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VOYAGER: More boring music!!!

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Jan 17, 1995, 12:19:08 PM1/17/95
>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring???

I for one find that comment rather stange after viewing the opener, It was
a first score by Mr. Chataway with lots of energy (The escape from mthe
city sequence is about as driving as you can get) and Jerry Goldsmith new
Main Title Theme is quite catchy (IMH0)

> I thought the music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original
>and next generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only
>hope that they change the music in the second season.

While I'll agree that the TOS scores were very exciting, the music for TNG
very restrained (At the request of the producers) on DS9 the composers
have been given alot more room to move. several scores from this last
season have very much impressed me like Dennis McCarthy's score to the DAX
love show (A nice five mintue love with a very delicate love theme),
"Past Tense Pt.1", and Jay Chataway's score for the season opener.

Pay a little closer attention to how the scores work in both DS9 and
Voyager and see what you think.

Ford A. Thaxton (

Eric Martin

Jan 17, 1995, 1:43:22 PM1/17/95
: Just be glad Dennis McCarthy didn't write the music. Maybe
: after his disaster with "Generations," they won't hire him
: anymore.

Christopher Bradford Stone

Jan 17, 1995, 6:33:10 PM1/17/95
In article <3fh34a$>,
Eric Martin <> wrote:

Oooo, careful. You're going to provoke the wrath of the Music Industry
Professionals for that one.
////// // // ////// // ////// Christopher B. Stone
// ////// ///// // ///
// // // // // // /// "Consensus is the negation
////// // // // // // ////// of leadership." -Margaret Thatcher

Eric Martin

Jan 17, 1995, 9:07:56 PM1/17/95
: I wasn't slamming McCarthy because he didn't "reach out and grab me."
: I slammed him because I thought his score for Generations was boring.
: I listened to the chords and the supposed themes (yes, I own the
: soundtrack-I collect them all), and I found it more of the same
: that I hear on DS9. Fine background for a tv show, perhaps, but
: for an important (in my opinion) adventure movie like Generations
: was to be, a disppointment. I would be really surprised if he's
: asked to score another Trek movie.
: The Voyager score sounded too much like DS9 and later TNG. I was
: hoping for something different. Maybe in the next few shows.
: --Eric Martin


Jan 17, 1995, 10:28:33 PM1/17/95
> after his disaster with "Generations," they won't hire him
> anymore.

Was it really a disaster or are you just un-impressed with his work
calling it a disaster?

J Lopez

Jan 17, 1995, 10:28:06 PM1/17/95
In <3fgnf8$> (karl belter) writes:

>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the

>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>that they change the music in the second season.

It's absolutely worse than DS9. At least you can sorta hum to that in a
"Star Spangled Banner" kinda way. But this....groan. This is supposed
to be their *flagship* TV program. Why couldn't they have gotten a real
composer to come up with the theme song?

Anybody else mistake the "United Paramount Network" logo for Electronic Arts?
jlopez :: "How the hell can you write an essay on E. M. Forster with almost
total reference to Harold Robbins?" --Willy Russell

just another theatre geek

Jan 18, 1995, 2:18:05 AM1/18/95
In article <3fh1ek$>, Duncan McAlester <> wrote:
>No kidding ever since DS9 music for the Star Trek universe has sucked!
>While TOS music wasn't my preference it was at least exciting. TMP and
>subsequent films also had exciting grand music. TNG ok so it lifted it
>from the movies, but that doesn't make it bad. Then DS9 comes along with
>this new age garbage, Generations followed, and now Voyager. To be honest
>the music for Generation was the biggest let down of the movie.
> New age music has it's place, but the Star Trek universe is not

I disagree.

This isn't the Star Wars universe and trying to import
Williamsesque music betrays a staggering lack of imagination and creativity.
Roger Tang,, Artistic Director PC Theatre

The most unAmerican thing you can say is "He/she makes too much money."

Curtis C. Chen

Jan 18, 1995, 7:56:00 AM1/18/95
In article <3fi1s6$> of rec.arts.startrek.current, (J Lopez) asseverates:

>In <3fgnf8$> (karl belter) writes:
>>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>>that they change the music in the second season.

