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Mystic Stamp Company bastards!

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Sep 13, 2004, 1:15:31 AM9/13/04
I am not currently nor have I ever collected stamps
yet the "Mystic Stamp Company" is sending me packages
of stamps telling me to pay or send them back. I told
my wife to pitch them, then they send me a bill stating
I never paid for stamps. Then we get a second "pay or
send back package". So she sends them back telling them
not to send anymore. Now they do it a third time. What
is it with this place that they think they can extort
money from me? Is this place a big scam company or what?
I'm pretty pissed off at them right now. I'm reporting
them to the BBB right now. Is this place know for this
type of behavior?


Sep 13, 2004, 1:27:20 AM9/13/04
asdf wrote:

Imagine this... right from http:/

"Our records indicate a pattern of complaints from consumers who
report receiving unordered merchandise and problems with
credit/billing procedures."

A.E. Gelat

Sep 13, 2004, 2:31:30 AM9/13/04
The law allows you to keep any unordered merchandise with no obligation.
Instead of throwing them out, perhaps you could have given them to a young
collector, but without Mystic's name, so that he couldn't go to them to be


"asdf" <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2004, 3:39:58 PM9/13/04
Did you contact them for a catalog or similar? Almost any contact with
them will net you 'approvals' which is what you are getting. If you
didn't then someone else did in your name. After maybe 6-8 mailings
from them that you return they stop sending stuff. At least they pay
for the return postage unlike most places with 'approvals'.

FWIW, they do have a really nice catalog!



Sep 13, 2004, 8:22:57 PM9/13/04
"asdf" <> wrote in message
Contact the USPS postal inspectors. Let them know that this company
is giving you a ration of unsolicited BS.


Sep 14, 2004, 1:27:31 AM9/14/04

Not knowing anything about stamps and due to the fact that
Mystic Stamp Company was scamming me I assumed they were
probably fake.


Sep 14, 2004, 1:35:37 AM9/14/04

Hmmm, something tells me that ASDF is a TROLL & spammer. Only one post
to this NG and thats a lot of trouble to go thru just to whine about one
company. Would you go thru that trouble to post? Doing an advanced
Google for his entire email addr shows him in boatloads of different NGs.

James R. Jones

Sep 14, 2004, 2:37:15 AM9/14/04
Personally I have purcahsed many stamps from Mystic, probably a bit high
on price but when you live in the middle of nowhere you take what you
can get. I have never had a problem of anykind with them. They were
always more than helpful and took care of the wantlists that I forwarded
back to them.


Sep 14, 2004, 11:02:03 AM9/14/04
It in no way condones their <apparent> behaviour in this case,
however, Mystic did once go into bat for collectors once,
(and no doubt their own gains as well) when they deposited a bond
of $100,000 on appeal of the USPS when they were about to destroy
5.2 million sheets of the "Legends of the west" when they apparently
placed the wrong portrait of the legendary black cowboy Bill Pickett.

They certainly need to be able to defend themselves, what if some
person had an agenda with "asdf" and applied for the stamps
on his behalf just to stir the pot?

I am not aware of the outcome, whether the stamps were destroyed or not,
but it was certainly hi-jinx there foor a while.


Sep 14, 2004, 1:11:09 PM9/14/04
Rodney wrote:
> It in no way condones their <apparent> behaviour in this case,
> however, Mystic did once go into bat for collectors once,
> (and no doubt their own gains as well) when they deposited a bond
> of $100,000 on appeal of the USPS when they were about to destroy
> 5.2 million sheets of the "Legends of the west" when they apparently
> placed the wrong portrait of the legendary black cowboy Bill Pickett.
> They certainly need to be able to defend themselves, what if some
> person had an agenda with "asdf" and applied for the stamps
> on his behalf just to stir the pot?

I don't think that is the case based on what the Better
Business Bureau had to say about them...

"Our records indicate a pattern of complaints from consumers who
report receiving unordered merchandise and problems with
credit/billing procedures."

The BBB also indicates that most all of the complaints
are resolved, however resolving it in these cases means
all they had to do was say "Ok, we won't send him any
more unrequested merchandise".


