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What Did You Watch? 2018-04-25 (Tuesday)

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Apr 25, 2018, 8:25:28 AM4/25/18
I watched:

BORDERLINER: A 2017 TV miniseries from Norway. This was a crime
procedural, so like all European crime shows it starts with the premise
of a big city cop moving back home to the small town he grew up in and
finding crime there, too. I have no idea why such a high percentage of
European offerings seem to have that same plot, but they do. This
mini-series was 8 episode long and the first 7.5 episodes were
*excellent* storytelling. People looking for this type of show
(Chicagofan, Robin) should seek it out on Netflix streaming. The only
drawback is that I don't think the ending quite made sense and,
moreover, I don't think the ending was intended to qualify as an ending
at expect a season #2 which may never come type finale setup.

What did you watch?

Ian J. Ball

Apr 25, 2018, 9:51:54 AM4/25/18
On 2018-04-25 12:25:25 +0000, Obveeus said:

> What did you watch?

The Arrangement (recorded) - "On Location" (ep. #2.7). YaY!! They
haven't lost Autumn Reeser as Megan's old agent yet!! :)
Anyway, Megan, Kyle and DeAnn go on location (in Washington state)
to films scenes of "Technicolor Highway", and Megan's old agent Leslie
shows up to tell Megan the real reason she didn't get a big part in a
potential female-lead action franchise. This gets back to the
"contract", and puts Megan and Kyle on the skids for a while. Lots of
good scenes here, esp. with Leslie, and DeAnn. Meanwhile Terrence is
buying into the nutty research from the "no cell-death" scientist dude,
and putting Shaun's preferred project on the backburner. That, and a
prodding visit from Kyle's P.A., finally light a fire under Shaun to
look into the personel files regarding that "missing" former IHM member.
Next episode, it looks like the s*** hits the fan, as it seems like
the missing IHM member ties in with Kyle somehow. (Also, it looks like
IHM is going to "pinch" Kyle's P.A. and interrogate him...)

Lethal Weapon - "Jesse's Girl" (ep. #2.20). This show is suddenly more
interesting to me, in light of the kerfuffle with series star Clayne
Crawford... Anyway, this involved nonsense with Murtaugh's daughter and
her shady new friend... and some thugs looking for stolen diamonds!!

The 100 - "Eden" (ep. #5.1). I enjoyed this fifth season premiere, esp.
the first 30 or so minutes, even though the "science" in this episode
was excerable!! But I'm a sucker for "Omega Man"-type stories. ;)
We begin 40 days after "Praimfaya" - science snafu #1: they never
explain what happened to the pyroclastic cloud of radiation: I think
we're supposed to think it just "went away", but even if the
"pyroclastic" part went away (in just 40 days?!!), the *radiation* part
wouldn't have, and would have settled somewhere (or, everwhere?!...).
Anyway, Clarke is out and about 40 days later, and I guess is able to
resist the radiation because she's "nightblood".
Science snafu #2: They seem to be implying that "Praimfaya" actually
took out the oceans! If that actually happened, it's *over*. It doesn't
matter about the radiation - no oceans means life on earth is quickly
over. I guess we're supposed to ignore this too!!
Anyway, Clarke finds the rover (buried), and some how "unburies" it
(just doing this would have taken *days*!). Eventually, she makes it to
"Polis"... to find the "tower" has mostly collapsed on top of bunker
entrance. She tries to dig out the bunker entrance... but ultimately
fails. She then goes to "Arkadia", which is also in complete ruins. So,
off she goes in search of... anything.
Eventually, as she's just about to off herself in despair, she finds
it - "Eden"!! A valley (apparently it's the Shenedoah Valley, in VA)
untouched by "Praimfaya" (well, the "flamey" part, anyway - the
radiation was/is still a problem...). Science snafu #3: To
Earthbound-Clarke, it looks like a single valley that's... From space,
the "green" area is probably about the size of West Virginia!! (Get
your scales right, people!!)
From here, it gets a lot less interesting - eventually, Clarke finds
a young "nightblood" girl who survived. (Blech!) Meanwhile, we are
finally clued in as to what happened on the Ark Ring... and as I
feared, they totally are ignoring/forgot that A.L.I.E. was up on the
Ark Ring (I think that was the last scene of the season #3 finale...
I'll have to check that on The 'Flix!!). And I think they're stuck up
the Ring, with no way home(?... or maybe only a way to get a couple of
them home?...).
Then the "convicts" from space show up (lead by, of all people,
Ivana Milicevic - because this show only allows *female* leaders for
every group!!). This will now get less interesting, *fast*.
Next episode: We get to check in on the bunker, and see what that
crazy chyck "Skairipa" has been up to!!

Recorded for later: Shadowhunters, and Chicago Med.

"Three light sabers? Is that overkill? Or just the right amount
of "kill"?" - M-OC, "A Perilous Rescue" (ep. #2.9), LSW:TFA (08-10-2017)

Ian J. Ball

Apr 25, 2018, 10:30:44 AM4/25/18

Arthur Lipscomb

Apr 25, 2018, 10:44:46 AM4/25/18
Wait, how/why are there *convicts* in space?!?!?! No, don't tell me. I
will *not* be sucked back into this! It's a conspiracy to get me to
watch this and the Expanse. Will. Not. Happen!

