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What Did You Watch? 2016-05-07 (Saturday)

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May 8, 2016, 5:30:49 AM5/8/16
I watched:

"Certain Shadows on the Wall". Emma Brigham dies under the care of her
sinister brother, but her accusing shadow remains on the wall. This was
not nearly as exciting as it sounds, but Grayson Hall was in it.

"Too Many Cooks Spoil the Troop". O'Rorke and Agarn plan to make money
by becoming Fort Courage's cook and selling food supplies to the local
"injins". Hey, it's Jamie Far!

"Cleveland Jr.'s Cherry Bomb". Cleveland's effort to warn Roberta about
the dangers of sex falls flat, but Cleveland Jr. gets the message and
takes a "purity pledge" at church.

"A Night to Forget". Eve and Kaye face a lonely night when they're locked
in a store after hours. For some reason, they accidentally call a
bullfighter in Spain. Hey, it Dezi Arnez!

"The Newlyweds Move In". While the newlweds are are on their honeymoon,
the mothers-in-law interfere by breaking their lease and moving them into
Eve's garage apartment. Predictibly, they get caught snooping several
times, one time getting trapped on the top of a garage door.

"Career Girls".

"Who's Afraid of Elizabeth Taylor". Marital mayhem results when Herb and
Roger admit they'd date Elizabeth Taylor.

"My Son the Actor". Jerry's decision to major in dramatic arts gives
everyone the show-business bug. What is it with their love of the 1920's
and vaudville? Was that a thing in the 1960's?

"How Do You Moonlight a Meatball?". To finance the newlyweds, Eve and Kaye
try to sell Kaye's famous spaghetti and meatballs on campus.

"I Thought He'd Never Leave". Ye Olde "a ciminal ends up holding everyone
hostage" trope. Hey, it's Larry Storch! OK, why is it in these situations
that everyone who comes over to visit ends up becominng a hostage b/c the
hostages try to tell their predicament in the worst ways possible? If a
guy is hiding in your closet, whisper in the visitor's ear about it,

"The Mothers-in-Law". The Hubbards and Buells decide to get more
physically fit, begining with a bicycle trip in the desert.

"Through the Lurking Glass". The Hubbards and Buells dress up as animals
for a kiddy show but have to rescue Harry Mudd after getting arrested by
the police.

Dildo Baggins examins Dr Kevorkian's "death van" and crap from the yacht
on which Natalie Woods died. I lost intgerest real fast. Thank gawd this
is the last ep.

"The Hombre Who Came to Dinner". After learning that a bullfighter they
met through an overly-improbable back-story (the gals called him by
mistake when they were stranded in rural Spain and were trying to reach
their husbands in America) is visiting America en route to Mexico, they
decide to return the favor by inviting him to stay at their place, only to
discover he's brought along his backup band and is both eatimng them out
of house and home and keeping them up all night partying. I guess no good
deed goes unpunished, eh? Naturally, as soon as they revealed the
mastador's name is "never been gored by a bull", you knew what was
inevitibly going to happen. Oh look! The mastador is being played by Desi
Arnez and the never-seen-before musician neighbor is being played by Desi
Arnez Jr! And yes, they had a gag with Desi Jr play Babaloo with Desi
having no clue what he was playing.

"Don't Give Up the Sloop". The Hubbards and Buelss quarrel over the
ownership of a boat Kaye won when a radio show called Eve. Once they
realize all the work and money it takes to own a boat, they then try to
pass it off to each other.

What did you watch?

Please protest & shut down every Trump rally because we can't allow

A Friend

May 8, 2016, 6:18:05 AM5/8/16
In article <>, Ubiquitous <>

> "A Night to Forget". Eve and Kaye face a lonely night when they're locked
> in a store after hours. For some reason, they accidentally call a
> bullfighter in Spain. Hey, it Dezi Arnez!

This one was huge in first-run. Nobody had seen Desi on TV in years,
and there was a lot of anticipation in the run-up to that Sunday night.

> "My Son the Actor". Jerry's decision to major in dramatic arts gives
> everyone the show-business bug. What is it with their love of the 1920's
> and vaudville? Was that a thing in the 1960's?

That was a thing, but it was a fake thing. Once in a while, a sitcom
would do a vaudeville-era throwback story. I remember one on DENNIS
THE MENACE, for example, where Dennis and his friends found some '20s
stuff in Mr. Wilson's attic, the stuff got into the hands of local
college kids, and all of a sudden the college kids are running around
town in raccoon coats and singing voh-dee-oh-doh. The local TV news
runs an approving story.

Now of course this was utter nonsense. College kids IRL ca. 1960 had
no interest in stuff like that ... but the audience for DENNIS THE
MENACE did because, then as now, the audience trended older.

We are now more distant from the 1960s than DENNIS THE MENACE was from
the 1920s, but I do occasionally see a throwback episode of something
to the '70s these days, and of course THAT '70s SHOW lasted quite a
while. (The early '60s had series such as MARGIE and THE ROARING
TWENTIES, set in the '20s.)

> "The Hombre Who Came to Dinner". After learning that a bullfighter they
> met through an overly-improbable back-story (the gals called him by
> mistake when they were stranded in rural Spain and were trying to reach
> their husbands in America) is visiting America en route to Mexico, they
> decide to return the favor by inviting him to stay at their place, only to
> discover he's brought along his backup band and is both eatimng them out
> of house and home and keeping them up all night partying. I guess no good
> deed goes unpunished, eh? Naturally, as soon as they revealed the
> mastador's name is "never been gored by a bull", you knew what was
> inevitibly going to happen. Oh look! The mastador is being played by Desi
> Arnez and the never-seen-before musician neighbor is being played by Desi
> Arnez Jr! And yes, they had a gag with Desi Jr play Babaloo with Desi
> having no clue what he was playing.

This was a big disappointment, as I recall. The first episode with
Desi had been so popular that they tried again, and usually when you
try again, you flop. And so they did.


May 8, 2016, 9:04:50 AM5/8/16
In article <>, Ubiquitous <>

Good grief, Ubi, you were busy!

