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Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns

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Oct 17, 2010, 12:40:37 PM10/17/10
"Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"
In January, the Supreme Court�s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election
Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations the
right to pour unlimited amounts of money into �electioneering communications�
that support one candidate or smear another.

Under article 501 (c) of the tax code, non-profit associations that spend less
than 50% of their resources on political campaigning are not required to reveal
who bankrolls them. The Campaign Legal Centre has warned that lax oversight is
enabling groups closely aligned to one party or another to bend the rules. An
organisation called Crossroads GPS, for instance, is poised to be the largest
single player in these elections, spending upwards of $70m to support
conservative candidates.

To all intents and purposes, it is a political operation founded by George
Bush�s strategist Karl Rove, but because it funnels some money into advocating
policies, rather than directly campaigning, it can keep its donor list a secret.

Fred B. Brown

Oct 17, 2010, 9:05:02 AM10/17/10

"Cliff" <> wrote in message

Chuckle, chuckle. This from a country that still believes in royalty.

> ...
> In January, the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v Federal
> Election
> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations
> the
> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into "electioneering
> communications"
> that support one candidate or smear another.

Let's have a look at the Citizens United decision. What it REALLY says, not
Cliff's distortions.

Summary of the Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC

(1) In Citizens United v. FEC, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the
provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) that prohibit
corporations and labor unions from making "independent expenditures" in
support of advertisements that advocate the election or defeat of a
candidate for public office are unconstitutional under the First Amendment.

What "independent expenditure" means is that corporations and labor unions
can pay for

advertising for or against a political candidate. The money does not go to a

(2) The Court in Citizens United expressly declared to be constitutional the
provisions of FECA that require all persons and entities to include with
their political ads disclaimers that reveal the identity of the person or
organization that paid for the advertisement.

(3) Citizens United also upheld as constitutional the provisions of FECA
that require all persons and entities to file reports with the FEC detailing
their campaign expenditures.

(4) The Court in Citizens United left undisturbed the provisions of FECA
that prohibit corporations and labor unions from making contributions to
candidates and political committees or coordinating their expenditures with
candidates and political committees. The Supreme Court in previous decisions
has held these provisions to be constitutional.

(5) The Court left intact the ability of corporations and labor unions to
establish separate segregated funds or political action committees (PACs),
which can make contributions to candidates and other political committees
and to coordinate their expenditures with candidates and other political

(6) The Supreme Court in Citizens United expressly left undecided whether
the government constitutionally may prohibit foreign individuals or foreign
corporations from making expenditures influencing the political process.

Shall not be infringed

Oct 17, 2010, 10:20:39 AM10/17/10
On Oct 17, 12:40 pm, Cliff <>

It's only a problem now that G. Soros decided not to pour more money
into a losing proposition, right?


Oct 17, 2010, 11:23:48 AM10/17/10
In article <>, says...> In January, the Supreme Court?s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election

> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations the
> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into ?electioneering communications?

> that support one candidate or smear another.
> Under article 501 (c) of the tax code, non-profit associations that spend less
> than 50% of their resources on political campaigning are not required to reveal
> who bankrolls them. The Campaign Legal Centre has warned that lax oversight is
> enabling groups closely aligned to one party or another to bend the rules. An
> organisation called Crossroads GPS, for instance, is poised to be the largest
> single player in these elections, spending upwards of $70m to support
> conservative candidates.
> To all intents and purposes, it is a political operation founded by George
> Bush?s strategist Karl Rove, but because it funnels some money into advocating

> policies, rather than directly campaigning, it can keep its donor list a secret.
> ...
> ]

In your world Benjamin Franklin and Tomas Paine would be criminals for
advocating for freedom

Gunner Asch

Oct 17, 2010, 3:02:45 PM10/17/10



Oct 17, 2010, 9:36:55 PM10/17/10

It's the wingers & rethugs trying to erase Jefferson from history.

Hitler was a right-winger.
They love wars.
And killing & controlling people.
And absurd power.
They miss the days of autocratic kings
(They assume that they will be the king or at least have
greater power).
They were wingers & wingers lie.

They call it the right-wing because they lie about everything,
starting with "right". Probably in their rules. That and being idiots
& wanting to steal & murder people. And impose their silly superstitions
by force on everybody but themselves.

