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Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.

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Jul 7, 2017, 5:25:03 PM7/7/17
Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.
President Trump (soon to be featured in the next Namzaric commercial)
tweeted today:

> "Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

First, the idea that a John Podesta's emails is the topic of
conversation for a Global Summit is ridiculous on it's face. If world
leaders are talking about the DNC hack, it's only in relation to the
mental state of the President of the United States.

Second, there is no direct correlation between the hack of Podesta's
emails, and the hack of the DNC server - except for the fact that it was
the Russians that did it, in both cases. Something President Sundown
said as late as yesterday that he still wasn't sure of, despite all the
evidence of his own Intel community.

Third, Podesta didn't work at the DNC, so he couldn't turn over their
servers to the FBI or anybody else, even if he wanted to. And, yet,
we're supposed to think "everyone here (at the G20) is talking about" it?

That's three inaccuracies, or lies, in just 115 characters. Does
anybody still think the President has all his marbles? I mean, besides
his IrishCheerleader?

Remember, Remember the Eighth of November, the Trumpism, Treason and Rot;
I know of no Reason why Trumpism and Treason, should ever be Forgot!


Jul 7, 2017, 8:03:09 PM7/7/17
In article <ojou05$skd$>, wrote:

>Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.
>President Trump (soon to be featured in the next Namzaric commercial)
>tweeted today:
>> "Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"
>First, the idea that a John Podesta's emails is the topic of
>conversation for a Global Summit is ridiculous on it's face. If world
>leaders are talking about the DNC hack, it's only in relation to the
>mental state of the President of the United States.
>Second, there is no direct correlation between the hack of Podesta's
>emails, and the hack of the DNC server - except for the fact that it was
>the Russians that did it, in both cases. Something President Sundown
>said as late as yesterday that he still wasn't sure of, despite all the
>evidence of his own Intel community.
>Third, Podesta didn't work at the DNC, so he couldn't turn over their
>servers to the FBI or anybody else, even if he wanted to. And, yet,
>we're supposed to think "everyone here (at the G20) is talking about" it?
>That's three inaccuracies, or lies, in just 115 characters. Does
>anybody still think the President has all his marbles? I mean, besides
>his IrishCheerleader?

Still bitter about Trump winning by a landslide and getting the popular vote?

And you posted this off-topic article here because?

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.


Jul 7, 2017, 10:31:45 PM7/7/17
On 7/7/17 9:05 PM, Ubiquitous wrote:
> In article <ojou05$skd$>, wrote:
>> Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.
>> President Trump (soon to be featured in the next Namzaric commercial)
>> tweeted today:
>>> "Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"
>> First, the idea that a John Podesta's emails is the topic of
>> conversation for a Global Summit is ridiculous on it's face. If world
>> leaders are talking about the DNC hack, it's only in relation to the
>> mental state of the President of the United States.
>> Second, there is no direct correlation between the hack of Podesta's
>> emails, and the hack of the DNC server - except for the fact that it was
>> the Russians that did it, in both cases. Something President Sundown
>> said as late as yesterday that he still wasn't sure of, despite all the
>> evidence of his own Intel community.
>> Third, Podesta didn't work at the DNC, so he couldn't turn over their
>> servers to the FBI or anybody else, even if he wanted to. And, yet,
>> we're supposed to think "everyone here (at the G20) is talking about" it?
>> That's three inaccuracies, or lies, in just 115 characters. Does
>> anybody still think the President has all his marbles? I mean, besides
>> his IrishCheerleader?
> Still bitter about Trump winning by a landslide and getting the popular vote?

Not even close to a landslide.
And I'd explain the second point, but the math would just go over your head.

Did I mention that he got the CIA part wrong, too? The CIA is barred
from gathering intel within the USA, so they wouldn't have requested
anything from the DNC.

Just one more imbecilic statement from the Head Imbecile. And now his
hoards of Trumpanzees will fling more feces at the press.


Jul 8, 2017, 6:32:26 AM7/8/17
I like your new word Trumpanzees, it has a nice ring to it. Maybe I can
use it with your permission. Yep, there is a lot of them in this NG. It
bothers them a lot that Hillary won the popular vote.

One of the reasons for Trump's election commission is to fudge the
numbers and declare that he won the popular vote. He has been the
President for 8 months now, WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE WANT? I know what he
needs, A HEAD TRANSPLANT! The head should have normal hair.


Jul 8, 2017, 8:45:38 AM7/8/17
On Fri, 07 Jul 2017 20:05:09 -0500, Ubiquitous <>

>>Does anybody still think the President has all his marbles?
>> I mean, besides his IrishCheerleader?

Apparently, yes, unless all the loonies here are the same
>Still bitter about Trump winning by a landslide and getting the popular vote?