Sep 14, 2004, 3:13:38 PM9/14/04
| The BBB also indicates that most all of the complaints
| are resolved, however resolving it in these cases means
| all they had to do was say "Ok, we won't send him any
| more unrequested merchandise".

Rather than "telling your wife" to do the business,
which seems odd to me, why not draught a letter yourself
enquiring on just how the company managed to get
(presumably) your correct name, address in the first place,
with evidence on how they received the request for stamps.

OK, I can understand your frustration, but it serves no purpose
to shoot from the hip. It would think it better for you to consume
the energy of anger more towards securing accurate evidence
on just what occurred. For example, are you sure your wife sent
the stamps back to the correct address? may have they gone
to a subsidiary?
Then again, it may have been divine intervention, or a Mystic Freudian
message, I can feel your angst strongly in your posts, perhaps you
<do> need a good dose of stamp collecting to calm you down :)

amesh (Mette)

Sep 14, 2004, 3:24:40 PM9/14/04
"Rodney" <> skrev i en meddelelse

Maybe I come in a bit late in this thread, but in Denmark there is no
obligation to return anything that someone has sent unsolicited to you.
Were it me, I would simply forget the matter, and give away the stamps to
someone that would appreciate them -- or simply throw them out. On the
other hand, if you do return unsolicited merchandise, then you must do it
against a postal receipt to prove that you have sent it. There's nothing
much to whine about, just be practical, and forget about the matter.
Best regards
Ann Mette Heindorff (Mette)


Sep 14, 2004, 4:14:38 PM9/14/04

Well grandpa you're wrong. I agree that my post was borderline
troll-type behavior but that wasn't the intent. And I tried your
advanced search but those posts aren't me. Loads of people use to avoid spam. Finally, I went through the trouble
to post to find out if anyone here knew about this company. If I'd
have went to bbb.ord first I probably wouldn't have bothered to post


Sep 14, 2004, 4:16:14 PM9/14/04
I didn't tell my wife to send them back. She did that on
her own. It couldn't have went to the wrong address,
they give you a postage paid envelope.


Sep 14, 2004, 4:32:54 PM9/14/04

Your original msg came from asdf <>, not asdf
<> like this one does (see the top post in this msg). The
former is what I did the search with. You've changed email addr's
again. Whats up with that?

Again, if you've never contacted them then I suspect some prankster is
having fun at your expense.



Sep 14, 2004, 5:33:07 PM9/14/04

I'm posting from two computers. One at home and one at work.
I don't use my real email address in any usenet postings ever.

David Ames

Sep 16, 2004, 12:26:46 AM9/16/04
Grandpa <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Did you contact them for a catalog or similar? Almost any contact with
> them will net you 'approvals' which is what you are getting. If you
> didn't then someone else did in your name. After maybe 6-8 mailings
> from them that you return they stop sending stuff. At least they pay
> for the return postage unlike most places with 'approvals'.
> FWIW, they do have a really nice catalog!
> Grandpa

Forty-some years ago I worked for a mail-order company that sold their
line through recruited salesmen. One day the office manager received
an indignant letter from someone who objected to receiving our
catalogs and sales literature. The manager had someone look up the
original card, which he returned to the complainant together with a
letter stating that his name had been removed from our records.

David Ames

Mr. Tracy Barber

Sep 16, 2004, 1:00:54 PM9/16/04

Hey - the dude is still trying to pay off the Franklin "Grill" stamp
he "bought" a while back. Guess who's subsiding it? Hmmm?

Mr. Tracy Barber

Sep 16, 2004, 1:03:05 PM9/16/04
On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 21:37:15 -0500, "James R. Jones"
<> wrote:

>Personally I have purcahsed many stamps from Mystic, probably a bit high
>on price but when you live in the middle of nowhere you take what you
>can get. I have never had a problem of anykind with them. They were
>always more than helpful and took care of the wantlists that I forwarded
>back to them.