Liberalism refers to a broad array of related doctrines, ideologies,
philosophical views, and political traditions which advocate individual liberty.
Broadly speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights. It seeks a society
characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power
(especially of government and religion), the rule of law, the free exchange of
ideas, a market economy that supports free private enterprise, and a transparent
system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected.
Liberalism rejected many foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier
theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status,
and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support
include the right to life, liberty, and property.
Conservatism is a relativistic term used to describe political philosophies that
favor traditional values, where "tradition" refers to religious, cultural, or
nationally defined beliefs and customs.
Some conservatives seek to preserve the status quo, while others seek to return
to the values of an earlier time, the status quo ante.
The prototype of a conservative society is the medieval manor where the majority
were serfs who lived under the authority of the "lords" and the Church. Such an
arrangement insulated itself from change. Conservatism has not produced, nor
does it tend to produce systematic treatises like Hobbes� Leviathan or Locke�s
Two Treatises of Government.

Scholar R.J. White once put it this way:

"To put conservatism in a bottle with a label is like trying to liquefy the
atmosphere � The difficulty arises from the nature of the thing. Conservatives
are people who live in the shroud of ignorance and darkness...."
Benjamin Disraeli, himself a member of the Conservative Party in England, wrote
in 1845, "A conservative government is an organized hypocrisy. The comment was
provoked when the Conservative Party split into two groups, based on whether or
not they would personally profit from the repeal of the corn laws"
In western democracies, 'conservative' and 'right-wing' are often used
interchangeably, as near-synonyms.
Religious conservatives seek to preserve the teachings of some particular
religion, sometimes by proclaiming the value of those teachings, at other times
seeking to have those teachings given the force of law.
"Early support for the Nazis, displayed in various parades, came from the old
conservative order that was the military."
"... Nazism's populism, anti-Communism and anti-capitalism helped it become
more powerful and popular than traditional conservative parties."
"The simplicity of Nazi rhetoric, campaigns, and ideology also made its
conservative allies underestimate its strength .."
" .. Britain (from 1931 onwards under an overwhelmingly Conservative
government) had appeased pre-Nazi Germany."
"Fascism had a strong base of support among the working classes and extremely
poor peasants. Other supports have included members of big business, farmers and
landowners, nationalists, and reactionaries, disaffected World War I veterans,
intellectuals such as Gabriele D'Annunzio, Curzio Malaparte, Filippo Tommaso
Marinetti, Carl Schmitt and Martin Heidegger, conservatives and small
"Italian Fascism took power with the blessing of Italy's king after years of
leftist-led unrest led many conservatives to fear that a communist revolution
was inevitable (Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci popularized the conception
that fascism was the Capital's response to the organized workers' movement)."
Throughout Europe, numerous aristocrats, conservative intellectuals,
capitalists and industrialists lent their support to fascist movements in their
countries that emulated Italian Fascism. In Germany, numerous right-wing
nationalist groups arose ...
Fascist movements like Rexism in Belgium and the Christian Social Party also
combined fascist and conservative populist Roman Catholic elements."

Look at who you are in bed with.


Oct 17, 2010, 9:52:49 PM10/17/10
On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 08:23:48 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:

>In your world Benjamin Franklin

The much noted liberal.
Franklin�s liberal and progressive values are reflected in the desire for the
self-directed adult learner to gain knowledge by reading books, participating in
study groups, attending lectures and courses in philosophy, religion, science,
literature, the arts and economics. While newer forms of contemporary education
have more or less placed liberalism in the past, the influence of this approach
to education is still present in many areas. Great Books Programs, liberal arts
curricula in colleges, continuing education programs, community based programs
sponsored by libraries, museums and institutions of higher education are some of
the more easily recognized areas of the liberal approach to learning.

>and Tomas Paine

The much noted liberal who even knew his name was
Thomas Paine.
His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
Religion, A Revolution in You.

>would be criminals for
>advocating for freedom



Oct 17, 2010, 5:42:11 PM10/17/10
In article <>, says...

> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 08:23:48 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >>
> >> "Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"
> >> [
> >> ...
> >> In January, the Supreme Court?s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election
> >> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations the
> >> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into ?electioneering communications?
> >> that support one candidate or smear another.
> >>
> >> Under article 501 (c) of the tax code, non-profit associations that spend less
> >> than 50% of their resources on political campaigning are not required to reveal
> >> who bankrolls them. The Campaign Legal Centre has warned that lax oversight is
> >> enabling groups closely aligned to one party or another to bend the rules. An
> >> organisation called Crossroads GPS, for instance, is poised to be the largest
> >> single player in these elections, spending upwards of $70m to support
> >> conservative candidates.
> >>
> >> To all intents and purposes, it is a political operation founded by George
> >> Bush?s strategist Karl Rove, but because it funnels some money into advocating
> >> policies, rather than directly campaigning, it can keep its donor list a secret.
> >> ...
> >> ]
> >
> >In your world Benjamin Franklin and Tomas Paine would be criminals for
> >advocating for freedom
> It's the wingers & rethugs trying to erase Jefferson from history.

You don't make sense very often do you cliff..
Who wants to supress free speach with new campaign finance laws ?