I watched:

The Crossing - "The Face of Oblivion" - I've reached a point where I'm
going to have to accept this show isn't going to get good. Now I have
to decide between the time and effort of deleting it from the DVR and
just watching it every week. Deleting is going to involve lifting a
remote, pointing it, pushing buttons. Way too much effort. So I guess
I'm going to have to just watch each week and complain how bad it it
until it's cancelled. :-/

The Flash - "Fury Rogue" - Already covered. OK episode. It's beyond
clear that Mrs. Bad Guy is going to be the one to take him down.

Survivor - "Fear Keeps You Sharp" - Episode from a few weeks ago. Pure
background noise! From I can tell something happened. Then something
else happened. And I guess at some point there was a challenge or
competition of some type, but I can't be sure because I wasn't paying
any attention, at all.

"The Sea Slug Slugger" - I paid a bit more attention to this one. The
tribal council was pretty good. Now I'm all caught up.


Apr 25, 2018, 12:26:16 PM4/25/18
In article <pbps3l$8s5$>, Obveeus <>

> I watched:
> BORDERLINER: A 2017 TV miniseries from Norway. This was a crime
> procedural, so like all European crime shows it starts with the premise
> of a big city cop moving back home to the small town he grew up in and
> finding crime there, too. I have no idea why such a high percentage of
> European offerings seem to have that same plot, but they do.

The Netflix offers identical series from places down under as well.

Join your old RAT friends at


Apr 25, 2018, 1:32:17 PM4/25/18

On 4/25/2018 12:26 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> In article <pbps3l$8s5$>, Obveeus <>
> wrote:
>> I watched:
>> BORDERLINER: A 2017 TV miniseries from Norway. This was a crime
>> procedural, so like all European crime shows it starts with the premise
>> of a big city cop moving back home to the small town he grew up in and
>> finding crime there, too. I have no idea why such a high percentage of
>> European offerings seem to have that same plot, but they do.
> The Netflix offers identical series from places down under as well.

Are you speaking of BORDERLINE? That is a comedy and it dropped the 'R'
at the end of the title...but that may indeed be why Netflix translated
'GRENSELAND' into BORDERLINER instead of BORDERLINE. I only watched one
episode of BORDERLINE, so I must not have found it funny enough.


Apr 25, 2018, 2:04:39 PM4/25/18
In article <pbqe2t$946$>, Obveeus <>
No, that's not it. The one I'm thinking of was in New Zealand, cop
comes to small town, female cop buddy, ex-wife issues, etc. A search
for NEW ZEALAND TV SHOWS doesn't return it, so maybe it's not in
rotation right now.

The Netflix also has BORDER TOWN.

You could make a case for THE CORONER too. And DEATH IN PARADISE come
to think of it. And BROADCHURCH.

Lord Vader III

Apr 25, 2018, 4:03:46 PM4/25/18

Kinda feels like they're just going through the motions to give us some
closure in the last season.

And, does it bother anyone else that Jess just wears rims with no
lenses? I remember reading somewhere that it is so there's no glare
from the lights and cameras but, on all the other shows I watch, all the
characters that wear glasses have lenses in them.



Apr 25, 2018, 4:06:29 PM4/25/18

On 4/25/2018 2:04 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> In article <pbqe2t$946$>, Obveeus <>
> wrote:
>> On 4/25/2018 12:26 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
>>> In article <pbps3l$8s5$>, Obveeus <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I watched:
>>>> BORDERLINER: A 2017 TV miniseries from Norway. This was a crime
>>>> procedural, so like all European crime shows it starts with the premise
>>>> of a big city cop moving back home to the small town he grew up in and
>>>> finding crime there, too. I have no idea why such a high percentage of
>>>> European offerings seem to have that same plot, but they do.
>>> The Netflix offers identical series from places down under as well.
>> Are you speaking of BORDERLINE? That is a comedy and it dropped the 'R'
>> at the end of the title...but that may indeed be why Netflix translated
>> 'GRENSELAND' into BORDERLINER instead of BORDERLINE. I only watched one
>> episode of BORDERLINE, so I must not have found it funny enough.
> No, that's not it. The one I'm thinking of was in New Zealand, cop
> comes to small town, female cop buddy, ex-wife issues, etc. A search
> for NEW ZEALAND TV SHOWS doesn't return it, so maybe it's not in
> rotation right now.

Hmmm...I'm drawing a blank as well. I know they have GLITCH, but that
show didn't have the main cop coming back to his home town, just lots of
other people.

> The Netflix also has BORDER TOWN.

I watched that last year. Looking at Google, my first line of review
for the show was...
BORDERTOWN: The first 2 episodes of the TV crime series from Finland.
In this one, a big city super detective decides to move to a more rural
environment for his family (is this the plot of all European crime

As I recall, the guy was pretty lousy as a family man and it never made
sense that he would move somewhere for their benefit.