I thought the theme music set the mood perfectly, and I'm very happy with
it. Not too military, not too drowsy... along with the opening graphics,
it's got a very inspiring sf/exploration feel to it. IMHO.

>It's absolutely worse than DS9. At least you can sorta hum to that in a
>"Star Spangled Banner" kinda way. But this....groan. This is supposed
>to be their *flagship* TV program. Why couldn't they have gotten a real
>composer to come up with the theme song?

Jerry Goldsmith composed the theme for "Star Trek: Voyager." He has
previously scored numerous feature films, including:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Capricorn One
The Russia House
Total Recall
Basic Instinct
The Shadow
The River Wild

That qualifies him as a "real composer" in my book. What's your
definition of a "real composer"?

Curtis C. Chen
Distributed Computing Consultant - CS Major - Resident of Known Space / sparCKL@cs / sparCKL@leland / cchen@xenon
"nude visitors fry ant"

Jan 17, 1995, 10:35:03 PM1/17/95

The music wouldn't be so bad if the show still had a voice over at the
beginning. The voice over wouldn't have to be the same as in TOS and
TNG, but at least SOMETHING!! Does anyone else agree with me?

Allen Newman

Jan 18, 1995, 5:48:11 PM1/18/95
In article <3fgnf8$>, (karl belter) writes:
>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>that they change the music in the second season.

Don't hold your breath.

There's no question that with TNG and it's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"
theme gone, plus the decision not to use the Alexander Courage theme in DS9 or
Voyager, that Star Trek music has completed its transformation from traditional
action-adventure to whatever you'd call the current style.

Voyager's theme is very similar in mood to Generations, and I have to say that
I'm getting to like this style more. I think the problem has been that the
old style, which Roddenberry liked, constantly clashed with new style favored
by Rick Berman. Now that the new style rules exclusively, I think it will come
into its own.

The Voyager theme is BEAUTIFUL. It perfectly expresses both the pride and
majesty of the ship and its crew and also the longing for home. I
think the new music better states Trek's new-age ideas about humans and
civilization becoming better with time. The action-adventure stuff might be
louder and more exciting, but it doesn't really contribute to the message of
the show. I think Berman has realized that the music, as well as the dialogue
and the visual elements, can be made to contribute to the portrayal of Trek's
"great future age", whereas Roddenberry, Harve Bennett and Nick Meyer saw the
music as a separate element that had only a conventional
entertainment-accompaniment function. Berman's realized that since the
costumes are weird and the dialogue is weird, the music should be similarly
weird, too.

The Voyager theme is definitely better than the DS9 theme; Paramount made the
right decision to cough up extra dough for Jerry Goldsmith, who's experience
and growth since he wrote the rah-rah theme for The Motion Picture (used in
TNG) made the Voyager theme especially rich-sounding. Hints of old Trek were
enhanced by ethereal sounds we've heard in Total Recall, Basic Instinct, and
yes, Star Trek V.

Dennis McCarthy is developing nicely and could have done a fine job, but after
listening to the Generations theme and the Voyager theme back to back, I think
Goldsmith outclassed him by a small but significant degree.

----------------------- _ | | ___ | |
Allen G. Newman |_| | | |__ |\| | | |__ |__ |__ | |

Sashi Alexandra German

Jan 18, 1995, 7:37:43 PM1/18/95
In article <3fgnf8$>, says...

>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>that they change the music in the second season.

How could the music be WORSE than DS9? You are talking about the SAME people
that do DS9 doing Voyager and NOT changing anything. Jay Chattaway has done
dozens of TNG and DS9 episodes, and, like composer Dennis McCarthy, makes all
his music sound the same time after time after time.

The opening Voyager theme by Jerry Goldsmith was pretty cool, though and I
think it will sustain a definite flavor as time goes by.

But you're right: the music was forgettable, just like most of Chattaway and
McCarthy's Trek work over the last several years. Why they continue to do
basically the same music over and over is beyond me.

Trek The Internet
[Internet based Science Fiction newsletter - $15 a year]
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Jan 19, 1995, 3:18:27 AM1/19/95
>But you're right: the music was forgettable, just like most of Chattaway
>McCarthy's Trek work over the last several years. Why they continue to
>do basically the same music over and over is beyond me.