Snip of Cliff's nazi fantisies..

> Look at who you are in bed with.

my wife..
I don't know who you sleep with..


Oct 17, 2010, 5:46:22 PM10/17/10
In article <>, says...

> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 08:23:48 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >In your world Benjamin Franklin
> The much noted liberal.
> [
> Franklin?s liberal and progressive values are reflected in the desire for the

> self-directed adult learner to gain knowledge by reading books, participating in
> study groups, attending lectures and courses in philosophy, religion, science,
> literature, the arts and economics. While newer forms of contemporary education
> have more or less placed liberalism in the past, the influence of this approach
> to education is still present in many areas. Great Books Programs, liberal arts
> curricula in colleges, continuing education programs, community based programs
> sponsored by libraries, museums and institutions of higher education are some of
> the more easily recognized areas of the liberal approach to learning.

Yet you would supress him now if he dared oppose your fascist agendas.

> ]
> >and Tomas Paine
> The much noted liberal who even knew his name was
> Thomas Paine.

Ohh yes, the little leftist likes to use a speeling flam..

> [
> His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
> liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
> anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
> ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
> secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
> of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
> Religion, A Revolution in You.

You don't hve original thoughts do you cliff..
Do you know what your masters do with useful idiots like you when your
usefulness is over ?

> ]
> >would be criminals for
> >advocating for freedom

snip of cliffs nazi spam

Shall not be infringed

Oct 17, 2010, 9:17:09 PM10/17/10
> Ayup....<VBG>-

He'll just stay behind the scenes and manipulate our currency to get
what he wants.

See wiki on the soros family.


Oct 17, 2010, 9:26:53 PM10/17/10
In article <0709dee1-0b06-43a7-84c9-cb22b5958955>, says...

> On Oct 17, 3:02ï¿œpm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> > On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:20:39 -0700 (PDT), Shall not be infringed
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <> wrote:
> > >On Oct 17, 12:40ï¿œpm, Cliff <>
> > >wrote:
> > >>
> > >> ᅵ "Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"
> > >> [
> > >> ...
> > >> In January, the Supreme Court?s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election

> > >> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations the
> > >> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into ?electioneering communications?

> > >> that support one candidate or smear another.
> >
> > >> Under article 501 (c) of the tax code, non-profit associations that spend less
> > >> than 50% of their resources on political campaigning are not required to reveal
> > >> who bankrolls them. The Campaign Legal Centre has warned that lax oversight is
> > >> enabling groups closely aligned to one party or another to bend the rules. An
> > >> organisation called Crossroads GPS, for instance, is poised to be the largest
> > >> single player in these elections, spending upwards of $70m to support
> > >> conservative candidates.
> >
> > >> To all intents and purposes, it is a political operation founded by George
> > >> Bush?s strategist Karl Rove, but because it funnels some money into advocating

> > >> policies, rather than directly campaigning, it can keep its donor list a secret.
> > >> ...
> > >> ]
> >
> > >It's only a problem now that G. Soros decided not to pour more money
> > >into a losing proposition, right?
> >
> > Ayup....<VBG>-
> He'll just stay behind the scenes and manipulate our currency to get
> what he wants.
> See wiki on the soros family.

Do his lackies in this country know they are following a man who is a
felon in France ?

Shall not be infringed

Oct 17, 2010, 9:29:50 PM10/17/10
On Oct 17, 9:26 pm, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> In article <0709dee1-0b06-43a7-84c9-cb22b5958955
>>, says...

> > On Oct 17, 3:02 pm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> > > On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:20:39 -0700 (PDT), Shall not be infringed
> > > <> wrote:
> > > >On Oct 17, 12:40 pm, Cliff <>
> > > >wrote:
> > > >>

> > > >>   "Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"
> > > >> [
> > > >> ...
> > > >> In January, the Supreme Court?s ruling in Citizens United v Federal Election
> > > >> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations the
> > > >> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into ?electioneering communications?
> > > >> that support one candidate or smear another.
> > > >> Under article 501 (c) of the tax code, non-profit associations that spend less
> > > >> than 50% of their resources on political campaigning are not required to reveal
> > > >> who bankrolls them. The Campaign Legal Centre has warned that lax oversight is
> > > >> enabling groups closely aligned to one party or another to bend the rules. An
> > > >> organisation called Crossroads GPS, for instance, is poised to be the largest
> > > >> single player in these elections, spending upwards of $70m to support
> > > >> conservative candidates.
> > > >> To all intents and purposes, it is a political operation founded by George
> > > >> Bush?s strategist Karl Rove, but because it funnels some money into advocating
> > > >> policies, rather than directly campaigning, it can keep its donor list a secret.
> > > >> ...
> > > >> ]
> > > >It's only a problem now that G. Soros decided not to pour more money
> > > >into a losing proposition, right?
> > > Ayup....<VBG>-
> > He'll just stay behind the scenes and manipulate our currency to get
> > what he wants.
> > See wiki on the soros family.
> Do his lackies in this country know they are following a man who is a
> felon in France ?-

You're asking if his lackies are sentient beings?

