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Last Night's Ride with Herrmans H-Black Pro dynamo light

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Apr 14, 2018, 1:12:17 PM4/14/18
Spousal unit was late riding home so I went out on the Dahon to look for
her. I know her route by heart. I got about six mile into the route,
tried calling her again, and she was home, having taken a different route.

This was the first time I had ridden on very dark streets with my
high-end dynamo system (SP dynamo and Herrmans H-Black Pro Head-Light
<>). Very impressive. I was able to
do most of the ride without the auxiliary battery powered light. It's a
really odd beam pattern with a very sharp cutoff, but a nice wide beam
which many dynamo lights lack
(right to left). I got this light when it first came out after seeing it
at Interbike a couple of years ago; they claim that it's the first
dynamo light with a projector lens. I had to order it from Europe as it
was not sold in the U.S. at the time
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