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Take that stupid NO FEAR sticker off your car.

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Jeff Batten

Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96

If you have no fear, you are just not playing the game hard enough.

If I have no fear, its probally because I am soling 5.10's with
my home boys.

Jeff "I am now wearing a sundress" Batten

Does anyone know where I can get a RABID INC. sticker for my

George Bell

Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96
Better than taking the sticker off, try this!

Next time you see a car with such a sticker be ready to place one after it:

NO FEAR ... "since my lobotomy."



Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96
What irks me more than the "No Fear" sticker (which is quite irksome) is
that ridiculous "Bad Boy Club" logo. I can't get teh voice of Pee Wee
Herman saying "Join the Bad Boy Club" out of my head whenever I see it.
I'm surprised it hasn't also appeared in Climbing and Rock and Ice mags.


Apr 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/19/96
I've seen some wonderful t-shirts for sale in Denver simply labeled:


much more appropriate.......

Patrick Sullivan

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96

While your at it,get rid of the BAD BOY stickers, too.

Alvin K. Liau

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96

The only rush the folks with the NO FEAR stickers on their cars get is
probably trying to buy booze with a fake ID...


Alvin Kienming Liau
I/T Specialist
IBM Government Systems
6710 Rockledge Dr, Bethesda MD 20817

Rob Gendreau

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96
(Jeff Batten) wrote:

>If you have no fear, you are just not playing the game hard enough.
>If I have no fear, its probally because I am soling 5.10's with
>my home boys.

Saw a guy in a VW bus from Davis with kayaks on board with a sticker that said:


Rob Gendreau


Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96
Jeff Batten wrote:

>If you have no fear, you are just not playing the game hard enough.

Actually, the whole No Fear concept originated from a typo at the ad
agency. The original concept was MO FEAR.

J "scared shitless and love-hating it" R

Evan Bigall

Apr 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/20/96
In article <4l9h3u$> (BB BBQ) writes:

I've seen some wonderful t-shirts for sale in Denver simply labeled:


Yeah, I know its trite, but my favorite is "Know Fear"


Jason Keller

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
I like the saying I saw on a T-shirt at New River "Know Fear" and then it had
other ramblings below it.....

Mad Dog

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
Jeff Batten requested:

>Does anyone know where I can get a RABID INC. sticker for my

Rabid Inc stickers can be ordered by email (no shit). 1 American dollar
each. We're currently out of stock but the printer sez they're workin on it.

Mad "Jasmine knows judo and you're gonna miss that shoulder joint" Dog

Raj Pal

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
to (Jason Keller) wrote:
>I like the saying I saw on a T-shirt at New River "Know Fear" and then it had
>other ramblings below it.....

Has everybody seen the "I will not wear NO FEAR" shirts too?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The test of true character is to see pain,
Dive in,
Then do it again eight more times.
Raj Pal
voice # (519)824-9425
fax # (519)824-9160

Lee Purvis

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
Raj Pal wrote:
> (Jason Keller) wrote:
> >I like the saying I saw on a T-shirt at New River "Know Fear" and then it had
> >other ramblings below it.....

A friend of mine has a t-shirt with "Mo Beer" on it.

Works for me...


"Obstacles Are Those Frightful Things You See
When You Take Your Mind Off Your Goals"

Lee Purvis

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
I am not sure if you understand the meaning of the 'No Fear' sticker
seen everywhere. It is not meant to have people abolish fear or remove
it from their psyche. Instead it tells us all to 'Fear'.
'No Fear?, No, FEEAARRR.

Mike Meezan


Robert Ternes

Apr 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/22/96
In article <>, (Mad Dog) blathered:
#Mad "Jasmine's gonna kick your ass" Dog
#Mad "Jasmine just called the cops" Dog
#Mad "Jasmine gonna tie yo sick butt to the trailer hitch n go fo a ride" Dog
#Mad "Jasmine knows judo and you're gonna miss that shoulder joint" Dog

Is this Jasmine girl single?