I ... didn't watch one damn thing. I spent 8 hours giving tours of
Mom's house, and then we had our annual block party. I'm so stiff and
sore I can barely move. :)

Join your old RAT friends at

May 8, 2016, 9:50:51 AM5/8/16
I watched Trump supporters viewing hours of brain numbing Sarah Palin type entertainment, knowing that these same people will use their informed consent to decide the path of democracy in the next four years.

> Please protest & shut down every Trump rally because we can't allow
> intolerance.


Make America Grate Again !

Arthur Lipscomb

May 8, 2016, 11:01:52 AM5/8/16
This will be a two day catch-up. I watched:

Fear the Walking Dead - "Blood in the Streets" - Feels like I missed an
episode. I'm not sure if I missed something or they just didn't bother
to show how the character(s) got where they were. Anyway the boat gets
captured while we get the captain's backstory. Not as bad as I feared
it would be.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (HBO) - A budding high school filmmaker
reluctantly befriends a dying girl and you can fill in the blanks as to
what happens next. It was OK but did feel a bit tedious at times.

Banshee - "A Little Late to Grow a Pair" - Episode from last week. Meh.

SNL - Still making my way through this. OK so far. Nice to see the
Church Lady again. And they were spot on with their Game of Thrones sketch.

Captain America: Civil War (theatrical) - Team Captain America and Team
Iron Man fight over a registration act and who gets to bring in
Captain's friend Bucky. Caught it a second time. Holds up extremely
well. If anything it was better on the second viewing. The airport
fight scene alone is worth the price of admission.

The Jungle Book (theatrical) - Live action remake of the Disney classic.
Also caught this a second time. It also still holds up on a second
viewing as very good.


May 8, 2016, 11:03:58 AM5/8/16
Wow, what a great Saturday! Hours and hours of television. Awesome!!!

Ian J. Ball

May 8, 2016, 12:55:03 PM5/8/16
In article <>, Ubiquitous <>

> What did you watch?

OK, I still need to do a separate catch-up for all of last week (or it's
possible that I'll get to it!...), but I will do one of these for

Wynonna Earp (recorded) - Significantly better again (after last week's
clunker...), though they did muddy things up in this one with the
revelation that Dolls is some kind of "junkie", all hopped up on some
secret gov't cocktail or something...
Anyway, Guest Star-du-Jour was Alex Paxton-Beesley, which is pretty
much guaranteed to get me to like something more! ;> Meanwhile, they
also introduce "Rookie Blue's" Rachael Ancheril as The Blacksmith (and
she was much more interesting here than the loser character they
saddled(heh) her with on "Rook. Bleu"!!), and this later ties in to
something Waverly inherits from their uncle.

golf - Day 3 at Quail Hollow for the Wells Fargo Championship. Ricky
Fowler seemed to be dominating...

The Originals (recorded) - More SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS if anyone
besides me cares... OK, so after just writing out Cami in the previous
episode (and it looks like she's really gone - Leah Pipes was no longer
main cast credited in this episode...), they *seemingly* appear to do
the same to Davina in this episode, but I'm not buying it - interviews
with both the showrunner and Danielle Campbell were extremely cagey on
this issue, and both seemed to hint that Davina (or Campbell, at least)
are not really off the show. Still, I'll be checking the cast list at
the beginning of next week's episode.
Meanwhile, the end of this episode was extremely frustrating as
everyone is all out to get the Mikelson's, ignoring the elephant in the
room that is The Ancestors who need to be sent off to The Void once and
for all.
But I think they are heading towards this season ending with the
Mikelsons daggered, which might explain why "The Vampire Diaries" keep
referring to Klaus as "disappeared" three years hence...

A Mother's Revenge (LMN) - Hey, actually, this was pretty good!
First thing I liked about it is that it actually looks like it was
filmed *in* Buffalo (and not just Toronto "sitting in" for Buffalo), so
that was novel! - On this score, I love how the movie portrayed
Buffalo's Light Rail system as, 1) having basically *no* passengers
(Jamie Luner runs through a *completely empty* subway station! there's
not a soul to be seen!!), 2) riddled with crime (Luner, on only her
second train ride, somehow has the misfortune of being mugged at knife
point! with no cops anywhere!!), and 3) running with 1 minute headways!!
(Luner gets off the train, attacks her attacker on the station platform
to get her purse and luggage back, and then magically another train
appears 30 seconds later to wisk her off again!!).
You also have to question if Luner was the best choice to make
literally *run* all over town throughout this flick (though it did add
to the realism, as Luner really does look like an older "Mom"-type
now!). It was also amusing to see Aubrey Whitby play a character that
was actually slightly *older* than her (that almost never happens with
Teens in Jeop. flicks!!), though it was odd to cast her in a part so
devoid of comedy (that's what she's known for).
Anyway, decent thriller here. I wasn't disappointed. :)

"Shall we sit and ponder the futility of caring?" - Morotia M. Black (aka.
Riley Matthews), "Girl Meets Yearbook", "Girl Meets World" (08-07-2015)


May 8, 2016, 1:37:56 PM5/8/16

On 5/8/2016 5:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:

> What did you watch?

GRACE & FRANKIE: The logistics of calling off a wedding and uninviting
the guests and looting and pillaging through the gifts.

DREAMLAND: Episode #3 about high speed rail systems...perfect viewing
for the Californians complaining about such prospects.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR: The latest Marvel film about superheroes
and their work related problems. Many of the problems in this episode
were caused by CAPTAIN AMERICA's love for another man and by CAPTAIN
AMERICA not even bothering to attempt the truth with his
friends/coworkers before going off on his own agenda. Add in IRON MAN
being sure he is always right and you have the makings of a 'civil war'.
ANTMAN is used well as comic relief, but SPIDERMAN is pretty tedious
as comic relief. The end result is an average effort for MARVEL films.

KENTUCKY DERBY: This race was on a TV while I was at a
no sound, but it looked like a good, if not close, race.


