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Muslim terrorist shoots himself in the face

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Jan 31, 2018, 10:17:34 AM1/31/18

Hamas co-founder dies after accidentally shooting himself in face, militant group says
By Ryan Gaydos

"A co-founder of the terror group Hamas died Tuesday, three weeks after accidentally shooting himself in the face while cleaning his weapon, an official said.

Imad al-Alami, 62, was “examining his personal weapon in his home” Jan. 9 when the gun went off and a bullet struck him in the face, Hamas said.

He had been hospitalized in Gaza until his death, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Hamas initially announced al-Alami died of natural causes, dispelling rumors he'd committed suicide or was murdered. However, the group later admitted an accident had actually caused al-Alami's death.

Al-Alami held several key posts as a member of Hamas’ policy-making body and lived in Syria until 2012. He remained a top-ranking official, though not a member of the militant outfit's current staff.

After the 2014 Israel-Hamas war, al-Alami traveled to Turkey for treatment for an injury in which he lost a leg. Hamas said he was wounded in the war."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

As I read the story about this scum bag muslim terrorist
shooting himself in the face, all I could think of was the lyrics of Fats Domino's song
"Ain't That A Shame". Ain't that a shame. My tears fell like rain ... LOL!

Irish Mike


Jan 31, 2018, 10:38:05 AM1/31/18
I know it's not a laughing matter, but it's probably a blessing that Moslems are comically bad terrorists.

Tim Norfolk

Jan 31, 2018, 11:44:04 AM1/31/18
I recall a comment by a senior police official in Limerick (1978) that their criminals rob the wrong vans, and the Italian all to often blew themselves up by accident. (cf. The Book of Heroic Failures, Stephen Pile)


Jan 31, 2018, 12:05:47 PM1/31/18
lol I suppose I kind of expected someone to make a comment about Irish terrorists.. should of known it would be you.

Why aren't you concerned about the fucking mess Moslems are making of your country (of birth) instead of being an anti-Irish bigot?

What would your old man think of it? I mean, why did he bother fighting the Nazis.


Jan 31, 2018, 12:49:25 PM1/31/18
And btw, I've picked up on a certain amount of glee from certain people, I'm talking of an Irish Republican bent here, at what's happening in England, or shall we call it - the Plantation of England.

You're storing up your own Troubles, a Northern Ireland on the mainland and no one thought when sectarian violence broke out in Northern Ireland that it would last for thirty years. Although with Moslems it will be never ending - there is no negotiating with Allah.

Jan 31, 2018, 1:04:11 PM1/31/18
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 12:49:25 PM UTC-5, fffurken wrote:
> On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:05:47 UTC, fffurken wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 16:44:04 UTC, Tim Norfolk wrote:
> > > On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 10:38:05 AM UTC-5, fffurken wrote:
Muslims have been waging jihad for more than 1,200 years and their
objective has never changed. Kill or convert all non-muslims, destroy all other religions and rule the world with sharia law. That was their objective then and it is the objective of ISIS and all the other muslim terrorist groups today.

Irish Mike


Jan 31, 2018, 3:42:59 PM1/31/18
Kinda like our terrorists Christians. Shooting up black churches and abortions clinics, and their doctors. You're Christian, are you?

Tim Norfolk

Jan 31, 2018, 8:03:56 PM1/31/18
I didn't say anything about terrorists. The comment was about an Irish gang that robbed a van full of worthless industrial diamonds. However, there is quite a list of IRA and UDA who blew themselves up prematurely.

As for my Dad, he actually missed combat in WWII, and ended up marrying someone whose father was in the Wehrmacht in WWI and WWII, and won the Iron Cross.


Jan 31, 2018, 8:38:45 PM1/31/18
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 01:03:56 UTC, Tim Norfolk wrote:

> I didn't say anything about terrorists.

lol That makes it better? It was just a random comment about dumb paddies.

Why do you feel the need to constantly deflect (to white people, always white people) whenever anyone says anything about (your beloved) Muslims?

> As for my Dad, he actually missed combat in WWII, and ended up marrying someone whose father was in the Wehrmacht in WWI and WWII, and won the Iron Cross.

That's not what I asked you. What would he think of the state of England today? Of course, I don't expect an honest answer. You mentioned previously that your brother (who is almost certainly an equally ostrich liberal as you) who lives in Birmingham had never heard of no-go zones when parts of Birmingham, are Pakistan

Any comment on the rape of white British kids by Muslim grooming gangs on an "industrial scale"?

"A society that can't defend its children has no tomorrow" - Vladimir Putin


Jan 31, 2018, 8:50:13 PM1/31/18
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:38:45 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:

>What would he think of the state of England today? Of course, I don't expect an honest answer.

Looks pretty good:

Funny how all the countries that incorporate multiculturalism into their national fabric seem to filter to the top. How did that happen?


Jan 31, 2018, 8:57:24 PM1/31/18

It really doesn't take much more than common sense (although there are studies) to know that multiculturalism/diversity has nothing to do with whatever silly lits you can produce.


Jan 31, 2018, 8:59:42 PM1/31/18
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:57:24 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:

> It really doesn't take much more than common sense (although there are studies) >to know that multiculturalism/diversity has nothing to do with whatever silly >lits you can produce. can't possibly be that stupid.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:01:12 PM1/31/18
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:57:24 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:

>silly lits

It's called data....a bigot's worst enemy.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:03:27 PM1/31/18
Not an argument


Jan 31, 2018, 9:04:05 PM1/31/18
You have no (relevant) data


Jan 31, 2018, 9:25:56 PM1/31/18
No, not an argument. It was only a statement of fact, and apparently an incorrect one.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:31:22 PM1/31/18
You asked about the state of England today, and I gave you a weighted assessment based on a plethora of data. Please explain how, in your alcohol soaked mind, any of that is not "relevant". lol What a moron.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:41:44 PM1/31/18
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 02:31:22 UTC, BillB wrote:

> I gave you a weighted assessment based on a plethora of data. Please explain how, in your alcohol soaked mind, any of that is not "relevant".

lol.. you can't possibly be that stupid.