Michael A. Terrell

Oct 17, 2010, 9:46:56 PM10/17/10

That would be a first, for any lackies. :)

Politicians should only get paid if the budget is balanced, and there is
enough left over to pay them.


Oct 17, 2010, 10:48:14 PM10/17/10
In article <9f8d6671-dd6f-42b8-ab4c-ee447ecf1389@>, says...

> On Oct 17, 9:26ï¿œpm, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> > In article <0709dee1-0b06-43a7-84c9-cb22b5958955
> >>, says...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Oct 17, 3:02ï¿œpm, Gunner Asch <> wrote:
> > > > On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:20:39 -0700 (PDT), Shall not be infringed
> >
> > > > <> wrote:
> > > > >On Oct 17, 12:40ï¿œpm, Cliff <>
> > > > >wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >> ᅵ "Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"

A leap of faith on my part I'm afraid


Oct 20, 2010, 4:19:55 PM10/20/10
On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:46:22 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 08:23:48 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
>> >In your world Benjamin Franklin
>> The much noted liberal.
>> [
>> Franklin?s liberal and progressive values are reflected in the desire for the
>> self-directed adult learner to gain knowledge by reading books, participating in
>> study groups, attending lectures and courses in philosophy, religion, science,
>> literature, the arts and economics. While newer forms of contemporary education
>> have more or less placed liberalism in the past, the influence of this approach
>> to education is still present in many areas. Great Books Programs, liberal arts
>> curricula in colleges, continuing education programs, community based programs
>> sponsored by libraries, museums and institutions of higher education are some of
>> the more easily recognized areas of the liberal approach to learning.
>Yet you would supress him now if he dared oppose your fascist agendas.

He was FOR liberal ideas, such as libraries & public education.
You never knew.

>> ]
>> >and Tomas Paine
>> The much noted liberal who even knew his name was
>> Thomas Paine.
>Ohh yes, the little leftist likes to use a speeling flam..

I knew.
You did not.
Rush cannot spell while he lies on the radio?

>> [
>> His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
>> liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
>> anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
>> ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
>> secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
>> of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
>> Religion, A Revolution in You.
>You don't hve original thoughts do you cliff..
>Do you know what your masters do with useful idiots like you when your
>usefulness is over ?

I knew who he was.
Clearly you did not.

>> ]
>> >would be criminals for
>> >advocating for freedom
>snip of cliffs nazi spam

Must wingers ALWAYS lie?



Oct 20, 2010, 9:10:55 PM10/20/10
In article <>, says...
> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:46:22 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 08:23:48 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >In your world Benjamin Franklin
> >>
> >> The much noted liberal.
> >> [
> >> Franklin?s liberal and progressive values are reflected in the desire for the
> >> self-directed adult learner to gain knowledge by reading books, participating in
> >> study groups, attending lectures and courses in philosophy, religion, science,
> >> literature, the arts and economics. While newer forms of contemporary education
> >> have more or less placed liberalism in the past, the influence of this approach
> >> to education is still present in many areas. Great Books Programs, liberal arts
> >> curricula in colleges, continuing education programs, community based programs
> >> sponsored by libraries, museums and institutions of higher education are some of
> >> the more easily recognized areas of the liberal approach to learning.
> >
> >Yet you would supress him now if he dared oppose your fascist agendas.
> He was FOR liberal ideas, such as libraries & public education.

You see that's the difference between you and a rational person such as
I view libraries and public education as a common sense idea, not a
liberal or conservative one.

> You never knew.
> >
> >> ]
> >>
> >> >and Tomas Paine
> >>
> >> The much noted liberal who even knew his name was
> >> Thomas Paine.
> >
> >Ohh yes, the little leftist likes to use a speeling flam..
> I knew.
> You did not.

holly Christ (sorry if that offends you, ok not really) I take it you
ALWAYS spell every word correctly ?

> Rush cannot spell while he lies on the radio?

Straw man...

> >
> >>
> >> [
> >> His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
> >> liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
> >> anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
> >> ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
> >> secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
> >> of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
> >> Religion, A Revolution in You.
> >
> >You don't hve original thoughts do you cliff..
> >Do you know what your masters do with useful idiots like you when your
> >usefulness is over ?
> I knew who he was.
> Clearly you did not.

I'm not the one using wikipedia as my source..