Robert "Violencia Domestica" Ternes

Randy Rohrer

Apr 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/23/96
One of my favorite music groups is "dissapear fear".

I always chuckle when I drive around in my 4-door sedan VW
with my "disappear fear" sticker in-towe and am passed
by all of the "sport utility vehicles" with "no fear"

Randy Rohrer | "That's a Major Powell Sky!"
The George Washington University | - Gary Bolton, RiverGod
Department of EE&CS |

Mad Dog

Apr 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/23/96
Bobby babbled:
>Mad Dog blathered:

>#Mad "Jasmine's gonna kick your ass" Dog
>#Mad "Jasmine just called the cops" Dog
>#Mad "Jasmine gonna tie yo sick butt to the trailer hitch n go fo a ride" Dog
>#Mad "Jasmine knows judo and you're gonna miss that shoulder joint" Dog
>Is this Jasmine girl single?

She's merely a figment of a feeble imagination. But, yes she is single and
she needs it bad. Real bad. But she deserves better than the offers she's
getting. Really, guys, you could do much better. She knows that, and
that's why she's gonna kick their asses.

Mad "Look out, that time of the month approaches rapidly" Dog

Decision Dynamics Inc.

Apr 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/23/96
Jeff Batten ( wrote:
: If you have no fear, you are just not playing the game hard enough.

I'm sure this isn't orriginal but I thought a "KNOW FEAR" t-shirt would be
good. And it should also have the tag line: "And then deal with it."

Brooke "Fear is a 5.9 chimney with the next placement 20 feet up" Hoyer

Jeff Dyck

Apr 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/23/96
I also find the abundance of "No Fear" stuff quite annoying.

In addition to the "Know Fear" shirts, I've also seen "No Clue" and my
personal favorite, "Scared Shitless" gear.


Jeff Dyck
Graduate Student
University of Waterloo
Department of Chemical Engineering
Office: E1 - 2524 phone: x3824 or

Mr A.A. Smith

Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

I have to disagree with all this superior cliquey-ness. If someone has a No
Fear sticker, t-shirt, pants, what difference does it make to you? They are
only trying to be cool. It's only a statement of attitude and it is unlikely
to be taken literally by anyone, least of all those with them. It is fun and
also part of the media portrayal of outdoors activities. Just because you
don't hold to that doesn't make it wrong. I don't reckon people in cut-off
jeans shorts or rusty small cars look any good but I don't go round telling
them to stop it. People buy surf gear but don't surf, people do tons of stuff
just for the look. Get on with your own life and leave others to attend to

Al Smith

Tom Taylor

Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

How about "Scared Shitless"... great shirts!

On 19 Apr 1996, Jeff Batten wrote:

> If you have no fear, you are just not playing the game hard enough.

> If I have no fear, its probally because I am soling 5.10's with
> my home boys.

> Jeff "I am now wearing a sundress" Batten

Steve LaSala

Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

In article <>,

Generally, I do. However, I don't think this is an unimportant
phenomenon. Sure, many people do some things for the look (cars,
clothes). This can be fun and diverting, and can serve to identify
membership in a social group. When it becomes a grave social problem is
when large numbers of people start putting immage before substance. This
unfortunate and juvenile approach is endemic to many Western countries and
corrupts everything it touches; politics, sport, fashion, literature...

It is to this that I think many in rec.climbing are objecting.
Presumably these people feel they have some substantive investment in the
subject at hand (here, climbing) and resent the intrusion (and media
protrayal) of those whose connection is based solely on image. (See also
the "Is 'Outside' yuppie?/Am I a yuppie?" thread.

No, nothing is right or wrong just because I or anyone else thinks
so, but this business of "everything is infinitely relative so everything
is OK" is nothing more than an amusing theoretical game, and a dangerous
one at that. You cannot have an effective society without some shared
idea of what is good, bad, and indifferent. Homogeneous societies often
derive these concepts from religious sources, but such are of little use
with those not brought up to believe them. Heterogeneous societies try to
hash things out in political and social debate, of which the Usenet is one

Steve LaSala
Seattle, WA


Apr 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/29/96

In article <4m3fa2$>,
(Steve LaSala) writes:


looks like you've been spending too much time in the rain!! :)
Time to fly south, and climb.


Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

My absolute favorite "No Fear" shirt hands down says...

"It's not a matter of if, but when and how bad"... (Lisa Lawrence)


Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

I too am a little put off by these NO FEAR stickers. They seem to me
psychological tools needed by those who indeed HAVE FEAR.

Jim Hornibrook

Steve LaSala

Apr 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/30/96

In article <4m41md$>,

EDGEHOGS <> wrote:
>In article <4m3fa2$>,
>(Steve LaSala) writes:
>>[bunch o' philosophy]

>looks like you've been spending too much time in the rain!! :)
>Time to fly south, and climb.

Guess that got a little heavy, eh? ;-) Must have been the lovely
warm Spring weather yesterday that made wax enthusiastic. And that I'm
over 30 and a parent. You start thinking seriously about such things.

Actually, I've been climbing several times already this year
(snowshoes, crampons, steep snow, good glissades, corniced ridges,
lowland rock; fun stuff!) And I've got my eye on a few routes to do
before the snow melts and the approach turns into talus (ugh!).

Steve LaSala
Seattle, WA

Neil Beddoe

May 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/2/96

I've got a photograph of a guy I was climbing with this weekend.
Sitting on the ground with a no fear sweatshirt on. I also says
'losing is not an option' he had just broken his heel. HAHAHAH

Mr A.A. Smith

May 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/3/96

Steve LaSala ( wrote:

<in response to my comments intended as defense of NO FEAR type stuff>

: Sure, many people do some things for the look (cars,

: clothes). This can be fun and diverting, and can serve to identify
: membership in a social group. When it becomes a grave social problem is
: when large numbers of people start putting immage before substance.

What on earth is the grave social problem caused by wearing No Fear
clothes? Maybe I have missed something important about contemporary dress
conduct. I appreciate what you mean about image before substance at an
abstract level, but what does it mean here? Are you implying that people who
wear No Fear are in fact not concerned with their own or others lives and thus
endanger everybody. Obviously this is an extreme extrapolation of the case but
I cannot think of anything other than heresay which could back up an argument
along these lines.

: It is to this that I think many in rec.climbing are objecting.

: Presumably these people feel they have some substantive investment in the
: subject at hand (here, climbing) and resent the intrusion (and media
: protrayal) of those whose connection is based solely on image. (See also
: the "Is 'Outside' yuppie?/Am I a yuppie?" thread.

The implication of this, probably not intended but there all the same, is that
the true and only fraternity of actual real climbers is somehow better than
those unknowing and dangerous image seekers who want to climb. Thus they
shoud be kept away as unworthy. Again, I exaggerate to make a point but
stereotyping No Fear wearers as irritating weanies and rugged no-image
proper climbers as more righteous is not going to help. Actually going outside
does not mean you own the outdoors more than those who stay in and watch
TV more. You spend more time there yes, but you have no more or less right
to be there.

: No, nothing is right or wrong just because I or anyone else thinks
: so,

Didn't mean to come across as being personal

but this business of "everything is infinitely relative so everything
: is OK" is nothing more than an amusing theoretical game, and a dangerous
: one at that.


: Heterogeneous societies try to

: hash things out in political and social debate, of which the Usenet is one
: form.

And democratic ones especially, one would hope.

Having read your further post in which you say that being over thirty and a
father makes you think about such things. Well fair enough. I can't claim
to be a dad. However, I just don't think clothes labels are too important.
I have seen people climbing poorly, dangerously, irritatingly, in plain
clothes and no stickers and likewise I know friends who do have No Fear
stickers, and Surf Shack stickers and all kinds who enjoy climbing as
sensibly and considerately as possible.