Ok, let's try to start a serious discussion (With no bashing please).

What is the purpose of a film score?

Now before we begin I'll state right up front that I'm a big supporter of
both Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chataway.

The producers have always wanted a very subtle low-key approach to the
scoring of both TNG and to a lesser extent DS9. The reason is that they
don't view the shows as "Action adventure" but rather as a dramatic

Now if your looking for a John Williams "Star Wars" type score your just
flat out not going to get because that would be wrong for these programs.

The producers have want the music more "Felt" then "Heard" in the TV

Now I've seen a numbers of episodes without scores by either Mr. McCarthy
and Mr. Chataway and I will tell you that they have saved alot of episodes
and brought a great deal out of them that wasn't there before they scored

I'll cite two DS9 episodes that you might want to rewatch and pay close
attention to the scores

(1.) "Duet", pay close attention to the last cue for the death scene with
the sorrowful solo trumpet, that has alot of power.

(2.) "The Wire", pay close attention to the montage as Bashir tends the
rather ill Garek.

All I'm asking is for you to open your ears and see what the scores do for
the show.

Ford A. Thaxton (

Charles Cotton

Jan 19, 1995, 9:27:00 PM1/19/95
@SUBJECT:Re: VOYAGER: More boring music!!!

>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>that they change the music in the second season.

au>The Voyager theme is BEAUTIFUL.

Total agreement. It is deep and mysterious, but not monotonous or dull,
or elevator music falsely peppered with noisy fanfares a'la McCarthy.

au>The Voyager theme is definitely better than the DS9 theme;

au>Dennis McCarthy is developing nicely and could have done a fine job, but
au>after listening to the Generations theme and the Voyager theme back to
au>back, I think Goldsmith outclassed him by a small but significant

I did the same test, but I would have to say VOY is _clearly_ and
significantly better than the McCarthy musak. I guess it shows that
it's not the number of instruments, but how you use them.
ş DeLuxeı 1.25 #37sa ş

Internet: (Charles Cotton)

Allen Newman

Jan 19, 1995, 7:27:33 PM1/19/95
In article <3fhglk$>, (The Kingdom of Means) writes:
>In article <3fgnf8$>

> (karl belter) writes:
>> Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>> music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>> generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>> that they change the music in the second season.
>That was one of the only problems I had with the show...I've gone back
>to watching for enjoyment and not the "intellectual" pursuit of plot
>holes and checking with the Tech manual.
>Addressing Berman's "request" to soften the music, I think it's
>inappropriate to mute the title sequence. I can't remember it just six
>hours after watching it, and that's the proof that, at least for me,
>the title music was poor.

People have different sensitivity levels to music. I was playing it on the
piano after the show. Love it.

Allen Newman

Jan 19, 1995, 8:22:16 PM1/19/95

These are the enterprises of the starship Voyager?

Allen Newman

Jan 19, 1995, 8:06:07 PM1/19/95
In article <3fi1s6$>, (J Lopez) writes:
>In <3fgnf8$> (karl belter) writes:
>>Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
>>music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
>>generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
>>that they change the music in the second season.
>It's absolutely worse than DS9. At least you can sorta hum to that in a
>"Star Spangled Banner" kinda way. But this....groan. This is supposed
>to be their *flagship* TV program. Why couldn't they have gotten a real
>composer to come up with the theme song?

Last time I checked, Jerry Goldsmith ("Coma", "Alien", "Star Trek: The Motion
Picture", "Omen", "The Final Conflict", "Total Recall", "Basic Instict") was
considered a real composer! The Voyager theme is very rich and complex. It's
simplistic to think it's no good if you can't hum it after a single listening.
A lot of good music takes getting used to. It's the obviously-constructed
music that gets tiresome. I played the theme back several times and I can't
get it out of my head.

Jan 19, 1995, 4:37:23 PM1/19/95
In article <3fgnf8$>, (karl belter) writes:
> Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
> music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
> generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
> that they change the music in the second season.

I agree with you. I was hoping that for a show where they would be moving
around a lot, (as opposed to stationary DS9 where the slow boring music is not
as bothersome), the music would be more exciting.