> You could make a case for THE CORONER too. And DEATH IN PARADISE come
> to think of it. And BROADCHURCH.

HAPPY VALLEY, DICTE (though she's a journalist who just works with
police). It is just weird how often it comes up in European shows.


Apr 25, 2018, 4:53:45 PM4/25/18
In article <pbqn42$bhb$>, Obveeus <>


Not currently on The Netflix


Apr 25, 2018, 5:56:01 PM4/25/18
It's a pretty good series if you can stand NZ flavored country music.


Apr 25, 2018, 8:53:07 PM4/25/18
They have 3 seasons worth on the DVD side.


Apr 26, 2018, 2:24:41 PM4/26/18
In article <paa15l$app$>,
Starring James Stewart.

Jim G.

Apr 26, 2018, 8:54:18 PM4/26/18
Obveeus sent the following on 04/25/2018 at 07:25 AM:
> What did you watch?

THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue

[When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new
friend for help - Leo Snart; Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.]

The pshrink and Snart are both on Barry's case for not allowing himself
to grieve over the fact that his stupid rule killed Ralph, with Snart
providing plenty of the grade school-level psychology the show is famous
for. But it's worse than usual here since Snart delivers it in his usual
scenery-chewing and over-the-top way, and it comes across as more snark
than sincerity. Plus someone seems to have told him to be as gay as
possible in this one.

The Big Plan in this one is to get Fallout to A.R.G.U.S., but of course
none of A.R.G.U.S.'s very extensive roster of soldiers and enforcers and
whatnot are available to help make the move easier. And of course it
goes pear-shaped because Barry is Barry. In this episode, we see more
than once that although Barry is the fastest man on Earth -- except for
all of the times when he's not -- he can't outrun/avoid sound waves for
some reason. Maybe they're those faster-than-light sound waves that
exist alongside artificial electricity someplace out there. In any case,
Barry almost gets more people killed because he's Barry. He *should*
feel guilty. Even more guilty than he felt at the start of the episode.

Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
to her for a while when Barry was being Barry, and they send him to an
A.R.G.U.S. super-secret location, and this second attempt at a transfer
goes off without a hitch since Barry wasn't involved. But it did leave
me wondering why someone as smart as DeVoe wouldn't figure out this
supersecret location in a heartbeat. Well, it turns out that he did. I
think. It looks as if Fallout is either back in Devoe's custody at the
end of this one or, at the very least, Devoe knows exactly where he is,
given that he's watching him on a monitor. Oops.

Other than that, Cisco gives Snart an interdimensional front door key
because that won't ever cause any problems; Caitlyn gets a glimmer of
hope that Killer Frost may not be as gone as we'd all been led to
believe; and Cisco convinces Wells to come clean with the team so that
they can all help to fix his brain.

All in all, this was another bad outing. Not in the sense of being so
stupid that I wanted to throw things at the screen, but bad in a
disappointing sense in terms of wasted opportunities and so many poorly
done scenes. At this point, I'm more or less convinced that this is the
best that can be expected unless the CW cuts back on the heroes shows
and fixes the diluted talent pool problem in the writers' rooms.

Grade: C+

Jim G. | A fan of the good and the bad, but not the mediocre
"Oh, my god. That's tragic. It's like a Hallmark movie. But with
tentacles." -- Dean Winchester, SUPERNATURAL

Jim G.

Apr 26, 2018, 9:25:02 PM4/26/18
Arthur Lipscomb sent the following on 04/25/2018 at 09:44 AM:
> The Flash - "Fury Rogue" - Already covered. OK episode. It's beyond
> clear that Mrs. Bad Guy is going to be the one to take him down.

Which will mean that Team Flash goes the entire season without a single
victory. Which seems appropriate.


Apr 27, 2018, 12:21:01 AM4/27/18
In article <pbtu5c$saa$>,
"Jim G." <> wrote:

> Arthur Lipscomb sent the following on 04/25/2018 at 09:44 AM:
> > The Flash - "Fury Rogue" - Already covered. OK episode. It's beyond
> > clear that Mrs. Bad Guy is going to be the one to take him down.
> Which will mean that Team Flash goes the entire season without a single
> victory. Which seems appropriate.

No, Barry murdered Canary X this week. And delivered Ka-Boom Boy safely
to Argus. I was surprised, but this ep was all wins.


Apr 27, 2018, 12:32:06 AM4/27/18
In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
"Jim G." <> wrote:

> Obveeus sent the following on 04/25/2018 at 07:25 AM:
> > What did you watch?
> THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
> [When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new
> friend for help - Leo Snart; Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.]
> The pshrink and Snart are both on Barry's case for not allowing himself
> to grieve over the fact that his stupid rule killed Ralph, with Snart
> providing plenty of the grade school-level psychology the show is famous
> for. But it's worse than usual here since Snart delivers it in his usual
> scenery-chewing and over-the-top way, and it comes across as more snark
> than sincerity. Plus someone seems to have told him to be as gay as
> possible in this one.