May 8, 2016, 1:40:37 PM5/8/16
On 5/8/2016 11:01 AM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:

> Captain America: Civil War (theatrical) - Team Captain America and Team
> Iron Man fight over a registration act and who gets to bring in
> Captain's friend Bucky. Caught it a second time. Holds up extremely
> well. If anything it was better on the second viewing. The airport
> fight scene alone is worth the price of admission.

The airport fight scene required several major gimmicks, though.
1. ANTMAN is slower moving the bigger he gets.
2. 'Vision' all but disappears from the action so that it is not one-sided.
3. Scarlet Witch all but disappears from the action (and is misused
when she is there) so that it is not one-sided.

Dimensional Traveler

May 8, 2016, 1:49:53 PM5/8/16
On 5/8/2016 6:04 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> I ... didn't watch one damn thing. I spent 8 hours giving tours of
> Mom's house, and then we had our annual block party. I'm so stiff and
> sore I can barely move. :)
I thought you had sold your mom's house? And again, why dafuq are YOU
having to do that instead of an actual, competent, has at least a clue
about their job, realtor?

Privacy IS Security

May 8, 2016, 2:13:37 PM5/8/16
because the 7% commission spit with the realtor will buy lotsa animation stuff.


May 8, 2016, 2:27:40 PM5/8/16
In article <ngnu1b$2nt$>,
The buyer couldn't sell her house, and backed out abruptly about 10 days

Realtors *were* showing the house, but we got absolutely swamped, so I
was pressed into service, and then and people kept showing up long after
everybody else was gone. Ostensively I was just there to answer
questions if need be, but it didn't work out that way. They just called
to see if I could come show it again at noon today.


May 8, 2016, 2:29:29 PM5/8/16
In article
"Ian J. Ball" <ijball-...@mac.invalid> wrote:

> A Mother's Revenge (LMN) - Hey, actually, this was pretty good!
> First thing I liked about it is that it actually looks like it was
> filmed *in* Buffalo (and not just Toronto "sitting in" for Buffalo), so
> that was novel! - On this score, I love how the movie portrayed
> Buffalo's Light Rail system as, 1) having basically *no* passengers
> (Jamie Luner runs through a *completely empty* subway station! there's
> not a soul to be seen!!), 2) riddled with crime (Luner, on only her
> second train ride, somehow has the misfortune of being mugged at knife
> point! with no cops anywhere!!), and 3) running with 1 minute headways!!
> (Luner gets off the train, attacks her attacker on the station platform
> to get her purse and luggage back, and then magically another train
> appears 30 seconds later to wisk her off again!!).
> You also have to question if Luner was the best choice to make
> literally *run* all over town throughout this flick (though it did add
> to the realism, as Luner really does look like an older "Mom"-type
> now!). It was also amusing to see Aubrey Whitby play a character that
> was actually slightly *older* than her (that almost never happens with
> Teens in Jeop. flicks!!), though it was odd to cast her in a part so
> devoid of comedy (that's what she's known for).
> Anyway, decent thriller here. I wasn't disappointed. :)

Any time Luner tongues another guy, you find yourself satisfied.

Arthur Lipscomb

May 8, 2016, 3:36:02 PM5/8/16
On 5/8/2016 10:40 AM, Obveeus wrote:
> On 5/8/2016 11:01 AM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:
>> Captain America: Civil War (theatrical) - Team Captain America and Team
>> Iron Man fight over a registration act and who gets to bring in
>> Captain's friend Bucky. Caught it a second time. Holds up extremely
>> well. If anything it was better on the second viewing. The airport
>> fight scene alone is worth the price of admission.
> The airport fight scene required several major gimmicks, though.
> 1. ANTMAN is slower moving the bigger he gets.

You're moving dangerously close to spoiler territory. ;-)

Speaking along those lines, I noticed very clearly that Spider-Man was
in the lineup and running alongside everyone else yet in the commercials
he's nowhere to be seen (except in his solo shots). They apparently
went in and erased him from the earlier promos then didn't bother to put
him back for the later ones.

> 2. 'Vision' all but disappears from the action so that it is not
> one-sided.

I think that was very intentional on his part. He knows he's way
overpowered and can easily accidentally hurt someone which he was trying
to avoid. But he did participate. And then...

> 3. Scarlet Witch all but disappears from the action (and is misused
> when she is there) so that it is not one-sided.

Same thing as with Vision. They aren't *trying* to kill each other.
However, she did point out they were pulling their punches as she
proceeded to take out the other side pretty much effortlessly.

I can easily fankwank and say the reason we didn't see her or Vision for
most of the fight is because they were fighting each other to a stand still.


May 8, 2016, 3:37:09 PM5/8/16

On 5/8/2016 2:27 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:

> Dimensional Traveler <> wrote:

>> I thought you had sold your mom's house? And again, why dafuq are YOU
>> having to do that instead of an actual, competent, has at least a clue
>> about their job, realtor?
> The buyer couldn't sell her house, and backed out abruptly about 10 days
> ago.

Egad...that sucks. When you find the next buyer, encourage your realtor
to put a 'pending' sign on the house rather than a 'sold' sign and to
keep taking backup offers. My neighbor recently sold his house...but he
had multiple offers fall through over a year+ period before one of the
sales finalized.

Arthur Lipscomb

May 8, 2016, 3:46:26 PM5/8/16
On 5/8/2016 10:38 AM, Obveeus wrote:
> On 5/8/2016 5:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> What did you watch?
> GRACE & FRANKIE: The logistics of calling off a wedding and uninviting
> the guests and looting and pillaging through the gifts.
> DREAMLAND: Episode #3 about high speed rail systems...perfect viewing
> for the Californians complaining about such prospects.
> CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR: The latest Marvel film about superheroes
> and their work related problems. Many of the problems in this episode
> were caused by CAPTAIN AMERICA's love for another man

They are from the 40s. Things were different then. They are just
"happy" for each other.

and by CAPTAIN
> AMERICA not even bothering to attempt the truth with his
> friends/coworkers before going off on his own agenda.

I agree that wasn't the wisest move. But he was right he said they
weren't going to listen anyway and even if Tony did, Ross wouldn't let
him help.

