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What meal/s would you most like Gordon Ramsay to cook for you,if he had to ?

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Apr 14, 2009, 4:10:35 AM4/14/09
As people often forget what a brilliant chef he actually is, what
meal/s (including any beverage/s you'd also choose) would you
most like world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay to cook for you
(if he had to) and please say why, for any separate meal named.


Apr 14, 2009, 4:33:53 AM4/14/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:10:35 -0700 (PDT), Gary <>
shouted from the highest rooftop:

Humble pie.


una cerveza mas por favor ...

Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>

Message has been deleted

Bobo Bonobo®

Apr 14, 2009, 6:28:58 AM4/14/09

Something the he is deathly allergic to, so that whatever the meal
was, it would be his last.

The album, "School of the Americas" is now available online.
Go to:
Click on the album cover to purchase. This is a fold out case with a
lyrics booklet for only $9.99. That's right folks, only $9.99.

Dan the Man

Apr 14, 2009, 10:50:40 AM4/14/09

I would suggest an Ivory Soap Souffle to clean out his filthy mouth.

blake murphy

Apr 14, 2009, 11:23:16 AM4/14/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:33:53 +1200, bob wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:10:35 -0700 (PDT), Gary <>
> shouted from the highest rooftop:
>>As people often forget what a brilliant chef he actually is, what
>>meal/s (including any beverage/s you'd also choose) would you
>>most like world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay to cook for you
>>(if he had to) and please say why, for any separate meal named.
> Humble pie.

it's good, though!

your pal,


Apr 14, 2009, 11:33:34 AM4/14/09

"blake murphy" <> wrote in message

Utah Phillips???


> your pal,
> blake


Apr 14, 2009, 1:19:48 PM4/14/09
"Gary" <> wrote in message

Beef wellington, rare :)



Apr 14, 2009, 1:24:26 PM4/14/09
"Sqwertz" <swe...@cluemail.compost> wrote in message
> I would like to see him serve Leg of Ingrid Newkirk.
> You sure sound like his publicist? Don't epect qany serious
> responses here. Gordon Ramsey is an asshole, and that's what he
> he'll always be. Great Chef, my ass.
> -sw

I don't see you owning a five star restaurant, nor do you have one or more
television shows. Oh wait, you have a show here all by yourself... it's
called "bitching" ;)



Apr 14, 2009, 2:04:38 PM4/14/09
On Apr 14, 10:24 am, "jmcquown" <> wrote:

> I don't see you owning a five star restaurant, nor do you have one or more
> television shows.  Oh wait, you have a show here all by yourself... it's
> called "bitching" ;)

And you named yours, what ?

David Harmon

Apr 14, 2009, 2:04:41 PM4/14/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 13:19:48 -0400 in, "jmcquown"
<> wrote,

With the members of this newsgroup standing over him, criticizing every


Apr 14, 2009, 3:57:55 PM4/14/09

"jmcquown" <> wrote in message
Nice, don't forget the risotto, what is with him and his danm risotto??.
Bloody Hell!!

Gregory Morrow

Apr 14, 2009, 4:18:50 PM4/14/09

jmcquown wrote:



"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher


Apr 14, 2009, 5:09:30 PM4/14/09
Gary wrote:

I would like him to fix me his favorite meal. I already know how to
make my own.

And then I would like him to sit down with me and two best friends, and
his own two best friends, and enjoy it with all of us and tell us all
about it.


Apr 14, 2009, 5:24:16 PM4/14/09
Perhaps he's not such a heel in person. I'm sure he's an accomplished
chef, but I don't care for the cursing and in-your-face actions on his
show. Of course, it might all be part of "selling" his show and getting
it discussed in places like this newsgroup.

If you think health care is expensive now,
wait until you see what it costs when it's free!

- P.J. O'Rourke


Apr 14, 2009, 5:32:25 PM4/14/09
On Apr 14, 2:24 pm, Nonnymus <> wrote:

> show.  Of course, it might all be part of "selling" his show and getting
> it discussed in places like this newsgroup.

What?! Next you'll be postulating that there are people associated
with the show actually encouraging that behavior.


Apr 14, 2009, 6:09:06 PM4/14/09

Of course it's for "show." Like Nailshooter says, real men on a jobsite
don't talk that way. I worked construction since high school and have
covered the gamut of trade-type work situations. Very rarely have I
encountered that type of locker room trash talk. Likewise, I've had
more than a few visits to board rooms, legal conference rooms for
closings, business meetings and other so-called white collar and
professional encounters. There, that type of talk, actions and cursing
would get you a very quick and unsatisfactory visit from the boss.

