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Trollfest: Yahoo and Google censor postings

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Tom Kunich

Nov 17, 2019, 12:31:42 PM11/17/19
We have had many people posing on Yahoo comments that Trump needs to release his transcripts and not just a summary.

ALL of the networks have the transcript of the Ukraine call. It was a relatively short call and the transcript of it is only 5 pages long so why is it that the people making these claims cannot find it?

I provide a link to the transcripts and Yahoo erases my entire post. So I tell everyone how to make a Google Search to find it and Yahoo erases the entire postings. So I relate how Yahoo is erasing my postings and Yahoo erases that.

This is why these social media companies must be totally closed down. Breaking them up now is plainly not nearly enough.


Nov 17, 2019, 1:12:38 PM11/17/19
They are political actors of the lowest moral order. In
their opinion, it's their duty to direct the unwashed masses.

Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971

Tom Kunich

Nov 17, 2019, 2:47:46 PM11/17/19
The things that the media was allowed complete freedom of the press for is being used exactly the opposite for which it was intended.

And it isn't as if this is the first time. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected one of the first things he did was to fire all black civil service employees and hire whites in their stead. The Press cheered. The press backed FDR's attempt to keep us from protecting Great Britain 100%. 100's of thousands of lives would have been saved had America just showed their willingness to confront Fascism. When Roosevelt locked up Americans of Japanese descent into concentrations camps while real Americans were in Europe fighting the NAZIs for locking up Jews in concentrations camps again the Press cheered. A LOT of the older Asian-Americans died in our camps and that was NEVER reported even to this day. My best childhood friend grew up in one of those camps and his father died there. He is now retired as a Marine lifer and he is so afraid of the Democrats coming to power that he and his wife who is a citizen of Okinawa are planning on moving there.

John B.

Nov 17, 2019, 7:23:35 PM11/17/19
Are Postal workers civil service employees? If so than you are full of
the brown stuff as I read that " In the mid-1930s, 80 percent of the
letter carriers in Memphis and 75 percent of the letter carriers in
Houston were black".

As for Japanese "growing up in the camps", it must have been a short
childhood as the camps were only in existence from 1942 until 1945 - 3

As for Roosevelt being responsible the actual sequence of events was
as follows:

In February 1942, Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt, Commanding General of the
Western Defense Command, requested authorization from Secretary of War
Henry L. Stimson to evacuate "Japanese and other subversive persons"
from the West Coast area.

On February 19, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order
No. 9066 authorizing the Secretary of War or any military commander to
establish "military areas" and to exclude from them "any or all

A month later, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order No. 9102
establishing the War Relocation Authority, which eventually operated
the internment camps. Roosevelt named Milton Eisenhower, brother of
the future president, to head the WRA.

The Congress affirmed Executive Order 9066 with the passage of Public
Law 77-503

As for the attitude of the population to these camps:

Given the almost universal condemnation of the Japanese internment
program today, it is hard to realize just how solid support was for it
at the time. The vast operation, as one writer points out, was
"initiated by the generals, advised, ordered and supervised by the
civilian heads of the War Department, authorized by the President,
implemented by Congress, approved by the Supreme Court, and supported
by the people."

Popular movie actor Leo Carillo telegraphed his Congressman:
Why wait until (the Japanese) pull something before we act ...
Let's get them off the coast and into the interior ... May I urge you
in behalf of the safety of the people of California to start action at

In February a delegation of West Coast Congressmen sent a letter to
the President calling for the "immediate evacuation of all persons of
Japanese lineage ... aliens and citizens alike" from the Pacific

Speaking to southern California on a Lincoln's birthday radio
broadcast, Fletcher Bowron, reform Mayor of Los Angeles, denounced the
"sickly sentimentality" of those who worried about injustices to the
Japanese living in the United States. He told his radio audience that
if Abraham Lincoln were alive, he would round up "the people born on
American soil who have secret loyalty to the Japanese Emperor."

I could go on but what is the use? The truth cannot compete with your

John B.

Frank Krygowski

Nov 17, 2019, 9:14:17 PM11/17/19
On 11/17/2019 2:47 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
> When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected one of the first things he did was to fire all black civil service employees and hire whites in their stead.