PS Amazing how mentally ill people can twist the meaning of
words. The word "popular" comes from "number of people". It has
nothing to do with quotas.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012


Jul 10, 2017, 9:12:08 AM7/10/17
On 7/7/17 5:24 PM, FPP wrote:
> Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.
> President Trump (soon to be featured in the next Namzaric commercial)
> tweeted today:
>> "Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the
>> DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"
> First, the idea that a John Podesta's emails is the topic of
> conversation for a Global Summit is ridiculous on it's face. If world
> leaders are talking about the DNC hack, it's only in relation to the
> mental state of the President of the United States.
> Second, there is no direct correlation between the hack of Podesta's
> emails, and the hack of the DNC server - except for the fact that it was
> the Russians that did it, in both cases. Something President Sundown
> said as late as yesterday that he still wasn't sure of, despite all the
> evidence of his own Intel community.
> Third, Podesta didn't work at the DNC, so he couldn't turn over their
> servers to the FBI or anybody else, even if he wanted to. And, yet,
> we're supposed to think "everyone here (at the G20) is talking about" it?
> That's three inaccuracies, or lies, in just 115 characters. Does
> anybody still think the President has all his marbles? I mean, besides
> his IrishCheerleader?

Apparently, it runs in the family...

"Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to somebody whose "signature
move" is firing things? " - J Whedon.

Jul 10, 2017, 11:45:21 AM7/10/17
On July 7, 2017 5:24 PM, FPP wrote:
> Trump is Sundowning at G20. The Looney-bin calls.
> President Trump (soon to be featured in the next Namzaric commercial)
> tweeted today:
>> "Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the
>> DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"
> First, the idea that a John Podesta's emails is the topic of
> conversation for a Global Summit is ridiculous on it's face. If world
> leaders are talking about the DNC hack, it's only in relation to the
> mental state of the President of the United States.
> Second, there is no direct correlation between the hack of Podesta's
> emails, and the hack of the DNC server - except for the fact that it was
> the Russians that did it, in both cases. Something President Sundown
> said as late as yesterday that he still wasn't sure of, despite all the
> evidence of his own Intel community.
> Third, Podesta didn't work at the DNC, so he couldn't turn over their
> servers to the FBI or anybody else, even if he wanted to. And, yet,
> we're supposed to think "everyone here (at the G20) is talking about" it?
> That's three inaccuracies, or lies, in just 115 characters. Does
> anybody still think the President has all his marbles?

Everyone forgets. Trump was only an 'eff-you' vote. Now everyone expects Trump to 'sound wonky'. Ha.

Jul 10, 2017, 3:28:13 PM7/10/17
On Saturday, July 8, 2017 at 6:32:26 AM UTC-4, TruthBarker wrote:

> I like your new word Trumpanzees, it has a nice ring to it. Maybe I can
> use it with your permission. Yep, there is a lot of them in this NG. It
> bothers them a lot that Hillary won the popular vote.
> One of the reasons for Trump's election commission is to fudge the
> numbers and declare that he won the popular vote. He has been the
> President for 8 months now, WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE WANT? I know what he
> needs, A HEAD TRANSPLANT! The head should have normal hair.

Nixon was furious and upset that his victory in 1968 was so close. He
was very worried about 1972, and therefore hired sleazy people and
initiated a series of illegal actions as exposed in Watergate.

Mike Flynn = Charles Colson?
Manafort = John Mitchell?

A Friend

Jul 10, 2017, 4:13:04 PM7/10/17
In article <>,
That's just about it. Humphrey made a strong charge during the last
week and a half of the campaign, in part because of a half-hour TV ad
from the Humphrey campaign called "The Mind-Changer." It was powerful
television, showing Humphrey as something more than a fudd tied to
LBJ's apron strings.

The count went well into the next day. Everything depended on
California, and IIRC the race wasn't decided until noon ET the next
day. Nixon was supposed to have won in a walk, but he was -- almost --
spoiled by third=party candidate George Wallace. Nixon won by about
220,000 votes out of 7.3 million, not the closest margin I've ever
seen, but obviously too close to suit him. In 1972, Nixon's underlings
wanted to secure a 50-state victory, so they committed all sorts of
crimes and blackened Nixon's reputation in history forever to secure

Nixon would have won in a landslide anyway. Without any fooling
around, Muskie would likely have been the Democratic nominee, and the
press hated Muskie and was well acquainted with his bent for sudden,
bizarre, red-faced rages. That's why the "crying Muskie" story took
off; it was a way of getting the word out that Muskie was somewhat


Jul 13, 2017, 10:33:04 PM7/13/17
In other words, yes, you are! #Triggered #SoreLoser #Bitter

The old Soviet leaders had it right. Our destruction comes from within:
Moochers, parasites, and Obama.

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