Nope, it has to be something some producer has decided will make the
show stand out.

Bent Attorney Esq.

Apr 14, 2009, 6:16:53 PM4/14/09

The trouble with capitalism is that it is the same as socialism.

Bent Attorney Esq.

Apr 14, 2009, 6:20:25 PM4/14/09
On Apr 14, 4:10 am, Gary <> wrote:

Excellent person. Tough. A pro-cook needs to be tough. Most of the
detractors here are soft goody two shoes.
I'm sure I'm a better cook than he is, but he is well rounded. An
excellent business person. I'm a better business person than he is,
but he could be a cook that is only slightly less than I.


Apr 14, 2009, 6:27:32 PM4/14/09

> If you think health care is expensive now,
> wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
> - P.J. O'Rourke

He's an Idiot!! Why is it that the per capita cost of healthcare in all
other civilised countries is significantly less than in the US?


Apr 14, 2009, 6:36:57 PM4/14/09

Just because he's Ramsey and it would piss him off forever, I want my
beef wellington well done. And fuck the risotto! I want the lobster

<whatever the hell that is>

Joseph Littleshoes

Apr 14, 2009, 7:18:31 PM4/14/09

If i saw him in a kitchen i would leave. Even if its all an act for the
t.v. show and he's not really such an arrogant (insert anatomical
metaphor of choice here) then its even worse that he would "act' like
that on the t.v. shows.

He is just an example of why i don't watch network t.v.

Ok, star trek reruns on saturday night and the local PBS station.

I don't care for House, 24, Lost (not for lack of trying), *shudder*
americas next top model *gag*, ER, any of the hells kitchen derivatives
or Trump like humiliation shows.

"The Wall" (iirc) is just barely surrealistic enough to be vaguely
interesting, once or twice, same with any game show including "deal/no

In my area we get a Chinese language station that has a couple of
english subtitled dramas i have become quite fond of, commercial free,
and usually shown in blocks of 2 - 4 hours.

One about a young girl growing up in the royal palace of 1500's c.e.
Korea, she starts her training as a cook in the royal palace kitchens,
and the drama is called in English "Jewel in the Palace" and the other
is a dramatization of the "Tokugawa" era in Japan, roughly late 1500's -
late 1800's. From the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate to the
Meji Restoration. Both are very long and very well done.

Now im no saint, i watch t.v, but generally not "Network" or free, over
the air broadcast t.v. but i can remember rushing home to catch STTNG,
and forcing myself to learn how to program my VCR so i could record it
as a backup "just in case":)

Even Sienfield and Roseanne, while i thought they were really superb
shows (only technically does "Frasier" barely makes the list), and i
quite often enjoy them in reruns when i chance across an episode, they
never grabbed me the way STTNG and its spin offs did, Babylon 5 was
close but then, when it threw over broadcast t.v. for cable, i felt like
a jilted lover, beside which they had written themselves into a hopeless
plot twist not unlike the original Battle Star Galactic.

Even with all the spare time i have i prefer a good book over 99% of
broadcast t.v. and probly 90% of cable. I mean, i did have cable at one
time, for several years, and just before i moved to an area it was not
available at, i remember thinking to my self '500 channels and there's
nothing on' while i flipped through channel after channel of stuff i
just could not appreciate.

Course one time i was just setting around flipping through channels and
found a Dr. Who broadcast, and entire 4 part episode was broadcast and
just as i was thinking "...wouldn't it be nice if they showed another
one?" ... they did! and another and another! and just when i thought it
could not get any better they showed the Dr. Who Movie! i had just
accidentally stumbled into an 8 - 10 hour Dr. Who marathon.

Now days i primarily use my t.v. set to watch DVD's on. Catch the
occasional news hour with Jim Leher or some Masterpiece Theater, BBC,
sort of thing, i really do miss a small dose of Benny Hill now and
again:) and my local PBS station occasionally airs a few episodes of
"Are you being served?" which never seem to grow old.

I only hope Gordan Ramsey is suitably chastised in old age when he looks
back on his behavior on either of his t.v. show. How he prostituted
himself to tabloid television, right up there with Maury Povich imo.

And in my convoluted reasoning, even if its all an act, both Ramsey and
those people he abuses, even if the abused are 'acting' then its still a
very poor use of the medium, to extol and exploit human suffering as a
means of generating advertising revenue sickens me.

