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The All-White Dem Debate: The Left's Absolute Obsession with Race

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Dec 4, 2019, 4:20:58 PM12/4/19
Apparently among the leftist intelligentsia now, race (and to a lesser
extent, other minority status like gay, female, etc.) is the only criterion
upon which a voter can reasonably and morally decide who to support.

Nowhere in any of the nonsense below do any of these race-obsessed leftists
bother to note that black voters themselves overwhelmingly prefer Biden.
Kamala Harris had minuscule support from black voters. Same with Booker.
Blacks are apparently not voting based on skin-color, which is heresy
according to the leftist chattering class.

Besides, I don't know what they're even worried about. They'll still have a
woman of color on that stage: Geronimao and her high cheekbones will be
right there, front and center.


The skin color of Democratic presidential frontrunners moved to the
forefront of discussion among left-of-center pundits after Democratic
California Sen. Kamala Harris dropped out of the race Tuesday.

Harris's announcement means the only candidates who have qualified for the
next Democratic debate are white, a fact that caused chagrin among media
figures and liberal activists.

"Obviously I'm no centrist but it's downright effed-up that smart,
compelling, *very* experienced, centrist Democratic candidates of color are
floundering while a smart but wildly inexperienced, centrist white mayor of
teeny tiny city is surging," liberal writer Sally Kohn wrote in a tweet.
"Bad look, Democrats."

Left-wing commentator Lauren Duca implied that Democrats have a racism
problem, as evidenced by Harris's failed campaign. "White supremacy is not
just a Fox News problem, folks," she charged.

"It's really fucked-up that straight, white, male billionaires (plural) are
going to qualify for the next debate while Kamala Harris is leaving the
race. Like, immensely," wrote Adam Peck, a staffer at the left-wing Center
for American Progress.

"Harris dropping out leaves the Democrats with an all-white debate stage
for December-- Biden, Sanders, Warren, Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar,"
commented left-wing writer Judd Legum, who complained that "The Democratic
Party has created a process with [sic] includes Steyer but excludes Cory

"Kamala may not have been my number one candidate, but she belongs in the
race," added Imani Gandy, an analyst at left-wing outlet Rewire News. "Now
we've got rich white dudes papering the airwaves with their bullshit,"
Gandy wrote, adding: "I'm not voting for Biden or Buttigieg."

"Moderate white guys are performing so well in the polls in large part
because of how they are being propped up by the media," wrote left-wing
activist Adam Best.

Jezebel's Esther Wang wrote that "it's hard not to notice that with
[Harris's] departure, and with the struggles of both Cory Booker and Julián
Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the top tier of
candidates remaining are all white."


Dec 4, 2019, 4:43:37 PM12/4/19
( )

Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.

It's almost as though someone's trying to lay the "exclusionist" mantle
on the Dems, even though a 3rd of them are female, and another's gay...


Dec 4, 2019, 5:07:02 PM12/4/19
On Wed, 04 Dec 2019 15:20:51 -0600, BTR1701 <no_e...@invalid.invalid>

>Apparently among the leftist intelligentsia now, race (and to a lesser
>extent, other minority status like gay, female, etc.) is the only criterion
>upon which a voter can reasonably and morally decide who to support.
>Nowhere in any of the nonsense below do any of these race-obsessed leftists
>bother to note that black voters themselves overwhelmingly prefer Biden.
>Kamala Harris had minuscule support from black voters. Same with Booker.
>Blacks are apparently not voting based on skin-color, which is heresy
>according to the leftist chattering class.

Except for those that don't think that way. I can't remember who it
was but I ran into a couple of guests on one of those shows that made
a point that blacks in general aren't going to vote for a Dem just
because they are a Democratic candidate. It's all about the message of
the candidates. If they have a message that addresses issues that
concern the general African American populace such as jobs then they
will listen.

>Besides, I don't know what they're even worried about. They'll still have a
>woman of color on that stage: Geronimao and her high cheekbones will be
>right there, front and center.
>The skin color of Democratic presidential frontrunners moved to the
>forefront of discussion among left-of-center pundits after Democratic
>California Sen. Kamala Harris dropped out of the race Tuesday.