I'm guessing it's the world's worst female director, who also happens to
be gay.

> The Big Plan in this one is to get Fallout to A.R.G.U.S., but of course
> none of A.R.G.U.S.'s very extensive roster of soldiers and enforcers and
> whatnot are available to help make the move easier.

Yeah, why the Hell move Ka-Boom to Argus so Argus can move him elsewhere
rather than just have Argus pick him up in the first place?

Also, DaFoe makes half a dozen dimensional breeches around Ka-Boom and
Team Flash says "we better go help" and TWO DAYS LATER ... seriously,
you think DaFoe might have done *anything and everything* he wanted to
by then? While having leisurely meals and maybe a movie?

And of course it
> goes pear-shaped because Barry is Barry. In this episode, we see more
> than once that although Barry is the fastest man on Earth -- except for
> all of the times when he's not -- he can't outrun/avoid sound waves for
> some reason. Maybe they're those faster-than-light sound waves that
> exist alongside artificial electricity someplace out there.

I don't give a flying fuck how fast her sound waves are, we've seen no
evidence that Canary can swivel her damn neck fast enough to matter!

In any case,
> Barry almost gets more people killed because he's Barry. He *should*
> feel guilty. Even more guilty than he felt at the start of the episode.

I don't think there's an 'almost' about it. I think the entire CCPD is

> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
> to her for a while when Barry was being Barry, and they send him to an
> A.R.G.U.S. super-secret location, and this second attempt at a transfer
> goes off without a hitch since Barry wasn't involved. But it did leave
> me wondering why someone as smart as DeVoe wouldn't figure out this
> supersecret location in a heartbeat. Well, it turns out that he did. I
> think. It looks as if Fallout is either back in Devoe's custody at the
> end of this one or, at the very least, Devoe knows exactly where he is,
> given that he's watching him on a monitor. Oops.
> Other than that, Cisco gives Snart an interdimensional front door key
> because that won't ever cause any problems; Caitlyn gets a glimmer of
> hope that Killer Frost may not be as gone as we'd all been led to
> believe; and Cisco convinces Wells to come clean with the team so that
> they can all help to fix his brain.

Because Iris will be *such* a help.

> All in all, this was another bad outing. Not in the sense of being so
> stupid that I wanted to throw things at the screen, but bad in a
> disappointing sense in terms of wasted opportunities and so many poorly
> done scenes.

Note the director.

At this point, I'm more or less convinced that this is the
> best that can be expected unless the CW cuts back on the heroes shows
> and fixes the diluted talent pool problem in the writers' rooms.
> Grade: C+

BTW, BTR, I just read an old Spider-Man comic, 'cause it came up in my
comics group that it was the first appearance of Black Widow as we know
her, and she does all this pontificating about how the godless Ruskies
enhanced her and gave her powers before setting her loose on the
helpless imperialists. So while they were unspecified beyond 'fighting
skills', Natasha has *always* been enhanced.

Jim G.

Apr 28, 2018, 5:29:31 PM4/28/18
anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/26/2018 at 11:31 PM:
> In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
> "Jim G." <> wrote:
>> Obveeus sent the following on 04/25/2018 at 07:25 AM:
>>> What did you watch?
>> THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
>> [When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new
>> friend for help - Leo Snart; Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.]
>> The pshrink and Snart are both on Barry's case for not allowing himself
>> to grieve over the fact that his stupid rule killed Ralph, with Snart
>> providing plenty of the grade school-level psychology the show is famous
>> for. But it's worse than usual here since Snart delivers it in his usual
>> scenery-chewing and over-the-top way, and it comes across as more snark
>> than sincerity. Plus someone seems to have told him to be as gay as
>> possible in this one.
> I'm guessing it's the world's worst female director, who also happens to
> be gay.

Diversity outweighs competency once again, in that case!

>> The Big Plan in this one is to get Fallout to A.R.G.U.S., but of course
>> none of A.R.G.U.S.'s very extensive roster of soldiers and enforcers and
>> whatnot are available to help make the move easier.
> Yeah, why the Hell move Ka-Boom to Argus so Argus can move him elsewhere
> rather than just have Argus pick him up in the first place?

Well, they wouldn't have had to make that second move if Team Flash
hadn't been such an epic failure in executing the first attempt at a move.

> Also, DaFoe makes half a dozen dimensional breeches around Ka-Boom and
> Team Flash says "we better go help" and TWO DAYS LATER ... seriously,
> you think DaFoe might have done *anything and everything* he wanted to
> by then? While having leisurely meals and maybe a movie?

I was wondering if I'd missed a memo about recharging time, or something.

> And of course it
>> goes pear-shaped because Barry is Barry. In this episode, we see more
>> than once that although Barry is the fastest man on Earth -- except for
>> all of the times when he's not -- he can't outrun/avoid sound waves for
>> some reason. Maybe they're those faster-than-light sound waves that
>> exist alongside artificial electricity someplace out there.
> I don't give a flying fuck how fast her sound waves are, we've seen no
> evidence that Canary can swivel her damn neck fast enough to matter!