Steve LaSala

May 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/3/96

In article <>,

Mr A.A. Smith <> wrote:
>Steve LaSala ( wrote:
><in response to my comments intended as defense of NO FEAR type stuff>
>: Sure, many people do some things for the look (cars,
>: clothes). This can be fun and diverting, and can serve to identify
>: membership in a social group. When it becomes a grave social problem is
>: when large numbers of people start putting immage before substance.
>What on earth is the grave social problem caused by wearing No Fear
It's a symptom, not a cause.

> I appreciate what you mean about image before substance at an
>abstract level, but what does it mean here? Are you implying that people who
>wear No Fear are in fact not concerned with their own or others lives and thus
>endanger everybody.

No, it just seems to be a case similar to that of people
who wear the names of successful corporations, products, or sports teams,
seeking to gain respect through association rather than achievement and
character. The label does not guarantee that the wearer lacks the above
qualities, only that he himself is unsure whether he does or not.

>: It is to this that I think many in rec.climbing are objecting.
>: Presumably these people feel they have some substantive investment in the
>: subject at hand (here, climbing) and resent the intrusion (and media
>: protrayal) of those whose connection is based solely on image. (See also
>: the "Is 'Outside' yuppie?/Am I a yuppie?" thread.
>The implication of this, probably not intended but there all the same, is that
>the true and only fraternity of actual real climbers is somehow better than
>those unknowing and dangerous image seekers who want to climb. Thus they
>shoud be kept away as unworthy.

Yes, intended. Except that the "fraternity" is not closed.
It is open to anyone who loves and cares about climbing for its own sake,
as opposed to how much money he can make or how cool he will look.

>Again, I exaggerate to make a point but
>stereotyping No Fear wearers as irritating weanies and rugged no-image
>proper climbers as more righteous is not going to help.

Not completely intended. In an ideal world, we would all relate
pure soul to pure soul and ignore material differences. In reality, we
don't have time for this and we use our visual appearance to give each
other clues. If someone has "No Fear" or "Bad Boy Club" on his car, I
think he knows quite well what kind of image that projects. It's not
a totally accurate gauge, but good for a first rough cut.

Actually going outside
>does not mean you own the outdoors more than those who stay in and watch
>TV more. You spend more time there yes, but you have no more or less right
>to be there.

Non sequitur. I'm talking about the public image of climbing as a
sport/activity. For example, I've read a statement by a sponsored sport
climber (forget who) to the effect that "To turn kids on to climbing and
keep it growing, we need to convince them it's a radical, anti-establishment,
anti-parents, anti land-manager game." This pisses me off because it
paints me in a bad light and endagers the activity and the places I love.
Trouble is, many people act that way.

>: No, nothing is right or wrong just because I or anyone else thinks
>: so,
>Didn't mean to come across as being personal

Didn't. No problem.

> but this business of "everything is infinitely relative so everything
>: is OK" is nothing more than an amusing theoretical game, and a dangerous
>: one at that.

Try talking to some cutting-edge academic "humanists" some time,
especially the lit-crit and hermaneutics types. I've run into a bunch of
people who just don't seem to care what's good or bad, right or wrong,
quality or schlock anymore, as long as they can deconstruct it. I don't
mind if they disagree with me; I just think it's important to care.

>: Heterogeneous societies try to
>: hash things out in political and social debate, of which the Usenet is one
>: form.
>And democratic ones especially, one would hope.

We try.

>Having read your further post in which you say that being over thirty and a
>father makes you think about such things. Well fair enough. I can't claim
>to be a dad.

Not trying to "pull rank", just illuminating the motivators of my
position. Nor do I claim innocence. I've done lots of stupid and shallow
things in my life, which are embarrassing to recall. I'm not terrribly
conservative either, rather left-of-center. Just trying to achieve and
encourage a life with some substance, based on better principles than
"What the hell.." and "It felt good at the time."

> However, I just don't think clothes labels are too important.
>I have seen people climbing poorly, dangerously, irritatingly, in plain
>clothes and no stickers and likewise I know friends who do have No Fear
>stickers, and Surf Shack stickers and all kinds who enjoy climbing as
>sensibly and considerately as possible.

