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Butterfly (air-avionics) Vario discontinued?

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Jan 19, 2020, 10:27:50 AM1/19/20
Am I right in my suspection that this Vario is no longer available?


Eric Greenwell

Jan 19, 2020, 10:55:26 AM1/19/20
to wrote on 1/19/2020 7:27 AM:
> Am I right in my suspection that this Vario is no longer available?

According to Air Avionics, they will no longer offer it, but you can still find
dealers that have them in stock. Triadis, the manufacturer, may decide to sell it,
but no announcement that I know of.

Eric Greenwell - Washington State, USA (change ".netto" to ".us" to email me)
- "A Guide to Self-Launching Sailplane Operation"

Richard Pfiffner

Jan 19, 2020, 11:00:19 AM1/19/20
Craggy Aero has a couple in stock


Jan 22, 2020, 3:47:17 PM1/22/20
Any idea why?
It was getting excellent reviews...


Eric Greenwell

Jan 22, 2020, 4:39:42 PM1/22/20
to wrote on 1/22/2020 12:47 PM:
> Any idea why?
> It was getting excellent reviews...

I think they planned to concentrate on their power aviation business, though they
still intend to enhance and support their iGlide soaring software.

Jan 22, 2020, 4:41:12 PM1/22/20
See the following document in German for more insights:

Darryl Ramm

Jan 22, 2020, 4:43:43 PM1/22/20
On Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:41:12 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> See the following document in German for more insights:

Here is the awful English translation from Google Translate.


Jan 26, 2020, 9:32:15 PM1/26/20
It sounds like the glider market was just too small for their liking (500 vs 15,000):

After eight successful years, AIR Avionics presents the sale of the AIR Glide product family by the manufacturer triadis at the end of the year. AIR Glide is a modular family of innovative glider systems, over 500 units have been sold in recent years. The new live wind calculation, the high quality Hardware and the innovative user guidance of the systems set standards and enjoy an excellent reputation among many happy users. The AIR Glide hardware
and large parts of the software were developed by triadis in Switzerland and
supervised, AIR Avionics supplied software components for the navigation displays and took care of marketing and service.
"There are many reasons for our withdrawal from the glider calculator market
how consistent. ”says Johannes Garrecht, Managing Director of AIR Avionics. "We
focus on our core business. AIR Avionics stands for approved, high quality
Avionics systems from our own development, which can be used in all areas of aviation and make flying safer. We therefore analyze all business areas
structural dependencies that prevent us from this and separate us from them. For Air Glide despite intensive efforts, we were unable to offer products of the highest customer service level. However, this is essential for us to sell to our customers, so unfortunately we have to refrain from continuing to offer AIR Glide. "
A potential further development outside of AIR Avionics' participation is currently under way in discussion at triadis. Repairs and service will continue to be provided by triadis.
AIR Avionics will continue to use existing customers over the coming years
supported by AIR Glide as much as possible. The company still offers today
extensive service for products that were made in the 1990s, i.e. over 20 years ago.
AIR Avionics wants to support interested parties and the open source community,
gain further knowledge and software components. Furthermore AIR
Avionics are trying to ensure that triadis does this after the commercial expires
Recycling of the product family is the same. "It is important to us that we do it sustainably can help ensure that the technologies used are retained for gliding ” adds Tobias Fetzer, Head of Development at AIR Avionics.

AIR Avionics represents the sale of the AIR Glide Product family at the end of the year AIR Avionics is a certified manufacturing company (DE.21G.0173) and maintenance company (DE.145.0447) for aviation equipment. The company develops, produces and sells avionics systems in the areas of communication, air traffic control, collision avoidance and navigation. The market focus is on general aviation in Europe. In the area traffic detection is the company with 20 employees at the Bingen am locations Rhine and Sandhausen near Heidelberg market leader in Europe. For the past 10 years over 15,000 systems and modules have been sold worldwide every day make an important contribution to safe flight operations in lower airspace.
AIR STORE is the shop for pilots. Although it has only been on the market for a few years
AIR STORE is already among the top 10 most popular aerospace retailers in
Europe. Thousands are satisfied every year from the location in Sandhausen near Heidelberg supplied to pilots. The range of over 1,400 top products in the areas
Pilot supplies, avionics, emergency equipment and aircraft accessories also include products from the most popular brands in the industry. Customers benefit from a large warehouse, lightning fast delivery times and advice from a team consisting exclusively of pilots.
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