> being sure he is always right and you have the makings of a 'civil war'.
> ANTMAN is used well as comic relief, but SPIDERMAN is pretty tedious as
> comic relief.

Yeah, Ant-Man was much better than I originally expected. I know comedy
is subjective but so far most people seem to disagree with you on the
Spider-Man issue. I thought he was used effectively enough. I also
thought Falcon was a surprising standout character as well. No one
really stood out as the weak link IMO.

The end result is an average effort for MARVEL films.

Didn't you say something similar about Winter Soldier? I'm curios,
*which* are the best Marvel universe movies in your opinion? And
*please* don't say Iron Man 3! :-/


May 8, 2016, 4:24:28 PM5/8/16
probably the top 3 for me.


May 8, 2016, 4:49:46 PM5/8/16
In article <ngo4af$t9j$>, Obveeus <>
We had several back up offers, but they had 2 months to go away in the

But we're now *swamped* with offers. We had so many good ones, the
first day, that the realtor wanted to call off the open house. :\


May 8, 2016, 6:22:20 PM5/8/16
When choosing 'the best' offer, look for offers that have no contingency
about selling their current home and for offers where the potential
buyer has already been approved by their bank for the amount of the loan.

Arthur Lipscomb

May 8, 2016, 6:41:12 PM5/8/16
OK. That's an *acceptable* list.

I remember being very surprised by how good the first Iron Man movie was.

I think I saw the first Avengers movie 3 times in the theater. My
*only* issue with the first Avengers is since it came out and became the
best Marvel movie ever, they kept on making more movies I liked even
more. :-)

I remember GotG trailers being mocked by people in the theater by I
*knew* it was going to be great then it was released and I was proved
right. It's definitely on the best of list. :-)


May 8, 2016, 8:02:17 PM5/8/16
In article <ngof3i$6fn$>,
Best review said that Iron Man was so good, even the ever annoying
Gwyneth Paltrow couldn't ruin it :D
> I think I saw the first Avengers movie 3 times in the theater. My
> *only* issue with the first Avengers is since it came out and became the
> best Marvel movie ever, they kept on making more movies I liked even
> more. :-)

wow, and 'heh'
> I remember GotG trailers being mocked by people in the theater by I
> *knew* it was going to be great then it was released and I was proved
> right. It's definitely on the best of list. :-)


May 8, 2016, 8:04:04 PM5/8/16
In article <ngoe07$2b0$>, Obveeus <>
Yeah, we eliminated those altogether. Cash only. No contingencies, no
financing. We turned down a requested meeting at the house today
because the purpose was to try to talk us into financing.



May 8, 2016, 10:07:43 PM5/8/16
On 5/8/2016 8:04 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> Yeah, we eliminated those altogether. Cash only. No contingencies, no
> financing. We turned down a requested meeting at the house today
> because the purpose was to try to talk us into financing.

Definitely a good idea to stay away from the scam artists looking to
'rent to own' your home tying your money up for years or decades and
most likely they will turn into squatters that aren't paying a dime
along the way.


You are welcome.


May 8, 2016, 10:17:44 PM5/8/16
In article <ngor6p$2li$>, Obveeus <>
> > TY BTW
> You are welcome.


Arthur Lipscomb

May 9, 2016, 1:27:18 AM5/9/16
Then you're in luck since she's not in Civil War.

>> I think I saw the first Avengers movie 3 times in the theater. My
>> *only* issue with the first Avengers is since it came out and became the
>> best Marvel movie ever, they kept on making more movies I liked even
>> more. :-)
> wow, and 'heh'

I don't have a definitive ranking but I'd rate Winter Solder, GotG and
Civil War up there with the first Avengers movie.


May 9, 2016, 2:30:07 AM5/9/16
In article <>,
> Best review said that Iron Man was so good, even the ever annoying
> Gwyneth Paltrow couldn't ruin it :D

I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
"Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.

Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.


May 9, 2016, 7:52:39 AM5/9/16

On 5/9/2016 1:27 AM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:
> On 5/8/2016 5:02 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
>> In article <ngof3i$6fn$>,
>> Arthur Lipscomb <> wrote:

>>> I remember being very surprised by how good the first Iron Man movie
>>> was.
>> +1
>> Best review said that Iron Man was so good, even the ever annoying
>> Gwyneth Paltrow couldn't ruin it :D
> Then you're in luck since she's not in Civil War.

Now see, that is spoiler territory as well. Moreover, though, she was
one of the missing elements of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR that should
have appeared on screen as I very much wanted to see her in action with
her new found super powers.


May 9, 2016, 9:29:25 AM5/9/16
to wrote:

>Good grief, Ubi, you were busy!

Yeah, and not just watching TV. I think I'm about to decide on the
bathrom tile.



May 9, 2016, 9:31:57 AM5/9/16
In article <ngnk6a$v35$>,

> SNL - Still making my way through this. OK so far. Nice to see
> the Church Lady again.

Does it strike anyone as odd that they felt the need to bring back a
char from the 1990's, or was it b/c Dana Carvey was hosting this
week and he had to do his best chars from then?


May 9, 2016, 10:17:13 AM5/9/16
In article <ngq34u$j0g$>,
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

> wrote:
> >Good grief, Ubi, you were busy!
> Yeah, and not just watching TV. I think I'm about to decide on the
> bathrom tile.

Oooo, multitasking!


May 9, 2016, 10:18:05 AM5/9/16
In article <>,
Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)


May 9, 2016, 10:48:45 AM5/9/16
Arthur Lipscomb <> wrote:

> Yeah, Ant-Man was much better than I originally expected. I know comedy
> is subjective but so far most people seem to disagree with you on the
> Spider-Man issue. I thought he was used effectively enough.

Agreed. I liked this Spider-Man better than any of the previous big-screen

I also chuckled at the irony of Spider-Man, of all people, marveling at how
Cap's shield "really doesn't obey any of the laws of physics, does it?"


May 9, 2016, 10:48:45 AM5/9/16
True, but even if she went back to Russia, she'd still be covered. The
"Accords" purport to be binding worldwide.