She doesn't have to swivel her neck when Barry is so willing to run
right into them wherever she's casting them!

> In any case,
>> Barry almost gets more people killed because he's Barry. He *should*
>> feel guilty. Even more guilty than he felt at the start of the episode.
> I don't think there's an 'almost' about it. I think the entire CCPD is
> dead.
>> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
>> to her for a while when Barry was being Barry, and they send him to an
>> A.R.G.U.S. super-secret location, and this second attempt at a transfer
>> goes off without a hitch since Barry wasn't involved. But it did leave
>> me wondering why someone as smart as DeVoe wouldn't figure out this
>> supersecret location in a heartbeat. Well, it turns out that he did. I
>> think. It looks as if Fallout is either back in Devoe's custody at the
>> end of this one or, at the very least, Devoe knows exactly where he is,
>> given that he's watching him on a monitor. Oops.
>> Other than that, Cisco gives Snart an interdimensional front door key
>> because that won't ever cause any problems; Caitlyn gets a glimmer of
>> hope that Killer Frost may not be as gone as we'd all been led to
>> believe; and Cisco convinces Wells to come clean with the team so that
>> they can all help to fix his brain.
> Because Iris will be *such* a help.

Heh. She can blog about it!


Apr 28, 2018, 6:35:45 PM4/28/18
In article <pc2p3n$d7a$>,
No, as I understand it, that was always the plan; Team Flash takes a
couple days to pick up Ka-Boom who's in imminent danger and transport
him to ARGUS, who will then further transport him to a secret site. The
only change in the plan was that they further transported him to a super
secret site.

> > Also, DaFoe makes half a dozen dimensional breeches around Ka-Boom and
> > Team Flash says "we better go help" and TWO DAYS LATER ... seriously,
> > you think DaFoe might have done *anything and everything* he wanted to
> > by then? While having leisurely meals and maybe a movie?
> I was wondering if I'd missed a memo about recharging time, or something.

Well he popped in half a dozen times, and nobody thought to call Ka-Boom
and ask if he was even still there ...

> > And of course it
> >> goes pear-shaped because Barry is Barry. In this episode, we see more
> >> than once that although Barry is the fastest man on Earth -- except for
> >> all of the times when he's not -- he can't outrun/avoid sound waves for
> >> some reason. Maybe they're those faster-than-light sound waves that
> >> exist alongside artificial electricity someplace out there.
> >
> > I don't give a flying fuck how fast her sound waves are, we've seen no
> > evidence that Canary can swivel her damn neck fast enough to matter!
> She doesn't have to swivel her neck when Barry is so willing to run
> right into them wherever she's casting them!

Yeah, that was ... unfortunate. Especially since they're apparently
visible. But, jeez, how hard is 'don't run in front of the Banshee's
mouth' anyway?

> > In any case,
> >> Barry almost gets more people killed because he's Barry. He *should*
> >> feel guilty. Even more guilty than he felt at the start of the episode.
> >
> > I don't think there's an 'almost' about it. I think the entire CCPD is
> > dead.
> >
> >> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
> >> to her for a while when Barry was being Barry, and they send him to an
> >> A.R.G.U.S. super-secret location, and this second attempt at a transfer
> >> goes off without a hitch since Barry wasn't involved. But it did leave
> >> me wondering why someone as smart as DeVoe wouldn't figure out this
> >> supersecret location in a heartbeat. Well, it turns out that he did. I
> >> think. It looks as if Fallout is either back in Devoe's custody at the
> >> end of this one or, at the very least, Devoe knows exactly where he is,
> >> given that he's watching him on a monitor. Oops.
> >>
> >> Other than that, Cisco gives Snart an interdimensional front door key
> >> because that won't ever cause any problems; Caitlyn gets a glimmer of
> >> hope that Killer Frost may not be as gone as we'd all been led to
> >> believe; and Cisco convinces Wells to come clean with the team so that
> >> they can all help to fix his brain.
> >
> > Because Iris will be *such* a help.
> Heh. She can blog about it!



Apr 29, 2018, 8:13:29 PM4/29/18
to wrote:
> "Jim G." <> wrote:
>> anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/26/2018 at 11:31 PM:
I haven't watched for awhile, but I thought they contained these guys

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.


Apr 29, 2018, 9:04:00 PM4/29/18
In article <>,
No, they closed their illegal prison (except for short term) some time

This guy, Ka-Boom, was in danger of going ka-boom so he was living,
apparently alone, in an abandoned nuclear reactor or something equally
silly. I was never really certain what or where his current
accommodation was.