Good for them. They sound like wonderful people with terrible
taste in clothing. ;-)

Unless there is widespread outcry from rec.climbing, let's take
any continuation of this thread to email, as it is getting farther and
farther off-topic.

Space Ranger

May 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/5/96

Know Fear. If you haven't been there, you don't know.

Tavis Ricksecker

May 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/14/96

Hell yeah... But isn't No Fear so appropriate... (somehow i get
the feeling im about to post the exact same thing i posted like a
week ago... or was it this newsgroup? might of been
rec.bicycles.offroad...) anyway ill give a summary... NO FEAR is
approporiate because: people who wear NO FEAR have NO FEAR in
their lives, they never experience fear, and do not KNOW fear...
sorry if this was a repeat couldnt remember.


May 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/25/96

Tavis Ricksecker (7554...@CompuServe.COM) wrote:
: Hell yeah... But isn't No Fear so appropriate... (somehow i get

Ahh, to live a life like that, only to have people say, "Yeah, but now
he's dead and has a stupid sticker on his car."

So, do you work for the company or is it just a *really* persuasive ad

Sorry, couldn't resist. :)


Eldon Sprickerhoff

Jun 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/11/96

In article <4o85ki$>,

>Tavis Ricksecker (7554...@CompuServe.COM) wrote:
>: Hell yeah... But isn't No Fear so appropriate... (somehow i get
>: approporiate because: people who wear NO FEAR have NO FEAR in
>: their lives, they never experience fear, and do not KNOW fear...
>: sorry if this was a repeat couldnt remember.
>So, do you work for the company or is it just a *really* persuasive ad
>Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

At last year's LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference,
a computer backup systems company was giving out "No Fear" parody shirts;
they had the typical "No Fear" logo on the back, but in the front it said,
"Backup and Recovery - Parity Data Systems".

Worth a giggle when compared to the posturing of the original.



Jun 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/22/96

Hey, those stickers serve a purpose. They notify us that posers
are in the neighborhood.

Alex van der Kooi

Jun 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/23/96

ezClimber wrote:
> Hey, those stickers serve a purpose. They notify us that posers
> are in the neighborhood.

If you were not shitting yourself while climbing it would not be any fun
so stop walking around like macho dickheads, I bet you 99.9% of you shit
yourselfs when your pushing it, I know I do. I am not scared to admitt


Jun 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/29/96
ezClimber wrote:
> Hey, those stickers serve a purpose. They notify us that posers
> are in the neighborhood.

I know some "No Fear" freaks. They are shitty climbers and all they
want is the attention.

They don't want to put the work in to get the glory. They want it quick
and dirty like cheese whiz. It's easier to go to the local store and
buy it. Then tell all thier buddies about how exciting their lives are.

Look at me, Look at me, I have no redeeming traits as a human being so
I'll impress you with my ability to lie through my teeth about how big
and macho I am.

I truly dispise "No Fear" ego's. It cheapens the adventure.

Reese Martin

Jun 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/30/96
to sfalconer,

sfalconer wrote:
> I know some "No Fear" freaks. They are shitty climbers and all they
> want is the attention.
> They don't want to put the work in to get the glory. They want it quick
> and dirty like cheese whiz. It's easier to go to the local store and
> buy it. Then tell all thier buddies about how exciting their lives are.
> Look at me, Look at me, I have no redeeming traits as a human being so
> I'll impress you with my ability to lie through my teeth about how big
> and macho I am.
> I truly dispise "No Fear" ego's. It cheapens the adventure.

And I thought those that add bolts to existing climbs, chip and glue were
heinous criminals!

Reese Martin
Ventura, California U.S.A.


Jul 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/2/96

>Hey, those stickers serve a purpose. They notify us that posers
>are in the neighborhood.

Why beat around the bush, instead of a "no fear" sticker, why not have a
"Sport climbing is neither" sticker so we could be sure he is a dork.