> >
> >
> >
> >> ]
> >>
> >> >would be criminals for
> >> >advocating for freedom
> >>
> >
> >snip of cliffs nazi spam
> Must wingers ALWAYS lie?

Does it give you a warm and fuzzy to spout that hate ?
Goebbels would be proud of you..

Curly Surmudgeon

Oct 21, 2010, 2:15:55 AM10/21/10
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:10:55 -0700, Tankfixer <>

> I'm not the one using wikipedia as my source.

That is an easily solved case of ignorance.

Regards, Curly
Lest We Forget: Kenneth Lay/Enron


Oct 21, 2010, 1:08:06 PM10/21/10
On 17 Oct 2010 08:05:02 -0500, "Fred B. Brown" <> wrote:

>"Cliff" <> wrote in message
>> "Secrecy surrounds right-wing campaigns ahead of US election"
>Chuckle, chuckle. This from a country that still believes in royalty.
>> ...
>> In January, the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v Federal
>> Election
>> Commission struck down campaign expenditure limits, granting corporations
>> the
>> right to pour unlimited amounts of money into "electioneering
>> communications"
>> that support one candidate or smear another.
>Let's have a look at the Citizens United decision. What it REALLY says, not
>Cliff's distortions.

"Undisclosed cash, most of it from unnamed corporations, could be between $250
million and $500 million."
"A prediction: The U.S. is due for a huge scandal involving big money, bribery
and politicians. Not the small fry that dominates the ethics fights in
Washington; really big stuff; think Watergate."

"All campaign funds aren't the same. Even the purest campaign-finance overhaul
advocates have trouble faulting small grassroots contributions. ... Large
contributions from corporations, unions, trade associations or wealthy
individuals are another matter; these donors often expect something in return.
Few of those making sizable and secret gifts to the (Republican) effort are
engaged in selfless acts of good governance."

"Ever since Watergate, politicians have debated rules on the size and scope of
campaign contributions. The 2002 McCain-Feingold measure, which cracked down on
contributions and was signed by Bush, a Republican, was the culmination of years
of intense struggle. In subsequent years, the courts, dominated by
conservatives, have chipped away at the law, Citizens United representing the
latest and most sweeping decision."

Hunt quotes a man of the past: "There is no legitimate case against
transparency. 'Sunlight,' the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously
noted, 'is the best of disinfectants.'"

The last time we ran an election in the shadows was 1972. Watergate. That year,
with the re-election campaign of President Nixon, cash literally flowed into the
White House to beat the date that new campaign regulations came into effect.
There were little piles and drawers full of cash on the desks of middle-level
campaign officials. Where did that money come from? No one really knew. Where
did it go? No one knows how much there was or where it all ended up.

That was the lesson of giving and taking money without transparency or
accountability. It damned near brought down the country. If Hunt is right, and I
think he is, we are in for more of the same. The only question now is the timing
of the next Watergate.

If you or I donate US$ 1 there is a public record.
If bin Laden "gives" DeadEye Dick or Rove a billion there is not.
And you can bet they expect things done their way for their benefit.

But nobody even asked the stockholders, did they?


Oct 21, 2010, 1:22:25 PM10/21/10

You really need to get away from winger lies, Rush & Faux.
"Texas Board of Education cuts Thomas Jefferson out of its textbooks."
– The Board removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum, “replacing him
with religious right icon John Calvin.”

– The Board refused to require that “students learn that the Constitution
prevents the U.S. government from promoting one religion over all others.”

– The Board struck the word “democratic” from the description of the U.S.
government, instead terming it a “constitutional republic.”

John Calvin was not even an American.
He was French.

>Who wants to supress free speach with new campaign finance laws ?

WHOSE "free speach"?
You cannot even name the corporations.

>Snip of Cliff's nazi fantisies..

Hitler was a right-winger.

does it tend to produce systematic treatises like Hobbes� Leviathan or

Two Treatises of Government.

Scholar R.J. White once put it this way:

"To put conservatism in a bottle with a label is like trying to liquefy the

atmosphere � The difficulty arises from the nature of the thing. Conservatives

>> Look at who you are in bed with.

>my wife..
>I don't know who you sleep with..

Look at who you are in bed with.



Oct 21, 2010, 1:28:23 PM10/21/10
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:10:55 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:

>> >>
>> >> [
>> >> His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
>> >> liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
>> >> anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
>> >> ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
>> >> secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
>> >> of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
>> >> Religion, A Revolution in You.
>> >
>> >You don't hve original thoughts do you cliff..
>> >Do you know what your masters do with useful idiots like you when your
>> >usefulness is over ?
>> I knew who he was.
>> Clearly you did not.
>I'm not the one using wikipedia as my source..

Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives
BUT you have to know first what you want to say AND
that it's correct.

