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Ian J. Ball

Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
no one has mentioned Friday's episode.

I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody
Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
(However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).

In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the
switcheroo at the last minute.

Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
turn of events? Thoughts?

Ian J. Ball | "When it comes to dating, *I'm* the Slayer!"
Ph.D. Chemist, | -Cordelia Chase, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
& TV lover | Want to get my FAQs or TV episode guides? Try: |


Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
Ian J. Ball wrote in message ...

>Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
>no one has mentioned Friday's episode.

While I can't speak for everyone, of course, I suspect the reason you
rarely see any "Nash Bridges" posts here is because few people
here watch it anymore.


Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
I watch it occasionally. I watched this on purpose because I wanted to see
what the "tragedy" was going to be. When Nash was told that she was dead,
the first thing that came into my mind was "what is with this show a female
characters?" How many female characters have left the show when all the
male characters have been there since day one?

At least they redeemed themselves at the end, but still. Let's see how many
can I think of. First the blonde detective (can't think of her name), both
of Nash's ex-wives, Michelle (the dective) and not to mention the countless
girlfriends Nash has had.

Oh well. It's not that big of a deal and Cassidy didn't die. The ending
did catch me by surprise. I think that Don Johnson did a good job acting
this scene.


Ian J. Ball wrote in message ...
>Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
>no one has mentioned Friday's episode.


Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99

Patricia Martin Steward wrote:

> And where was Evan???

Evan was in Chicago visiting his sister and her new baby. Remember he and
Cassidy were discussing his going and that she would give him his answer when
he returned. Her death and life all happened in a few hours so he would not
have been able to get back before they found out she was still alive.

JRD 203

Feb 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/22/99
>Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
>no one has mentioned Friday's episode.
>I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody
>Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
>that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
>was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
>character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
>scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
>(However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
>character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
>was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).

Thanks for telling me the plot. Really, honest! I was watching STargate, it
ended early as normal, and I flicked past Nash Bridges, and went 'what the heck
is going on?" and now I"ve got the reason. Mucho thanks!

Of course, I'm still curious as to what car crash it was....


Jason Seaver

Feb 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/22/99

Ian J. Ball wrote in message ...
>Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
>no one has mentioned Friday's episode.

I was going to, but it was late, and I was tired...

>In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the
>switcheroo at the last minute.
>Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
>turn of events? Thoughts?

I'll go with appalled. I mean, were we supposed to feel relieved, even
though the end result is still that a young woman is dead? I really didn't
think they'd kill her - they just reran the episode where Kelly Hu's
character was killed a few weeks ago, and I tend to think that the writers
will be more judicious in killing characters

What really ticked me off, though, was that the crash was a great scene; it
seemed to stop the viewer dead and numb. That the whole thing would up
being a tease, a chance to give Don Johnson an Emmy demo reel without
consequences, was disappointing to say the least.

Brent Stanley McKee

Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
Ian J. Ball ( wrote:
: Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised

: no one has mentioned Friday's episode.

: I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody

: Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
: that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
: was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
: character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
: scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
: (However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
: character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
: was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).

I was surprised by that as well. Of course Evan was off in Chicago, and
there was that stakeout going on at the rich kids' place and we don't
really know any one else at the SIU very well, so.....

On the other hand it was that there was no mention of contacting
Cassidy's mom that really bugged me. In fact I saw it as a tip-off that
nothing "really" bad was going to happen to Nash's daughter. I mean
surely the first person who should be told that Cassidy had been in an
accident (after Nash of course) should have been Lisa.

: In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the

: switcheroo at the last minute.

: Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
: turn of events? Thoughts?

Actually I did expect that. Once they told him that Cassidy was dead, I
ran through the situation: 1. That the cops would have assumed that the
owner of the car would be driving. 2. People would be so confused and
rushed that they wouldn't bother to check IDs. 3. This is TV and Jody Lyn
O'Keefe's character is popular and she isn't moving to another show (a la
Kelly Hu) so obviously she had to live. It did manage to draw some real
emotion out of Don Johnson though.

Brent McKee

Steven DiFranco

Feb 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/23/99
Ian J. Ball wrote:
> Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
> no one has mentioned Friday's episode.
> I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody
> Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
> that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
> was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
> character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
> scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
> (However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
> character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
> was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).
> In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the
> switcheroo at the last minute.
> Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
> turn of events? Thoughts?
I thought, at first, that was the case. However, after the mother gave
her speech to Nash, it telegraphed the identity switch to me. I told my
kids that there had been a mistake in ID, but they didn't believe me
until the revelation. This is not a new concept, it was always done
this way, until Tasha Yar was killed on ST:TNG.

Steven W. DiFranco, CEO WEBCRAFT Data Resources [ Victim
of Lexilogica; Survivor of Griffonage ]

Feb 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/24/99
Dunno why, but about halfway through Nash's cry on the roof with Joe I suddenly
*knew* that there was going to be a mistaken identity catch.

And when it happened, I felt mildly cheated. I don't like having my emotional
chain yanked twice.