Thor was left unaddressed. I suppose everyone recognized the futility of
attempting to require a god from another dimension to register with and
take orders from the government.


May 9, 2016, 10:57:22 AM5/9/16

On 5/9/2016 10:18 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:

> BTR1701 <> wrote:

>> I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
>> with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
>> technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
>> other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
>> "Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
>> range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
>> and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.
>> Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
>> at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.
> Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)

A tiny level of spoilers for CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR:
The American citizens are 'illegal aliens' when the 'team' is fighting
overseas...which was sort of the point of the Sokovia Accords. This
film is in no way about registering people with special powers.
Instead, it is about getting THE AVENGERS (and in theory other private
paramilitary operations) to follow the direction/command/laws set forth
by the UN before taking actions on any international level. Basically,
foreign countries are tired of THE AVENGERS swooping in, killing
innocent civilians, and leaving without there being any
oversight/authority. So, the various AVENGERS players are being asked
to take an oath of compliance to UN directed actions *only* or they will
be termed as international outlaws when they proceed to do their own thing.


May 9, 2016, 11:23:12 AM5/9/16
In article <>,
He was conveniently dead during this story arc in the comics.


May 9, 2016, 11:24:10 AM5/9/16
In article <ngq89r$cqb$>, Obveeus <>

Arthur Lipscomb

May 9, 2016, 10:22:35 PM5/9/16
On 5/9/2016 7:48 AM, BTR1701 wrote:
> anim8rfsk <> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>> I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
>>> with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
>>> technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
>>> other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
>>> "Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
>>> range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
>>> and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.
>>> Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
>>> at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.

Someone (Falcon?) asked about Bucky getting a lawyer got a scoff as a

>> Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)
> True, but even if she went back to Russia, she'd still be covered. The
> "Accords" purport to be binding worldwide.
> Thor was left unaddressed. I suppose everyone recognized the futility of
> attempting to require a god from another dimension to register with and
> take orders from the government.

I want to see them try to *force* Hulk to sign the accords or sit in a
cell against his will. Good luck with that!

Adam H. Kerman

May 9, 2016, 10:47:56 PM5/9/16
He's ticklish, isn't he?


May 10, 2016, 8:45:17 AM5/10/16

On 5/9/2016 10:22 PM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:


> I want to see them try to *force* Hulk to sign the accords or sit in a
> cell against his will. Good luck with that!

I would have liked to at least see which side he would have aligned
with. He isn't a 'rule follower', but he also has a lot of character
back story related to the need/desire to control the beast.


May 10, 2016, 11:12:03 AM5/10/16
In article <ngsku6$26e$>, Obveeus <>
Banner might pick sides, but I sort of doubt the Hulk would necessarily
comply ...


May 10, 2016, 11:16:55 AM5/10/16

On 5/10/2016 11:12 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> In article <ngsku6$26e$>, Obveeus <>
> wrote:
>> On 5/9/2016 10:22 PM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:
>>> I want to see them try to *force* Hulk to sign the accords or sit in a
>>> cell against his will. Good luck with that!
>> I would have liked to at least see which side he would have aligned
>> with. He isn't a 'rule follower', but he also has a lot of character
>> back story related to the need/desire to control the beast.
> Banner might pick sides, but I sort of doubt the Hulk would necessarily
> comply ...

It ain't easy being green.


May 10, 2016, 11:58:16 AM5/10/16
Obveeus <> wrote:
> On 5/9/2016 10:18 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>> I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
>>> with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
>>> technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
>>> other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
>>> "Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
>>> range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
>>> and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.
>>> Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
>>> at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.
>> Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)
> A tiny level of spoilers for CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR:
> .
> The American citizens are 'illegal aliens' when the 'team' is fighting
> overseas...which was sort of the point of the Sokovia Accords. This
> film is in no way about registering people with special powers.
> Instead, it is about getting THE AVENGERS (and in theory other private
> paramilitary operations) to follow the direction/command/laws set forth
> by the UN before taking actions on any international level. Basically,
> foreign countries are tired of THE AVENGERS swooping in, killing
> innocent civilians, and leaving without there being any
> oversight/authority. So, the various AVENGERS players are being asked
> to take an oath of compliance to UN directed actions *only* or they will
> be termed as international outlaws when they proceed to do their own thing.

So in the time frame of the story, literally less than a year ago,
governments the world over were thoroughly infiltrated by a Nazi death cult
bent on murdering millions and subjugating the entire planet, but now the
Avengers are supposed to figure everything's cool and submit themselves to
the authority of those same government bodies. And half the team buys into
this as a good idea? Egad.


May 10, 2016, 12:13:22 PM5/10/16
In article <>,
The worng half, too.


May 10, 2016, 12:13:32 PM5/10/16
In article <ngstqh$4g1$>, Obveeus <>

> On 5/10/2016 11:12 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> > In article <ngsku6$26e$>, Obveeus <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On 5/9/2016 10:22 PM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> I want to see them try to *force* Hulk to sign the accords or sit in a
> >>> cell against his will. Good luck with that!
> >>
> >> I would have liked to at least see which side he would have aligned
> >> with. He isn't a 'rule follower', but he also has a lot of character
> >> back story related to the need/desire to control the beast.
> >
> > Banner might pick sides, but I sort of doubt the Hulk would necessarily
> > comply ...
> It ain't easy being green.


Adam H. Kerman

May 10, 2016, 12:41:11 PM5/10/16
Isn't that by definition? I mean, if you're going to spy, you don't
fill out your visa application honestly.


May 11, 2016, 7:36:51 AM5/11/16
In article <>, wrote:
> Ubiquitous <> wrote:

>> "A Night to Forget". Eve and Kaye face a lonely night when they're locked
>> in a store after hours. For some reason, they accidentally call a
>> bullfighter in Spain. Hey, it Dezi Arnez!
>This one was huge in first-run. Nobody had seen Desi on TV in years,
>and there was a lot of anticipation in the run-up to that Sunday night.

Interesting. I was not aware of that.

Just how did they manage to misdial someone in Spain?