I don't remember ever hearing about that.

Got a source you can cite for that?

- Frank Krygowski

John B.

Nov 17, 2019, 9:32:16 PM11/17/19
Come Frank. Of course he has a source for that... his vivid

John B.

Andre Jute

Nov 17, 2019, 9:48:41 PM11/17/19
On Monday, November 18, 2019 at 12:23:35 AM UTC, John B. wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Nov 2019 11:47:43 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
> <> wrote:
> >On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 10:12:38 AM UTC-8, AMuzi wrote:
> >> On 11/17/2019 11:31 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
> >> > We have had many people posing on Yahoo comments that Trump needs to release his transcripts and not just a summary.
> >> >
> >> > ALL of the networks have the transcript of the Ukraine call. It was a relatively short call and the transcript of it is only 5 pages long so why is it that the people making these claims cannot find it?
> >> >
> >> > I provide a link to the transcripts and Yahoo erases my entire post. So I tell everyone how to make a Google Search to find it and Yahoo erases the entire postings. So I relate how Yahoo is erasing my postings and Yahoo erases that.
> >> >
> >> > This is why these social media companies must be totally closed down. Breaking them up now is plainly not nearly enough.
> >> >
> >>
> >> They are political actors of the lowest moral order. In
> >> their opinion, it's their duty to direct the unwashed masses.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Andrew Muzi
> >> <>
> >> Open every day since 1 April, 1971
> >
> >The things that the media was allowed complete freedom of the press for is being used exactly the opposite for which it was intended.
> >
> >And it isn't as if this is the first time. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected one of the first things he did was to fire all black civil service employees and hire whites in their stead. The Press cheered. The press backed FDR's attempt to keep us from protecting Great Britain 100%. 100's of thousands of lives would have been saved had America just showed their willingness to confront Fascism. When Roosevelt locked up Americans of Japanese descent into concentrations camps while real Americans were in Europe fighting the NAZIs for locking up Jews in concentrations camps again the Press cheered. A LOT of the older Asian-Americans died in our camps and that was NEVER reported even to this day. My best childhood friend grew up in one of those camps and his father died there. He is now retired as a Marine lifer and he is so afraid of the Democrats coming to power that he and his wife who is a citizen of Okinawa are planning on moving there.
> Are Postal workers civil service employees? If so than you are full of
> the brown stuff as I read that " In the mid-1930s, 80 percent of the
> letter carriers in Memphis and 75 percent of the letter carriers in
> Houston were black".
> As for Japanese "growing up in the camps", it must have been a short
> childhood as the camps were only in existence from 1942 until 1945 - 3
> years.

1942 1943 1944 1945
That's four years, Slow Johnny. Now, do you want to claim as your excuse that you can't even count on your fingers, or do you want to admit that you lied maliciously?

I didn't bother with the rest of the crap straight out of the baptismal font of ignorance, Wikipedia, via Slow Johnny's distorting lens.

Andre Jute
You want to be a Googlebug, Slow Johnny, you must learn some discrimination


Nov 18, 2019, 1:41:17 AM11/18/19
On Sun, 17 Nov 2019 18:48:38 -0800, Andre Jute wrote:

> 1942 1943 1944 1945 That's four years, Slow Johnny. Now, do you want to
> claim as your excuse that you can't even count on your fingers, or do
> you want to admit that you lied maliciously?

Lol, AJ is confused by the number of fence posts required to support a
three panel fence. Or, did internment start on 1/1/42 and end on 31/12/45.

Did the program even run that long?

Tom Kunich

Nov 18, 2019, 2:08:47 PM11/18/19
FDR was actually known for his ending of racism in many public sectors. But this was NOT Franklin that did this but his wife Elanor. She would brow beat him into doing things that were FAR against his nature. He would NOT sign laws against lynching's on the grounds that it would lose him southern voters.

Tom Kunich

Nov 18, 2019, 2:19:28 PM11/18/19
You really are a piece of crap aren't you? America declared war against Germany and Italy in December of 1941 and the surrender of Japan was in September 1945. The War continued for several months after that since Japanese military in the Philippines and all over the South Pacific had not gotten orders to surrender.