John A. Kilpatrick

Jan 19, 1995, 4:03:40 PM1/19/95
to (FordaT) writes:

>Now before we begin I'll state right up front that I'm a big supporter of
>both Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chataway.

I don't know about McCarthy, but I am a big fan of Jay Chataway.

>Now if your looking for a John Williams "Star Wars" type score your just
>flat out not going to get because that would be wrong for these programs.

Quite true...although John Williams is capable of being subtle, he usually
isn't because of the movies he does. Jurassic Park wouldn't have been
served by a deep and moving soundtrack.

And if you don't think that Jay Chataway can compose, the remember, he's done
a helluva lot more than just DS9 and TNG. He's got a few movie scores, and
some great high school Jazz Band arrangements. :-)
******************************John A. Kilpatrick*******************************
* "Tsuki ni kawatte...oshiokiyo!" | I do not speak for ACS, UC Davis, or *
* Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | anyone else. You have been warned. *

Jan 19, 1995, 11:22:10 PM1/19/95
to writes:

That's the point I would have made also, that the ST:V theme needs
to be a bit more uptempo (the ship_is_moving, after all) while
keeping the feeling of etheralness/loneliness that matches the
superb CGI work in the opening credits. The current theme certainly
doesn't have a memorable motif like the more action/adventure oriented
TOS and NG/movie themes. I don't know how I feel about a voiceover,
though I'm not too keen on the explanatory text crawl. As far as
incidental music goes, it's a good idea to keep it subdued, but for
your show's main theme, you need to have something more memorable, IMO.

**x*dna Ken Barnes, LifeSci Bldg. | ,="=, | NRA
*(==) * The University Of Memphis | n/ {( (^\_. | JPFO
* \' * Memphis, TN | "==" | GOP!
*(=)*** keba...@cc.memphis.edu____| Don't Tread On Me! | U-U


Jan 20, 1995, 1:44:05 PM1/20/95
In article <3fl78j$>, (FordaT)


> Now before we begin I'll state right up front that I'm a big supporter of
> both Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chataway.
> The producers have always wanted a very subtle low-key approach to the
> scoring of both TNG and to a lesser extent DS9. The reason is that they
> don't view the shows as "Action adventure" but rather as a dramatic
> programs.
> Now if your looking for a John Williams "Star Wars" type score your just
> flat out not going to get because that would be wrong for these programs.
> The producers have want the music more "Felt" then "Heard" in the TV
> series.

> <SNIP>
> In my not-nearly-humble-enough opinion, I think Voyager's return to some of TOS's ideals (diplomacy based on instinct and compassion being a chief one) lends itself to a little more passionate music than muted swells can provide. McCarthy's scores have never been a major issue with me, but they are not particularly memorable. I mean, every one of us can probably whistle the fight scene music from TOS. Of course they may be because it was the fight scene music in nearly every episode of TOS after "Amok Time".
-Johnny "Fight me, Jimmy boy!"

Thor Iverson

Jan 22, 1995, 8:43:04 PM1/22/95
In article <3fifbd$>,

just another theatre geek <> wrote:

>In article <3fh1ek$>, Duncan McAlester <> wrote:

>>New age music has it's place, but the Star Trek universe is not it.

> I disagree.
> This isn't the Star Wars universe and trying to import
>Williamsesque music betrays a staggering lack of imagination and creativity.

The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary themes
for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad. Happy
music. Stuff even Vivali would have rejected as being too sappy. I don't just
blame the composer--it's been made quite clear that there's a tin ear in
charge--but they certainly could have done better than this.

Thor Iverson
Author, Led Zeppelin FAQL Opinions are.
"I've worked with Phil Johnstone - nobody's perfect." -- Robert Plant
*** For Page/Plant tour dates: finger ***
*** WWW: ***


Jan 22, 1995, 11:06:53 PM1/22/95
>The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary
>for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad.
>Happy music.

With all due respect, do you have any idea who composed this piece, Jerry
Goldsmith, who is without question one of finest composers ever to write
for the silver screen.

You don't have any idea of what the hell your talking about.