This seems more like people looking for something to talk about
concerning the campaigns. Right now there's not much to talk about as
the positions of the candidates are known and not much will change
until a candidate does something noteworthy or we get to the start of
the elections.

>Harris's announcement means the only candidates who have qualified for the
>next Democratic debate are white, a fact that caused chagrin among media
>figures and liberal activists.
>"Obviously I'm no centrist but it's downright effed-up that smart,
>compelling, *very* experienced, centrist Democratic candidates of color are
>floundering while a smart but wildly inexperienced, centrist white mayor of
>teeny tiny city is surging," liberal writer Sally Kohn wrote in a tweet.
>"Bad look, Democrats."
>Left-wing commentator Lauren Duca implied that Democrats have a racism
>problem, as evidenced by Harris's failed campaign. "White supremacy is not
>just a Fox News problem, folks," she charged.
>"It's really fucked-up that straight, white, male billionaires (plural) are
>going to qualify for the next debate while Kamala Harris is leaving the
>race. Like, immensely," wrote Adam Peck, a staffer at the left-wing Center
>for American Progress.

So why don't you get some of the black millionaires/billionaires to
run for President. While I think she's not qualified there's no doubt
that an Oprah campaign would garner a tremendous amount of interest.

>"Harris dropping out leaves the Democrats with an all-white debate stage
>for December-- Biden, Sanders, Warren, Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar,"
>commented left-wing writer Judd Legum, who complained that "The Democratic
>Party has created a process with [sic] includes Steyer but excludes Cory
>"Kamala may not have been my number one candidate, but she belongs in the
>race," added Imani Gandy, an analyst at left-wing outlet Rewire News. "Now
>we've got rich white dudes papering the airwaves with their bullshit,"
>Gandy wrote, adding: "I'm not voting for Biden or Buttigieg."

If all of the black voters had given her just a dollar it's likely she
would still be in the running, but they didn't find her campaign
compelling enough to provide her with enough funding to keep it going.
That's not racism when people of color didn't find her message worth
providing her with financial support. Perhaps, should she choose to
run again, she will do better at forming a message that reaches voters
and motivates them to get behind her campaign and provide real

>"Moderate white guys are performing so well in the polls in large part
>because of how they are being propped up by the media," wrote left-wing
>activist Adam Best.
>Jezebel's Esther Wang wrote that "it's hard not to notice that with
>[Harris's] departure, and with the struggles of both Cory Booker and Julián
>Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the top tier of
>candidates remaining are all white."

So what, the media is preventing the black/Hispanic populace from
supporting Booker/Castro? How do they think they are doing that? Even
if the media provided zero coverage of Booker/Castro that still
wouldn't prevent people from providing them with support if they
believed it was important to have a person of color in the race, just
because they are a person of color.

(That is what they are asking for, right? Not a concern about the
message or policies but just that there needs to be at least one
person of color in the race. Representation over quality. Sounds like
some of the demands I've heard about female representation in film. I
guess the idea is that if they get enough representation someone of
quality will eventually show up.)


Dec 4, 2019, 5:19:38 PM12/4/19
So the media, which is overwhelmingly left-wing, are the bad guys?

> Jezebel's Esther Wang wrote that "it's hard not to notice that with
> [Harris's] departure, and with the struggles of both Cory Booker and Julián
> Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the top tier of
> candidates remaining are all white.
Is it even remotely possible that the "candidates of colour" just aren't
very good and don't appeal to many people despite their "racial"



Dec 4, 2019, 5:44:55 PM12/4/19
> )
> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.

It comes from the leftists themselves. Those quotes aren't made up.


Dec 4, 2019, 5:53:48 PM12/4/19
Yes, I realize it's second-hand. But it's assembled with an agenda.