You can ALWAYS do better price-wise than them. Period. Use your
browser to look for better stamp deals. Guaranteed to be able to find

Jun 1, 2013, 9:47:54 PM6/1/13
AE gelat is correct you can keep them here is a gov page that says so

Sir F.A. Rien

Jun 2, 2013, 2:02:38 PM6/2/13
>> I am not currently nor have I ever collected stamps
>> yet the "Mystic Stamp Company" is sending me packages
>> of stamps telling me to pay or send them back.
>> Is this place a big scam company or what?
>> I'm pretty pissed off at them right now. I'm reporting
>> them to the BBB right now. Is this place know for this
>> type of behavior?
>AE gelat is correct you can keep them here is a gov page that
says so

Yes, Mystic is know for these tactics and far, far higher prices than
'market' as well. Somewhere they got your address, kid or grandkid?

Report them to the Postal Inspectors as well. If you get any more
packets [unlikely!] SEND them to the Postal Inspectors with copies of
their demands. You do NOT have to pay postage, just put them into an
envelope and take to your post office, addressed "Postal Inspector"

Victor Williams

Jun 2, 2013, 6:36:53 PM6/2/13
There is another possibility:
If you ask for their complete, full-color catalog, they'll send it to
you for free under the condition that you partake in their "approval"
program. It works as you described it; every month they will send you
stamps and you must either return them or pay for them. These are not
considered unsolicited, as you "agreed" to this condition when asking
for the catalog. Sometimes they'll do this with your initial purchase;
pay close attention to all the fine print accompanying your order.

Jan 4, 2015, 6:11:52 PM1/4/15
I ordered the full color catalog, does that mean they are going to send me stamps demanding that I pay for them? Is there anyway to end this madness?
I really just wanted the friggin catalog. What do you guys recommend be the best course of action?

Sir F.A. Rien

Jan 6, 2015, 4:21:12 PM1/6/15
>I ordered the full color catalog, does that mean they are going to send me stamps demanding that I pay for them? Is there anyway to end this madness?
>I really just wanted the friggin catalog. What do you guys recommend be the best course of action?
Write them stating you do not want Approvals.

When he first one comes anyway, and it will, enclose UNOPENED into
another envelope along with a letter stating that you do not want any
"Approvals", and that any further mail will be considered a gift.

When the second comes, and it will, write "REFUSED" across it and give
to agent at PO.

Do it to the THIRD.

Record the dates you did this.

After that -=technically=- they are giving them to you, unless they
ask for them back AND provide return envelopes and postage.

In short, LOTS OF LUCK! You're in for six months to a year of 'fun'!

Jan 10, 2015, 5:42:02 PM1/10/15
If I call them, and tell them that I dont want their stamps and approval program, will that do anything?

Sir F.A. Rien

Jan 11, 2015, 5:01:26 PM1/11/15
Yeah, they'll have a good laugh.

Send the NEXT packet, and there will be a 'next' one, -=unopened=- to
the Postal Inspectors with a WRITTEN statement that you did not
request any Approvals, that you have returned two such unauthorized
mailings and demanded them to stop.

You do not need postage to send the packet and your letter to the
Postal Inspectors.

Jan 15, 2015, 11:52:31 PM1/15/15
Thanks you guys so much. :D if they keep sending stamps even after I asked them to stop, will I be able to keep those stamps for free?

Sir F.A. Rien

Jan 16, 2015, 4:08:56 PM1/16/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2015 15:52:30 -0800 (PST),
sharpened a crayon and wrote:

>Thanks you guys so much. :D if they keep sending stamps even after I asked them to stop, will I be able to keep those stamps for free?
Check current laws, but let your conscience be the real guide.

Jan 4, 2017, 11:34:51 PM1/4/17
I have dealt with Mystic often. Yes, their prices are inflated from what the actual value is, but when I have bought older/rarer stamps from them I have almost always got very nice specimens, either equal to or above the quality I expected. I am always left with high confidence that I am getting what I ordered. Yes, their marketing can be annoyingly aggressive, but what they send out is the real McCoy. True, if you receive anything unsolicited in the mail you are under no obligation by law to pay. Keep what you got and tell them to stop and they will. They are fully aware of the law and are not in business to give things away, but there are enough morons out there who dutifully send them money that ghey find this practice profitable in the long run. Whatever they lose they simply write off, yet if you are a serious collector and have half a brain you can trust them.
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