>Stuff even Vivali would have rejected as being too sappy. I don't just
>blame the composer--it's been made quite clear that there's a tin ear in
>charge--but they certainly could have done better than this.

On this project Mr. Goldsmith was given a free hand to write whatever he
wanted for the title sequence, Berman Loved it.

If anyone needed proof that you don't know what your talking about this it
To say that Jerry Goldsmith has a "Tin Ear" is like saying that ILM can't
produce good SPX.


Ford A. Thaxton (


Jan 23, 1995, 1:25:26 AM1/23/95
Right on, Ford! The theme was spectacular... I still play it once every
day... just to keep it fresh in my mind!

Commander Wayne

Eric Martin

Jan 23, 1995, 1:36:14 PM1/23/95

Don Nelson

Jan 23, 1995, 1:06:24 PM1/23/95
>The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary themes
>for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad. Happy
>music. Stuff even Vivali would have rejected as being too sappy. I don't just

>blame the composer--it's been made quite clear that there's a tin ear in
>charge--but they certainly could have done better than this.
>Thor Iverson

Hmmmmm... were you listening to the same theme I was? :) Maybe my memory
isn't as good as it could be, but I seem to remember two themes... with a
slight variation on the first. I thought that it was: a a' b a in
structure. Theme 'a' seemed like a simple but effective leitmotiv with a
decidedly noble and trekish feel to it. Theme 'b' was certainly reflective
of Goldsmiths previous work... using some different chords to suggest
perhaps the mysteries of outer space. It also reminded me of the bridge in
the theme for ST:TMP. Maybe that was his intent! :) Hopefully someone
out there with more music theory knowledge could provide a better analysis.

There are those for whom this new theme didn't stick right away. I believe
that it will grow on people the more they hear it and appreciate how well
done it is. "mind candy" pop music is often the stuff that sounds catchy
at first, and then grows tiresome quickly. Mr. Goldsmith does *not* write
mind candy!

don nelson

Eugene Zhu Xia

Jan 23, 1995, 2:04:29 PM1/23/95
karl belter ( wrote:
: Did anyone but me find the music for Voyager boring??? I thought the
: music for DS9 was bad and now Voyager is worse. Original and next
: generation music got your blood moving and was exciting. I only hope
: that they change the music in the second season.

I agree with you on the DS9 theme music being bad. However, I like
the one for Voyager. It has a touch of Copeland.



Jan 23, 1995, 9:43:58 PM1/23/95
>I agree with you on the DS9 theme music being bad. However, I like
>the one for Voyager. It has a touch of Copeland.


If the DS9 is bad and the Voyager theme is good (With a touch of Copland)
that makes not sense since the theme to DS9 sounds alot closer to Copland
(Farefare for the Common Man) then Goldsmith's theme.

and what's so bad about it?

Ford A. Thaxton (

Eric Martin

Jan 24, 1995, 12:24:34 AM1/24/95
: Jerry Goldsmith may be a great composer, but that doesn't mean that
: everything that drips from his pen is up to snuff. Same goes for
: Dennis McCarthy, who is not a great composer.
: I wouldn't be so quick to tell people "they don't know what they're
: talking about." A lot of people on this board have musical backgrounds
: and/or education, myself included. Most of the comments here are
: personal preference, anyway...telling someone that so and so is
: great and that they should "listen carefully" is NOT an effective
: argument. Can anyone even argue about personal preferences in the
: first place?
: --Eric Martin

R. Scott Bailey

Jan 23, 1995, 2:44:29 PM1/23/95

Neelix voice-over: "Are we THERE yet?" :-)


R. Scott Bailey

Jan 23, 1995, 2:42:16 PM1/23/95

In article <>, (Allen Newman) writes:
|>The Voyager theme is BEAUTIFUL. It perfectly expresses both the pride and
|>majesty of the ship and its crew and also the longing for home.

I agree. I haven't listened to the opening enough to be able to hum it :-) but
I felt the music really worked in the credits, especially with the beautiful
imagery. It was like watching "Victory at Sea."

Very pleased, and ready to watch another episode tonight,


John A. Kilpatrick

Jan 23, 1995, 7:07:49 PM1/23/95
to (FordaT) writes:

>>The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary
>>for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad.
>>Happy music.