Private Teruo Nakamura surrendered to an armed party in 1974.

Tell us more of your brilliant mind.

Andre Jute

Nov 18, 2019, 5:32:02 PM11/18/19
Absolutely. In one of my novels a character says of FDR, "He was a Republican who walked through the wrong caucus door and never corrected the error." (Lest some mickey mouse person calls me a liar for not remember the line accurately, I'm paraphrasing.) As an economist I also know that FDR was no kind of Keynesian; in fact, he never heard of Keynes until after he had continued Hoover's policies for a while, and then on his own arrived at the pump-priming scheme of deficit spending, which he regarded as an ad hoc, short term measure, and was only later, during the central planning of the war, built into a Democrat article of faith by FDR's young turks such as J K Galbraith. In the same way that Nixon was basically a leftwing Republican, FDR was basically a right wing Democrat -- given their respective antecedents, you'd be hard put to imagine how they could turn out otherwise. Conrad Black is the one historian who has written sympathetic, admiring biographies of both, which I have saved but not yet read.

Andre Jute
What shall we do in the dog days of winter?

John B.

Nov 18, 2019, 6:13:37 PM11/18/19
On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 11:08:43 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
Ah Tommy, you stated that " When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected one
of the first things he did was to fire all black civil service

FDR was elected president in 1933, which would be considered by most
intelligent people as "the early 1930's". I provide evidence that in
the "mid 1930's letter carriers in Memphis and 75 percent of the
letter carriers in Houston were black".

Why are you talking about the 1940's? after all you are the one who
specified the period "elected, first thing".

>> I didn't bother with the rest of the crap straight out of the baptismal font of ignorance, Wikipedia, via Slow Johnny's distorting lens.
>> Andre Jute
>> You want to be a Googlebug, Slow Johnny, you must learn some discrimination
>FDR was actually known for his ending of racism in many public sectors. But this was NOT Franklin that did this but his wife Elanor. She would brow beat him into doing things that were FAR against his nature. He would NOT sign laws against lynching's on the grounds that it would lose him southern voters.

Tom, I believe that you simply do not know hat you are talking abut so
prove it.

By the way, the first U.S. Federal law concerning lynching was the
Justice for Victims of Lynching Act of 2018 which was passed the
Senate unanimously on December 19, 2018.
Which is 73 years and 13 presidents since FDR died.

But of course, you are up to your old tricks of changing the subject
that it is demonstrated that you, as so often happens, are talking
about something that you know little or nothing about.


John B.


Nov 18, 2019, 6:45:44 PM11/18/19
Little Tommie resorts to more monkey crap flinging in a desperate attempt
to gain pats from his master AJ. Seriously Tommy, AJ(is that his real
name) responded to a post from JohnB that 3 years=/= a childhood, by
listing the years in which detention occurred as to claim it was 4 years.

BTW, the last surrender happened in New Guinea, a place where the
Americans only showed up after the Australian Army has punched the nose
of the Japanese and brought their advance to a standstill and was turning
them back. Not bad for a mob that was actually volunteert militia and not
fully trained army troops.

Sir Ridesalot

Nov 18, 2019, 8:12:01 PM11/18/19
A lot of us have killfiled both Jute and Kunich but unfortunately replies to them bring them back to life. I really do wish that people would stop feeding the Trolls. About all the rest of us an do is killfile those who seem to only reply to Trolls.

Good luck arguing with those two very prolific Trolls. Every reply to them that anyone makes simple encourages them to post again.


Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 2:01:16 AM11/19/19
Every time some fascist clown like Rideablot complains that someone else hasn't silenced us yet, we are impressed anew with his gross lack of self-consciousness and his appalling arrogance. Why should the entire world revolve around what Rideablot and his sidekick Krygowski and their familiar Slow Johnny want? About time someone put down this impertinent scum.