Apr 29, 2018, 10:31:06 PM4/29/18
to wrote:
> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> "Jim G." <> wrote:
>>>> anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/26/2018 at 11:31 PM:
>>>>> "Jim G." <> wrote:

>>>>>> THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
>>>>>> [When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new
>>>>>> friend for help - Leo Snart; Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.]
>>>>>> The pshrink and Snart are both on Barry's case for not allowing himself
>>>>>> to grieve over the fact that his stupid rule killed Ralph, with Snart
>>>>>> providing plenty of the grade school-level psychology the show is
>>>>>> famous for. But it's worse than usual here since Snart delivers it in
>>>>>> his usual scenery-chewing and over-the-top way, and it comes across
>>>>>> as more snark than sincerity. Plus someone seems to have told him to
>>>>>> be as gay as possible in this one. The Big Plan in this one is to get
>>>>>> Fallout to A.R.G.U.S., but of course none of A.R.G.U.S.'s very
>>>>>> extensive roster of soldiers and enforcers and whatnot are available
>>>>>> to help make the move easier.
>>>>> Yeah, why the Hell move Ka-Boom to Argus so Argus can move him elsewhere
>>>>> rather than just have Argus pick him up in the first place?
>>>> Well, they wouldn't have had to make that second move if Team Flash
>>>> hadn't been such an epic failure in executing the first attempt at a
>>>> move.
>>>No, as I understand it, that was always the plan; Team Flash takes a
>>>couple days to pick up Ka-Boom who's in imminent danger and transport
>>>him to ARGUS, who will then further transport him to a secret site. The
>>>only change in the plan was that they further transported him to a super
>>>secret site.
>> I haven't watched for awhile, but I thought they contained these guys
>> themselves?
>No, they closed their illegal prison (except for short term) some time
>This guy, Ka-Boom, was in danger of going ka-boom so he was living,
>apparently alone, in an abandoned nuclear reactor or something equally
>silly. I was never really certain what or where his current
>accommodation was.

Ohh, is that what all that nonsense about radiation poisoning was about?


Apr 29, 2018, 11:14:10 PM4/29/18
In article <>,
Yeah. If he opens his suit he leaks radioactivity. I assume he was
living alone in whatever it was so he could run around nekkid.


Apr 30, 2018, 4:44:09 AM4/30/18
So those cops(?) that were exposed died a slow agonizing death from radiation poisoning.


Apr 30, 2018, 11:15:43 AM4/30/18
In article <>,
Yeah, I said that in my review - there's no way the entire day shift of
the CCPD isn't dead or dying.

They probably need to close the police station for the next hundred
years too.

Jim G.

Apr 30, 2018, 11:57:07 PM4/30/18
anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/28/2018 at 05:35 PM:
Ah. I missed that. I thought it was "We'll take him from here to
A.R.G.U.S.," followed by epic failure, followed by "We'll let A.R.G.U.S.
take him from here to location B."

>>> Also, DaFoe makes half a dozen dimensional breeches around Ka-Boom and
>>> Team Flash says "we better go help" and TWO DAYS LATER ... seriously,
>>> you think DaFoe might have done *anything and everything* he wanted to
>>> by then? While having leisurely meals and maybe a movie?
>> I was wondering if I'd missed a memo about recharging time, or something.
> Well he popped in half a dozen times, and nobody thought to call Ka-Boom
> and ask if he was even still there ...
>>> And of course it
>>>> goes pear-shaped because Barry is Barry. In this episode, we see more
>>>> than once that although Barry is the fastest man on Earth -- except for
>>>> all of the times when he's not -- he can't outrun/avoid sound waves for
>>>> some reason. Maybe they're those faster-than-light sound waves that
>>>> exist alongside artificial electricity someplace out there.
>>> I don't give a flying fuck how fast her sound waves are, we've seen no
>>> evidence that Canary can swivel her damn neck fast enough to matter!
>> She doesn't have to swivel her neck when Barry is so willing to run
>> right into them wherever she's casting them!
> Yeah, that was ... unfortunate. Especially since they're apparently
> visible.

It's their visibility that makes them faster than the fastest man alive
(except for all of the times when he isn't).

> But, jeez, how hard is 'don't run in front of the Banshee's
> mouth' anyway?

It's very, very difficult, apparently. It's like watching the Special
Olympics version of Flash. Or watching Wally, which is pretty much the
same thing.

Jim G.

Apr 30, 2018, 11:59:22 PM4/30/18
Ubiquitous sent the following on 04/29/2018 at 07:12 PM:
They do. Until they don't.

Jim G.

May 1, 2018, 12:00:27 AM5/1/18
re: THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue

anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/30/2018 at 10:15 AM:
At least they're consistent, seeing as how we've seen radiation
explosions around town before, including one time not too long ago when
it burned Barry's gloved hands a bit while doing nothing to his exposed
face. And no one in town died of radiation exposure because it all
instantly evaporated, or something. I guess that's one of the benefits
of artificial radiation over natural radiation.