Adam H. Kerman

Dec 4, 2019, 6:24:05 PM12/4/19
BTR1701 <no_e...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>Apparently among the leftist intelligentsia now, race (and to a lesser
>extent, other minority status like gay, female, etc.) is the only criterion
>upon which a voter can reasonably and morally decide who to support.

>Nowhere in any of the nonsense below do any of these race-obsessed leftists
>bother to note that black voters themselves overwhelmingly prefer Biden.
>Kamala Harris had minuscule support from black voters. Same with Booker.
>Blacks are apparently not voting based on skin-color, which is heresy
>according to the leftist chattering class.

If you don't like something, the explanation is racism.

Tom Hanks said it best in You've Got Mail: The Godfather is the answer
to any question.

>Besides, I don't know what they're even worried about. They'll still have a
>woman of color on that stage: Geronimao and her high cheekbones will be
>right there, front and center.

Oh, that's mean.


Dec 4, 2019, 6:56:01 PM12/4/19
Bingo! Harris was a lousy candidate. Booker is to good to be true, and
strikes me as disingenuous. Deval Patrick doesn't have any support
whatsoever. Castro is a good candidate, but attacked Biden when he was
DEAD WRONG, but kept badgering him anyway.

The candidates of color suck... just like most of the white candidates.

And now, another in a series of Mental Health Bulletins:
"... If Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom,
consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the
Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)." -Donald J. Trump 10-7-19

Next up: "Kneel before ZOD!"


Dec 4, 2019, 7:05:59 PM12/4/19
Luckily, it doesn't much matter because you're going to get 4 more years
of Trump to enjoy!



Dec 4, 2019, 7:33:58 PM12/4/19
Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:24:02 -0700 Adam H. Kerman<> wrote:

> The All-White Dem Debate: The Left's Absolute Obsession with Race
> Adam H. Kerman<>
> December 4, 2019 at 4:24:02 PM MST
> BTR1701 <no_e...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> > Apparently among the leftist intelligentsia now, race (and to a lesser
> > extent, other minority status like gay, female, etc.) is the only criterion
> > upon which a voter can reasonably and morally decide who to support.
> > Nowhere in any of the nonsense below do any of these race-obsessed leftists
> > bother to note that black voters themselves overwhelmingly prefer Biden.
> > Kamala Harris had minuscule support from black voters. Same with Booker.
> > Blacks are apparently not voting based on skin-color, which is heresy
> > according to the leftist chattering class.
> If you don't like something, the explanation is racism.

Ironically enough, I don't like that ...

Join your old RAT friends at

Adam H. Kerman

Dec 4, 2019, 8:03:15 PM12/4/19

Did you know Godfrey Cambridge did an episode of Night Gallery?


Dec 4, 2019, 8:32:04 PM12/4/19
The Boy With the Hungry Eyes?


Dec 4, 2019, 8:49:32 PM12/4/19
In article <ZNWFF.260687$Ko9.1...@fx48.iad>,
> >> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
> >> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.
> >
> > It comes from the leftists themselves. Those quotes aren't made up.
> Yes, I realize it's second-hand. But it's assembled with an agenda.

So? They said what they said.

It's particularly amusing that the Duca lunatic apparently thinks that
black voters are expressing their white supremacy by preferring Biden
over black candidates.


Dec 4, 2019, 9:03:49 PM12/4/19
You wouldn't want to place a bet on that, would you? He barely...
BARELY squeaked out a win in 2016, even with the help of the FBI, Russia
and a media obsessed with emails.

And that was before he pissed off almost every voting group except for
old white supremacists.
More likely, I'm going to get 25 to life worth of enjoyment out of Trump.

But, presently, I'm just going to go on enjoying the slow inevitable
death of the Republican party.


Dec 4, 2019, 9:11:08 PM12/4/19
>>>>> Julián Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the
>>>>> top tier of candidates remaining are all white."
>>>> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
>>>> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.
>>> It comes from the leftists themselves. Those quotes aren't made up.
>> Yes, I realize it's second-hand. But it's assembled with an agenda.
> So? They said what they said.
> It's particularly amusing that the Duca lunatic apparently thinks that
> black voters are expressing their white supremacy by preferring Biden
> over black candidates.