You wingers don't know in the first place do (being
lazy of mind) you just buy your lies wholesale from the
professinal liars like Faux & Rush & the rethugs & wingerdom.

2010 is International Educate a Winger Day.

"It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide."


Oct 21, 2010, 9:11:57 PM10/21/10
In article <i9olqr$ln3$>, says...

> On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:10:55 -0700, Tankfixer <>
> wrote:
> > I'm not the one using wikipedia as my source.
> That is an easily solved case of ignorance.

I agree, don't use it as a source.


Oct 21, 2010, 9:13:29 PM10/21/10
In article <>, says...

> On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:10:55 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> [
> >> >> His books inspired philosophic and working-class radicals in the U.K., and U.S.
> >> >> liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats,
> >> >> anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual
> >> >> ancestor. Many of his works have also been an inspiration for rapidly expanding
> >> >> secular humanism. His Deism and his writings on Deism have inspired the creation
> >> >> of the World Union of Deists and the writing of the book Deism: A Revolution in
> >> >> Religion, A Revolution in You.
> >> >
> >> >You don't hve original thoughts do you cliff..
> >> >Do you know what your masters do with useful idiots like you when your
> >> >usefulness is over ?
> >>
> >> I knew who he was.
> >> Clearly you did not.
> >
> >I'm not the one using wikipedia as my source..
> Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives

I'm glad you can admit you never have an original thought.


Oct 22, 2010, 8:05:36 AM10/22/10

You entirely miss the point (as usual).
I knew what & who.
You winger idiots thought Thomas Paine was
a "conservative" winger.
The conservatives were on the side of the King.
The entire US Constitution is a liberal document
written by progressives & liberals.
The Bill of Rights too.

You need a good dose of that liberal stuff: an education.



Oct 22, 2010, 8:07:45 AM10/22/10

So Paine & Franklin were really
conservative wingers, were they?



Oct 22, 2010, 8:43:06 PM10/22/10
In article <>, says...

> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:13:29 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> > [quoted text muted]

> >>
> >> Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives
> >
> >I'm glad you can admit you never have an original thought.
> >
> You entirely miss the point (as usual).
> I knew what & who.
> You winger idiots thought Thomas Paine was
> a "conservative" winger.
> The conservatives were on the side of the King.
> The entire US Constitution is a liberal document
> written by progressives & liberals.
> The Bill of Rights too.

So what caused all you liberals and progressives to stray so far away
from it ?


Oct 23, 2010, 7:21:15 AM10/23/10

You are confused & lie all the time.

"The conservatives were on the side of the King."



Oct 23, 2010, 11:14:24 AM10/23/10
In article <>, says...

So you can't explain how or why the progressives and liberal have
strayed so far from the principles set forth in the Constitution ?

> "The conservatives were on the side of the King."

So you are reduced to quoting yourself in yet another lame attempt to
support a point ?
That's pretty pathetic you know..


Oct 28, 2010, 6:43:00 AM10/28/10
On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 08:14:24 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:43:06 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> > says...
>> >> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:13:29 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > [quoted text muted]
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives
>> >> >
>> >> >I'm glad you can admit you never have an original thought.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> You entirely miss the point (as usual).
>> >> I knew what & who.
>> >> You winger idiots thought Thomas Paine was
>> >> a "conservative" winger.
>> >> The conservatives were on the side of the King.
>> >> The entire US Constitution is a liberal document
>> >> written by progressives & liberals.
>> >> The Bill of Rights too.
>> >>
>> >
>> >So what caused all you liberals and progressives to stray so far away
>> >from it ?
>> You are confused & lie all the time.
>So you can't explain how or why the progressives and liberal have
>strayed so far from the principles set forth in the Constitution ?

The ones the wingers deny & want to change & ignore?

>> "The conservatives were on the side of the King."
>So you are reduced to quoting yourself in yet another lame attempt to
>support a point ?

You never got it in the first place.

>That's pretty pathetic you know..

Your head is full of sand, right?


Oct 28, 2010, 10:26:53 AM10/28/10
In article <>, says...

> On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 08:14:24 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...
> >>
> >> On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:43:06 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >In article <>,
> >> > says...
> >> >> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:13:29 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> > [quoted text muted]
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives
> >> >> >
> >> >> >I'm glad you can admit you never have an original thought.
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> You entirely miss the point (as usual).
> >> >> I knew what & who.
> >> >> You winger idiots thought Thomas Paine was
> >> >> a "conservative" winger.
> >> >> The conservatives were on the side of the King.
> >> >> The entire US Constitution is a liberal document
> >> >> written by progressives & liberals.
> >> >> The Bill of Rights too.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >So what caused all you liberals and progressives to stray so far away
> >> >from it ?
> >>
> >> You are confused & lie all the time.
> >
> >So you can't explain how or why the progressives and liberal have
> >strayed so far from the principles set forth in the Constitution ?
> The ones the wingers deny & want to change & ignore?