Andre Jute
I do my own wet work

Frank Krygowski

Nov 19, 2019, 11:21:57 AM11/19/19
On 11/19/2019 2:01 AM, Andre Jute wrote:
> Every time some fascist clown like Rideablot complains that someone else hasn't silenced us yet, we are impressed anew with his gross lack of self-consciousness and his appalling arrogance. Why should the entire world revolve around what Rideablot and his sidekick Krygowski and their familiar Slow Johnny want? About time someone put down this impertinent scum.
> Andre Jute
> I do my own wet work

I've never encountered an intelligent or otherwise admirable person who
routinely makes up mocking names for others. The characters that do that
are invariably low class and desperately trying to compensate for their
own insecurities. Just like most bullies.

- Frank Krygowski


Nov 19, 2019, 11:41:47 AM11/19/19
We of the 'Basket of Deplorables' wear it with pride.

Sir Ridesalot

Nov 19, 2019, 2:15:21 PM11/19/19
You have to admit though that even Jute knows he's a Troll s evidenced by the topic titles of many of his threads. Please don't feed the Trolls is something that many Usenet users can't fathom.


Frank Krygowski

Nov 19, 2019, 3:27:10 PM11/19/19
As do the "the voters, such as they are," I'm sure.

But please note my adverb "routinely." Everyone slips up occasionally.
But making grade school name calling part of your public persona is
another matter entirely.

- Frank Krygowski


Nov 19, 2019, 3:46:45 PM11/19/19
Why? Your statement exemplifies the new rule of "two wrongs do make a right." Whenever any adult is called on the carpet for acting like a third-grader, the retort is "look what [fill in the blank] did!" In this case, the new favorite whipping girl, Hillary Clinton. "She called me a deplorable!" Well, I'll call your Hillary and raise you fifty Donalds! And throw in a Rudy! I can now act like a third-grader and say, "hey, Donald does it!"

It used to be that intelligent adults agreed that childish name-calling was, well, childish -- regardless of political beliefs. Not so much anymore, I guess.

-- Jay Beattie.


Nov 19, 2019, 4:41:51 PM11/19/19
I generally don't go for invective but I do note that when
so confronted, one learns more about the speaker than the

I'll go farther with that theme. Unlike today's youth I
cannot see how speech possibly equates to violence.

John B.

Nov 19, 2019, 6:40:57 PM11/19/19
On the other hand, when one has so little one may well be reduced to
grade school insults in desperation.... as one has nothing else.

John B.


Nov 19, 2019, 8:11:45 PM11/19/19
Yep, classic response of someone new to the "Internet/World Wide Webby"
thing who ony skimmed the glossy brochure and did not read the full T&C,
with warnings part in the white paper.

The recent "This is my thread" post is a classic cracker. Sadly he is
probably serious. The traces suggest he's been desperately trying to pass
off his old scribblings and it's been a total dud as his intra-author
love-in attests.

> Please don't feed the Trolls
> is something that many Usenet users can't fathom.

It comes with the media, sadly.

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 8:29:30 PM11/19/19
Now Franki-boy Krygowski, the wannabe block-warden of RBT, wants to decide how many name-callings anyone is "routinely" permitted.

All I see is that this scum who want to shut me up have learned nothing, even as daily they demean themselves, without ever leaving a mark on me.

Why is it that their main topic of conversation is someone they profess to hate?

I see only one set of deplorables on RBT, and it isn't Hillary's deplorables, it is this scum.

It's really very simple. Fuck off out of my face, scum. and by tomorrow, while you're still sinking back into your well-deserved obscurity, I'll have to ask your names. You don't have anything I want, and you'll never have what it is I have, so after c10 years it is time for you to fuck off.

Andre Jute
Bored with these witless shortasses around my ankles

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 8:34:31 PM11/19/19
You're a moron, Rideablot. The headlines are a warning for the scum, including you, to stay out. All you're doing by talking about me behind my back is to prolong your pain. Do you really think I won't defend myself -- and do it very effectively indeed. Take your own advice and fuck out of my face, and by tomorrow I'll have forgotten your name. Put the clowns who admit they're only here to torment me on your kill file list and see how much quieter the forum becomes for you.