The reason that some black candidates didn't do well is the same as the
reason some white candidates didn't do well... they were lousy
candidates, and didn't have a coherent message.

Harris was my first pick when she entered the race. Slowly, she faded.
Not because she was black, but because she failed to put together a
coherent narrative.

Having her sister be so closely involved in running her campaign was a
big red flag. When you toss family into a position like that, the
people who know what the fuck they're doing have to inevitably bow down
at the altar of nepotism.

It was great that she wanted to prosecute the case against Trump... but
that doesn't pay for my prescriptions.


Dec 4, 2019, 10:17:23 PM12/4/19
Spoken like a foreigner who therefore needs no rationale...


Dec 4, 2019, 10:20:53 PM12/4/19
I'm nowhere near as confident of that as you are. But, regardless, I
see a lasting injury to "the rule of law" (...which isn't something I
often stand up for).

Ed Stasiak

Dec 5, 2019, 12:06:41 AM12/5/19
> Rhino
> > BTR1701
> >
> > Jezebel's Esther Wang wrote that "it's hard not to notice that with
> > [Harris's] departure, and with the struggles of both Cory Booker
> > and Julián Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates,
> > the top tier of candidates remaining are all white.
> Is it even remotely possible that the "candidates of colour" just aren't
> very good and don't appeal to many people despite their "racial"
> credentials?


Ed Stasiak

Dec 5, 2019, 12:08:10 AM12/5/19
> Rhino
> > FPP
> >
> > The candidates of color suck... just like most of the white candidates.
> Luckily, it doesn't much matter because you're going to get 4 more years
> of Trump to enjoy!


Dec 5, 2019, 5:30:33 AM12/5/19
Ad hominem noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.


Dec 5, 2019, 5:33:40 AM12/5/19
>> >>> Julián Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the
>> >>> top tier of candidates remaining are all white."
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
>> >> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.
>> >
>> > It comes from the leftists themselves. Those quotes aren't made up.
>> Yes, I realize it's second-hand. But it's assembled with an agenda.
>So? They said what they said.
>It's particularly amusing that the Duca lunatic apparently thinks that
>black voters are expressing their white supremacy by preferring Biden
>over black candidates.

Dems routinely use the "race card" while accusing others of doing the same.

Dec 5, 2019, 6:38:45 AM12/5/19
Which begs the question: "Why is it so hard to get high quality
candidates for the most important office in the land?"


Dec 5, 2019, 6:45:48 AM12/5/19
OMG, I've heard Jonathan Turley on TV on issues of the Constitution a
number of times, and couldn't believe how much of a paid whore he
sounded like in the impeachment hearing. It would have been so sad if
it wasn't so anger inducing. The GOP sounds like they've hit the
kindergarten level of thinking at this point.


Dec 5, 2019, 8:05:05 AM12/5/19
I had an epiphany yesterday: I realized to *expect* black voters to
behave differently than white voters in itself racist, making Thanny
racist as fuck per usual. For some reason racists expect blacks to not
believe the same hype as white as if Biden has some relevance.
Everybody has to learn the hard way, apparently, it's not color coded
like Thanny the RACIST thinks.


Dec 5, 2019, 8:12:30 AM12/5/19
On 12/4/19 4:44 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> moviePig <> wrote:

>> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
>> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller, and 2) Obama.
> It comes from the leftists themselves. Those quotes aren't made up.

Interesting. Do "the leftists" have a website where these "quotes" can
be found?


Dec 5, 2019, 8:26:26 AM12/5/19
Are you STILL going on about Russia when even your hero Mueller admitted
it was a nothingburger?

> And that was before he pissed off almost every voting group except for
> old white supremacists.
> More likely, I'm going to get 25 to life worth of enjoyment out of Trump.
> But, presently, I'm just going to go on enjoying the slow inevitable
> death of the Republican party.
Sez the guy whose party can't produce a single good candidate despite a
large field of wannabes....