>With all due respect, do you have any idea who composed this piece, Jerry
>Goldsmith, who is without question one of finest composers ever to write
>for the silver screen.

Jerry Goldsmith is good, but not "one of the finest composers...".

I like the theme - very majestic. Fairly placid - nothing very exciting, but
it sounds "grand". :-)

Allen Newman

Jan 24, 1995, 2:30:00 AM1/24/95
In article <3fv1j8$>, (Thor Iverson) writes:
>In article <3fifbd$>,
>just another theatre geek <> wrote:
>>In article <3fh1ek$>, Duncan McAlester <> wrote:
>>>New age music has it's place, but the Star Trek universe is not it.
>> I disagree.
>> This isn't the Star Wars universe and trying to import
>>Williamsesque music betrays a staggering lack of imagination and creativity.
>The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary themes
>for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad. Happy
>music. Stuff even Vivali would have rejected as being too sappy. I don't just
>blame the composer--it's been made quite clear that there's a tin ear in
>charge--but they certainly could have done better than this.

Actually, it has nearly the same structure as Goldsmith's previous Trek theme.
Why don't you try playing the melody on a keyboard so that your brain is
forced to analyze it mechanically and then see if you can better appreciate it.
(I was interested to see that it's played mostly on the black keys.)

This theme is some of the best music ever composed for television. One
person's sappy is another person's delicate beauty exhibited in strength with
a purpose. It's not "happy music"; it's music of people who are refusing to
be defeated and moving forward despite long odds. And finally, this ISN'T NEW
AGE MUSIC! Watch Blade Runner if you want to hear a New Age soundtrack.


Jan 24, 1995, 12:04:27 PM1/24/95
>Jerry Goldsmith is good, but not "one of the finest composers...".

I suppose that you've never heard his scores to "Planet of the Apes",
"Patton", "Star Trek: The Motion Piciture", "Under Fire", "Chinatown", and
about two dozen other motion pictures I could name.

Your entitled to your opinion.

Ford A. Thaxton (

Vince Bollozos

Jan 24, 1995, 12:34:23 PM1/24/95

I thought Voyager totally rocked and DS9 theme does really sucks. Don't
flame me for this but I actually like the Voyager theme better than
STNG and TOS. Not to deny the greatness of these themes.



Ellen B. Edgerton

Jan 24, 1995, 9:13:34 PM1/24/95
In article <3g1gcl$> (John A. Kilpatrick) writes:
>>>The theme lacks a coherent structure, introduces secondary and tertiary
>>>for no good reason, and comes off sounding very much like a douche ad.
>>>Happy music.
>>With all due respect, do you have any idea who composed this piece, Jerry
>>Goldsmith, who is without question one of finest composers ever to write
>>for the silver screen.

Maybe so, but that doesn't mean the music doesn't sound like a douche ad. ;)

OK, maybe it doesn't sound like a douche ad, but I can't understand why
so many people are >falling over themselves< gushing over this theme music...
it's fairly standard Goldsmithian Star Trek music; I heard something highly
reminiscent of "Ilia's Theme" in there too. I thought it was nice the first
time I heard it, but the second time I heard it I couldn't remember what
I thought was nice about it. It's not bad (certainly better than the
Berman-mandated junk), but what is the Big Deal?

Then again, don't listen to me, since I'm apparently one of the few film
music followers who doesn't fully understand the Goldsmith cult. Heretic,
unbeliever...go ahead, I've heard it before. ;)

I know it's been a lousy year for film music but that does that mean we
have to fly head over heels for the Voyager theme music?

Gary Frazier

Jan 25, 1995, 12:02:03 PM1/25/95


Look, I'm not a musical scholar, but I can't get the Voyager Theme out of
my mind! I love it!

I also happen to like the horns in the DS9 theme...and btw, it won an Emmy.

Michael DeCosta III

Jan 26, 1995, 7:21:39 PM1/26/95

I agree with your analysis Don. I like Goldsmith and he has never failed me.

Thumbs up on Voyager's opening theme.