I don't watch the classic dramas, i don't care for drama as a form of
entertainment, but the type of 'drama' Gordon Ramsey perpetuates is on a
par with Jerry Springer and his ilk, and i don't approve, it validates a
bad example.

Course if i had my way all the gladiatorial/combat sports would be if
not banned at the very least not televised. Especially the pugilistic
'sports'. I would extend the same courtesy to racing/fighting of large
animals and/or machines.

Not televising them would have an immediate effect on the outrageous
salaries the 'stars' of these shows are paid and the hugh sums spent on
their production & distribution.

Tabloid t.v. is a symptom of its times but also a product of the medium
desperate for ratings by which to set its own cash flow, and cable, too
expensive and monopolistic.

Im actually looking forward to June 12 from a sociological perspective,
a lot of people are suddenly going to go cold turkey ...

[cue soup nazi voice]

No! Gordon! Ramsey! For! You!

Or jerry springer or judge judy et al, the white trash shows should be
the first casualties of the digital divide.
And yes you can be English and white trash, just read the news group and see for yourself:)
Joseph Littleshoes


Apr 14, 2009, 7:48:44 PM4/14/09

Is he competing with the McQuown Narcissistic Hour?


Ed Pawlowski

Apr 14, 2009, 9:42:39 PM4/14/09

"Nonnymus" <> wrote in message

> Of course it's for "show." Like Nailshooter says, real men on a jobsite
> don't talk that way. I worked construction since high school and have
> covered the gamut of trade-type work situations. Very rarely have I
> encountered that type of locker room trash talk.

Sadly, the "f" work is becoming very popular with young men and even women.
Seems as though the 16 to 30 year olds think nothing of using it in every
sentence. IMO, it just degrades the user, but they don't think anything of


Apr 14, 2009, 10:07:15 PM4/14/09

fewer lawyers



Apr 15, 2009, 12:20:42 AM4/15/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:10:35 -0700 (PDT), Gary <>

I'd rather have Michael Chiarello cook for me.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Christine Dabney

Apr 15, 2009, 12:23:24 AM4/15/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:20:42 -0700, sf <> wrote:

>On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:10:35 -0700 (PDT), Gary <>
>>As people often forget what a brilliant chef he actually is, what
>>meal/s (including any beverage/s you'd also choose) would you
>>most like world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay to cook for you
>>(if he had to) and please say why, for any separate meal named.
>I'd rather have Michael Chiarello cook for me.

He has a new restaurant in Napa now...



Apr 15, 2009, 1:21:03 AM4/15/09

I wonder how many months in advance you have to make reservations?


Apr 15, 2009, 1:37:32 AM4/15/09

Looks like you're a little on the shy side. You need to work on that.


Apr 15, 2009, 5:35:08 AM4/15/09
Obviously an emotive topic.

Back to the question.

I would have him cook a British meal of his choice in which _all_
ingredients were sourced within 10 miles of where I was eating. The
place would preferably be Stratford-upon-Avon. Beverage would be real
ale (brewed within 10 miles as well).


Apr 15, 2009, 1:08:33 AM4/15/09

"Nonnymus" <> wrote in message

> boulanger wrote:
>> "
>>> If you think health care is expensive now,
>>> wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
>>> - P.J. O'Rourke
>> He's an Idiot!! Why is it that the per capita cost of healthcare in all
>> other civilised countries is significantly less than in the US?
> fewer lawyers
Shakespeare was right!!

Mr. Bill

Apr 15, 2009, 11:46:43 AM4/15/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 23:08:33 -0600, "boulanger" <> wrote:

>Shakespeare was right!!

No..P T Barnum was right.

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:07:27 PM4/15/09

'You Want Fries With That?'

your pal,

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:08:38 PM4/15/09

capitalism is cannibalism. socialists just eat each other.

your pal,

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:09:40 PM4/15/09

i'll scratch your eyes out!

your pal,

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:16:44 PM4/15/09

it also degrades the word itself through overuse. i find the word
'fucking' useful, usually for emphasis and sometimes for rhythm. but when
used too often, as, say, in 'pulp fiction,' it just becomes distracting.

your pal,

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:27:17 PM4/15/09

o'rourke used to be funny (his book 'modern manners: an etiquette book for
rude people' is hilarious), but now he's just another right-wing tool.
it's too bad, really.