Dec 5, 2019, 8:28:37 AM12/5/19
On Wed, 4 Dec 2019 17:53:45 -0500, moviePig <>
Like Kamala Harris perhaps? No idea what point you are trying to make


Dec 5, 2019, 1:21:08 PM12/5/19
Because the best people are smart enough not to want to put themselves and
their families through all the crap it takes to get elected.


Dec 5, 2019, 1:37:35 PM12/5/19
Politics is a less-than-zero sum game, and the higher the office the
more negative the sum. Rationally, the only people who'd want to play
it would seem to be martyrs, charlatans, or zealots.


Dec 5, 2019, 6:21:15 PM12/5/19
>>> [Harris's] departure, and with the struggles of both Cory Booker and Julián
>>> Castro to fundraise and qualify for the upcoming debates, the top tier of
>>> candidates remaining are all white."
>> ( )
>> Hard to take this second-hand racial criticism of Democrats seriously
>> inasmuch as 1) it comes from right-biased Daily Caller
> Ad hominem noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

Ad hominem attacks require a person.


Dec 5, 2019, 6:22:40 PM12/5/19
It's already dead, pig. Whatever name you give to this cancerous tumor
that we see now, it isn't the Republican party.


Dec 5, 2019, 6:23:30 PM12/5/19
They quoted his own words back to him, refuting what he was saying today.
It was a classic!


Dec 5, 2019, 6:27:49 PM12/5/19
Mueller established over a hundred contacts between the Trump campaign
and Russia.
Mueller established 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice.

If we had a real DOJ, you'd see it taking this up. We don't. We have
another toady.

Trump's campaign manager is in Federal Prison over this "nothingburger",
Trump's deputy campaign manager has pleaded guilty over this
"nothingburger", moron.

Care to guess the number of people who have pleaded guilty, or been
convicted over this "nothingburger", moron?

Does the name "Roger Stone" ring a bell? "George Papadopolous"?
Anything rattle around in that head of yours?


Dec 5, 2019, 6:29:27 PM12/5/19
Well, Tom, tell me this... can there be a WORSE candidate than Donald
Trump? In either party?

Dec 5, 2019, 7:14:04 PM12/5/19
I'm not asking why the unfit go into politics, but why we can't find
more people of quality seeking the highest offices.

Dec 5, 2019, 7:15:33 PM12/5/19
On Thu, 5 Dec 2019 13:37:29 -0500, moviePig <>
There is a ring of truth to what you and BTR say...(sigh).


Dec 5, 2019, 9:33:34 PM12/5/19
to wrote:
>Luckily, it doesn't much matter because you're going to get 4 more years
>of Trump to enjoy!

Speaking of which, how does one submit a red flag request for FPP?
I fear he may cause harm to himself or others with his gun collection.

Oh, never mind - he doesn't own any!


Dec 5, 2019, 11:42:19 PM12/5/19
I actually sent a message to Geo. Washington Univ. today saying he was
making them look bad.


Dec 5, 2019, 11:47:47 PM12/5/19
Could you be more vague please?

Adam H. Kerman

Dec 5, 2019, 11:51:12 PM12/5/19
Hey! We got Jimmah Carter in 1976! Oh right.

Dec 6, 2019, 6:06:39 AM12/6/19
I was responding to Fred's concern that the current crop of candidates
don't look to impressive on either side. I agree. I'm making no
judgement on who is worse.


Dec 6, 2019, 7:32:02 AM12/6/19
You're making no judgement by saying 'I'm not asking why the unfit go
into politics'? Are you phishing for an F bomb or what. Stop lying.


Dec 6, 2019, 7:36:06 AM12/6/19
Just talk to a mental health professional. Ten minutes with you, and
he'll take care of everything for you!

Be sure to show him your list of Usenet "debate wins"!
Then seal the deal with the Troll-O-Meter.

I promise you it'll solve all your problems. And mine, too.

"You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all
so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe
you." - Donald J. Trump
(To Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes in response to the question of why he
attacks the press so often.)
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