>> "My Son the Actor". Jerry's decision to major in dramatic arts gives
>> everyone the show-business bug. What is it with their love of the 1920's
>> and vaudville? Was that a thing in the 1960's?
>That was a thing, but it was a fake thing. Once in a while, a sitcom
>would do a vaudeville-era throwback story. I remember one on DENNIS
>THE MENACE, for example, where Dennis and his friends found some '20s
>stuff in Mr. Wilson's attic, the stuff got into the hands of local
>college kids, and all of a sudden the college kids are running around
>town in raccoon coats and singing voh-dee-oh-doh. The local TV news
>runs an approving story.
>Now of course this was utter nonsense. College kids IRL ca. 1960 had
>no interest in stuff like that ... but the audience for DENNIS THE
>MENACE did because, then as now, the audience trended older.

At first I thought it might be nostalga, like how the 1950's was a thing in the
1970's, but then I realized that era was too far ago to account for nostalga.

>> "The Hombre Who Came to Dinner". After learning that a bullfighter they
>> met through an overly-improbable back-story (the gals called him by
>> mistake when they were stranded in rural Spain and were trying to reach
>> their husbands in America) is visiting America en route to Mexico, they
>> decide to return the favor by inviting him to stay at their place, only to
>> discover he's brought along his backup band and is both eatimng them out
>> of house and home and keeping them up all night partying. I guess no good
>> deed goes unpunished, eh? Naturally, as soon as they revealed the
>> mastador's name is "never been gored by a bull", you knew what was
>> inevitibly going to happen. Oh look! The mastador is being played by Desi
>> Arnez and the never-seen-before musician neighbor is being played by Desi
>> Arnez Jr! And yes, they had a gag with Desi Jr play Babaloo with Desi
>> having no clue what he was playing.
>This was a big disappointment, as I recall. The first episode with
>Desi had been so popular that they tried again, and usually when you
>try again, you flop. And so they did.

They tried it a third time with him back in town and everyone, including Desi
Jr, giving an impromptu audition when he came over to prepare a meal that
sounded more Cuban than Spanish. Why he decided to kill the suckling pig
himself at a suburan home is anyone's guess.

A Friend

May 11, 2016, 8:31:01 AM5/11/16
In article <ngv59s$5kv$>, Ubiquitous
<> wrote:

> In article <>, wrote:
> > Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> >> "A Night to Forget". Eve and Kaye face a lonely night when they're locked
> >> in a store after hours. For some reason, they accidentally call a
> >> bullfighter in Spain. Hey, it Dezi Arnez!
> >
> >This one was huge in first-run. Nobody had seen Desi on TV in years,
> >and there was a lot of anticipation in the run-up to that Sunday night.
> Interesting. I was not aware of that.
> Just how did they manage to misdial someone in Spain?

They never explained it, and it shouldn't have been possible. I guess
the audience was just supposed to play along with the "glitch."
Direct-dialing Spain was a few years in the future, of course. You
couldn't direct-dial Europe at all until Ma Bell established service
between New York and London in 1970.

> >> "My Son the Actor". Jerry's decision to major in dramatic arts gives
> >> everyone the show-business bug. What is it with their love of the 1920's
> >> and vaudville? Was that a thing in the 1960's?
> >
> >That was a thing, but it was a fake thing. Once in a while, a sitcom
> >would do a vaudeville-era throwback story. I remember one on DENNIS
> >THE MENACE, for example, where Dennis and his friends found some '20s
> >stuff in Mr. Wilson's attic, the stuff got into the hands of local
> >college kids, and all of a sudden the college kids are running around
> >town in raccoon coats and singing voh-dee-oh-doh. The local TV news
> >runs an approving story.
> >
> >Now of course this was utter nonsense. College kids IRL ca. 1960 had
> >no interest in stuff like that ... but the audience for DENNIS THE
> >MENACE did because, then as now, the audience trended older.
> At first I thought it might be nostalga, like how the 1950's was a thing in
> the
> 1970's, but then I realized that era was too far ago to account for nostalga.

People who see DENNIS THE MENACE these days tend to think it's not very
good, but I'm here to tell you that it wasn't very good back then,
either. At least they managed to cast close look-alikes for Henry and

I've always felt sorry for Sylvia Field, the actress who played the
first Mrs. Wilson. The first Mr. Wilson, Joseph Kearns, suddenly
dropped dead while the third season was in production, so the producers
brought in Gale Gordon to play "Mr. Wilson's brother," and cast a new
wife; Sylvia soon disappeared. I am astonished to find that Mr. Kearns
was only 55 when he died in 1962. He looked at least 70.

BTW here's a fun fact I don't think anybody else remembers, since I
can't find anything online about it: The theme for DENNIS THE MENACE
was the same theme used for the Gumby shorts on Pinky Lee's show years
earlier. This suggests that it was originally source music, written
for industrial films or serials or something years earlier.

> >> "The Hombre Who Came to Dinner". After learning that a bullfighter they
> >> met through an overly-improbable back-story (the gals called him by
> >> mistake when they were stranded in rural Spain and were trying to reach
> >> their husbands in America) is visiting America en route to Mexico, they
> >> decide to return the favor by inviting him to stay at their place, only to
> >> discover he's brought along his backup band and is both eatimng them out
> >> of house and home and keeping them up all night partying. I guess no good
> >> deed goes unpunished, eh? Naturally, as soon as they revealed the
> >> mastador's name is "never been gored by a bull", you knew what was
> >> inevitibly going to happen. Oh look! The mastador is being played by Desi
> >> Arnez and the never-seen-before musician neighbor is being played by Desi
> >> Arnez Jr! And yes, they had a gag with Desi Jr play Babaloo with Desi
> >> having no clue what he was playing.
> >
> >This was a big disappointment, as I recall. The first episode with
> >Desi had been so popular that they tried again, and usually when you
> >try again, you flop. And so they did.
> They tried it a third time with him back in town and everyone, including Desi
> Jr, giving an impromptu audition when he came over to prepare a meal that
> sounded more Cuban than Spanish. Why he decided to kill the suckling pig
> himself at a suburan home is anyone's guess.