May 1, 2018, 12:08:50 AM5/1/18
In article <pc8oop$ave$>,
"Jim G." <> wrote:

> re: THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
> anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/30/2018 at 10:15 AM:
> > In article <>,
> > Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> >
> >> wrote:
> >>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Ohh, is that what all that nonsense about radiation poisoning was about?
> >>>
> >>> Yeah. If he opens his suit he leaks radioactivity. I assume he was
> >>> living alone in whatever it was so he could run around nekkid.
> >>
> >> So those cops(?) that were exposed died a slow agonizing death from
> >> radiation
> >> poisoning.
> >
> > Yeah, I said that in my review - there's no way the entire day shift of
> > the CCPD isn't dead or dying.
> >
> > They probably need to close the police station for the next hundred
> > years too.
> At least they're consistent, seeing as how we've seen radiation
> explosions around town before, including one time not too long ago when
> it burned Barry's gloved hands a bit while doing nothing to his exposed
> face. And no one in town died of radiation exposure because it all
> instantly evaporated, or something. I guess that's one of the benefits
> of artificial radiation over natural radiation.



May 1, 2018, 12:09:28 AM5/1/18
In article <pc8oih$ave$>,

Dimensional Traveler

May 1, 2018, 12:09:43 AM5/1/18
The Bad Guys teleport between the Ring cells and Iron Heights as the
plot demands.

Inquiring minds want to know while minds with a self-preservation
instinct are running screaming.

Dimensional Traveler

May 1, 2018, 12:10:33 AM5/1/18
On 4/30/2018 9:00 PM, Jim G. wrote:
> re: THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
> anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/30/2018 at 10:15 AM:
>> In article <>,
>>   Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>>>> Ohh, is that what all that nonsense about radiation poisoning was
>>>>> about?
>>>> Yeah.  If he opens his suit he leaks radioactivity.  I assume he was
>>>> living alone in whatever it was so he could run around nekkid.
>>> So those cops(?) that were exposed died a slow agonizing death from
>>> radiation
>>> poisoning.
>> Yeah, I said that in my review - there's no way the entire day shift of
>> the CCPD isn't dead or dying.
>> They probably need to close the police station for the next hundred
>> years too.
> At least they're consistent, seeing as how we've seen radiation
> explosions around town before, including one time not too long ago when
> it burned Barry's gloved hands a bit while doing nothing to his exposed
> face. And no one in town died of radiation exposure because it all
> instantly evaporated, or something. I guess that's one of the benefits
> of artificial radiation over natural radiation.
All those high energy particles go into flat spins.


May 1, 2018, 4:48:50 AM5/1/18
In article <pc8pbn$di5$>, wrote:
>On 4/30/2018 9:00 PM, Jim G. wrote:
>> anim8rfsk sent the following on 04/30/2018 at 10:15 AM:
>>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:

>>>>>> re: THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
>>>>>> Ohh, is that what all that nonsense about radiation poisoning was
>>>>>> about?
>>>>> Yeah.  If he opens his suit he leaks radioactivity.  I assume he
>>>>> was living alone in whatever it was so he could run around nekkid.
>>>> So those cops(?) that were exposed died a slow agonizing death from
>>>> radiation
>>>> poisoning.
>>> Yeah, I said that in my review - there's no way the entire day shift
>>> of the CCPD isn't dead or dying.
>>> They probably need to close the police station for the next hundred
>>> years too.
>> At least they're consistent, seeing as how we've seen radiation
>> explosions around town before, including one time not too long ago when
>> it burned Barry's gloved hands a bit while doing nothing to his exposed
>> face. And no one in town died of radiation exposure because it all
>> instantly evaporated, or something. I guess that's one of the benefits
>> of artificial radiation over natural radiation.


>All those high energy particles go into flat spins.


Jim G.

May 1, 2018, 12:43:08 PM5/1/18
Dimensional Traveler sent the following on 04/30/2018 at 11:10 PM:
And end up in a field, next to someone who's peeing.

David Barnett

May 1, 2018, 7:42:06 PM5/1/18
In article <pc8oop$ave$>,
> re: THE FLASH / 4x19 / Fury Rogue
> At least they're consistent, seeing as how we've seen radiation
> explosions around town before, including one time not too long ago when
> it burned Barry's gloved hands a bit while doing nothing to his exposed
> face. And no one in town died of radiation exposure because it all
> instantly evaporated, or something. I guess that's one of the benefits
> of artificial radiation over natural radiation.


David Barnett


May 4, 2018, 2:10:34 AM5/4/18
In article <>,
anim8rfsk <> wrote:

> BTW, BTR, I just read an old Spider-Man comic, 'cause it came up in my
> comics group that it was the first appearance of Black Widow as we know
> her, and she does all this pontificating about how the godless Ruskies
> enhanced her and gave her powers before setting her loose on the
> helpless imperialists. So while they were unspecified beyond 'fighting
> skills', Natasha has *always* been enhanced.

Yes, I never argued that the comics Widow wasn't souped-up, but the
movie version is just a great fighter with a killer ass.


May 4, 2018, 2:10:41 AM5/4/18
In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
"Jim G." <> wrote:

> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
> to her for a while

And also everyone in the police department now has advanced-stage
cancer, and the building will be uninhabitable for generations.

Or next week when the writers forget about that.


May 4, 2018, 2:16:35 AM5/4/18
In article <pc8pa5$di5$>,
Something I've noticed about the basement prison in STAR Labs and the
one at the DEO on SUPERGIRL-- they're literally just empty cells. Not so
much as a chair or a bed or anything. No reading material. No screen
playing dumb CW superhero TV shows for them... not even a toilet.

