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CNN Trump gets unwelcome surprise

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Feb 10, 2020, 3:25:35 PM2/10/20

It seemed perfect. Everything was going Donald Trump's way.
Republican senators had refused to allow witnesses in his
impeachment trial. They were expected to form a solid red
line of defense. And the administration was even hoping
some vulnerable Democrats might buck their party and vote
to acquit the President. Then came the stunner: Mitt Romney
broke with his fellow Republicans and voted for Trump's
removal from office.

"Trump recapped the many investigations against him over the
last three years and directed his vitriol at those who dared
oppose him," wrote Michael D'Antonio. "Instead of taking even
a small measure of responsibility for a crisis that kicked off
after he tried to enlist foreign election help in exchange for
congressionally approved military aid for an ally at war,
Trump demonstrated the pure essence of his narcissism and
self-pity." The President called his antagonists
"evil and sick," D'Antonio noted.

full article at


Feb 10, 2020, 4:57:42 PM2/10/20
In article <>, wrote:

> CNN Trump Gets Unwelcome Surprise

Last week was a great week for Trump and horrible week for the Dems.
Their impeachment saga fizzled out and Trump got a 10-point bump in his
approval rating because of it. The Dems Iowa caucus showcase went
tits-up in a spectacular way. Trump gave a State of the Union speech
that was masterfully crafted to showcase Dems sitting on their hands for
things like killing terrorists and a booming U.S. economy, while at the
same time looking petty and childish for doing things like ripping up a
copy of the speech.**

If Trump could just stay the fuck off Twitter and keep this up, he'll
win a sweeping victory in November, but we all know he has a
pathological inability to control himself.

**Nancy could technically be charged with destroying government property
for ripping up that speech. The president's report on the state of the
Union is a constitutionally mandated requirement and the copies he
delivers to the VP and the Speaker are the fulfillment of that
requirement. The speech doesn't belong to Stretch Pelosi. It's
government property that belongs to the National Archives. Not that
anyone will charge her with that felony, of course, but it really hangs
a neat little bow on all her "no one is above the law" hypocrisy.


Feb 10, 2020, 5:15:58 PM2/10/20
Is that your LEGAL opinion, counseliar? Then how about when Trump
routinely tears up government documents?

"Trump Breaks the Law by Ripping Up Official Papers All the Time
But as it turns out, Trump rips up official papers all the time. As the
New York Times reported Tuesday:

President Trump has long made it a practice to tear up his papers and
throw them away. It is a clear violation of the Presidential Records
Act, which is supposed to prevent another Watergate-style cover-up. When
the National Archives sent staff members to tape these records together,
the White House fired them."

Oh, that's right... the law doesn't apply to Kings.
But here's what REAL lawyers say:

"The law both Gaetz and Donald Trump Jr. cite prohibits the destruction
or mutilation of documents filed with any "clerk or officer of any court
of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or
public officer of the United States." Multiple experts said this law did
not apply to the incident from Tuesday.

Heidi Kitrosser, a University of Minnesota law professor specializing in
federal government secrecy and the separation of powers, told USA TODAY
it was "crazy" to suggest Pelosi broke the law."

"The Presidential Records Act, which requires the president to preserve
records, and other laws governing federal records were "designed to
prevent the president and his advisers from shielding documentary
information from public view," she explained.

They do not apply to "printouts or widely circulated documents" like
copies of the State of the Union, she said.

What would make the document an official presidential record is if it
were the one Trump had marked up, she said. A document like that "would
be a pretty classic presidential record," Kitrosser said.

City University of New York Law Professor Douglas Cox, an expert on the
legal status of documents, agreed the Presidential Records Act did not
apply in the Pelosi case."

(I have a link, but Thanny tells us we don't need to post one anymore.
Just find it yourself.)

Again, why should anybody (except Rhino, of course) think you have any
REAL legal training?

The No. 1 scam to NOT fall for: Anything Trump, his campaign, or his
sycophants say.
They are all liars. He is little more than a cult leader with a rabid
base of followers who have left reason, logic, critical thinking, and
common sense behind.
Let’s face it: If Trump had not been born rich, he would either be
unemployable or he would be running some boiler room scamming people out
of their hard-earned money.


Feb 10, 2020, 5:58:58 PM2/10/20
to wrote:
> Someone's sockpuppet wrote:

>> CNN Trump Gets Unwelcome Surprise
>Last week was a great week for Trump and horrible week for the Dems.
>Their impeachment saga fizzled out and Trump got a 10-point bump in his
>approval rating because of it. The Dems Iowa caucus showcase went
>tits-up in a spectacular way. Trump gave a State of the Union speech
>that was masterfully crafted to showcase Dems sitting on their hands for
>things like killing terrorists and a booming U.S. economy, while at the
>same time looking petty and childish for doing things like ripping up a
>copy of the speech.**
>If Trump could just stay the fuck off Twitter and keep this up, he'll
>win a sweeping victory in November, but we all know he has a
>pathological inability to control himself.
>**Nancy could technically be charged with destroying government property
>for ripping up that speech. The president's report on the state of the
>Union is a constitutionally mandated requirement and the copies he
>delivers to the VP and the Speaker are the fulfillment of that
>requirement. The speech doesn't belong to Stretch Pelosi. It's
>government property that belongs to the National Archives. Not that
>anyone will charge her with that felony, of course, but it really hangs
>a neat little bow on all her "no one is above the law" hypocrisy.

Well, there you go, introducing FACTS to a sockpuppet's hate-on for
President Trump AGAIN...

Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.


Feb 10, 2020, 9:10:08 PM2/10/20
Well, if that's true, the Trump should be impeached for routinely
breaking the law!
He tears up his documents all the time.

But, of course... what am I saying! Trump isn't subject to the rule of
law, he's a King!
Like Joffrey... a LOT like Joffrey, in fact... just more vindictive.
And fatter.


Feb 11, 2020, 4:04:11 AM2/11/20
BTR1701 <> Wrote in message:r
> In article <>, wrote:> CNN Trump Gets Unwelcome SurpriseLast week was a great week for Trump and horrible week for the Dems. Their impeachment saga fizzled out

Because they criminal enterprise known as the GOP didn't have the
balls to call witnesses or enter documents into evidence. You
must have been the shittiest lawyer in human history to find such
bullshit acceptable. Why do you find such bullshit acceptable
buddy? Why do you think it's acceptable for the GOP Congress to
treat their oaths to the Constitution as if they were written on
toilet paper to wipe their asses with? Do you even have the
balls to answer?



Feb 11, 2020, 5:03:37 AM2/11/20
You might want to make sure you are posting followups from the correct account next time.


Feb 11, 2020, 7:33:06 AM2/11/20
Projection noted. Get back to us when you change your shorts.


Feb 11, 2020, 1:53:34 PM2/11/20
Stunner? Hardly. Romney is RINO of the first degree.


Feb 11, 2020, 1:54:52 PM2/11/20
On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 03:04:08 -0600 (CST), trotsky <gms...@email.ccom>
I'm sure you meant say "the criminal enterprise known as the House"
didn't call the necessary witnesses so the could blame the Senate for
not doing the House's job.
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