Don Nelson

Jan 28, 1995, 1:34:57 PM1/28/95
>Maybe if they had used the full version from ST:TMP instead of a very cheap,
>grating, watered down version, you would feel differently. I recommend that

[some deleted]


Yeah, they did kinda chop it up alittle. They also *really* up'ed the
tempo. I guess they had to to make it fit... it's just a shame though,
as Goldsmith's original version is much nicer.

Don Nelson


Jan 29, 1995, 3:22:35 AM1/29/95
>Maybe if they had used the full version from ST:TMP instead of a very
>cheap,grating, watered down version, you would feel differently.

For the record Dennis McCarthy was only given a 38 piece group in order to
record the Main Title to TNG, where Mr. Goldsmith had over 90 players.
For a thrity eight piece the theme sounds rather good.

Ford A. Thaxton (

Michael Tyne

Feb 3, 1995, 9:15:35 PM2/3/95

In a previous article, (Vince Bollozos) says:

>In article <3g0ujt$> (Eugene Zhu Xia) writes:

Tom Pokey

Feb 5, 1995, 9:58:28 AM2/5/95
RE: Music on Voyager

Frankly, I liked it! The theme music is by Jerry Goldsmith who
is known for a number of scores (ST:TMP, TNG (after Dennis
McCarthy's - aka DS9 theme - was rejected), Patton, Witches of
Eastwhick, Explorers, and many more). I'm very pleased with the
theme. The music from the opening episode and, I believe others,
is Jay Chattaway (sp?) - not bad, and in many ways better than
D.M.'s scores for DS9 and occasionally better than D.M.'s score
for TNG. D.M.'s music for Generations was quite forgettable. I
headed over to the music store and picked it up yesterday. I
played it last night and realized I pretty much wasted my money.
Only the Big B leaving drydock shined long enough to interest me.
Don't get me wrong, I like his music but it's not as good as
we would like it to be and Chattaways music isn't as bad as it
could be.

Clear as mud? :-)


The problem with religions that have all the answers is they
don't allow you to ask any questions.


Feb 5, 1995, 7:39:37 PM2/5/95
>Frankly, I liked it! The theme music is by Jerry Goldsmith who
>is known for a number of scores (ST:TMP, TNG (after Dennis
>McCarthy's - aka DS9 theme - was rejected), Patton, Witches of
>Eastwhick, Explorers, and many more).

Two Corrections:

(1.) The Producers of TNG always wanted to use the Jerry Goldsmith Theem
from the start, Dennis as a matter of fact arranged and conducted it (He
was only given a 38 piece group to do what Jerry Did with a 90 piece
group). Dennis's theme was always meant as an alternate. I for happen to
like it.

(2.) "The Witches of Eastwick" was scored by John Williams, not Jerry

Ford A. Thaxton (

Jeff Clough

Feb 6, 1995, 12:32:22 PM2/6/95
In article <>, (Michael Tyne) says:
>[Stuff about who liked what]

The Voyager theme has a more rolling "oceanic" quality than the phaser-
in-hand adventure of TNG's theme. This may be intentional. Just a thought.

Jeff Clough - Humble Programmer (oxymoron?)

Suzanne Brimhall

Feb 11, 1995, 12:03:03 PM2/11/95
In <3h2p2k$147$> Tom Pokey
<72704...@CompuServe.COM> writes:

Another note about TNG Music-- will those violins ever play that 2nd
theme A D G A minor third with F# in the seconds in tune? Why so many
clam bakes in the horns? Original Star Trek performance was much
Getting callouses on my ears from listening to poor studio playing!
Suzanne Brimhall

Daniel W. McGrath

Feb 11, 1995, 11:56:26 PM2/11/95
In article <3h5mf6$g...@sphinx.Gsu.EDU>, says...

Boring music. Actually, I find Voyager to have a more exciting score than
DS9. I think it is better use of cymbals. DS9 has a bit too many french

I was kinda hoping that voyager would have adopted the theme music from
STII:TWOK. Now THERE is exciting music.

STIV:TVH had too many "christmas bells" in the music at the end credits.
Am I the only person who thinks that christmas music is overplayed? They
could have done a much better job on the music there.

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