What do these people do all day? How do they sleep? On the floor? Do
they just shit in the corner? Most of the time the lights aren't even on
until one of our heroes goes in to talk to them.

That's the kind of solitary confinement that drives people insane and
the Geneva Convention defines as torture. They're willing to do *that*
to people, but killing in the defense of millions is off the table?

What the actual fuck?


May 4, 2018, 2:53:56 AM5/4/18
In article <>,
They're aliens. It's all they deserve.


May 4, 2018, 2:54:28 AM5/4/18
In article <>,
Oh, you owe me *so* much ice cream!!!!1!!


May 4, 2018, 3:14:00 AM5/4/18
In article <>,
Well, no. The ones in STAR Labs are mostly humans that Barry has locked
up without any due process or authority.


May 4, 2018, 7:29:25 AM5/4/18
Hey, at least they're not playing dumb CW superhero shows in the cells!


May 4, 2018, 2:56:14 PM5/4/18
In article <>,
They handed them over to the crooked warden from Law & Order.

And they aren't human. They're metas!

Jim G.

May 6, 2018, 1:25:56 AM5/6/18
BTR1701 sent the following on 05/04/2018 at 01:08 AM:
I've already explained this away as the difference between natural and
artificial radiation. It's why that mushroom cloud was able to go off in
downtown Stupid City earlier in the season and not interrupt rush hour
or business as usual the very next day.


May 6, 2018, 12:30:08 PM5/6/18
Jim G. <> wrote:
> BTR1701 sent the following on 05/04/2018 at 01:08 AM:
>> In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
>> "Jim G." <> wrote:
>>> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
>>> to her for a while
>> And also everyone in the police department now has advanced-stage
>> cancer, and the building will be uninhabitable for generations.
>> Or next week when the writers forget about that.
> I've already explained this away as the difference between natural and
> artificial radiation. It's why that mushroom cloud was able to go off in
> downtown Stupid City earlier in the season and not interrupt rush hour
> or business as usual the very next day.

Well, that comes with its own problems, because artificial radiation will
cause any airplanes in a 50-mile radius to go into a flat spin.


May 6, 2018, 1:48:39 PM5/6/18
In article <pcm3l2$5t0$>,
"Jim G." <> wrote:

> BTR1701 sent the following on 05/04/2018 at 01:08 AM:
> > In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
> > "Jim G." <> wrote:
> >
> >> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing him
> >> to her for a while
> >
> > And also everyone in the police department now has advanced-stage
> > cancer, and the building will be uninhabitable for generations.
> >
> > Or next week when the writers forget about that.
> I've already explained this away as the difference between natural and
> artificial radiation. It's why that mushroom cloud was able to go off in
> downtown Stupid City earlier in the season and not interrupt rush hour
> or business as usual the very next day.

(runs from room, sobbing)

Jim G.

May 8, 2018, 8:50:57 PM5/8/18
BTR1701 sent the following on 05/06/2018 at 11:30 AM:
If it's not one thing, it's another.

Jim G.

May 8, 2018, 8:51:38 PM5/8/18
anim8rfsk sent the following on 05/06/2018 at 12:48 PM:
Call me a heretic, but there are occasional moments when the show makes
me think that the writers have a shaky grasp of the whole "science"
thing. They should reach out to Bill Nye and see if he'd want to be
their advisor.

Dimensional Traveler

May 8, 2018, 10:53:25 PM5/8/18
On 5/8/2018 5:51 PM, Jim G. wrote:
> anim8rfsk sent the following on 05/06/2018 at 12:48 PM:
>> In article <pcm3l2$5t0$>,
>>   "Jim G." <> wrote:
>>> BTR1701 sent the following on 05/04/2018 at 01:08 AM:
>>>> In article <pbtsbn$jut$>,
>>>>    "Jim G." <> wrote:
>>>>> Nonetheless, our heroes get Fallout back from AltSiren after losing
>>>>> him
>>>>> to her for a while
>>>> And also everyone in the police department now has advanced-stage
>>>> cancer, and the building will be uninhabitable for generations.
>>>> Or next week when the writers forget about that.
>>> I've already explained this away as the difference between natural and
>>> artificial radiation. It's why that mushroom cloud was able to go off in
>>> downtown Stupid City earlier in the season and not interrupt rush hour
>>> or business as usual the very next day.
>> (runs from room, sobbing)
> Call me a heretic, but there are occasional moments when the show makes
> me think that the writers have a shaky grasp of the whole "science"
> thing. They should reach out to Bill Nye and see if he'd want to be
> their advisor.
Anim will tell you that it takes real genius to be stupider than Bill
Nye. :D

Jim G.

May 8, 2018, 11:27:41 PM5/8/18
Dimensional Traveler sent the following on 05/08/2018 at 09:53 PM:
Anim wouldn't settle for anyone less than Tyson. He's a science snob
like that.
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