Or maybe you are.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:47:11 PM1/31/18
In other words, you can't explain it. That's because ALL the data in that survey is clearly relevant to the state of England today. You are a moron. Go argue with someone in your own intellectual weight class.


Jan 31, 2018, 9:49:24 PM1/31/18
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 02:25:56 UTC, BillB wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 6:03:27 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:
> > On Thursday, 1 February 2018 01:59:42 UTC, BillB wrote:
> > > On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:57:24 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:
> > >
> > > > It really doesn't take much more than common sense (although there are studies) >to know that multiculturalism/diversity has nothing to do with whatever silly >lits you can produce.
> > >
> > > can't possibly be that stupid.
> >
> > Not an argument
> It was only a statement of fact, and apparently an incorrect one.

Yes, it's incorrect to state as a fact that multiculturalism/diversity has any bearing on the (high) rankings of countries on any silly lits you can produce, especially when every indicator, whether it be societally, or economic, indicates that mass Islamic immigration is a negative.

Tim Norfolk

Feb 1, 2018, 4:08:36 PM2/1/18
What would my father think? He was a fairly liberal man, who defended innocent Eqyptians from his fellow soldiers in 1949, and Yemenis in 1960 in Aden, while tracking terrorists. I never saw him judge a person by their religion or skin colour.

And you are delightfully wrong almost every time you write a comment. I was in Brum some time ago, and still didn't see those areas.


Feb 1, 2018, 4:15:53 PM2/1/18
On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 1:08:36 PM UTC-8, Tim Norfolk wrote:

> What would my father think? He was a fairly liberal man, who defended innocent Eqyptians from his fellow soldiers in 1949, and Yemenis in 1960 in Aden, while tracking terrorists. I never saw him judge a person by their religion or skin colour.

I figured you came from a good family. I was also taught from a very young age, by words and example, that racism is very wrong and very stupid. Similarly, furkin's parents were *probably* lower middle class bigots. Not 100%, but usually one's moral upbringing has a lot to do with his attitudes as an adult.


Feb 1, 2018, 4:26:08 PM2/1/18
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 21:08:36 UTC, Tim Norfolk wrote:

> What would my father think? He was a fairly liberal man, who defended innocent Eqyptians from his fellow soldiers in 1949, and Yemenis in 1960 in Aden, while tracking terrorists. I never saw him judge a person by their religion or skin colour.

How about nationality, you bigot.

Do you understand that there's a difference between not "judging a person by their religion or skin colour" and mass Islamic immigration into non-Islamic countries? I mean, can you stop being a virtue signalling child (AKA "liberal") for 5 seconds?

> And you are delightfully wrong almost every time you write a comment. I was in Brum some time ago, and still didn't see those areas.

I can't see America but I believe it exists.


Feb 1, 2018, 4:29:32 PM2/1/18
lol He's about as "logical" as you are. I suppose he's "educated", you're still stuck in junior infants sociology class (with Islamophilia grinds at the weekend).

Tim Norfolk

Feb 1, 2018, 5:46:42 PM2/1/18
I already told you that he married a Prussian. His brother became Canadian and married a Japanese woman. Our house frequently had military visitors, including Muslims from Malaya.

I am not 'virtue signalling'. I am stating what I experienced of my father. He put his life on the line, serving his country for a distinguished career. If you have an issue with that, it reflects badly on you, not on him or me.


Feb 1, 2018, 5:56:12 PM2/1/18
Please stop deflecting to your poor, dead father. My only reason to mention him is because he fought for his country. What do YOU think about the Islamisation of England?

Tim Norfolk

Feb 1, 2018, 6:48:15 PM2/1/18
I am not, you are doing so.

I do not see that there is 'Islamisation of England'. There are certainly serious issues, including Rotherham. I cannot say how it will play out. Historically, the British culture and English language absorbed everything seen as useful, and discarded the rest.

I will say that it was a terrible mistake to allow Indians to choose their passport on independence, since it led to a huge influx in the 1970's from India and Pakistan. It is a particularly bad mistake that so many of the immigrants in the past 20 or so years have been ignorant tribespeople. Their is more a problem than their religion. It was in my lifetime that we encouraged Indian doctors to come to the UK.

However, I still do not understand why the children of successful and educated immigrants are radicalized, like those who streamed to ISIS. Perhaps it is like the socialists we had in college, who turned out to be all of the rich kids.


Feb 1, 2018, 6:51:41 PM2/1/18
On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 2:56:12 PM UTC-8, fffurken wrote:

> What do YOU think about the Islamisation of England?

lol...I think you got your "education" on youtube.

"The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population)."


Feb 1, 2018, 7:42:00 PM2/1/18
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 23:48:15 UTC, Tim Norfolk wrote:

> I do not see that there is 'Islamisation of England'.

Just like you don't see that parts of Birmingham.. are Pakistan.

> There are certainly serious issues, including Rotherham.

lol An isolated case?

> However, I still do not understand why the children of successful and educated immigrants are radicalized...

I recommend that you watch that video in full, he knows (understands) a damn sight more about Islam than Devon Tracey (atheist (/anti-theist), liberal, "lifelong Democrat voter" and 'Islamophobe' (according to the SJW loons)) does and you're at like... BELOW remedial level.
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