(one of his classic lines: 'every libertarian i run into seems to be a
high-school math teacher who wants to privatize the sidewalks.')

your pal,

blake murphy

Apr 15, 2009, 12:29:15 PM4/15/09

but is he better in the sack?

your pal,

James Silverton

Apr 15, 2009, 1:37:29 PM4/15/09
blake wrote on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:16:44 GMT:

> it also degrades the word itself through overuse. i find the
> word 'fucking' useful, usually for emphasis and sometimes for
> rhythm. but when used too often, as, say, in 'pulp fiction,'
> it just becomes distracting.

I'd eat practically anything Ramsay prepared but only if I did not have
to listen to him making it.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

Email, with obvious alterations:


Apr 15, 2009, 6:26:22 PM4/15/09

"Mr. Bill" <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 23:08:33 -0600, "boulanger" <> wrote:
>>Shakespeare was right!!
> No..P T Barnum was right.
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"
Shakespeare; King Henry VI, Part 2, Act 1, Scene 3.

Bent Attorney Esq.

Apr 15, 2009, 7:38:31 PM4/15/09

Chef Ramsay? I fucked him.

> your pal,
> blake


Apr 15, 2009, 8:00:23 PM4/15/09
On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:26:22 -0600, "boulanger" <>

shouted from the highest rooftop:


"There's a sucker born every minute." - P.T. Barnum


una cerveza mas por favor ...

Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>


Apr 15, 2009, 8:38:38 PM4/15/09

What makes people dislike attorneys? We have 4 generations in the
family and I have noticed some changes. The older ones smoked cigars and
walked around looking like legislators, the younger ones do not smoke at
all. The younger ones have different areas of concern; one of my
cousins, who is an attorney (works for Shell Oil), has a son who works
for the Southern Poverty Law Center and I can not imagine Great-grandpa
doing that.

Great-grandpa and his twin brother were both attorneys who became
judges. They used Spencerian penmanship that was graceful in
appearance, full of beautiful flourishes. I have an envelope he
addressed to someone and it looks like a work of art. It is too bad we
lost that. Now, we type on computers, and younger people are texting
using a strange code of "textese". lol



Apr 15, 2009, 9:49:38 PM4/15/09
On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 02:35:08 -0700 (PDT), Tom
<> wrote:

>I would have him cook a British meal of his choice in which _all_
>ingredients were sourced within 10 miles of where I was eating. The
>place would preferably be Stratford-upon-Avon. Beverage would be real
>ale (brewed within 10 miles as well).

Why did you pick Stratford-upon-Avon? Is he from that area - or are

Ed Pawlowski

Apr 15, 2009, 10:41:15 PM4/15/09

"Becca" <> wrote in message

> What makes people dislike attorneys? We have 4 generations in the family
> and I have noticed some changes.

There are a few decent one, but many are only interested in making money
(not justice), even at the expense of their client. They bring a lot of
frivolous suits, chase ambulances, and often screw the wrong people. I
don't know the percentage that are sleazy, but it is enough that the entire
profession is tainted by them.


Apr 16, 2009, 6:54:47 AM4/16/09
> Why did you pick Stratford-upon-Avon?  Is he from that area - or are
> you?

Wikipedia told me he was from (or at least "grew up") there:

I would generally push any chef to prepare local food and if that
could be done where said chef spent his/her "formative years," all the
better. (Also, GR often pushes for local ingredients when he is trying
to fix broken restaurants, so I would attempt to bounce that back to

I am from Los Gatos (San Jose), California, but, after bouncing around
the world a bit, landed in London, UK.

blake murphy

Apr 16, 2009, 11:56:44 AM4/16/09

only among lazy thinkers.



Apr 16, 2009, 10:17:34 PM4/16/09
On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 03:54:47 -0700 (PDT), Tom
<> wrote:

>> Why did you pick Stratford-upon-Avon?  Is he from that area - or are
>> you?
>Wikipedia told me he was from (or at least "grew up") there:


>I would generally push any chef to prepare local food and if that
>could be done where said chef spent his/her "formative years," all the
>better. (Also, GR often pushes for local ingredients when he is trying
>to fix broken restaurants, so I would attempt to bounce that back to

I think his general area should be the Cotswold's in that case.
Stratford-Upon-Avon is too limited.

>I am from Los Gatos (San Jose), California, but, after bouncing around
>the world a bit, landed in London, UK.

Are you posting from London now? Welcome to!