> I bet you 99.9% of you shit
>yourselfs when your pushing it, I know I do. I am not scared to admitt

Your absolutly right, I usually do shit myself while pushing it. I'm
glad your NOT SCARED to admit it, maybe you should have a "No Fear to
admit that I Shit my Pants" sticker.

>I know some "No Fear" freaks.
> They are shitty climbers and all they
>want is the attention.

We cant seem to get past this shit thing can we?

>They don't want to put the work in to get the glory. They want it quick
>and dirty like cheese whiz. It's easier to go to the local store and
>buy it. Then tell all thier buddies about how exciting their lives are.

Are you talking about taking a dump? Is this comment ment to sway
the would be buyer of laxatives?

>Look at me, Look at me, I have no redeeming traits as a human being so
>I'll impress you with my ability to lie through my teeth about how big
>and macho I am.

I'm glad you told us a little about yourself, always a good way to
close a letter.

>I truly dispise "No Fear" ego's. It cheapens the adventure.

I'm like confussed and stuff.

I use FiberCon, its the natural action of fiber for relief of
constipation the works best for those .1% of us who don't shit ourselves
when pushing it.

tony rushton

Jul 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/3/96

Let's get t-shirts made that say "buckets o' fear" and see who buys them.

Mr A.A. Smith

Jul 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/3/96

sfalconer ( wrote:

: I know some "No Fear" freaks. They are shitty climbers and all they
: want is the attention.

Therefore they all are?

: They don't want to put the work in to get the glory. They want it quick

: and dirty like cheese whiz. It's easier to go to the local store and
: buy it. Then tell all thier buddies about how exciting their lives are.

Only people who wear No Fear stuff do this?

: Look at me, Look at me, I have no redeeming traits as a human being so

: I'll impress you with my ability to lie through my teeth about how big
: and macho I am.

Ho hum, it takes all sorts.

: I truly dispise "No Fear" ego's. It cheapens the adventure.

Yeah right.

You sound like you ought to lighten up, chill out and get on with your
own life. Not everyone aspires to the same things as you.

This thread seems to be dragging on infinately and yet no one is adding
anything new or interesting.


Steve Cochran

Jul 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/3/96

tony rushton ( wrote:
: Let's get t-shirts made that say "buckets o' fear" and see who buys them.

I want to get a bumper sticker made in the same "No Fear" font that says
"No Brains! Not even just a little bit." That slogan seems to fit the
same crowd.

Steven Cochran

Business before pleasure unless pleasure is your business.

Jul 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/3/96

Saw a sticker on a truck today; "Fear This", thought it would
make a great name for a climb.'


Jul 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/4/96

In article <4rcs3n$>, (tony rushton)

>Let's get t-shirts made that say "buckets o' fear" and see who buys them.

Has anyone considered a picture of Van Gogh with the slogan "No Ear"?



Jul 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/4/96

Damn, you hit a spot so well. I hate those stupid stickers,
especially when they appear on overbuilt pick up trucks with fake
roll bars. Add to that the morons who can't seem to go anywhere
without taking a telephone in the car or their pack. I admit there is
probably a safety factor in having a cell phone on a climb, but
somehow it seems to make the word "commitment" a little fuzzy. Yuppie
climbing ethics drive me nuts. They seem to have developed in gyms as
opposed to the rocks and ice I learned mine on 35 years ago.


Jul 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/6/96

I'm sure I saw a sticker or t-shirt reading SCARED SHITLESS somewhere

Mark Stavar

Jul 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/8/96
to wrote:

: Saw a sticker on a truck today; "Fear This", thought it would

: make a great name for a climb.'

Or maybe

Know Fear

Mark Stavar | #include <std/disclaimer.h> . \
Mincom Pty Ltd | Ph : +61 7 303 3333 . o/\__
Wyandra St. | Fax: +61 7 303 3232 . <\__,\_
Teneriffe Q. 4005 | Email: . "> \_
Australia | . ` |
"I hate it when my foot slips" - John Bachar . \
" usually ends up in my mouth." - marks . \


Jul 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/8/96

If I didn't experience something associated with "Fear" I don't think I
would bother climbing!

rick strimbeck

Jul 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/9/96

One of my favorites is:

"I never get lost because people are always telling me where to go."