Andre Jute
My bonobo, all four of them. were smarter than any of the RBT scum

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 8:39:41 PM11/19/19
When we see you reproach the scum for hounding Tom and me, Beattie, we'll again take your words at face value. Until then you're aiding and abetting the vicious scum.

Andre Jute
I know the difference. Do you?


Nov 19, 2019, 9:16:09 PM11/19/19
I'm not saying you can't call bullshit on something. Just don't name-call like a third-grader. Seriously, what would your fellow authors think? You may find it entertaining, but it does have consequences -- if only to make you look shallow and petulant. Personally, it hurts me deeply to know that the author of Sinkhole could act as you do. Say it ain't so, Joe.

-- Jay Beattie.

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 9:38:49 PM11/19/19
I'm dealing with malicious third-graders who deliberately wreck all my threads, but you think I'm at fault for speaking their language. Why shouldn't I point out that Slow Johnny is quarter wit dwarf, or that Krygowski is a fascist bully or that Rideablot is an embarrassment to cyclists for his attempts to muzzle another cyclist? Because you say so.

>Seriously, what would your fellow authors think?

The ones I care about agree with me, and are laughing into their malt whisky at the stupidity of the RBT scum in picking on me.

>You may find it entertaining, but it does have consequences -- if only to make you look shallow and petulant.

Demonstrate that it makes me "look shallow and petulant" to a single person whose opinion I value, and I'll consider what you say.

>Personally, it hurts me deeply to know that the author of Sinkhole could act as you do. Say it ain't so, Joe.

I don't understand why you think I should care shit for the opinion of a fellow-traveller of scum. We haven't hear a single word from you against the scum in ten years that Krygowski has been trying to muzzle me. We haven't heard a single word from you against scum like news18, aka Peter Howard, who openly says he's hounding me for not reason at all, because it is "personal". But you want *me* to alter my behaviour, to please you? You're off your rocker, feller, if you can't see how biased you appear.

> -- Jay Beattie.

Unsigned for the usual reason


Nov 19, 2019, 10:44:35 PM11/19/19
For your consideration:

-- Jay Beattie.

Signed because I'm a grown-up, although not grown-up enough to just ignore you.

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 11:00:23 PM11/19/19
Cod psychology is an insult. I'd be delighted to have the scum and all their hangers-on ignore me; why should I want to talk to such dull, repetitive people? I say again, I'm not the one causing the disturbance. I am not in other people's threads deliberately wrecking them. I'm not persecuting anyone. The people whose side you've clearly chosen are the ones doing it. It's an impertinence, and stupid if you're sincere, for you to blame me. What's the difference between cod-psychology from them or from you; in both cases it is a childish insult.

Unsigned as a message

Andre Jute

Nov 19, 2019, 11:03:46 PM11/19/19
Another thread ruined by scum who contribute nothing except their pointless, petty flame wars.

Tom Kunich

Nov 20, 2019, 11:54:59 AM11/20/19
Are you implying that Hillary was guilty of many outright crimes? That Joe Biden not only was involved in corrupt and criminal behavior but BRAGGED about it in front of the Council of Foreign Relations? One can only imagine what those members thought as they left that meeting.

Tom Kunich

Nov 20, 2019, 11:59:14 AM11/20/19
Not only do they consider it violence but they want laws passed to protect their precious hearing from being damaged by truth. DACA (dreamers) are protesting outside of the state department when President Trump OFFERED them a route to citizenship if the Democrats would agree to fund the Wall. What sort of ignorance does that take? An Coulter is supposed to give a talk at UC Berkeley and protestors will be there to prevent her even being on campus! I think invective is hardly enough to describe the world of Jay.

Tom Kunich

Nov 20, 2019, 12:01:17 PM11/20/19
Slow Johnny never discovered that until recently the US mail service wasn't even considered civil service and that they were self supported.

Tom Kunich

Nov 20, 2019, 12:04:50 PM11/20/19
Jay, really, You are talking about narcissistic-personality-disorder?

Andre Jute

Nov 20, 2019, 9:51:09 PM11/20/19
Yeah, I thought it would be about that, standard net cod psychology, so I didn't waste my time going to look.

Ande Jute
Coville et al
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