a couple knowing
> each other, but according to what I am reading not all of them knew each
> other.
> McQueary
> McQueary's father
> Joe Paterno
> Tim Curley
> Gary Schultz
> Should all serve time. McQueary, Curley and Schultz more than the rest.
> Curley and Schultz tried to cover it up and the assistant actually heard
> (slapping in the shower) and saw sandusky do this to a little boy.
> Who knows how many other victims are out there that were assaulted between
> 2002 (when they didn't do anything about it) and 2008 when the Grand Jury
> investigated. Any kids that were harmed between that time are as much on
> the conscience of the grad assistant and Curley and Schultz as Sandusky.
> ===================
> I CAN make this shit up!
> ===================
> Part Time Assistant Coordinator
> _____________________________________________________________________

I CAN make this shit up!
Part Time Assistant Coordinator


Jul 3, 2013, 3:27:01 PM7/3/13
Geez JBK, you certainly put the "Part Time" into "Part Time Assistant
Coordinator". Even Turbo visits us more often.

Bea Foroni

Jul 3, 2013, 3:48:54 PM7/3/13
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:04:01 PM UTC-8, Irish Mike wrote:

> It amazes me how everyone assumes Sandusky is guilty. He's being judged
> in the court of public opinion. I support Jerry 100 percent. I also ask
> that people please don’t judge the Second Mile program. They are a great
> organization for at-risk children. The adults who run this program are the
> best counselors available. I find it very hard to believe that he ever
> hurt any child that was in his company. Please stop judging him and let
> our justice system work. I think that when all is out and said and done
> Jerry will be found innocent of all of this. I've seen too many good men
> accused of this with no proof beyond wild specualtion and hysteria. At
> the very least we need to defend the instituion.
> Irish Mike
> "We don't have deficits because Americans are taxed too little, we have
> deficits because Washington spends too much." John Boehner

Ahhh, the voice of reason. Barely 18 months ago, but it seems so long ago.


Aug 7, 2013, 3:06:35 PM8/7/13
On Jul 3 2013 3:27 PM, fffurken1 wrote:

> Geez JBK, you certainly put the "Part Time" into "Part Time Assistant
> Coordinator". Even Turbo visits us more often.

I have been testing out the hate waters on other guys are
right in line with the rest of the world...if it makes anyone happy! :)

da pickle

Aug 8, 2013, 2:41:50 AM8/8/13
Missed you JBK.
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