I'd completely forgotten about that third episode. That sounds even
more contrived than the second one, especially with double-Desis.


May 11, 2016, 9:02:58 AM5/11/16
In article <>,
A Friend <> wrote:

> In article <ngv59s$5kv$>, Ubiquitous
> <> wrote:
> > In article <>, wrote:
> > > Ubiquitous <> wrote:
> > >> "My Son the Actor". Jerry's decision to major in dramatic arts gives
> > >> everyone the show-business bug. What is it with their love of the 1920's
> > >> and vaudville? Was that a thing in the 1960's?
> > >
> > >That was a thing, but it was a fake thing. Once in a while, a sitcom
> > >would do a vaudeville-era throwback story. I remember one on DENNIS
> > >THE MENACE, for example, where Dennis and his friends found some '20s
> > >stuff in Mr. Wilson's attic, the stuff got into the hands of local
> > >college kids, and all of a sudden the college kids are running around
> > >town in raccoon coats and singing voh-dee-oh-doh. The local TV news
> > >runs an approving story.
> > >
> > >Now of course this was utter nonsense. College kids IRL ca. 1960 had
> > >no interest in stuff like that ... but the audience for DENNIS THE
> > >MENACE did because, then as now, the audience trended older.
> >
> > At first I thought it might be nostalga, like how the 1950's was a thing in
> > the
> > 1970's, but then I realized that era was too far ago to account for
> > nostalga.
> People who see DENNIS THE MENACE these days tend to think it's not very
> good, but I'm here to tell you that it wasn't very good back then,
> either. At least they managed to cast close look-alikes for Henry and
> Margaret.

Henry especially; probably the most dead on comic strip casting ever.
> I've always felt sorry for Sylvia Field, the actress who played the
> first Mrs. Wilson. The first Mr. Wilson, Joseph Kearns, suddenly
> dropped dead while the third season was in production, so the producers
> brought in Gale Gordon to play "Mr. Wilson's brother," and cast a new
> wife; Sylvia soon disappeared. I am astonished to find that Mr. Kearns
> was only 55 when he died in 1962. He looked at least 70.



May 11, 2016, 10:59:20 AM5/11/16
In article <ngq89r$cqb$>, Obveeus <>

> On 5/9/2016 10:18 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> > BTR1701 <> wrote:
> >> I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
> >> with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
> >> technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
> >> other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
> >> "Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
> >> range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
> >> and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.
> >>
> >> Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
> >> at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.
> >
> > Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)

> The American citizens are 'illegal aliens' when the 'team' is fighting
> overseas...which was sort of the point of the Sokovia Accords. This
> film is in no way about registering people with special powers.

Except that it is about that, as we found out on last night's AGENTS OF
SHIELD. They specifically said several times that the Sokovia Accords
require every "enhanced person"-- either biologically, like the Hulk or
the Inhumans, or technologically like Iron Man-- to register with and be
monitored by the government. (A government that as of last week, was
still rotten with Hydra operatives, no less.)

So my question stands: Why are Romanov and Hawkeye required to submit?
And why isn't someone like Coulson, who is technologically enhanced with
his prosthetic hand, not required to register, but Tony Stark is?

Arthur Lipscomb

May 11, 2016, 9:53:05 PM5/11/16
On 5/11/2016 8:02 AM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article <ngq89r$cqb$>, Obveeus <>
> wrote:
>> On 5/9/2016 10:18 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
>>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>> I want to know what justifies requiring Romanov and Hawkeye to register
>>>> with the government. They're not enhanced, either biologically or
>>>> technologically. They're just people. One is good with a bow/arrow, the
>>>> other skilled in hand-to-hand combat. If that's the criteria in these
>>>> "Sokovia Accords", then everyone who qualifies as Marksman on the pistol
>>>> range or achieves a black belt in martial arts would have to register
>>>> and be monitored and controlled by the United Nations.
>>>> Seems like there'd be just a few constitutional issues involved there,
>>>> at least for the Americans who met the standards of the Accords.
>>> Romanov's an illegal alien. :) (so is Thor)
>> The American citizens are 'illegal aliens' when the 'team' is fighting
>> overseas...which was sort of the point of the Sokovia Accords. This
>> film is in no way about registering people with special powers.
> Except that it is about that, as we found out on last night's AGENTS OF
> SHIELD. They specifically said several times that the Sokovia Accords
> require every "enhanced person"-- either biologically, like the Hulk or
> the Inhumans, or technologically like Iron Man--

You sure they specifically said "technological"? I think it had more to
do with being on the Avengers *and* entering sovereign countries without

to register with and be
> monitored by the government. (A government that as of last week, was
> still rotten with Hydra operatives, no less.)
> So my question stands: Why are Romanov and Hawkeye required to submit?
> And why isn't someone like Coulson, who is technologically enhanced with
> his prosthetic hand, not required to register, but Tony Stark is?


Hawkeye originally wasn't required to sign anything. For the purely
human members of the team (and I include Captain America in that group)
the option was to sign the agreement or retire. Hawkeye was already
retired. What set things towards a downward spiral was when it was
revealed Scarlett Witch didn't have an option to leave once she decided
not so sign.

The same probably would have been true for Vision had he decided not to
sign. But like Hulk and Thor, good luck forcing compliance.

Another sticky problem with the accords was what they planned to do with
technologically enhanced heroes like Falcon or Ant-Man who don't have
any innate powers equivalent to a lose nuke but were still being held
without due process.


May 11, 2016, 10:24:55 PM5/11/16
In article <nh0nfa$i2$>,
Captain America ain't no more human than the Hulk. All his abilities
come from government experiments.

> the option was to sign the agreement or retire. Hawkeye was already
> retired. What set things towards a downward spiral was when it was
> revealed Scarlett Witch didn't have an option to leave once she decided
> not so sign.
> The same probably would have been true for Vision had he decided not to
> sign. But like Hulk and Thor, good luck forcing compliance.
> Another sticky problem with the accords was what they planned to do with
> technologically enhanced heroes like Falcon or Ant-Man who don't have
> any innate powers equivalent to a lose nuke but were still being held
> without due process.