Apr 18, 2009, 1:17:52 PM4/18/09
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:18:31 -0700, Joseph Littleshoes
<> wrote:

>I only hope Gordan Ramsey is suitably chastised in old age when he looks
>back on his behavior on either of his t.v. show. How he prostituted
>himself to tabloid television, right up there with Maury Povich imo.
>And in my convoluted reasoning, even if its all an act, both Ramsey and
>those people he abuses, even if the abused are 'acting' then its still a
>very poor use of the medium, to extol and exploit human suffering as a
>means of generating advertising revenue sickens me.

I find his show boring and painful to watch. I've seen it maybe once
all the way through (trying to figure out what was so special) and
switched the channel after a few excruciating minutes a couple of
other times.


Apr 18, 2009, 5:56:07 PM4/18/09
I would not want Gordon Ramsey cooking for my consumption. I would not eat
in a restaurant where he was working in any capacity.

His abusiveness and general obnoxious demeanor takes away any appetite I
might have.


Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying

guardian Snow

Jun 9, 2009, 6:04:50 AM6/9/09
On Apr 19, 7:56 am, "JonquilJan" <> wrote:
> I would not wantGordonRamseycooking for my consumption.  I would not eat

“Swearing is industry language. For as long as we're alive it's not
going to change. You've got to be boisterous to get results.”
Gordon Ramsay

Melbourne, Australia (06-06-09)

I got to watch Chef Gordon Ramsey in action very recently and I was
very impressed by his actions that speak a lot louder than his words.
A lot of people attack Chef Ramsey because he does have a foul mouth
at times and they fail to see that for him it’s a part of the culture
and where he’s from to speak in the fashion that he does. In my
meeting with him, I found him to be very down to earth and friendly
and even charming and passionate man that cares deeply for other
people and I came away with a deep admiration for the man that he is.

At a recent Food and Wine convention, after speaking with Mr. Ramsey,
I got to watch him work. There were hundreds of people lined up to
get an autograph and as I stood to the side and thought to myself, “it
must be tiring to stand and greet hundreds of people”, he worked

One young lady in a wheelchair showed up late and was off to the side
of the cue and her eyes were lit up with excitement as she looked
fondly over at Chef Ramsey. The security told the young lady she had
to go and sit at the other side so she wasn’t at the exit where people
left. The people in line continued to file past until just a few
moments before Chef Ramsey had to leave for his scheduled cooking
demonstration in the “Celebrity Theatre”. Unfortunately not everybody
in the line got a chance at this time to have their books signed and
Chef Ramsey started to leave and as he walked past the front of the
cue, a lady in the line roughly grabbed his arm and I heard Gordon
say, “I’m sorry but I have to go and speak to my most important fan.”
And he pulled his arm away from her.

The young lady in the wheelchair turned to look behind her wondering
who this “most important fan” was and while she was doing that, Chef
Ramsey walked up to her and crouched down next to her. It suddenly
dawned on her now that the Chef was speaking of her and a complete
look of wonder and awe swept her face as she looked directly into the
eyes of the infamous man whose books and television shows had brought
her so much enjoyment as he asked her, “What is your name love?”

For the next two minutes, Chef Ramsey spoke with, “Felicity” and all
eyes were on them as this transaction of communication took place
during which he signed her book and commented on her choice of books,
“Cooking for Friends”. Felicity said that it was her favorite book
and I heard the Chef reply back that it was his also.

“I hid myself in food. “
Gordon Ramsay

Some people who work in “Food Service” do so because they have a
passion for serving other people and Chef Gordon Ramsey displayed by
his actions in front of me that he understood what this means. For
the few moments that he shared with, “Felicity”, it would make a
lifetime of meaning to her that he took the time to make sure this
young lady knew just how important she was. I have no doubt that it
meant more to “Felicity” then it did all the other people in the cue,
you could tell just by looking into the beautiful smile that lit an
entire convention centre.

It occurred to me that Mr. Ramsey “get’s it” and the fruits of his
labor are the evidence as he elevated the spirit of this young lady
simply by spending a moment of his time. In that sense more people
should be as down to earth and caring as Chef Ramsey. After he signed
her book, before they parted she told Chef Ramsey, “It was a pleasure
meeting you Chef.” and he replied, “No, the pleasure was all mine.”
The young lady in her wheelchair was beside herself and when the Chef
walked off, she thanked all the security staff for arranging the
meeting. She said, “You don’t know just how much that meant to me.”
But I could tell by the look in the staffer’s eyes that he did…

It’s in the press that Gordon is arrogant and I can tell you by our
conversation and watching him at the Food and Wine Festival that the
things he said about other people were just jokes done to try and
entertain people and while I personally don’t subscribe to his dry
British humor, I understood he was just trying to funny.