Rick Strimbeck
University of Vermont
School of Natural Resources
Burlington, VT

Steven Reiser

Jul 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/15/96

In article <4sdkee$>, (JOHN EVANS)
> Someone told me of one they saw that had a picture of Vincent Van Gogh on
> it and underneath, in the same "No Fear" style font, it said "No Ear."
> John


I see those "NO FEAR" stickers and think "how cool!"

Why be afraid of anything?


-- (Steven Reiser)
Home Businesses: USANA and Save Now Enterprise

Bruce Hildenbrand

Jul 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/15/96

In article <4sdkee$> (JOHN EVANS) writes:
>Someone told me of one they saw that had a picture of Vincent Van Gogh on
>it and underneath, in the same "No Fear" style font, it said "No Ear."

"No Fear" bumper stickers are for people who are in denial.

Bruce Hildenbrand

ps - maybe it should be "Know Fear"


Jul 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/15/96

Someone told me of one they saw that had a picture of Vincent Van Gogh on
it and underneath, in the same "No Fear" style font, it said "No Ear."


Walt Zwicker Jr.

Jul 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/16/96

I left on a trip for 8 weeks and I come back to find you guys
still mumbling about how stupid the NO FEAR thing is... The
point is well taken. Now get a life!

charlie leppard

Jul 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/17/96

I reckon that NO FEAR stickers are only displayed by those with

NO IDEA. I agree, anyone who denies the existance of fear,
obviously has a tedious life.


Jul 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/18/96

no fear gear is the shit!! just dno't wear it if you don't live it

Eugene N. Miya

Jul 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/18/96

In article <4sieno$>

Send them to a free fire zone some place in the world.

Eugene N. Miya

Jul 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/18/96

In article <sir-150796...@>
(Steven Reiser) writes:

Reiser, you trolling again? Did you you INEL net access again?! 8^)

>I see those "NO FEAR" stickers and think "how cool!"
>Why be afraid of anything?


D. Ehenfeld: The Arrogance of Humanism. Good book, see chapter 6 about
emotions and survival.


Jul 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/18/96

Always prefered the "FEAR ON" and "KNOW FEAR" variants

Anyone who make decisions based on MASS MARKETING,
ADVERTISING and PEER PRESSURE "obviously has a tedious
life", I reckin....


Dave Newton

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

wildbill wrote:
> Anyone who make decisions based on MASS MARKETING,
> ADVERTISING and PEER PRESSURE "obviously has a tedious
> life", I reckin....

And those ppl. that choose to buy/wear the shirts for other reasons get
shit on. Kinda fuckin' stupid, eh?

Dave Newton | TOFU | (voice) (970) 225-4841
Symbios Logic, Inc. | Real Food for Real People. | (fax) (970) 226-9582
2057 Vermont Dr. | |
Ft. Collins, CO 80526 | The World Series diverges! | (Geek joke.)


Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

Dave Newton wrote:

> wildbill wrote:
> > Anyone who make decisions based on MASS MARKETING,
> > ADVERTISING and PEER PRESSURE "obviously has a tedious
> > life", I reckin....
> And those ppl. that choose to buy/wear the shirts for other reasons get
> shit on. Kinda fuckin' stupid, eh?

Reasons like??????? I really wanna know. Are that that Durable? Functional?
Attractive? Most of the NO FEAR shirts I've seen are printed on high quality
cotton T-Shirts. That's good. You can buy them without the printing (and all
the associated marketing hype) at Target for 3.5-5 bucks (depending on the
sale). So what are the real reasons that you like them so much, since mine are


{snip dave's cool .sig}

Matthew Nahorniak

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

: >
: > because if your not just a little afraid you might get careless and die.
: >
: > is that a good enough reason?