May 12, 2016, 12:40:05 AM5/12/16
In article <nh0nfa$i2$>,
No, Coulson and Talbot specifically talked about registering Inhumans,
not just Avengers. As for tech, that's the only reason I can think of
that guys like Stark and Rhodes would have to sign. So the question
becomes, how much tech assistance triggers the reporting requirement?
After all, a gun is tech, so does merely carrying a gun require
registration? If not, then where's the line between a holstered gun and
an Iron Man suit that imposes a submission-to-the-United Nations
requirement on a person?

> > So my question stands: Why are Romanov and Hawkeye required to submit?
> > And why isn't someone like Coulson, who is technologically enhanced with
> > his prosthetic hand, not required to register, but Tony Stark is?

> Hawkeye originally wasn't required to sign anything. For the purely
> human members of the team (and I include Captain America in that group)
> the option was to sign the agreement or retire. Hawkeye was already
> retired. What set things towards a downward spiral was when it was
> revealed Scarlett Witch didn't have an option to leave once she decided
> not so sign.
> The same probably would have been true for Vision had he decided not to
> sign. But like Hulk and Thor, good luck forcing compliance.
> Another sticky problem with the accords was what they planned to do with
> technologically enhanced heroes like Falcon or Ant-Man who don't have
> any innate powers equivalent to a lose nuke but were still being held
> without due process.

Yep. Between the fact that they still apparently hadn't fully rooted out
Hydra out, and the fact that the UN Sokovia enforcement thugs apparently
weren't any better than Hydra-- locking people up with no trial, no
counsel, indefinitely-- Rogers' side was the right side to be on.


May 12, 2016, 12:43:24 AM5/12/16
In article <>,
> > Hawkeye originally wasn't required to sign anything. For the purely
> > human members of the team (and I include Captain America in that group)
> Captain America ain't no more human than the Hulk. All his abilities
> come from government experiments.

Just 'cause you're experimented on doesn't mean you stop being human.
Hell, even Hulk is human.

Put another way, would it be murder to walk up to Steve Rogers and slit
his throat? I think most would agree that it would be, and since it's
impossible to murder something that isn't human...


May 12, 2016, 12:47:24 AM5/12/16
In article <>,
I'm assuming that "purely human" doesn't include superhuman, or inhuman,
or mutant, or metahuman, or whatever. Cap has the supersoldier serum
running through him; it's made him definitely not "purely human"


May 12, 2016, 12:55:34 AM5/12/16
In article <>,
I can see drawing a line between Stark and Rhodes. Rhodes is just a guy
in a suit. Stark has that power plant in his chest (and maybe no heart)
and more importantly the Extremis serum coursing through his veins.

The comic book Stark isn't human by any measure, and never was. He may
not ever have been genetically human (his origin is unknown) but he was
genetically engineered by aliens as a baby.


May 12, 2016, 4:59:09 AM5/12/16
In article <>,
And Coulson has a nifty bionic hand that can do all sorts of tricks, but
no one's talking about registering him.

Those "accords" present so many legal and due process challenges, which
both show and movie gloss over (for good reason--- most people don't
care about that stuff), but which I would love for them to address.


May 12, 2016, 8:51:46 AM5/12/16
Exactly. In the film it was about the various countries (think UN)
signing a document to agree to rein in the AVENGERS/SHIELD type groups
that were conducting international operations without any international

> to register with and be
>> monitored by the government. (A government that as of last week, was
>> still rotten with Hydra operatives, no less.)
>> So my question stands: Why are Romanov and Hawkeye required to submit?
>> And why isn't someone like Coulson, who is technologically enhanced with
>> his prosthetic hand, not required to register, but Tony Stark is?
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> Hawkeye originally wasn't required to sign anything. For the purely
> human members of the team (and I include Captain America in that group)
> the option was to sign the agreement or retire. Hawkeye was already
> retired.

Yep...and Black Widow was also asked to sign even though she is, I
think, simply human in the movie series. <--- take that with a grain of
visual salt since she regularly does superhuman things.

> What set things towards a downward spiral was when it was
> revealed Scarlett Witch didn't have an option to leave once she decided
> not so sign.

To be fair, I don't think that order came from the UN sanctioning body.
That order appeared to be just more of IRON MAN thinking that he knows
what is best for everyone.

> The same probably would have been true for Vision had he decided not to
> sign. But like Hulk and Thor, good luck forcing compliance.

Yep...these people are on the honor system and as we see in the film,
none of them follow the rules or are consistent in their thinking. They
all fight for entirely personal reasons and regularly treat adversaries
differently depending on the personal relationship that they have with them.

> Another sticky problem with the accords was what they planned to do with
> technologically enhanced heroes like Falcon or Ant-Man who don't have
> any innate powers equivalent to a lose nuke but were still being held
> without due process.

They were being held for operating (vigilante style) without authority.
As for a lack of due's Guantanamo doing these days? The
real world seems to be in line with the perpetual prisons we see on


May 12, 2016, 8:53:32 AM5/12/16

On 5/12/2016 12:55 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> I can see drawing a line between Stark and Rhodes. Rhodes is just a guy
> in a suit. Stark has that power plant in his chest (and maybe no heart)
> and more importantly the Extremis serum coursing through his veins.
> The comic book Stark isn't human by any measure, and never was. He may
> not ever have been genetically human (his origin is unknown) but he was
> genetically engineered by aliens as a baby.

Oh my...I'm glad that not everything from the comic books makes it on
screen...though I suppose that plot point could still be upcoming.


May 12, 2016, 9:45:08 AM5/12/16
In article <nh1u5k$j8c$>, Obveeus <>
Yeah, I knew that existed but I went to wiki for the details because I
intentionally didn't read that arc.

Hey, Marvel is like 8 issues into the new reality, and already
Spider-Man (guest starring Iron Man) and Iron Man (guest starring
Spider-Man) are *completely* out of sync.


May 12, 2016, 10:47:47 AM5/12/16
In article <nh1u2b$j8c$>, Obveeus <>
Then Cap was right to reject the government.
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