>In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the
>switcheroo at the last minute.
>Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
>turn of events? Thoughts?

nancy mathews

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
Ian J. Ball ( wrote:
: Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
: no one has mentioned Friday's episode.
: I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody
: Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
: that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
: was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
: character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
: scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
: (However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
: character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
: was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).
: In any case, that's why it was a shock when the writers pulled the

: switcheroo at the last minute.
: Was any one expecting that? And were people surprised or appalled by the
: turn of events? Thoughts?
: --

I was very upset when I thought Cassidy was dead, but what I was mostly
upset about was that another good character was killed off, AND that
NASH didn't even Mention calling Lisa, I don't care if she was sleeping
in the middle of the night in Paris or wherever. He told one of his
detectives to get in touch with Evan who was away in Chicago! For pete's
sake, Call the girl's mother! Also the last impression I had of NASH's
and Lisa's relationship was they were still in love with each other, but
couldn't live together, so it's not like NASH hates his wife, he loves
her, although they both argued about Cassidy alot, typical parental
behavior. I should have known then that Cassidy would be OK, otherwise,
someone would have to let Lisa know, even if that someone wasn't NASH,
and boy would he hear about it if Lisa found out from another person.
Now depending on where they go from there, Lisa doesn't need to be
told until everyone is calmed down, and Cassidy well on her way to

I began to suspect the swich, when the driver of the car was pronounced
fine, but Cassidy was dead. The way the car was hit, suggested to me
that the driver air bag or no, took the brunt of the crash, so I couldn't
understand how the driver survived, and Cassidy didn't.

The amount of episodes Cassidy is visibly present in them, why would
they need to kill her off, so she can persue a movie career?
Also, another pet peve. With Kelly Hu, the amount of time she was shown
on NASH as part of the unit, and the amount of time she gets on Marshall
Law, why did she have to be killed off? I'm still real ticked off about

Another thing about this episode. I wish Evan would understand that Cassidy
needs time, my goodness the girl just finally got some freedom in her life.
she'd been living at home with her mother (before she moved to Paris) and
had her father's watchful eye on her. She finally is sharing a place with
someone, it's her first year of college. When Evan got into this
relationship with her, he should realize that what might be right for
his age, is not necessarily right for her age. Let the girl live first,
she doesn' need to persue her MRS degree yet (what we always called girls
who came to college to specifically catch a husband) I did like Evan's
declaring his intentions to NASH first before asking Cassidy. But it's
way too soon. Evan needs to understand that.

Sorry my comments took a bit more in than the Cassidy dying thing.


nancy mathews

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
JRD 203 (jrd...@aol.comNOSPAM) wrote:
: >
: >Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
: >no one has mentioned Friday's episode.
: >
: >I must admit that, knowing what I knew going in, and expecting that Jody
: >Lyn O'Keeffe is probably ready to pursue a movie career, I fully expected
: >that the character *was* going to be killed off in this episode. And it
: >was not a prospect I was relishing, as I very much like the Cassidy
: >character (and O'Keeffe's portrayal). Thus I was pretty much expecting the
: >scene when "Nash" got the news that Cassidy had died from the car wreck.
: >(However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
: >character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
: >was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).
: Thanks for telling me the plot. Really, honest! I was watching STargate, it

: ended early as normal, and I flicked past Nash Bridges, and went 'what the heck
: is going on?" and now I"ve got the reason. Mucho thanks!
: Of course, I'm still curious as to what car crash it was....
: Elyse
The car crash occured when Cassidy and her friend were riding in this
car that her friend was driving, and discussing Evan's proposal, and
what Cassidy wanted to do about it. She was also fuming at her Father
trying to discourage her from answering yes to Evan because she was
too young, and Cassidy was fuming at him trying to still control her
life. The driver had her head turned toward Cassidy while driving
down the busy street, and wasn't really paying attention where she
was driving, a truck or bigger car (can't remember which) was coming
toward them after turning onto the street, and Crashed right into
The vehicle Cassidy's friend was driving. The friend driving was
warned by a shout from Cassidy, but it was too late, she turned in
time just to be run into.

anyway, from the best I can remember (I don't tape NASH) That's the
circumstances of the car crash, and under what conditions it had
ocurred. That's another reason why NASH was so broken up, about it,
He was remembering his and Cassidy's argument. That was the last time
he had seen her alive and well. (when he thought she was dead)


Barry Doerbecker

Feb 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/25/99
nancy mathews wrote:

> Ian J. Ball ( wrote:
> : Considering how (surprisingly) disliked "Nash Bridges" is, I am surprised
> : no one has mentioned Friday's episode.
> :
> : (However, I was very disturbed that only Joe and Yasmine Bleeth's
> : character showed up at the hospital to console Nash, and that no mention
> : was made of contacting Cassidy's mother Lisa (Annette O'Toole)).
> :
> I was very upset when I thought Cassidy was dead, but what I was mostly
> upset about was that another good character was killed off, AND that
> NASH didn't even Mention calling Lisa, I don't care if she was sleeping
> in the middle of the night in Paris or wherever. He told one of his
> detectives to get in touch with Evan who was away in Chicago! For pete's
> sake, Call the girl's mother! Also the last impression I had of NASH's
> and Lisa's relationship was they were still in love with each other, but
> couldn't live together, so it's not like NASH hates his wife, he loves
> her, although they both argued about Cassidy alot, typical parental
> behavior. I should have known then that Cassidy would be OK, otherwise,
> someone would have to let Lisa know, even if that someone wasn't NASH,
> and boy would he hear about it if Lisa found out from another person.
> Now depending on where they go from there, Lisa doesn't need to be
> told until everyone is calmed down, and Cassidy well on her way to
> recovery.

I actually assumed that the HOSPITAL called BOTH parents, according to
instructions found in Cassidy's identification. Granted, it did seem
odd that no mention of this possibility was made either (such as Joe
asking Nash if Lisa should be told, and Nash stating that the Hospital
already did that). Perhaps Lisa was not mentioned so that it could lead
up to a story line in the near future.

Just my thoughts.

Barry Doerbecker
Staff Accountant
Bateman MacKay Chartered Accountants
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Focussed on Research & Development Tax Credits

Disclaimer: The views experessed are those of the author, and may not
represent the views of the firm.

Sep 1, 2016, 2:50:41 PM9/1/16
watching this episode as we speak. love android box for that
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