: No. It's a reason to be careful, not scared, unless you're trying to
: imply that one must be scared in order to be careful which is clearly silly.

Hey, don't ignore physiology! A good jolt of fear can pump you full of
adrenaline, which can be damn useful in a tight spot.

mo beer,

- Matt

John Yeatts

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

Onroute is a fucking dork...........................
John Yeatts
He's not just for breakfast anymore.

Dave Newton

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

Justin M Pettersen wrote:
> why be afraid of soloing 5.11?
> why be afraid of running it out on that rattly pin?
> why be afraid of anything?

> because if your not just a little afraid you might get careless and die.
> is that a good enough reason?

No. It's a reason to be careful, not scared, unless you're trying to
imply that one must be scared in order to be careful which is clearly silly.



Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96


I'm shocked! stooping to base namecalling? Here? In the hallowed halls of Don't debase our poor brother Onroute merely
for he predispositon to being an AsshOLe....some folks just can't afford a
real ISP......or to go to Med School......;-)



Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

: Always prefered the "FEAR ON" and "KNOW FEAR" variants
: myself...A

: -wildbill

I tend to like my shirt: (Front) Wasn't there..didn't do it..
You don't know me.

(Back) Federal Witness Protection Program


tony rushton

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

>I feel real sorry for fearless Dave. Everything must be so boring for him. NO FEAR, everything carefully calculated and perfect, absolute assurance at his
>every move and inclination. He gets to wear that cool clothing though.....
>How 'bout a survey? everybody who gets scared raise your hand!

That's why I'm sticking with sport

-no gear


Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

john and wild bill sound very frustrated and angry, you should use this
energy to improve your climbing !!


Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

Dave Newton wrote:

> Justin M Pettersen wrote:
> > why be afraid of soloing 5.11?
> > why be afraid of running it out on that rattly pin?
> > why be afraid of anything?
> > because if your not just a little afraid you might get careless and die.
> > is that a good enough reason?
> No. It's a reason to be careful, not scared, unless you're trying to
> imply that one must be scared in order to be careful which is clearly silly.

{snip Dave's cool .sig}

wow, justin! dave never bother to call ME "clearly silly" I'm jealous!
Silly me. I get scared.

Exposure scares me. freesoloing scares me. jumping out of airplanes scares me. Having unprotected sex scares me. BUT MAN!!!! They're all so FUN! I wonder if
that's why roller coasters and horror films are so popular???

Justin M Pettersen

Jul 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/19/96

On Mon, 15 Jul 1996, Steven Reiser wrote:

> In article <4sdkee$>, (JOHN EVANS)
> wrote:

> Hi,

> I see those "NO FEAR" stickers and think "how cool!"
> Why be afraid of anything?

> Steve
> --
> (Steven Reiser)
> Home Businesses: USANA and Save Now Enterprise
> guess

Hugh Grierson

Jul 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/21/96

In article <>,

wildbill <> wrote:
>Anyone who make decisions based on MASS MARKETING,
>ADVERTISING and PEER PRESSURE "obviously has a tedious
>life", I reckin....

Get a grip, the lot of you. We're talking about the decision to buy _this_
T-shirt or _that_ T-shirt. No Fear is a clothing label, nothing more, nothing
less. It's simply not worthy of these inane value judgements.

Hugh - who may still own a No Fear cap
but who has at least shaved off
his goatee


Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96


Glad to hear you shaved!

Hey what about those shirts that say "no fear - absolutely none, etc. ??
If someone is going to brag about his "macho" lack of fear and thereby
insinuate that the rest of us are cowards, what's wrong if we slander the
bastards? Just curious.

Besides, I bet I can scare 'em. :-)

Dave Newton

Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96

wildbill wrote:
> I feel real sorry for fearless Dave. Everything must be so boring for him. NO FEAR, everything

When the hell did I say I never got scared?

It's like a discussion, only different.

I think Mort (still) has the right idea.

Kyle Reece

Sep 13, 2020, 11:39:29 PM9/13/20
Is anyone from this old thread still alive? Lol
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