What one's are those ?

> >
> >> "The conservatives were on the side of the King."
> >
> >So you are reduced to quoting yourself in yet another lame attempt to
> >support a point ?
> You never got it in the first place.

A failure on your part to articulate it.
If you ever had one that is.


Oct 30, 2010, 6:35:45 AM10/30/10

Is it dark & smelly in your cave?

>> >
>> >> "The conservatives were on the side of the King."
>> >
>> >So you are reduced to quoting yourself in yet another lame attempt to
>> >support a point ?
>> You never got it in the first place.
>A failure on your part to articulate it.
>If you ever had one that is.

Another sure sign of idiocy.
I *quoted*.
You claimed I lied.

>> >That's pretty pathetic you know..
>> Your head is full of sand, right?

And mud too I suppose.
Primal ooze ..... and slime.


Oct 30, 2010, 7:42:33 PM10/30/10
In article <>,

Everyone can tell you are lying when you refuse to explain what
principles set forth in the constitution you say that conservatives want
to change and ignore.

It's obvious you aren't worth the electrons it takes to reply to your
mindless leftist rhetoric

Shall not be infringed

Oct 30, 2010, 11:30:44 PM10/30/10
I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
Watergate Break-in.

Gray Ghost

Oct 31, 2010, 10:46:10 AM10/31/10
Shall not be infringed <> wrote in

> I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
> Watergate Break-in.

I remeber when secrecy surronded a candidate's resume and we got Obama.

Democrat donkey pontificating:

Americans only oppose Obama because they are racist....
Americans were against the stiumulus because they are uneducated....
Americans oppose socialism because they are greedy....
Americans are against Obamacare because they are stupid....
Americans are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque because they are bigots....
I just can't figure why Americans are opposed to us.

Maybe 'cuz we're racist, uneducated, greedy, stupid bigots.
Or maybe it's 'cuz you morons sound like Nazis talking about Jews in the


Nov 6, 2010, 9:21:12 AM11/6/10


Buddy Beavers

Nov 6, 2010, 9:50:41 AM11/6/10

"Cliff" <> wrote in message

Translation: I'm lying when I refuse to explain what principles set forth in
the constitution I say that conservatives want to change and ignore.


Nov 6, 2010, 11:53:08 AM11/6/10
In article <>,

Your refusal to address the question at hand indicates your surrender..

Gray Ghost

Nov 6, 2010, 12:45:30 PM11/6/10
"Buddy Beavers" <Bu...@Beavers.invalid> wrote in

cliffie is lieing if his lips or fingers are moving. i can honestly say I've
seen a post of his that was accurate and/or true.

He's a living, breathing falsehood.


Nov 7, 2010, 8:51:31 AM11/7/10
On Sat, 6 Nov 2010 08:50:41 -0500, "Buddy Beavers" <Bu...@Beavers.invalid>



Nov 7, 2010, 8:52:21 AM11/7/10
On Sat, 06 Nov 2010 11:45:30 -0500, (Gray
Ghost) wrote:

>"Buddy Beavers" <Bu...@Beavers.invalid> wrote in
>> "Cliff" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 16:42:33 -0700, Tankfixer <paul.c...@gmail.comm>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Everyone can tell you are lying when you refuse to explain what
>>>>principles set forth in the constitution you say that conservatives want
>>>>to change and ignore.
>>>>It's obvious you aren't worth the electrons it takes to reply to your
>>>>mindless leftist rhetoric
>>> You are confused & lie all the time.
>> Translation: I'm lying when I refuse to explain what principles set forth
>> in the constitution I say that conservatives want to change and ignore.
>cliffie is lieing if his lips or fingers are moving. i can honestly say I've
>seen a post of his that was accurate and/or true.
>He's a living, breathing falsehood.

"You are confused & lie all the time."



Nov 7, 2010, 8:53:02 AM11/7/10



Dec 24, 2010, 7:37:36 AM12/24/10

Nixon was to be impeached.


Dec 24, 2010, 7:39:58 AM12/24/10
On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:46:10 -0500, (Gray
Ghost) wrote:

>Shall not be infringed <> wrote in
>> I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
>> Watergate Break-in.
>I remeber when secrecy surronded a candidate's resume and we got Obama.

Nothing at all secret about that.

Now tell us about DeadEye Dick's secret energy plan & his secret
visitor's log ....

Shall not be infringed

Dec 24, 2010, 8:45:45 AM12/24/10
On Dec 24, 7:37 am, Cliff <>

> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 20:30:44 -0700 (PDT), Shall not be infringed
> <> wrote:
> >I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
> >Watergate Break-in.
>   Nixon was to be impeached.
> --
> Cliff

Nixon had some small amount of honor... he resigned. Very much unlike
democrat politicians.