Anybody that has watched his shows knows that he has brought dozens
of people back from the brink of disaster and probably prevented
thousands of cases of food poisoning by raising awareness, standards
and in general, just plain common sense. I’ve seen firsthand that he
has an honest desire to serve people by increasing self-confidence and
pride in everyday jobs and I could only wish that more Christians took
as much pride in making the world a better place as Chef Ramsey does.

He does get passionate and use explicit language when he sees people
with practices that place their unknowing customers in literal mortal
danger and had I eaten at some of the establishments he’s shown on
television, I’d consider suing those people… but thank goodness the
Chef does care and is passionate, we need more people like him that do
care about the products being put out. The world would be a better
place if more people shared his compassionate nature.

To answer the question, I would be happy if he cooked any meal for me.
Comments and reply

¸.•´ ¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.• (Snow(.¸.•*´¨)

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other
time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that
we seek.
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Bobo Bonobo®

Jun 9, 2009, 6:42:13 AM6/9/09
On Apr 14, 3:10 am, Gary <> wrote:
> As people often forget what a brilliant chef he actually is, what
> meal/s (including any beverage/s you'd also choose) would you
> most like world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay to cook for you
> (if he had to) and please say why, for any separate meal named.

A simple salad with romaine and mixed heirloom tomatoes. Pan seared
sea scallops with butter and lots of fresh, halved lemons. A 2"
thick beef tenderloin, grilled rare. Two nice sized baked potatoes
with unlimited butter. A salt shaker with very finely ground
Himalayan salt. A pepper grinder with fresh tellicherry peppercorns.
The beverage, cold water. Dessert, I wouldn't save room for dessert.



Jun 9, 2009, 9:17:20 AM6/9/09

"Bobo Bonobo�" <CLAS...@BRICK.NET> wrote in message

A salt shaker with very finely ground
Himalayan salt.


NaCl is NaCl is NaCl..........!


Jun 9, 2009, 9:21:44 AM6/9/09

"Bobo Bonobo�" <CLAS...@BRICK.NET> wrote in message
On Apr 14, 3:10 am, Gary <> wrote:
> As people often forget what a brilliant chef he actually is, what
> meal/s (including any beverage/s you'd also choose) would you
> most like world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay to cook for you
> (if he had to) and please say why, for any separate meal named.

and while I'm at it, WTF did you x-post this?

Salt is salt! There's NOTHING special about Himalayan salt!!

Bobo Bonobo®

Jun 9, 2009, 9:43:09 AM6/9/09
On Jun 9, 8:17 am, "graham" <> wrote:
> "Bobo Bonobo®" <CLASS...@BRICK.NET> wrote in message

It is, but Himalayan pink, French gray contain impurities.


Bobo Bonobo®

Jun 9, 2009, 9:43:31 AM6/9/09
On Jun 9, 8:21 am, "graham" <> wrote:
> "Bobo Bonobo®" <CLASS...@BRICK.NET> wrote in message

I can't afford it either.



Jun 9, 2009, 2:15:34 PM6/9/09
Actually Kosher salt is used at a differing level to most recipes.

Table salt's fine granules dissolve quickly, making it the preferred
salt of bakers. Sea salt and kosher salt possess larger, irregular
grains that add a delightful crunch and hit of briny flavor when
sprinkled on food at the last minute. Generally, savvy cooks prefer
kosher salt when cooking, since its coarse texture is easier to take a
pinch of when seasoning savory dishes.

Chemically there is little difference between kitchen salts. All are at
least 97 1/2 percent sodium chloride. But there are significant
differences in the provenance and processing of these salts.

Table salt is mined from underground salt deposits, and includes a small
portion of calcium silicate, an anti-caking agent added to prevent
clumping. It possesses very fine crystals and a sharp taste. Because of
its fine grain a single teaspoon of table salt contains more salt than a
tablespoon of kosher or sea salt.

Sea salt is harvested from evaporated seawater and receives little or no
processing, leaving intact the minerals from the water it came from.
These minerals flavor and color the salt slightly. However, because
these salts are usually expensive, it is worth keeping in mind that they
lose their unique flavor when cooked or dissolved.

Kosher salt takes its name from its use in the koshering process. It
contains no preservatives and can be derived from either seawater or
underground sources. Aside from being a great salt to keep within arm's
reach when you are cooking, it is particularly useful in preserving,
because its large crystals draw moisture out of meats and other foods
more effectively than other salts.

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