Shall not be infringed

Dec 24, 2010, 10:57:33 PM12/24/10
On Dec 24, 7:39 am, Cliff <>
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:46:10 -0500, (Gray
> Ghost) wrote:
> >Shall not be infringed <> wrote in

> >
> >> I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
> >> Watergate Break-in.
> >I remeber when secrecy surronded a candidate's resume and we got Obama.
>   Nothing at all secret about that.

You are uninformed.


Dec 25, 2010, 11:02:31 PM12/25/10

You think he resigned because it was honorable? Boy are you naive, and
misinformed. He was forced out. A group of top senators came to him and
told him he had to go or else. You ought to get the facts before you speak.



Dec 26, 2010, 8:28:53 AM12/26/10

Well, he was a crook after all.


Dec 26, 2010, 8:30:44 AM12/26/10

You are, as usual, an ignorant liar.


Dec 26, 2010, 8:32:48 AM12/26/10
On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 08:14:24 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:43:06 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> > says...
>> >> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:13:29 -0700, Tankfixer <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > [quoted text muted]
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Easier by far to copy & paste than to type missives
>> >> >
>> >> >I'm glad you can admit you never have an original thought.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> You entirely miss the point (as usual).
>> >> I knew what & who.
>> >> You winger idiots thought Thomas Paine was
>> >> a "conservative" winger.
>> >> The conservatives were on the side of the King.
>> >> The entire US Constitution is a liberal document
>> >> written by progressives & liberals.
>> >> The Bill of Rights too.
>> >>
>> >
>> >So what caused all you liberals and progressives to stray so far away
>> >from it ?
>> You are confused & lie all the time.
>So you can't explain how or why the progressives and liberal have
>strayed so far from the principles set forth in the Constitution ?

You really need to quit lying about the Constitution & try to read
it & the Bill of Rights.

>> "The conservatives were on the side of the King."
>So you are reduced to quoting yourself in yet another lame attempt to
>support a point ?
>That's pretty pathetic you know..

You don't get it.

Shall not be infringed

Dec 26, 2010, 9:56:22 AM12/26/10
On Dec 26, 8:30 am, Cliff <>

Prove it.

Gray Ghost

Dec 26, 2010, 1:56:28 PM12/26/10
Cliff <> wrote in

Interesting that you don't answer the question, but resort to more
adhominem attacks.

What are you and the Bamster hiding? Ever consider the damage when the truth
does come out? You think there aren't people trying to uncover these as we
speak, but keeping thier heads down for fear of retaliation? You think
Wikileaks is the only conduit for "secret" and anonymous information?

How about that Obama can be blackmailed by those that know the truth? Ever
consider the nation's interests in this? Ya think there is a reason why in
getting clearances the issue is not what you've done but what you're
concealing that makes you vulnerable to blackmail that matters?

kindergarten records
Punahou school records
Occidental College records
Columbia University records
Columbia thesis
Harvard Law School records
Harvard Law Review articles
scholarly articles from the University of Chicago
medical records
files from his years as an Illinois state senator
Illinois State Bar Association records
baptism records
adoption records.

Shall not be infringed

Dec 26, 2010, 9:45:44 PM12/26/10
On Dec 26, 1:56 pm, (Gray Ghost)
> Cliff <> wrote
> > On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:46:10 -0500,
> > (Gray Ghost) wrote:
> >>Shall not be infringed <> wrote in

> >>
> >>> I remember when secrecy surrounded the Democrat campaign... we got the
> >>> Watergate Break-in.
> >>I remeber when secrecy surronded a candidate's resume and we got Obama.
> >   Nothing at all secret about that.
> >
> >   Now tell us about DeadEye Dick's secret energy plan & his secret
> > visitor's log ....
> Interesting that you don't answer the question, but resort to more
> adhominem attacks.
> What are you and the Bamster hiding? Ever consider the damage when the truth
> does come out? You think there aren't people trying to uncover these as we
> speak, but keeping thier heads down for fear of retaliation? You think
> Wikileaks is the only conduit for "secret" and anonymous information?
> How about that Obama can be blackmailed by those that know the truth? Ever
> consider the nation's interests in this? Ya think there is a reason why in
> getting clearances the issue is not what you've done but what you're
> concealing that makes you vulnerable to blackmail that matters?

Yep. I recall all the Clinton apologists saying, "It was JUST a

If it was Just a BJ, why did Bill have to lie about it?

Why was the stained dress kept and not laundered?

Bill was probably about to be blackmailed. Kenneth Star did the
nation a great service.

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